Lesson-Plan-2017-Semester-2 Amy

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2017 (Isnin)

五年级 主题 :3 物理科学
科学 课题 :7 电能
0800 - 0900 内容标准 :7.1 电源(电从哪里来)
学习目标 :学生能:
7.1.1 说明各种电的来源,例如:干电池、太阳能电池、小型发电机、水力发电站、蓄电 池和
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术、创造性及创新思维
科学程序技能 :归因、比较异同、联想、分析、推论、说出见解
价值 :拥有批判性和分析事物的思考能力、有理性和推理的思维方式、自信和独立
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :干电池、太阳能电池、小型发电机
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师引导学生说出图中人物所使用的电器,并尝试说出这些电器的电源。
3. 向学生展示各种电器的图片,让学生说出有关电器的电源。
4. 学生习做作业。
5. 学生做出结论。

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

Focus: Listening and Speaking
Topic 10: Getting Around
0945 – 1015 Learning Standard(s): 1.1.4, 1.2.1(a), 1.3.1(a) (b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
- Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
- Able to participate in daily conversations: talk about oneself.
- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by :
(a) giving Yes/No replies
(b) answering simpleWh-Questions
Teaching Aid(s): pictures of vehicles, word cards, text book.
(1) Teacher lets pupils to view the conversation in flash.
(2) Pupils answer the Yes/No questions asked by teacher.
(3) Teacher shows the pictures of vehicles and gets pupils to talk about the vehicles heard from the
(4) Teacher concludes the lesson.

二年级 课题 : 第八课 做人处事要公正

内容标准 : 8 作出公正与不偏不倚的行为和决定
学习标准 : 8.1 在家庭里实践公正的态度
1015 – 1045 跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 8 公正
活动 :
1. 师生讨论如何表现与家人公正的行为。
2. 学生根据图意,说出应该勇于发表意见,并以服从多数的方式与家人妥协。
反思 :
Year 4 Theme: world of knowledge
Focus: Listening and speaking
Topic 8: Save, Spend Wisely
1305 - 1335 Learning Standard(s): 1.1.4, 1.2.4
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to talk about related topics with guidance
- Able to participate in guided conversation with peers
Teaching Aid(s): Textbook, word cards and picture cards
Vocabulary:save, spend, use, keep, plan, prepare, budget, wisely,
1. Ask pupils whether they keep pocket money or not?
2. Pupils talk about how the children in their textbooks use their pocket money.
3. Teacher teaches the key words and helps pupils to say the sentences correctly in English.
4. Pupils get into groups and discuss how they spend their pocket money.
5. Pupils talk to other groups about their discussion.
6. Teacher chooses pupils randomly from each group to talk about what they do with their pocket
Multiple Intelligences (Verbal-Linguistic), Constructivism,entrepreneurship

13.06.2017 (Selasa)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Focus: Listening and Speaking
0800 – 0900 Topic 10: Getting Around
Learning Standard(s): 1.1.4, 1.2.1(a), 1.3.1(a) (b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
- Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
- Able to participate in daily conversations: talk about oneself.
- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by :
(a) giving Yes/No replies
(b) answering simpleWh-Questions
Teaching Aid(s): pictures of vehicles, word cards, text book.
1. Teacher shows the pictures of vehicles and pupils name them. Revise pupils with the correct spelling
of the vehicles.
2. Teacher asks “How do you come to school?”. Pupils tell teacher how they come to school.
3. Pupils mingle with their friend to get the information about how their friends come to school.
4. Pupils listen to teacher and complete the exercise in their activity books.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
Assessment: Observation through classroom activities, exercises

二年级 课题 : 第八课 做人处事要公正

内容标准 : 8.1 在家庭里实践公正的态度
学习标准 : 8.1.1 列出在家里实践公正的态度
0900 – 0930 跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 8 公正
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现公正的行为。
2. 学生根据图意,说出公平处理事务的感受。
反思 :
六年级 单元二:2.0 以伪代码与流程图表示算法
2.4 分辨有顺序结构、分支结构和循环结构的算法、伪代码与流程图:
0945 – 1045 2.4.1 分辨有顺序结构的算法和有单分支结构的算法。
活动 :
1. 教师引导学生分辨有顺序结构、分支结构和循环结构的算法、伪代码与流程图。
2. 小组游戏。
3. 学生分组根据情景编写有顺序结构和单分支结构的算法。
反思 :
Year 4 Theme: world of knowledge
Focus: Listening and speaking
Topic 8: Save, Spend Wisely
1045 - 1145 Learning Standard(s): 1.1.4, 1.2.4
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to talk about related topics with guidance
- Able to participate in guided conversation with peers
Teaching Aid(s): Textbook, word cards, coloured pencils and A4 papers.
Vocabulary: pie chart, be moderate, be stingy
1. Show pupils a pie chart and study the data on it.
2. Pupils answer Wh questions based on the pie chart.
3. Pupils get into groups and set questions for asking other groups based on the 2nd pie chart.
5. Questions and Answers session by pupils.
6. Pupils draw a pie chart to show how they spend their pocket money then talk about to the class.
EMK: Multiple Intelligences Constructivism andentrepreneurship.

14.06.2017 (Rabu)

Year 4 Theme: World of knowledge

BI Focus: Reading
0730 – 0830 Topic 8: Save, Spend Wisely
Learning Standard(s): 2.2.2(b), 2.2.2(a), 2.3.1(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from :
(a) linear texts
(b) non-linear texts
- Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance :
(b) non-fiction
Teaching Aid(s): Textbook, poster, activity book
Vocabulary: the most, the least, wise spender, have left, friendship, advertisement
1. Show pupils the poster taken from their textbook and get them to say the things sell in the shop.
2. Pre-teach the new words.
3. Pupils read the dialogue and answer questions.
4. Pupils read the Tips on How to use your money wisely and match the main idea to the pictures.
5. Pupils draw a tree map on How they use their money wisely.
EMK: Multiple Intelligences, Creativity and Innovative

六年级 主题:5 地球与外太空

科学 课题: 月食
0945 – 1045 学习标准:10.1.1, 10.1.3
教具: 课本,生词卡、图表

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Focus: Reading
1045 – 1115 Topic 10: Getting Around
Learning Standard(s): 2.1.1(c), 2.1.2, 2.1.3
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
- Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable words within
given context. / a: / (ar)
- Able to blend two to four phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud.
- Able to segment words into phonemes to spell.
Teaching Aid(s): reading chart, word cards, text book and activity
1. Teacher revises the phonic sounds learnt in the previous lesson then introduces the sound that they are
going to learn.
2. Teach er read a passage and pupils follow.
3. Pupils point out the words with ‘ar’ sound and read them aloud.
4. Teacher writes some letters on the board and pupils try to blend them into word and read them aloud.
5. Pupils learn the words with ’ar’ sound and match them to the correct pictures.
6. Pupils do the exercise on page 40 in their activity books.
Assessment: Observation through classroom activities, exercises

二年级 课题 : 第八课 做人处事要公正

道德 内容标准 : 8.1 在家庭里实践公正的态度
1115 – 1145 学习标准 : 8.1.1 列出在家里实践公正的态度
8.1.2 讲述在家里实践公正态度的重要性。
8.1.3 说明在家庭成员之间实践公正态度的感受。
8.1.4 在家庭成员之间实践公正态度的感受。
跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 8 公正
活动 : 1. 看图说故事
2. 学生能说出公平处理家事不但可避免摩擦,还能使家庭生活更和谐。
反思 :
15.06.2017 (Khamis)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Focus: Reading
0730 – 0830 Topic 10: Getting Around
Learning Standard(s): 2.2.4, 1.3.1 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
- Able to read and understand a paragraph of 3-5 simple sentences with guidance.
- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by :
(a) giving Yes/No replies
(b) answering simpleWh-Questions
Teaching Aid(s): reading passage, sentence strips, word cards, worksheets
1. Teacher shows pupils some a map showing the route from Kuala Kedah to Pulau Langkawi.
Get pupils to guess how they can go to Pulau Langkawi from Kuala Kedah.
2. Then, teacher introduces the new words from the passage. Teacher read a passage and
pupils follow.
3. Teacher asks questions to help pupils understanding the passage. Teacher shows the
sentence strips, pupils read them and say ‘True/False’.
4. Pupils read the passage and answer comprehension questions.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
Assessment: Observation through classroom activities, exercises

