A Review of Solid Waste Management Practice in Dhaka City, Bangladesh
A Review of Solid Waste Management Practice in Dhaka City, Bangladesh
A Review of Solid Waste Management Practice in Dhaka City, Bangladesh
Review Article
A Review of Solid Waste Management Practice in Dhaka City,
Suraiya Yasmin1, *, Md Imranur Rahman2
Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Urban and Rural Planning Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh
Email address:
suraiya.yasmin08@gmail.com (S. Yasmin)
Corresponding author
Received: December 3, 2016; Accepted: February 21, 2017; Published: March 9, 2017
Abstract: Waste management is a challenging task as population is increasing and type of waste is changing. Waste
management practice needs concern not only for its generation increasing but also for its inadequate practice. Waste generation is
affected by socio economic factors, demography, seasonal factors, lack of awareness and weak management practice. With
increasing rate of population the waste generation rate is also increasing in Dhaka city where a sustainable waste management
practice is required to develop. This review article will attempt to summarize the recent year’s state of waste generation and
management practices. Desk research was done for the review literature and Google scholar was utilized for the bibliographic
database. The review reveals that the uncollected wastes are dumped in open spaces and streets which clog the drainage system
creating serious hazards, environmental degradation and health risks in the city. The waste management practice is not very
satisfactory and needs adequate policy and awareness. Awareness on various aspects of waste management can help lessen waste
generation and improve waste management processes.
Keywords: Waste Management, Waste Generation, Recycling
1. Introduction
Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is expanding with an [13].
enormous growth of population [1]. According to Bangladesh World Health Organization (2014) termed Dhaka as one of
Bureau of Statistics the population of Dhaka Metropolitan was the mostly polluted cities [14]. Municipal Solid Waste are
6,487,459 in 1991 and 9,672,763 in 2001 and 14,543,124 in being generated at a faster pace, posing a serious management
2011 [2]. The growth rate of Dhaka City’s population will threat. Rapid growth of industries, lack of financial resources,
remain high and it will be the top ranking megacity with a inadequate trained manpower, inappropriate technology and
population of around 25 million by the year 2025 [3]. The lack of awareness of the community are the major constraints
issue of poor solid waste management (SWM) has become a of solid waste management for the fast growing metropolis of
challenge for governments of developing Asia and Africa [4, 5] Dhaka [1]. Both quantity and volume of this waste have
because it is critical to the protection of public health, safety increased rapidly as the city population [15, 16, 17]. Daily
and the environment [6]. Many experts from various cities in production of solid waste in Dhaka City is more than 4000
developing countries have expressed serious concerns about Metric Tons of which 200 Metric Tons hospital and clinical
improper waste treatment and disposal in these countries [7, 8, waste contain toxic chemicals, radioactive elements and
9, 10, 11, 12]. Solid waste needs to be managed in a way that pathological substances. The nature of solid waste is getting
reduces risks to the environment and to human health, which changed with the change of time and development. Solid
has implications for its storage, collection and proper disposal wastes like polyethylene and other plastic goods cause
20 Suraiya Yasmin and Md Imranur Rahman: A Review of Solid Waste Management Practice in Dhaka City, Bangladesh
problems towards human health, environment and drainage the Tokai or scavengers and door step, Hawkers are worth
system [18]. The issue of solid waste is not only because of the mentioning. Scavengers collect the recyclable items from both
increasing quantities, but also largely because of an the landfills and open waste bins and finally sell it to a recycle
inadequate management system [19]. waste dealer (Bhangari). The items are then washed, dried and
In Bangladesh, due to lack of motivation, awareness, sorted by the recycling dealers and traded in the market.
commitment, expertise as well as money a considerable Besides the scavengers, the Hawkers buy recyclables from
portion of wastes, 40-60%, are not properly stored, collected door to door and trade with the Bhangari (receivables buyers).
