Medical Emergency Team (Met) - Adults: Warrnambool Campus Only
Medical Emergency Team (Met) - Adults: Warrnambool Campus Only
Medical Emergency Team (Met) - Adults: Warrnambool Campus Only
Description The Medical Emergency Team (MET) is a rapid response system that exists to
provide appropriate emergency assistance or advice to manage the deteriorating
Many inpatients who have a cardiorespiratory arrest have a preceding clinical
episode, usually in the 24 hour period prior to the arrest.
MET is designed to reduce in-hospital deaths, cardiorespiratory arrests and
unexpected ICU admissions by providing early clinical intervention to stabilize the
patient and prevent further deterioration.
This guideline applies to the management of any adult patient, staff member or
other person who meets MET criteria whilst on the Warrnambool Campus.
It is vital for all SWH staff to be familiar with the MET criteria and process.
Objective: To identify the deteriorating patient early and provide a rapid and appropriate
response to manage patients with life threatening condit ions or those at risk of
cardiorespiratory arrest.
Prompt Doc No: SWH0001638 v6.0 Approval Date: 20/12/2011 Due for Review: 12/10/2015
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Common sense must prevail when interpreting these parameters, and in the context
of being a new finding, not a long standing issue.
*Where bradycardia is detected, chest auscultation for the apical beat must be
performed for confirmation.
In the absence of definitive written medical instruction on limitations for treatment, all
patients are to be considered eligible for a MET call.
Activation of Any SWH clinician can activate the MET process by following the MET criteria.
MET Call: To activate the MET - call extension *33.
Inform the switchboard operator:
Where you are
Request MET Call
Location of the patient
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The Medical Registrar attending must have recency of ALS training and competence.
The Nurse Responder must be a Senior Nurse who has maintained annual ALS training
and competency. Where possible the nurse responding will have Critical Care or
Emergency qualifications.
The above team is all that is required to manage a MET call. In the event of
overcrowding and over-response by SWH staff, it is the responsibility of the Clinical
Coordinator to redirect staff away from the patient.
ICU responds All clinical areas (excluding MHS Acute Inpatient unit).
to: Includes Medical, Acute, Maternity, Surgical, Day Oncology, Rehabilitation, Paediatrics
and Theatre.
Response The MET team is expected to respond to the call within five minutes of being notified.
time: It is the responsibility of both ICU and ED to ensure a Senior Nurse responds to all
MET calls.
Equipment The MET Nurse Responder will bring a designated MET Bag containing equipment to
manage the MET call. The MET Nurse Responder will also bring a Philips X2 Cardiac
The resuscitation trolley is not needed unless the event escalates to a
Code Blue.
ED and ICU store designated MET bags containing equipment specific to each
department’s needs. Each area is responsible for maintaining and storing their own
MET equipment, and for reviewing and updating the contents.
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Ward The ward nurse is expected to stay with the patient throughout the
Responsibilities duration of the event. This ensures vital information about the event and the
background of the patient is provided to the MET, contributing to continuity of
care. This also ensures ward staff are involved in post event plans for treatment
should the patient stay on the ward.
Ward nurses are also expected to take on the role of scribing and ensure relevant
documentation of the event is completed.
Transfer If the condition of the patient requires further definitive management, the transfer
considerations destination is determined by the geographical location of the patient:
Clinical areas: Transfer to ICU once discussed with Physician on call.
Non Clinical areas (including MHS Acute inpatient unit ): Transfer
to ED for further management.
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Documentation Concise medical and nursing documentation must be completed in the progress
notes and include full details of the event:
Patient demographics
Date & time of call, response time and stand down time
Reason for MET activation
Treatment or intervention provided
Response to treatment
Outcome for patient and plan
Staff involved.
Stand down A stand down request is only to be made by the Clinical Coordinator and only when
the resources of the MET staff are no longer required.
Note: Under no circumstance can the MET Call process be changed without authorization.
Education It is vital that the MET responders use the event as an educational opportunity for
ward staff, and provide positive praise and encouragement for recognising
deterioration and activating a MET – irrespective of circumstances or outcome.
Information on recognizing the deteriorating patient and the MET process at SWH
will be presented at the scheduled biannual Nursing Professional Update Day,
facilitated by the Health Education Department.
MET Information is also provided to all staff on formal Hospital Orientation Days.
Posters detailing the MET Call Criteria will be on display in all clinical and non-
clinical areas of the Warrnambool Campus. The posters are also located in each
clinical area on the inside cover of each patient observation chart folder.
All registered nurses at SWH are required to undertake training and successful
completion of BLS annually. BLS competency training incorporates the MET
Mandatory Education is available to all clinical staff for MET via the Health Education Department.
Competency Scheduled sessions will be provided annually, of which all SWH clinical staff are
expected to attend.
Evaluation ICU is responsible for MET data collection based on Riskman reporting and review of
clinical progress notes. Data collection will be utilised for Evaluation and Quality
Improvement purposes, and reported to the Clinical Risk and Deteriorating Patient
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The cardiorespiratory arrest rate will be decreased, along with the number of
unplanned ICU admissions.
SWH staff will be supported and educated to manage the deteriorating patient.
References Medical Emergency Team Policy. Barwon Health. Accessed via Prompt, May 2011.
National Consensus Statement: Essential Elements for recognizing and responding to
clinical deterioration (2010). Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in
Resuscitation (Including MET Calls) Policy. SWH. Accessed via Prompt, May 2011.
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Prompt Doc No: SWH0001638 v6.0 Approval Date: 20/12/2011 Due for Review: 12/10/2015
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