科学 主题 :3 物理科学
五年级 课题 :7 电能
0830 – 0930 内容标准 :7.2 完整电路
学习目标 :学生能:
7.2.1 利用干电池、灯泡、开关和电线以装置完整电路。
7.2.2 说出电路中开关的功用。
7.2.3 确认完整电路中的各种元件符号。
7.2.4 利用元件符号绘制电路图。
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术、创造性及创新思维
科学程序技能 :归因、比较异同、联想、分析、推论、图像化、按次序排列、假设、预测、总

价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :干电池、开关、灯泡、灯泡座、电线
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 活动一:让灯泡发亮(学生分组利用干电池、灯泡、开关和电线以装置完整电路)
3. 教师引导学生说出电路中开关的功用。
4. 教师引导学生确认完整电路中的各种元件符号。
5. 活动二:动手画一画(学生利用元件符号绘制电路图)
6. 学生习做作业。
7. 学生做出结论。

科学 主题:5 地球与外太空
六年级 课题: 日食与月食
1045 - 1145 学习标准:10.1.1 - 10.1.3
教具: 课本,生词卡、图表

道德 课题 : 第八课 做人处事要公正
二年级 内容标准 : 8.1 在家庭里实践公正的态度
1305 – 1335 学习标准 : 8.1.2 讲述在家里实践公正态度的重要性。
跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 8 公正
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现公正的行为。
2. 学生根据图意,说出公平处事的重要性。
反思 :

16.06.2017 (Jumaat)
Hari Guru

19.06.2017 (Isnin)

五年级 主题 :3 物理科学
科学 课题 :7 电能
0800 - 0900 内容标准 :7.1 电源(电从哪里来)、7.2 完整电路
学习目标 :学生能:
- 说明各种电的来源,例如:干电池、太阳能电池、小型发电机、水力发电站、蓄电池和发电机
- 利用干电池、灯泡、开关和电线以装置完整电路。
- 说出电路中开关的功用。
- 确认完整电路中的各种元件符号。
- 利用元件符号绘制电路图。
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术、创造性及创新思维
科学程序技能 :归因、比较异同、联想、分析、推论、说出见解
价值 :拥有批判性和分析事物的思考能力、有理性和推理的思维方式、自信和独立
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :干电池、太阳能电池、小型发电机
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师引导学生说出图中人物所使用的电器,并尝试说出这些电器的电源。
3. 向学生展示各种电器的图片,让学生说出有关电器的电源。
4. 学生分组利用干电池、灯泡、开关和电线以装置完整电路。
5. 教师引导学生说出电路中开关的功用。
6. 教师引导学生确认完整电路中的各种元件符号。
7. 学生利用元件符号绘制电路图。
8. 学生习做作业。
9. 学生做出结论。

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

Focus: Writing
Topic 10: Getting Around
0945 – 1015 Learning Standard(s): 3.1.1(b), 3.2.2
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
(b)Able to write in neat legible print : phrases
Able to write simple sentences with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, simple map with directions, incomplete text, word / phrase cards
1. Teacher asks pupils where they have been during last holidays. Get pupils to tell how they went to
their destination.
2. Teacher shows a map showing how Mark and his family travelled from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Bahru.
Get pupils to say how Mark went to each place.
3. Teacher pastes an incomplete text on the board, pupils have to choose and paste the correct word or
phrase to complete it. Pupils get into groups and try to make sentences using the words and pictures
given. Check answers with teacher.
4. Then, they write their answer in their exercise book neatly.
5.Teacher checks their handwriting.
Assessment: Observation through classroom activities, exercises

二年级 课题 : 第八课 做人处事要公正

内容标准 : 8 作出公正与不偏不倚的行为和决定
学习标准 : 8.1 在家庭里实践公正的态度
1015 – 1045 跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 8 公正
活动 :
1. 师生讨论如何表现与家人公正的行为。
2. 学生根据图意,说出应该勇于发表意见,并以服从多数的方式与家人妥协。
反思 :


Topic 8: Save, SpendWisely
Learning Standard(s): 3.1.1(c), 3.2.1(a)
1305 - 1335 Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
• Able to write in numerals in word form in neat legible print with correct spelling.
• Able to transfer information with guidance to complete a linear text.
Teaching Aid(s): Textbook, word cards and picture cards
Vocabulary:costs, pay more, paperback edition, hardcover edition
1. Ask pupils to read the information from page 63 and answer questions.
2. Pupils talk about the information given on page 64 .
3. Teacher asks pupils get into group and discuss which bookshop will they go to buy the book and also
say the reason.
4. 5. Pupils talk to other groups about their discussion.
6. Pupils complete the diary using the phrases given.
Multiple Intelligences (Verbal-Linguistic), Constructivism,entrepreneurship
20.06.2017 (Selasa)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Focus: Writing
0800 – 0900 Topic 10: Getting Around
Learning Standard(s): 3.1.1(b), 3.2.2
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
(b)Able to write in neat legible print : phrases
Able to write simple sentences with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, simple map with directions, incomplete text, word / phrase cards
1. Spelling test
2. Teacher distributes worksheets to pupils
3. Teacher guides pupils in completing the worksheets.
4. Discussion and dictation
Assessment: Observation through classroom activities, worksheets

二年级 课题 : 第八课 做人处事要公正

内容标准 : 8.1 在家庭里实践公正的态度
学习标准 : 8.1.1 列出在家里实践公正的态度
0900 – 0930 跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 8 公正
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现公正的行为。
2. 学生根据图意,说出公平处理事务的感受。
反思 :
六年级 单元二:2.0 以伪代码与流程图表示算法
2.4 分辨有顺序结构、分支结构和循环结构的算法、伪代码与流程图:
0945 – 1045 2.4.1 分辨有顺序结构的算法和有单分支结构的算法。
2.4.2 分辨有顺序结构的伪代码与有单分支结构的伪代码。
2.4.3 分辨有顺序结构的流程图和有单分支结构的流程图。
2.5 根据情景编写有顺序结构和单分支结构的算法
活动 :
1. 教师引导学生分辨有顺序结构、分支结构和循环结构的算法、伪代码与流程图。
2. 小组游戏。
3. 学生分组根据情景编写有顺序结构和单分支结构的算法。
反思 :
Topic 8: Save, SpendWisely
Learning Standard(s): 3.1.2(b & c), 3.2.2, 3.3.1, 1.2.4
1045 - 1145 Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
•Able to write question with guidance.
•Able to create simple linear texts using a variety of media with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): Textbook
Vocabulary:interview, won, award, saver
1. Spelling bee
2. Pre-teach the new words.
3. Pupils read the phrases taken from the textbook and know the meanings.
4. In groups, pupils match the questions to the suitable answers.
5. Role-play the interview.
6. Pupils write the interview in their exercise books.
EMK: Multiple Intelligences, moral value.

21.06.2017 (Rabu)


BI Topic 8: Save, SpendWisely
0730 – 0830 Learning Standard(s): 4.2.1(a), 4.1.1
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
• Able to respond to the characters in a literacy text.
Teaching Aid(s): Poetry textbook, poem enlarged and shown in PowerPoint slide, worksheet
Vocabulary: a parlour of, towel, well, spout, handle
1. Show the poem on the board.
2. Recite the poem and pupils listen.
3. Recite the poem together with the pupils.
4. Ask pupils to recite the poems with actions.
5. Ask pupils to recite the poem in groups.
6. Distribute Worksheet 1.
7. Ask questions pertaining to the poem and the pictures.
EMK: Thinking Skills (Analysing - Synthesising)

六年级 主题:5 地球与外太空

科学 课题: 星座
0945 – 1045 学习标准:11.1.1, 11.1.2, 11.1.3,11.1.4
2.说明地球绕着地轴自转的同时也随着轨道绕着 太阳公转
教具: 课本,生词卡、图表

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 10: Getting Around
1045 – 1115 Learning Standard(s): 4.1.2, 4.3.2(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
- Able to sing action songs with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Teaching Aid(s): song lyrics of “Row, row, row your boat”
1. Teacher plays the song of “Row, row, row your boat”.
2. Pupils read the lyric and learn to sing the song.
3. Teacher guides pupils in understanding the meaning of lyrics.
4. The groups will sing their song continuing with music.
5. Teacher gives rewards to the group which sing the best.