or disposed in the designated places for ultimate disposal [20]. The pattern of waste collection in slum households is different
The effectiveness of solid waste disposal depends upon the to some extent. City Corporation in general, does not provide
selection of proper site and current global trend of waste any waste management services in these areas. In case of city
management problems stems from unsustainable methods of streets, the process of waste management is quite different.
waste disposal, which is ultimately a result of inadequate The city corporation through its cleaners (permanents and
planning [21]. The most common problems associated with temporary) undertakes the cleaning of public places (roads,
improper dumping includes; diseases transmission, fire drains and parks etc) on a daily basis. Unlike household and
hazards, odour nuisance, atmospheric and water pollution, public place waste management, commercial waste
aesthetic nuisance and economic losses [22]. Controlling management is far complicated. The waste collected from the
urban solid waste is an inevitable challenge in developing city is disposed to the final destination at land filling sites [29,
countries, basically in the larger urban centers like Dhaka city 30].
[23]. The increasing urban population made the Two important initiatives have been undertaken for Solid
Environmentalists thinks about the scientific waste Waste Management (SWM) in Dhaka. One initiative was
management with topmost priority in urban planning in the undertaken by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
developing countries. This paper focuses on reviewing the in 2005 with the objectives of formulating a master plan of
waste generation and management existing scenarios in Dhaka, Dhaka City and to develop capabilities and management skills
Bangladesh. of the Dhaka City Corporation. Another initiative, 3R Strategy
was undertaken in 2010 by Department of Environment (DoE),
Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Government.
2. Waste Management Practice in Dhaka The principle of reducing, reusing and recycling of resources
Bangladesh and products is often called the 3Rs [26, 29]. Towards
sustainable waste management, 3Rs can play a vital role to
On a global scale, we currently are facing three major protect environment from greenhouse gas emission and
environmental crises: global warming, depletion of resources, convert waste into invaluable resources [26].
and destruction of our ecosystem [24]. These crises are
interrelated and connected to waste and waste management. A
rising quality of life and high rates resources consumption 3. Waste Generation
patterns have had an unintended and negative impact on the The amount of waste generated in urban area is proportional
urban environment generation of waste far beyond the to the population and the average income of the people. In
handling capacities urban government and agencies [25]. The addition, other factors such as climate, level of education,
Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) is primarily responsible for social and public attitude also may affect the amount and
collecting and managing waste in Dhaka, Bangladesh [26]. A composition of waste [31]. As the growth rate of the
significant amount of waste in Dhaka is not collected due to population in Dhaka has been high during recent years, the
lack of infrastructure, funds and collection vehicles. Despites amount of waste generation in Dhaka is increasing [32].
Dhaka’s limited waste management service, community based According to some sources, waste can be categorized as a)
door-to-door waste collection from households to local waste domestic waste, b) commercial waste, c) institutional waste, d)
bins is considered as a success. Informal waste recycling industrial waste, e) street sweepings, f) clinical waste and g)
systems is also highly effective in waste recycling and job construction and demolition waste [18]. The contributions of
creations for the poor [27, 28]. different sectors to the total generation of Dhaka city, where
In case of household sector, wastes are typically collected in nearly 76% of generated waste came from the residential
a non-segregated manner and placed into the slender sector, 22% came from the commercial sector, 1% from the
containers at the households. Organizations outsourced by institutional sector and rest from other sectors [33, 18]. The
City Corporation (CC) collect the waste in vans through total waste generated in the Dhaka city of Bangladesh per day
vanmen on payment basis and carry to the secondary is 4,634.52 tons. Based on the total estimated urban population
collection points (containers or designated sites). of the year 2005 (see Table 1), per capita waste generation rate
Subsequently, the waste is carried by various sizes of trucks is computed as 0.56 kg/capita/day [34, 18]. The waste
(of City Corporation or private organization authorized by the generation rate generally varies between the dry and the wet