二年级 课题 : 第八课 做人处事要公正

道德 内容标准 : 8.1 在家庭里实践公正的态度
1115 – 1145 学习标准 : 8.1.1 列出在家里实践公正的态度
8.1.2 讲述在家里实践公正态度的重要性。
8.1.3 说明在家庭成员之间实践公正态度的感受。
8.1.4 在家庭成员之间实践公正态度的感受。
跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 8 公正
活动 : 1. 看图说故事
2. 学生能说出公平处理家事不但可避免摩擦,还能使家庭生活更和谐。
反思 :
22.06.2017 (Khamis)

Year 2 Theme: World of knowledge

BI Topic: 11 Occupations
0730 – 0830 Focus: Listening and speaking
Learning Standard(s): 1.1.4, 1.2.1(b), 1.3.1(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, all the pupils should:-
- Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
- Able to participate in daily conversation: talk about oneself.
- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by answering simple Wh-Question.
Teaching Aid(s): Pictures of occupations, song “People in my town”, laptop, word cards and pictures of
equipment related to the occupations taught.
Vocabulary: doctor, nurse, florist, fire fighter, baker, shopkeeper, hawker, policeman, postman, teacher.
CCE: MI , Entrepreneurship & Moral values
1. Teacher shows pupils what their parents are? Guide them to say their parents’ occupations.
2. Teacher plays a song of occupation and pupils listen and tick the occupation they heard. Teacher shows
the picture cards and asks “What is he/she?”. Pupils answer “He is a _______. / She is a
3. Teacher shows the word cards of occupations, says the words and gets pupils to match them to the
4. Get pupils to talk about the occupation or their ambition when they grow up. Guide pupils to say in
simple sentence like “I want to be a _____.”
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by instilling moral values.

科学 主题 :3 物理科学
五年级 课题 :7 电能(串联电路和并联电路)
0830 – 0930 内容标准 :7.2 完整电路
学习目标 :学生能:
1. 通过观看各种媒体以确认完整的串联电路和并联电路的灯泡排列方式
2. 利用元件符号绘制串联电路和并联电路
3. 比较与分辨串联电路和并联电路中灯泡的亮度
4. 说出当串联电路和并联电路中的开关被 按下或拉上时,如何影响对灯泡情况
5. 以绘图、信息通讯技术、书写或口述把观察结果加以说明
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、预测、诠释资料、精确解释法、控制变数、做实验、假设、传达
价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激、有理性和推理的思
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :干电池、开关、灯泡、灯泡座、电线
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 活动:动手接一接(教师协助学生组装串联和并联电路)。
3. 教师引导学生通过活动让学生初步了解串联和并联电路的不同。
4 教师引导学生用手指在电线上移动,以画出电流流通的路线。
5. 活动:比比谁较亮(学生连接及观察串联和并联电路中灯泡的亮度)。
6. 教师让学生装置以上的电路,观察以及比较串联和并联电路中各个开关被按上或拉上时对灯泡
7. 学生做出结论。
8. 学生完成作业练习题

科学 主题:5 地球与外太空
六年级 课题: 星座
1045 - 1145 学习标准:11.1.1, 11.1.2, 11.1.3,11.1.4
2.说明地球绕着地轴自转的同时也随着轨道绕着 太阳公转
1. 小测验
2. 学生批改
3. 学生订正
4. 学生完成课业习题。
5. 讨论习题
教具: 课本,生词卡、图表

道德 课题 : 第八课 做人处事要公正
二年级 内容标准 : 8.1 在家庭里实践公正的态度
1305 – 1335 学习标准 : 8.1.2 讲述在家里实践公正态度的重要性。
跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 8 公正
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现公正的行为。
2. 学生根据图意,说出公平处事的重要性。
反思 :
23.06.2017 (Jumaat)

Year 2 Theme: World of knowledge

BI Topic: 11 Occupations
1015 – 1045 Focus: Listening and speaking
Learning Standard(s): 1.1.4, 1.2.1(b), 1.3.1(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, all the pupils should:-
- Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
- Able to participate in daily conversation: talk about oneself.
- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by answering simple Wh-Question.
Teaching Aid(s): Pictures of occupations and pictures of tools related to the occupations taught.
Vocabulary: marker, hose, oven, parcel, letter, scissors, stall, pistol, stethoscope, medicine
CCE: MI , Entrepreneurship & Moral values
1. Spelling Bees.
2. Teacher pastes the occupations cards on the board and revises the name of the occupations with pupils.
Then teacher shows them some tools related to the occupations with the sentence pattern like “A teacher
uses chalk and markers.”
3. Teacher pastes the occupation cards on the board. Pupils match the picture of tools to the occupation.
Teacher guides them to talk about the picture like “He is a fire fighter. He uses a hose to put out fire.”
4. Pupils draw the picture of tools related to the occupations in a box and paste them to the occupation
card. Then, they say two sentences based on the pictures.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
BI Topic 8: Save, SpendWisely
1045 – 1115 Learning Standard(s): 5.2.1, 3.2.2(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
• Able to construct interrogative sentences correctly.
• Able to write question with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s):textbook, phrase cards to form questions
Vocabulary: can we, do we, are they, does she, did he
1. Pupils read the dialogue in the textbook and get them to talk on questions forming.
2. Pre-teach the new phrases.
3. Explain the grammar rules on how to use these phrases to form questions.
4. Pupils use the phrases given in their textbook to ask and answer with their friends.
5. Pupils write the questions and answers based on the situation given in their textbook.
EMK: constructivism

四年级 单元三:音乐真好玩
音乐 模组/课题:四、握紧双手 , 五、Let Us Chase The Squirrel 六、大家来唱唱跳跳
1115 - 1145 内容标准:1.3 根据音乐做动作
学习标准:1.3.1 聆听音乐的旋律感做动作- 情感、旋律
1 根据音乐做动作
活动: 1. 演唱《握紧双手》,《 Let Us Chase The Squirrel》,《大家来唱唱跳跳》
2. 根据音乐做动作
3. 注意音乐的旋律感

26.06.2017 – 30.06.2017

Cuti Sempena Perayaan Hari Raya Aidilfitri

03.07.2017 (Isnin)

五年级 主题 :3 物理科学
科学 课题 :7 电能(如何安全使用电器)
0800 - 0900 内容标准 :7.3 使用电器的安全防范错施
学习目标 :学生能:
2. 说明使用电器时的安全防范错施
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、预测、诠释资料、精确解释法、假设、传达
价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :-
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师观察图片说一说。
3. 教师引导学生说出不正确使用电器的行为会造成的后果,然后针对这些行为提出正确使用电
4 学生分组讨论哪些使用电器的方法是正确的,哪些却是不安全的。
5. 学生习作练习。
6. 学生做出结论。

Year 2 Theme: World of knowledge

Topic: 11 Occupations
Focus: Reading
0945 – 1015 Learning Standard(s): 2.1.1(c), 2.1.2, 2.1.3
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
•Able to recognize and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable
words within given context.
•Able to blend two to four phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud.
•Able to segment words into phonemes to spell.
Teaching Aid(s): Pictures of ‘or’, letter cards, phoneme chart
1. Double Phonic Chant
2. Pupils revise the phonemes using phoneme cards. Teacher introduces new words with the sound “or”.
3. Pupils blend and segment the letter cards or words and read aloud. Then, they read and match the
words to pictures.
4. Pupils fill in the blanks with the words given.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
EMK: MI & Entrepreneurship

二年级 课题 : 第八课 做人处事要公正

内容标准 : 8.1 在家庭里实践公正的态度
学习标准 : 8.1.2 讲述在家里实践公正态度的重要性。
1015 – 1045 跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 8 公正
活动 : 1. 讨论如何在家里表现公正的行为。
2. 学生扮演角色。
3. 学生说出把食物留给家人的重要性。
反思 :
Topic 9: Stories From Other Lands
Focus: Listening and speaking
1305 - 1335 Learning Standard(s):1.1.2, 1.1.4, 1.3.1(c)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
- Able to listen and enjoy stories
-Able to talk about related topic with guidance
- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by :
(c) predicting with guidance
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, picture taken from some story for predicting
Vocabulary: helpful, grateful, kind hearted
EMK: Thinking Skills (Analysing - Synthesising)
1. Teacher asks pupils to name some of the fables that they had been read.
2. With the help of flashware, pupils listen and predicts the next sentences of story.
3. Pupils predict the ending of the story by looking at a stimulated picture.
4. Teacher shows pupils some of the pictures taken from the famous fable and gets pupils to talk about
the endings.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
04.07.2017 (Selasa)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 11: Occupations
0800 – 0900 Learning Standard(s): 2.2.2, 2.2.4, 2.2.5
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
- Able to read and understand phrases in linear and non-linear texts with guidance.
- Able to read and understand simple sentences in linear and non-linear texts with guidance.
- Able to read and understand a paragraph of 3-5 simple sentences with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): reading texts
1. Teacher shows pupils a table and gets pupils interest on finding out the information from the text to
be read.
2. Teacher pre-teaches new words.
3. Teacher reads the text with pupils and pupils read them in groups.
EMK: MI & Entrepreneurship
Assessment: -

二年级 课题 : 第八课 做人处事要公正

内容标准 : 8.1 在家庭里实践公正的态度
学习标准 : 8.1.2 讲述在家里实践公正态度的重要性。
0900 – 0930 跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 8 公正
活动 : 1.进行小游戏后,讨论如何在游戏中表现公正的行为。
2. 学生说出遵守游戏规则的重要性。
反思 :
六年级 单元二:2.0 以伪代码与流程图表示算法
2.6 拆分复杂伪代码成顺序结构和单分支结构的伪代码。
0945 – 1045 2.7 有逻辑性地组合顺序结构的流程图和单分支结构的流程图。
活动 :
反思 :
Topic 9: Stories From Other Lands
Learning Standard(s):2.2.1(a)
1045 - 1145 Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
• Able to apply word attack skills by identifying :
(a) homographs
Teaching Aid(s): picture cards, word cards
Vocabulary: wind, tear, lead, row
EMK: Thinking Skills
1. Teacher asks pupils to read the sentences which contains homographs and gets them to guess the
meaning of the words in bold.
2. Teacher explains the meaning of homographs. Pupils read the sentences and find the meaning of the
words in their dictionaries.
3. Pupils read the sentences from the textbook and guess the correct meaning of each homograph used.
4. Pupils try to find other homographs by using their dictionaries.
5. Pupils copy the homographs learned in their vocabulary books.
05.07.2017 (Rabu)


BI Topic 9: Stories From Other Lands
0730 – 0830 Learning Standard(s):2.2.3(b), 2.3.1(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
• Able to read and demonstrate understanding of texts by :
(b) predicting with guidance
• Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance :
(a) fiction
Teaching Aid(s): Picture of a paintbrush, story excerpts on PowerPoint slides
Vocabulary: dreamed, drew, a mountain of, in the middle of, storm
EMK: Thinking Skills
1. Introduce the picture of a paintbrush and get pupils to talk about it.
2. Pre- teach new words by asking pupils choose the correct definition.
3. Show Excerpt 1 on PowerPoint. Get pupils to read the text silently and pose Question 1 to elicit
pupils’ responses. Encourage pupils to think of as many possible answers as they can. Repeat the steps
above with excerpt 2 and 3.
4. Give pupil a piece of paper and ask them to imagine that they are Ma Liang, what they want to draw
the most.
5. Pupils talk about the drawing done by them.

六年级 课题: 简单机械的种类

科学 学习标准: 12.1.1, 12.1.2,
0945 – 1045 学习目标:学生解析并举例简单机械。
5 学生完成课业习题。
教具: 课本,生词卡、图表
Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge
BI Topic 11: Occupations
1045 – 1115 Learning Standard(s): 3.1.1(b), 3.2.2, 3.2.3(a) &(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to complete a table with neat legible print phrases.
- Able to complete simple sentences with guidance.
- Able to punctuate correctly: capital letters and full stop.
Teaching Aid(s): Occupation cards, enlarged occupation cards, enlarged worksheets.
1. Q & A session.
2. Pupils read the information from the enlarged occupation cards.
3. In pairs, pupils read the occupation cards and get the information to complete their worksheets.
(Information transfer table).
4. Pupils complete the sentences by using the information from the table.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.

二年级 课题 : 第八课 做人处事要公正

道德 内容标准 : 8.1 在家庭里实践公正的态度
1115 – 1145 学习标准 : 8.1.1 列出在家里实践公正的态度
跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 8 公正
活动 : 1. 师生讨论“先到先得”是一种公正处理问题的方法。
2. 学生设计招贴提醒自己为人处事要公正。
反思 :
06.07.2017 (Khamis)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 11: Occupations
0730 – 0830 Learning Standard(s): 3.1.1(b), 3.2.2, 3.2.3(a) &(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to complete a table with neat legible print phrases.
- Able to complete simple sentences with guidance.
- Able to punctuate correctly: capital letters and full stop.
Teaching Aid(s): Occupation cards, enlarged occupation cards, enlarged worksheets.
1. Spelling bee.
2. Worksheet time.
3. Teacher guides pupils in completing the worksheets.
4. Teacher discusses answer with pupils.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.

科学 主题 :3 物理科学
五年级 课题 :8 热能(热与温度)
0830 – 0930 内容标准 :8.1 温度和热能
学习目标 :学生能:
1. 说出温度是物质的冷热程度。
2. 说出测请温度的公制单位。
3. 应用正确的仪器和方法測量温度。
4. 以绘图、信息通讯技术、书写或口述把观察结果加以说明。
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、预测、诠释资料、精确解释法、控制变数、做实验、假设、传达
价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激、拥有批判性和分析
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :水银温度计、烧杯
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师观察图片说一说。
3. 教师引导学生说出什么是温度。
4. 教师引导学生说出温度的公制单位。
5. 学生分组使用适当的仪器和方法来测量温度。
6. 学生习作练习。
7. 学生做出结论。

科学 课题: 复杂机械
六年级 学习标准: 12.2.1, 12.2.2,12.2.4
1045 - 1145 学习目标:学生解析并举例简单机械。
4. 活动:创意设计师
6 教师与学生讨论答案。
教具: 课本,生词卡、图表

道德 课题 : 第八课 做人处事要公正
二年级 内容标准 : 8.1 在家庭里实践公正的态度
1305 – 1335 学习标准 : 8.1.1 列出在家里实践公正的态度
跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 8 公正
活动 : 1.进行分组比赛,讨论如何表现公正与不公正的行为。
2. 学生讲述为人处事公正的例子。
反思 :

07.07.2017 (Jumaat)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 11: Occupations
1015 – 1045 Learning Standard(s): 4.1.2, 4.3.1(a), 4.3.2(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
•Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and
•Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on action songs.
• Able to take part with guidance in a performance based on action songs.
Teaching Aid(s): song lyric, laptop, song “This is the ways”.
1. Teacher reads the lyric and pupils follow.
2. Pupils listen to the song and sing together.
3. Pupils sing the song with the actions.
EMK: MI & Entrepreneurship


BI Topic 9: Stories From Other Lands
1045 – 1115 Focus: Writing
Learning Standard(s):3.3.1, 3.1.2(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance :
(b) linear
Teaching Aid(s): textbook and word cards on past tense
Vocabulary: found, saw, bandaged, pulled, fell, hurt
EMK: Thinking Skills
1. Teacher asks pupils to say the characteristic of a bear.
2. Teacher asks pupils to match the present tense to the past tense. Teacher shows the pictures taken from
textbook and asks questions.
3. Pupils answer the questions to complete the story.
4. Pupils write the story in their exercise books.
5. Teacher chooses some of the pupils who had finished the story to read aloud the story to the class.