city Corporation) to the landfill sites situated at Matuail and season in Dhaka. In the rainy season, organic and perishable
Amin Bazaar. In this connection, an informal market operates wastes contain more moisture so the bulk of waste contains
to recycle a significant portion of the solid waste. The roles of more weight than in the dry season [32]. Solid waste
International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy 2017; 5(2): 19-25 21
management has been an integral part of every human society population of 7 million estimated to generate 3000 to 4000
and policies vary both within and between developing tons of waste per day [38]. The DCC openly states that its
countries. collection system cannot cope with the task of handling the
The Dhaka City Cooperation estimated that, of the total large volumes of refuse produced by the ever-growing
daily generation of 3500 tons of solid waste, 1800 tons are numbers of city dwellers, and that only 40-50% of the solid
collected and dumped by the city corporation, 900 tons go to waste produced is being collected [38, 39]. DCC is
backyard and land filling, 400 tons go to road side and open responsible for secondary waste collection to remove waste
space, 300 tons are recycled by the Tokais (mostly the children from its dustbins/containers, and transport the waste to final
of slum dwellers), and 100 tons are recycled at the generation disposal sites. Residents are responsible for bringing their
point. [18]. In a study by [35], it has been found that during waste to DCC’s waste collection points where
wet season the waste generation rate increases by 46%. The dustbins/containers are located. In 2002, DCC introduced an
seasonal differences in the municipal solid waste stream are approval system of NGOs/CBOs/private organization for
not substantial. The most seasonably variable material in the providing door-to-door waste collection services in all wards.
municipal solid waste stream is food waste. Residential waste DCC deploys facilities and manpower for secondary waste
is relatively homogeneous. Although there are some collection [18, 30].
differences in waste generation depending on demographic According to [40], 50% of the daily generated waste
and other local factors, most households dispose of essentially remains uncollected in the city and disposed at official dump
similar types of wastes. Variation occurs in waste composition sites. Only 14-17% of the total municipal budget is used for
dependent upon income levels [32] and category of sources. solid waste management which is approximately 0.5 USD per
Variation also occurs based upon the extent of source capita per year. As a result, the uncollected waste is primarily
reduction and recycling opportunities [36]. According to the dumped illegally in the neighborhood’s streets, wastewater
[30] (see Table 2) the highest income group produces almost drains, ponds, lakes etc. or managed informally [39].
double as much household waste as the lowest income group Uncollected waste has been recognized as the root of inferior
in Dhaka. environment such as scattered garbage, offensive odor, drain
The waste sector in Bangladesh is also a significant clogging, water pollution and mosquitoes. The waste volume
contributor to greenhouse gas emissions because it generates is still increasing as the city grows although Dhaka City
methane. Excluding carbon dioxide, this sector produced 17 Corporation does not have a confident view to solve the
million metric tons of CO2‐equivalent in 2005, or 27% of problems of uncollected waste [30]. The overall waste
the nation’s total non ‐ CO2 emissions. By 2020, waste collection situation is not very satisfactory. Huge amount of
related emissions were projected to increase by 22%, to 20 uncollected waste pollutes the local environment rapidly.
million metric tons [37]. In Dhaka waste generation is
enormously affecting by increasing population. Other factors 5. Disposal
affecting waste generation are migration, socio economic
factor, inadequate waste management practice, lack of The disposal and management of municipal solid waste are
awareness etc. The unplanned growth of Dhaka will influence a global challenge, especially in developing countries due to
the factors that affected waste generation and most likely its adverse environmental effects [41]. When waste is not
worsen the situation. properly collected, it will be illegally disposed of and this will
pose serious environmental and health hazards to the
4. Collection and Transportation Bangladeshis [42]. Solid waste management represents a
prominent issue in light of the fact that it prompts land
The Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) supervises municipal contamination if transparently dumped, water contamination
solid waste management in an area of 360 km2 with a if dumped in the swamps and air contamination if smoldered.
Table 1. Waste Generation Rate (WGR) and Total Waste Generation (TWG) in Dhaka city and other cities, 2004.