四年级 单元三:音乐真好玩
音乐 模组/课题:七、Di Sini Senang ,八、My Aunt Came Back,九、欢乐歌
1115 - 1145 内容标准:1.3 根据音乐做动作
学习标准:1.3.1 聆听音乐的旋律感做动作- 情感、旋律
1 根据音乐做动作
活动: 1. 演唱七、Di Sini Senang ,八、My Aunt Came Back,九、欢乐歌
2. 根据音乐做动作
3. 注意音乐的旋律感

10.07.2017 (Isnin)

五年级 主题 :3 物理科学
科学 课题 :8 热能(热与温度)
0800 – 0900 内容标准 :8.1 温度和热能
学习目标 :学生能:
1. 说出温度是物质的冷热程度。
2. 说出测请温度的公制单位。
3. 应用正确的仪器和方法測量温度。
4. 以绘图、信息通讯技术、书写或口述把观察结果加以说明。
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、预测、诠释资料、精确解释法、控制变数、做实验、假设、传达
价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激、拥有批判性和分析
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :水银温度计、烧杯
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师观察图片说一说。
3. 教师引导学生说出什么是温度。
4. 教师引导学生说出温度的公制单位。
5. 学生分组使用适当的仪器和方法来测量温度。
6. 学生习作练习。
7. 学生做出结论。

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic 11: Occupations
Focus: Language arts
0945 – 1015 Learning Standard(s): 4.1.2, 4.3.1(a), 4.3.2(a),2.2.3
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
•Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
•Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on action songs.
•Able to take part with guidance in a performance based on action songs.
•Able to read and understand simple sentences in linear and non-linear texts with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): song lyric, laptop, song “This is the ways”, riddle cards (ppt).
1. Pupils sing the song with the actions.
2. Pupils read the riddles and guess the occupations.
3. Pupils do the exercises on their activity books.
EMK: MI & Entrepreneurship
Assessment: -

二年级 课题 : 第九课 做个小勇士

内容标准 : 9.1 勇于维护家庭声誉
学习标准 : 9.1.1 列出维护家庭声誉的方法
1015 – 1045 跨科学元素 : 创造与革新元素
价值 : 9 勇敢
活动 :
2. 学生举例说出维护家人的情景。
3. 学生扮演故事中角色,自创表演动作或改编对白。
反思 :
Topic 9: Stories From Other Lands
Learning Standard(s):2.2.1(a)
1305 - 1335 Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
• Able to apply word attack skills by identifying :
(a) homographs
Teaching Aid(s): picture cards, word cards
Vocabulary: wind, tear, lead, row
EMK: Thinking Skills
1. Teacher asks pupils to read the sentences which contains homographs and gets them to guess the
meaning of the words in bold.
2. Teacher explains the meaning of homographs. Pupils read the sentences and find the meaning of the
words in their dictionaries.
3. Pupils read the sentences from the textbook and guess the correct meaning of each homograph used.
4. Pupils try to find other homographs by using their dictionaries.
5. Pupils copy the homographs learned in their vocabulary books.
11.07.2017 (Selasa)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 12: Beautiful Flowers
0800 – 0900 Focus: Listening and speaking
Learning Standard(s): 1.1.4, 1.3.1(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
- Able to talk about flowers regarding their colours with guidance.
- Able to listen and answer wh-questions.
- Able to listen and colour the picture of flowers correctly.
Teaching Aid(s): flowers(fake/real), pictures(ppt)
1. Teacher shows pupils a stalk of rose and carnation to get pupils interest to the topic.
2. Teacher uses pictures on the slide to teach the name of flowers. Pupils listen to the name of the
flowers and point to the correct picture.
3. Teacher guides pupils to talk about the flowers and their colours.
4. Pupils listen to the phrases and colour the picture of flowers correctly.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
EMK: MI, creativity and innovation

二年级 课题 : 第九课 做个小勇士

内容标准 : 9.1 勇于维护家庭声誉
学习标准 : 9.1.1 列出维护家庭声誉的方法
0900 – 0930 跨科学元素 : 创造与革新元素
教具 :挂图
价值 : 9 勇敢
活动 : 1.学生观察图意,说出维护家庭声誉的方法。
2. 学生扮演故事中的角色。
3. 说出自己解决方法,并聆听其他学生的意见。
反思 :
六年级 单元二:2.0 以伪代码与流程图表示算法
2.8 编写算法、伪代码和流程图来解决问题。
0945 – 1045 活动 :
反思 :
Topic 9: Stories From Other Lands
Learning Standard(s):2.2.3(b), 2.3.1(a)
1045 – 1145 Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
•Able to read and demonstrate understanding of texts by :
(b) predicting with guidance
•Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance :
(a) fiction
Teaching Aid(s): Picture of a paintbrush, story excerpts on PowerPoint slides
Vocabulary: dreamed, drew, a mountain of, in the middle of, storm
EMK: Thinking Skills
1. Introduce the picture of a paintbrush and get pupils to talk about it.
2. Pre- teach new words by asking pupils choose the correct definition.
3. Show Excerpt 1 on PowerPoint. Get pupils to read the text silently and pose Question 1 to elicit
pupils’ responses. Encourage pupils to think of as many possible answers as they can. Repeat the steps
above with excerpt 2 and 3.
4. Give pupil a piece of paper and ask them to imagine that they are Ma Liang, what they want to draw
the most.
5. Pupils talk about the drawing done by them.

12.07.2017 (Rabu)


BI Topic 9: Stories From Other Lands
0730 – 0830 Focus: Writing
Learning Standard(s):3.3.1, 3.1.2(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance :
(b) linear
Teaching Aid(s): textbook and word cards on past tense
Vocabulary: found, saw, bandaged, pulled, fell, hurt
EMK: Thinking Skills
1. Teacher asks pupils to say the characteristic of a bear.
2. Teacher asks pupils to match the present tense to the past tense. Teacher shows the pictures taken
from textbook and asks questions.
3. Pupils answer the questions to complete the story.
4. Pupils write the story in their exercise books.
5. Teacher chooses some of the pupils who had finished the story to read aloud the story to the class.
六年级 复习+模拟试卷
0945 – 1045
Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge
BI Topic 12: Beautiful Flowers
1045 – 1115 Focus: Listening and Speaking
Learning Standard(s): 1.1.4, 1.3.1(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
- Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by answering simple Wh-Questions.
Teaching Aid(s): Pictures of garden, A3 sized paper, coloured paper, coloured pencils, 4 sets of small
pictures of flowers
1. Teacher shows pupils some pictures of beautiful garden to get pupils’ interest.
2. Pupils get into groups, each group get a piece of blank A3 paper. They also get some coloured
papers and they have to colour the pictures of flowers to the colours that they prefer.
3. Pupils cut the flowers and paste them on the paper to make a ‘Garden’. Pupils practise to describe
their garden in their groups. Teacher walks around to give guidance.
4. Pupils talk about their garden in front of the class.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
CCE: Creativity and Innovation

二年级 课题 : 第九课 做个小勇士

道德 内容标准 : 9.1 勇于维护家庭声誉
1115 – 1145 学习标准 : 9.1.2 说出维护家庭声誉的重要性。
跨科学元素 : 创造与革新元素
价值 : 9 勇敢
活动 : 1.学生朗读故事。
2. 学生扮演故事中的人物,讲述家人不支持的心里感受。
反思 :

13.07.2017 (Khamis)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 12: Beautiful Flowers
0730 – 0830 Focus: Reading
Learning Standard(s): 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.3.1(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
•Able to read and understand simple sentences in linear and non-linear texts with guidance.
•Able to read and understand a paragraph of 3-5 simple sentences with guidance.
•Able to read simple text with guidance: non fiction
Teaching Aid(s): reading text taken from TB pg 70, word and picture cards.
1. Ask pupils where they can see beautiful flowers. Guide them to the idea of ‘nursery’.
2. Teacher pre-teaches some new words.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s reading and then read aloud the text. Pupils answer teacher’s questions by
looking for the details from the text.
4. Pupils get into groups and do the reading comprehension on page 49 of their activity book.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
EMK: thinking skill