Source: [18]
22 Suraiya Yasmin and Md Imranur Rahman: A Review of Solid Waste Management Practice in Dhaka City, Bangladesh
Domestic waste
Sources Rate (Kg/person/day)
Income level (Tk/month/family)
Dry Wet Average
High Income group >=20,000 0.588 0.438 0.513
Middle Income group 20,000>,>=10,000 0.371 0.428 0.400
Middle-Low Income group 10,000>,>=5,000 0.279 0.346 0.313
Low Income group 5,000>,>=3,000 0.326 0.345 0.336
Lowest Income group 3,000> 0.314 0.205 0.260
Weighted average Kg/person/day 0.340
Source: [30]
Dhaka city is confronting serious environmental imbalance urgent improvement [30]. Open dumping of wastes is harmful
because of the uncollected transfer of waste on avenues and for environment and the landfill sites need to operate and
other open territories, obstructed seepage by tainting of water maintain through scientific and systematic way.
assets close uncontrolled dumping locales. Almost all the area
of this city does not experience adequate waste management 6. Recycling
[43]. Dumpsites for municipal solid waste are situated on
low-lying, flood-prone land. They are not managed as sanitary The study of [34] found that a substantial portion (69% to
landfills, apart from efforts by JICA and Waste Concern at 77%) of solid waste in the urban areas is compostable.
Matuail site [44]. Average compostable content of the waste is 74% with the
DCC uses three landfill sites: namely, Matuail, Berri Band remaining 26% being non-compostable. The large quantity of
and Uttara; Matuail is the only official site owned by DCC. organic contents present in urban solid waste composition
The rest (Berri Band and Uttara dumpsites) are private land. indicates the necessity for frequent collection and removal.
Operation method of solid waste at three landfill sites are open This also indicates good potentials for recycling of organic
dumping (crude dumping) without control of incoming waste waste for resource recovery [39]. Households can play a
and no covering soil. The solid waste is dumped without predominant role, as they have the capacity to substantially
surrounding bank at either Berri Band or Uttara. Three types reduce the amounts of unwanted waste at household level by
of heavy equipment are used for final disposal; however, the segregating clean materials which have a recyclable value -
provision is unstable because more than half of the equipment such as plastic or paper - instead of mixing them with other
stock is broken [30]. Disposing of solid waste in open dumps fractions such as kitchen waste, and thus diminishing their
is the most common method used for final disposal of urban potential recycling value [45]. Segregating recyclables at the
solid waste. In some cities and towns there are designated household level, and thus ensuring their cleanliness and
dumping sites where the collected waste is dumped in quality, can provide an interesting opportunity to enhance
unsanitary manner. No waste segregation, waste compaction waste recycling, provide more resources to the recycling
or daily top seal are used in these dumpsites. The case is even industry and augment incomes of the recyclables dealers and
worse in areas where there is no specific dumpsite. The waste collectors (Feriwallas and Gariwallas) [46]. [47] and
collected waste is disposed through crude dumping in [48] in the context of SWM, have highlighted the importance
low-lying areas, nearby water bodies or on a vacant lot. Much of informal market as a significant components of SWM.
of the uncollected waste is also disposed in the same manner. Recycling industry raises a total of 436 ton/day of material
The entire waste disposal system is unsanitary which needs recovery as shown in the Table 3.
Table 3. Estimated volume of recycled wastes in Dhaka City.
The amount recovered is the reduction of waste to be problem in a great way. Thus composting of organic waste can
managed by DCC. Composting contributes very little to the reduce a significant amount of landfill load and the remaining
waste reduction although the compostable waste has the inorganic portions can be recycled for which a sustainable
largest portion among generated wastes [30]. Approximately 6% plan and public partnership is required.
of the total labor force in Dhaka City is in the recycling sector
[30]. The waste pickers search for the recyclable items from 7. Conclusion and Recommendation
the containers and landfills. These waste pickers collect the
recyclables and sell them to Bhangari (the petty traders), The generation of waste is increasing by competing with the
Bhangaris’ inspect the materials which have scrap values. growing population. Dhaka City Corporation is responsible
Subsequently, they sell it to Mohajans/ Paikar (wholesalers), for the waste collection and transportation where an integrated
who clean up the materials and sell them, to different factories. and sustainable approach is necessary to introduce in Dhaka
These factories use the recyclable substances as raw materials city. The uncollected waste creates a heavy drainage problem
and after some processing. Vanmen directly collect recyclable especially in the monsoon season. The open disposal and
items from waste bin of households or containers and sell dumping system is unhygienic for environment where modern
them to the Bhangaris (petty traders). The waste pickers technology and equipment is needed. Major portions of waste
operating in landfills risk their lives to search for new products do carry the compostable content which can be recycled in a
from freshly dumped waste to get the best value after recycle scientific and sustainable way.
[29]. Public and private partnerships contribute to an effective
Recycling already takes place at several levels via different Solid Waste Management and such partnerships can have a
stakeholders: at household level by waste producers, with significant impact on the perceptions of what constitutes good
trading by Feriwallas or during collection by Gariwallas, at urban governance [51].
municipal collection points, and on dumpsites by Tokai or Successful solid waste management in a sustainable way
municipal employees of the collection service. The system is can be achieved only through a joint involvement of all
however not optimized to secure a maximal value creation. In stakeholders. Dhaka city has been growing without much of
the current existing informal waste management system there plan and the city lacks systematic waste management system
is much scope for improvement at micro-level which can as well. According to composition of waste, composting will
better exploit the value of recyclables. Source segregation at be more sustainable way for resource recovery. In addition
household level improves the quality of recyclables, and thus organizing recycling sector for inorganic waste, safe disposal
increases their value [39]. As opportunities exist to recycle of waste on the landfill site with sufficient leachate and gas
wastes, the recycling facilities might have to grow at a similar collection system to reduce air and water pollution, health
pace to the generation of waste. Physical and chemical safety for the workers at the disposal sites should be ensured.
characteristics of solid waste are important to implement the Furthermore, both central government and Dhaka City
waste disposal and management plan for the selection of Corporation should have some strict rule and ordinance to
resource and energy recovery potentials [36]. increase waste collection through formal sector instead of
Recycled plastic materials are very competitive and meet a informal sector.
high demand on the industrial market. Using a scenario of a Effective solid waste management calls for the active
100% plastic recycling rate (instead of 51% as estimated in participation of both formal and informal sectors. Informal
2006 by [45], with a thus significant increase in production of sector scan play an important role in initiating, innovating new
recycled pellets, estimates of potential foreign currency concepts, providing technical knowledge and providing
income are at USD 29.42 Million per year [49]. The largest training to others. So for sustainable and effective
fraction by weight of mixed municipal solid waste consists of management of solid waste in Dhaka city, active participation
organic biodegradable refuse (60 to 75%) [38,49]. Reducing of both sectors should be recommended. If waste management
this organic content by means of composting, or any other process can start at primary level and community based
organic waste treatment technology, would have a strong programme can initiate then waste can be easily manageable.
impact on reducing the volume of waste to be collected and Now this is the time to rethink about waste disposal system
disposed [39]. Composting is sustainability in developing and developing a wide range of systems and approaches to
countries considering the numerous benefits such as minimize the environmental hazard as well as reaching a
production of organic compost, reduction of waste quantity for profitable solutions using waste. In order to improve solid
final disposal, reduced air pollution and ground water leachate waste management in the Dhaka city of Bangladesh following
and also creates employment and income and others. recommendations can be considered:
Composting is the most suitable for developing countries due Develop a scientific and well organized waste
to the low costing; low technology; low pollution effect and it management for collection, transport, and dispose of or
has more benefits to the environment and the economy when recycling of solid waste.
compared to the disposal of organic waste into open dumps as Develop a policy and long term strategic framework
is widely practiced in developing countries [50]. based on a renewed understanding of the environmental
Proper utilization of waste can solve the urban waste situation in Dhaka.
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