科学 主题 :3 物理科学
五年级 课题 :8 热能(物质会变冷或变热)
0830 – 0930 内容标准 :8.1 温度和热能
学习目标 :学生能:
1. 通过活动,阐明材料受热后,温度会上升;材料失去热能后,温度会下降
2. 通过加热和冷却水的活,总结物质受热温度会上升,失去热能后,温度会下降
3. 以绘图、信息通讯技术、书写或口述把观察结果加以说明。
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、预测、诠释资料、精确解释法、控制变数、 做实验、假设、传达
价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激、拥有批
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :铜片、盆子
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师观察图片说一说。
3. 教师引导学生做实验。(活动三:又热又冷的铜片)
4. 教师引导学生通过活动,说出材料受热后,温度会上升;材料失去热能后,温度会下降。
5. 学生习作练习。
6. 学生做出结论。

科学 复习+模拟试卷
1045 – 1145
道德 课题 : 第九课 做个小勇士
二年级 内容标准 : 9.1 勇于维护家庭声誉
1305 – 1335 学习标准 : 9.1.2 说出维护家庭声誉的重要性。
9.1.3 讲述能维护家庭声誉感受
跨科学元素 : 创造与革新元素
价值 : 9 勇敢
活动 : 1.学生轮流讲述自己所做过勇于维护家庭声誉的行为。
2. 讨论作业练习。
反思 :

14.07.2017 (Jumaat)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 12: Beautiful Flowers Focus: Reading
1015 – 1045 Learning Standard(s): 2.1.1(c), 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2.1(a), 2.3.1(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupil should be:
•Able to recognize and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable words within given
•Able to blend two to four phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud.
•Able to segment words into phonemes to spell.
•Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by matching words with spoken word.
•Able to read simple text with guidance: non-fiction.
Teaching Aid(s): reading chart (ppt), letter cards, word cards and picture cards.
1. Pupils read the reading text “Ayu’s Nursery” again and teacher gets their attention to the words with
‘ur’ sound.
2. Teacher shows pupils some word cards with /ur/ sounds which taken from the text and reads to pupils.
Then, teacher introduces other words with ‘ur’ sound and drills the pronunciation.
3. Pupils read the sentences with words which containing ‘ur’ sound.
4. Pupils blend the letter cards to form correct words. Then use the words formed to complete sentences.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.


BI Topic 9: Stories From Other Lands
1045 – 1115 Learning Standard(s):5.2.1, 2.2.2(b), 3.2.2(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
•Able to construct interrogative sentences correctly.
Teaching Aid(s): textbook and word cards on wh-questions, worksheet
Vocabulary: what, who, where, how, when, why
EMK: Thinking Skills
1. Teacher asks pupils to match the question words to their function.
2. Pupils read the comic from their textbook and learn to use wh-questions words to construct question.
3. Pupils write questions for the sentences given.
4. Pupils construct interrogative sentences based on a picture given.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.

四年级 单元四:竖笛真有趣
音乐 模组/课题:一、我会吹竖笛
1115 - 1145 内容标准:1.4 合奏地吹笛子
学习标准:1.4.1 正确地吹奏 G,A,B,C’和 D’音名
1.4.2 根据曲谱吹笛子
1.4.4 根据力度吹笛子: 柔(p),强(f)
1 正确地吹奏 G,A,B,C’和 D’音名
2 根据曲谱吹奏乐曲
3 根据力度吹奏笛子:柔,强
活动: 1. 学习吹奏竖笛的正确姿势
2. 学习吹奏竖笛的方式
3. 吹奏 G 音、A 音、B 音、C’和 D’音
4. 吹奏《Norwegian Melody》
5. 吹奏《Ode To Joy》

17.07.2017 (Isnin)

五年级 主题 :3 物理科学
科学 课题 :8 热能(热与温度)
0800 - 0900 内容标准 :8.1 温度和热能
学习目标 :学生能:
1. 说出温度是物质的冷热程度。
2. 说出测请温度的公制单位。
3. 应用正确的仪器和方法測量温度。
4. 以绘图、信息通讯技术、书写或口述把观察结果加以说明。
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、预测、诠释资料、精确解释法、控制变数、做实验、假设、传达
价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激、拥有批判性和分析
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :水银温度计、烧杯
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师观察图片说一说。
3. 教师引导学生说出什么是温度。
4. 教师引导学生说出温度的公制单位。
5. 学生分组使用适当的仪器和方法来测量温度。
6. 学生习作练习。
7. 学生做出结论。

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic 12: Beautiful Flowers
Focus: Writing
0945 – 1015 Learning Standard(s): 3.1.1(a), 3.1.1(b), 3.2.2
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
• Able to write in neat legible print: (a) words.
• Able to write in neat legible print: (b) phrases
• Able to write simple sentences with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): information cards adapted from TB pg 71, enlarged passage taken from TB pg 71,
worksheets, and word cards.
1. Teacher uses pictures of flowers to get pupils’ interest.
2. Pupils look at the information cards shown in slide and answer teacher’s questions.
3. Teacher shows the reading passage and asks pupils to point out the words they saw in the information
4. Pupils work in pairs to complete a text with the information given.
5. Teacher chooses some pupils to read out the answers.
EMK: Creativity and Innovation, MI

二年级 课题 : 第九课 做个小勇士

内容标准 : 9.1 勇于维护家庭声誉
学习标准 : 9.1.1 列出维护家庭声誉的方法
1015 – 1045 跨科学元素 : 创造与革新元素
价值 : 9 勇敢
活动 :
2. 学生举例说出维护家人的情景。
3. 学生扮演故事中角色,自创表演动作或改编对白。
反思 :
Topic 10: Let’s celebrate
Focus: Listening and speaking
1305 - 1335 Learning Standard(s):1.1.3, 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, 18/22 of the pupils should be
•Able to listen to and recite poems paying attention to pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
•Able to talk about Malaysian Festivals with guidance
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, pictures of people live in Malaysia(different races), pictures of different
festivals celebrated in Malaysia.
Vocabulary: Malaysian, festival, Bidayuhs, Eurasians, Negritos, celebrate, respect, kavadis.
EMK: Moral value, MI
1. Show pupils the pictures of people live in Malaysia and get them to name the races that they know.
2. Teacher recites the poem and pupils follow by paying attention to pronunciation, rhythm and
intonation. Then, pupils recite in groups.
3. Pupils listen to the 4 festivals celebrated by Malaysian. Then, in groups, pupils choose a festival and
4. Pupils tell other group about the festival chose by them.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by instilling the moral value.
18.07.2017 (Selasa)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 12: Beautiful Flowers
0800 – 0900 Focus: Writing
Learning Standard(s): 3.1.1(a), 3.1.1(b), 3.2.2
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
- Able to write in neat legible print: (a) words.
- Able to write in neat legible print: (b) phrases
- Able to write simple sentences with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): word cards, picture/ a flower of lily
1. Teacher gets pupils’ interest by showing them a lily.
2. Pupils talk about the flower and teacher writes the key words on the board.
3. Pupils try to say sentences about a lily, a hibiscus and a carnation.
4. Pupils write simple sentences about their favourite flower in their activity book.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
EMK: Entrepreneurship

二年级 课题 : 第九课 做个小勇士

内容标准 : 9.1 勇于维护家庭声誉
学习标准 : 9.1.1 列出维护家庭声誉的方法
0900 – 0930 跨科学元素 : 创造与革新元素
教具 :挂图
价值 : 9 勇敢
活动 : 1.学生观察图意,说出维护家庭声誉的方法。
2. 学生扮演故事中的角色。
3. 说出自己解决方法,并聆听其他学生的意见。
反思 :
六年级 单元二:2.0 以伪代码与流程图表示算法
2.8 编写算法、伪代码和流程图来解决问题。
0945 – 1045 活动 :
反思 :
Topic 10: Let’s celebrate
Focus: Reading
1045 - 1145 Learning Standard(s):2.3.1(b), 3.2.1(b), 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, 18/22 of the pupils should be
- Able to read for information from a non-fiction by completing a double bubble map with guidance
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, word cards
Vocabulary: harvest, blowpipe shooting, traditional, beauty contest, serve, guests
EMK: Moral value, Constructivism
1. Show pupils the pictures of Dayaks and Kadazandusun and get them to say the differences of their
2. Teacher pre teaches new words. Pupils read the passages in their textbook.
3. In groups, pupils find the different between HariGawai and HariKaamatan.
4. Pupils complete a double bubble map in their exercise books.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking pupils to show their double bubble map to their friends.

19.07.2017 (Rabu)


BI Topic 10: Let’s celebrate
0730 – 0830 Focus: writing
Learning Standard(s):3.2.1(a), 3.1.2(b) , 2.2.2(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, 18/22 of the pupils should be
- Able to write(b) phrases in neat cursive writing with correct spelling.
- Able to transfer information with guidance to complete (a) linear texts.
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, word cards
Vocabulary: remember, pray, listen to sermons, recite, take part
EMK: Moral value, Constructivism
1. Ask pupils to name the three main religions in Malaysia and get them to talk about the festivals
celebrated by those religions.
2. Teacher pre teaches new words.
3. Pupils form sentences from a substitution table and read the sentences aloud. Pupils write about
Christmas, Wesak Day and MauludNabi in their exercise books.
4. Pupils write the phrases ‘love our country’ in cursive writing.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking pupils to read aloud the paragraphs they have written.

六年级 复习+模拟试卷
0945 – 1045
Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge
BI Topic 12: Beautiful Flowers
1045 – 1115 Focus: Writing
Learning Standard(s): 3.1.1(a), 3.1.1(b), 3.2.2
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be:
- Able to write in neat legible print: (a) words.
- Able to write in neat legible print: (b) phrases
- Able to write simple sentences with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): Picture of flowers (ppt slide), worksheets.
1. Pupils sing the song “Flowers Everywhere”.
2. Sentence pattern drilling.
3. Pupils drill the sentence pattern orally.
4. Pupils do the writing exercise on the worksheet given.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by choosing some pupils to read out their answers.
EMK: Moral value
Assessment: -

二年级 课题 : 第九课 做个小勇士

道德 内容标准 :9.1 勇于维护家庭声誉
1115 – 1145 学习标准 :9.1.4 实践勇于维护家庭声誉的行为。
跨科学元素 :创造与革新元素
价值 : 9 勇敢
活动 : 1.学生轮流讲述自己所做过勇于维护家庭声誉的行为。
2. 讨论作业练习。
反思 :

20.07.2017 (Khamis)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 12: Beautiful Flowers
0730 – 0830 Focus:Language Arts
Learning Standard(s): 4.1.2, 4.3.1(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
•Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Teaching Aid(s): song lyrics.
1. Teacher asks pupils like to sing song or not.
2. Vocabulary teaching.
3. Pupils sing the song of flowers.
4. Pupils present the song with actions in groups. (LBI join together)
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.

科学 主题 :3 物理科学
五年级 课题 :8 热能(物质会变冷或变热)
0830 – 0930 内容标准 :8.1 温度和热能
学习目标 :学生能:
1. 通过活动,阐明材料受热后,温度会上升;材料失去热能后,温度会下降
2. 通过加热和冷却水的活,总结物质受热温度会上升,失去热能后,温度会下降
3. 以绘图、信息通讯技术、书写或口述把观察结果加以说明。
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、预测、诠释资料、精确解释法、控制变数、 做实验、假设、传达
价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激、拥有批
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :铜片、盆子
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师观察图片说一说。
3. 教师引导学生做实验。(活动三:又热又冷的铜片)
4. 教师引导学生通过活动,说出材料受热后,温度会上升;材料失去热能后,温度会下降。
5. 学生习作练习。
6. 学生做出结论。

科学 复习+模拟试卷
1045 - 1145
道德 课题 : 第九课 做个小勇士
二年级 内容标准 :9.1 勇于维护家庭声誉
1305 – 1335 学习标准 :9.1.4 实践勇于维护家庭声誉的行为。
跨科程元素 :创造与革新元素
价值 : 9 勇敢
活动 : 1.学生写出自己勇于维护家庭声誉的经验。
2. 讨论作业练习。
反思 :

21.07.2017 (Jumaat)

Year 2 Theme: World of Stories

BI Topic 13: Long Long Ago
1015 – 1045 Focus: Listening & Speaking
Learning Standard(s): 1.1.2, 1.1.4, 1.3.1(a), 1.3.1(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
• Able to listen to and enjoy simple stories.
• Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
• Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by answering simple Wh-questions.
• Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by giving True/False replies.
Teaching Aid(s): Big book, story books, pictures taken from “How Melaka Got Its Name”.
1. Show big book and get pupils to talk about the book cover.
2. Pre- teach new words and read the story to pupils.
3. Pupils say some sentences taken from the story.
4. Pupils answer Wh-questions and do the exercises in their activity books.
. Teacher concludes the lesson.
EMK: Moral value, thinking skill


BI Topic 10: Let’s celebrate
1045 – 1115 Focus: Writing
Learning Standard(s):3.1.2(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, 14/22 of the pupils are
- Able to transfer information with guidance to complete (a) linear texts.
Teaching Aid(s): worksheet
Vocabulary: company, gather, chatting away, adults, renew
EMK: Moral value, Constructivism
1. Show pupils a picture of people celebrating Mooncake Festival and get them to talk about. Teacher
jobs down the notes given by pupils on the board.
2. Teacher gives pupils a composition picture and notes. In groups, pupils try to generate ideas to write a
passage about Mooncake Festival.
3. Pupils read aloud their sentences in groups.
4. Pupils complete a passage with the notes given.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking pupils to read aloud the passage they have written.

四年级 单元四:竖笛真有趣
音乐 模组/课题:一、我会吹竖笛 二、大家来演奏
1115 - 1145 内容标准:1.4 合奏地吹笛子
学习标准:1.4.1 正确地吹奏 G,A,B,C’和 D’音名
1.4.2 根据曲谱吹笛子
1.4.3 根据速度吹奏笛子:快、慢
1.4.4 根据力度吹笛子: 柔(p),强(f)
1 正确地吹奏 G,A,B,C’和 D’音名
2 根据曲谱吹奏乐曲
3 根据力度吹奏笛子:柔,强
4 根据速度吹奏笛子:快、慢
活动: 1. 学习吹奏竖笛的正确姿势
2. 学习吹奏竖笛的方式
3. 吹奏 G 音、A 音、B 音、C’和 D’音
4. 吹奏全音符、二分音符、四分音符和八分音符
5. 以快、慢的速度吹奏《Ode To Joy》

24.07.2017 (Isnin)

五年级 主题 :3 物理科学
科学 课题 :8 热能(热对物质的影响)
0800 - 0900 内容标准 :8.1 温度和热能
学习目标 :学生能:
• 加热铁球和铁环
• 在装有颜色水的容器口加上玻璃管,并将容器加热及冷却
• 把瓶口装有气球的瓶子浸在热水和冰里
2. 以绘图、信息通讯技术、书写或口述把观察结果加以说明。
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、预测、诠释资料、精确解释法、控制变数、 做实验、假设、传

价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激、拥有批
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :铁球、气球、蜡烛、锥形瓶、橡皮塞、玻璃管、颜色水、标记笔
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机
2. 学生观察图片说一说。
3. 活动 1:搭乘升降机的颜色水
4. 活动 2: 会变大又变小的铁球
5. 活动 3: 不吹气也能变大的气球
6. 教师引导学生通过活动说出物体遇热膨胀,遇冷收缩。
7. 学生习作练习。
8. 学生做出结论。

Year 2 Theme: World of Stories

Topic 13: Long Long Ago
Focus: Listening & Speaking
0945 – 1015 Learning Standard(s): 1.1.2, 1.1.4, 1.3.1(a), 1.3.1(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
•Able to listen to and enjoy simple stories.
•Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
•Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by answering simple Wh-questions.
•Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by giving True/False replies.
Teaching Aid(s): flash about “Rob the rabbit”.
1. Show pupils the story on “Rob the rabbit” in flash.
2. Guides pupils to understand the story.
3. Ask Wh-questions regarding the story.
4. Pupils fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
CCE: Moral value, thinking skill

二年级 课题 : 第十课 说实话讲信用

内容标准 :10 说实话,对人真诚,做人诚心。
学习标准 :10.1 在家庭里实践诚实的行为
1015 – 1045 跨科学元素 :企业家元素
价值 : 10 诚实
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现讲信用的行为。
2. 学生根据图意,说出应该勇于认错,并答应家人的事一定要做到。
反思 :
Topic 10: Let’s celebrate
Focus: writing
1305 - 1335 Learning Standard(s):3.2.1(a), 3.1.2(b) , 2.2.2(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, 18/22 of the pupils should be
- Able to write(b) phrases in neat cursive writing with correct spelling.
- Able to transfer information with guidance to complete (a) linear texts.
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, word cards
Vocabulary: remember, pray, listen to sermons, recite, take part
EMK: Moral value, Constructivism
1. Ask pupils to name the three main religions in Malaysia and get them to talk about the festivals
celebrated by those religions.
2. Teacher pre teaches new words.
3. Pupils form sentences from a substitution table and read the sentences aloud. Pupils write about
Christmas, Wesak Day and MauludNabi in their exercise books.
4. Pupils write the phrases ‘love our country’ in cursive writing.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking pupils to read aloud the paragraphs they have written.
25.07.2017 (Selasa)

Year 2 Theme: World of Stories

BI Topic 13: Long Long Ago
0800 – 0900 Learning Standard(s): 2.1.1(c), 2.1.2, 2.2.1, 3.1.1(a)
Focus: Reading
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
•Able to recognize and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable words within
given context.
•Able to blend two to four phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud.
•Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by matching words with spoken word.
•Able to write words in neat legible print.
Teaching Aid(s): ppt slide shows words to be taught, sample sentence of each word, pictures and
Vocabulary: own, sow, mow, bow
1. Pupils recite a phonic chant.
2. Pre- teach new words and drill the sentence patterns with pupils.
3. Pupils blend the phonemes shown in ppt slide into recognizable words and read aloud.
4. Pupils form words using the letter cards.
5. Teacher picks some of the pupils to read the words taught by showing them the pictures.
EMK: Language

二年级 课题 : 第十课 说实话讲信用

内容标准 :10.1 在家庭里实践诚实的行为
学习标准 :10.1.2 列出在家庭实践诚实的重要性
0900 – 0930 10.1.3 领悟在家庭里实践诚实态度的影响
跨科学元素 :企业家元素
价值 : 10 诚实
活动 : 1. 讨论诚实的人是对自己的言行负责任。
2. 学生知道做到说实话的行为以得到家人的信任,也是尊重家人的表现。
反思 :
六年级 单元二:2.0 以伪代码与流程图表示算法
2.8 编写算法、伪代码和流程图来解决问题。
0945 – 1045 活动 :
反思 :
Topic 10: Let’s celebrate
Learning Standard(s):3.2.1(b)
1045 - 1145 Focus: writing
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, 16/22 of the pupils are
- Able to read non-fiction text for information and enjoyment with guidance :
- Able to transfer information with guidance to complete a non-linear text.
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, new words enlarged on PowerPoint slide, worksheet
Vocabulary:origins, afterlife, to satisfy, craving, tending
EMK: Contextual learning
1. Teacher recaps the words learnt in the lesson.
2. Pupils look at the pictures and match the correct answers to the questions.
3. Pupils transfer information from a linear text to complete a non-linear text.
26.07.2017 (Rabu)


BI Topic 10: Let’s celebrate
0730 – 0830 Learning Standard(s):4.2.1
Focus: Language arts
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, 16/22 of the pupils are
Able to respond to literacy texts :
(a) characters
(b) place and time
(c) values
Teaching Aid(s): textbook
Vocabulary:delivered, earn, missed, decided, cheapest, costs, begging for, shivering with, sharing
EMK: Moral Value
1. Ask pupils how they celebrate Christmas. Do they buy presents for their family or friends?
2. Teacher pre-teaches new words from the story.
3. Pupils read the story by paragraph and answer questions.
4. Pupils complete the multi-flow map.
5. Pupils write out the dialogue between Tony and his mother in their exercise books.

六年级 复习+模拟试卷
0945 – 1045
Year 2 Theme: World of Stories
BI Topic 13: Long Long Ago
1045 – 1115 Focus: Reading
Learning Standard(s): 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.3.1(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to read and understand simple sentences in linear and non-linear texts with guidance.
- Able to read and understand a paragraph of 3-5 simple sentences with guidance.
- Able to read simple non-fiction text with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): story(Sharing is caring) text on PowerPoint slide, word cards and picture cards
1. Show a picture of farmer to get pupils’ interest.
2. Pre- teach new words and read the story to pupils.
3. Pupils read the story in groups. Pupils answer teacher’s questions orally.
4. Pupils rearrange sentences to form story with guidance in the form of pictures.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
CCE: Moral value, thinking skill

二年级 课题 : 第十课 说实话讲信用

道德 内容标准 :10.1 在家庭里实践诚实的行为
1115 – 1145 学习标准 :10.1.2 列出在家庭实践诚实的重要性
10.1.3 领悟在家庭里实践诚实态度的影响
跨科学元素 :企业家元素
评估 1:学习以诚实的行为解决问题
价值 : 10 诚实
活动 : 1. 讨论诚实的人是对自己的言行负责任。
2. 学生知道做到说实话的行为以得到家人的信任,也是尊重家人的表现。
反思 :

27.07.2017 (Khamis)

Year 2 Theme: World of Stories

BI Topic 13: Long Long Ago
0730 – 0830 Learning Standard(s): 3.1.1(a), 3.2.2
Focus: Writing
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
• Able to write words in neat legible print.
• Able to write simple sentences with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): word/phrase cards, picture cards sentence halves in ppt slide.
1. Show the pictures taken from the story “Sharing is Caring” to get pupils’ interest.
2. Pre- teach new words and drill the sentence patterns with pupils.
3. Pupils read an incomplete story and try to fill in the answers with the guidance given in the form of
pictures. (rebus writing)
4. Pupils write simple sentences in their activity books.
5. Teacher asks some of the pupils read out the sentences write by them.
EMK: Moral value, thinking skill
科学 主题 :3 物理科学
五年级 课题 :8 热能(热对物质的影响)
0830 – 0930 内容标准 :8.1 温度和热能
学习目标 :学生能:
8.1.6 通过活动说出物体遇热膨胀,遇冷收缩
8.1.7 举例说明热胀冷缩的原理应用在日常生活中的重要性
• 铁轨之间的空隙
• 电缆松弛下垂的安装
• 温度计里的水银
8.1.8 以绘图、信息通讯技术、书写或口述把观察结果加以说明。
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、预测、诠释资料、精确解释法、控制变数、 做实验、假设、传达
价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激、拥有批判性和分析
教具 :影片、演示文稿
工具 :玻璃杯、乒乓球、热水、冰块、吸管、玻璃瓶、烧杯、黏土、透明胶纸
教学步骤 :
1. 教师让学生观赏影片来引起动机。
2. 通过活动,教师引导学生说出物体遇热膨胀,遇冷收缩。
- 凹陷的乒乓球
- 紧套一起的杯子
- 会吹泡泡的瓶子
3. 教师把学生分组进行组别大挑战,然后各组学生和其他组别分享讨论结果。
4. 自己测一测。
5. 学生做出结论。

科学 复习+模拟试卷
1045 - 1145
道德 课题 : 第十课 说实话讲信用
二年级 内容标准 :10.1 在家庭里实践诚实的行为
1305 – 1335 学习标准 :10.1.1 讲述在家庭诚实的行为
10.1.4 在家庭里表现出诚实的行为
跨科学元素 :企业家元素
价值 : 10 诚实
活动 : 1. 进行小游戏,犯规者讲信用的行为。
2. 学生要做到。
反思 :

28.07.2017 (Jumaat)

Year 2 Theme: World of Stories

BI Topic 13: Long Long Ago
1015 – 1045 Learning Standard(s): 3.1.1(a), 3.2.2
Focus: Writing s
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to write words in neat legible print.
- Able to write simple sentences with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): word/phrase cards, picture cards sentence halves in PowerPoint slide.
1. Show the pictures of Melaka to get pupils’ interest.
2. Pupils read the simple story of ‘How Melaka Got Its Name’ with guidance. Then, teacher shows
some pictures and pupils match them to the correct sentences.
3. Pupils read incomplete sentences and complete them with words given.
4. Pupils write simple sentences with the words given.
5. Teacher asks some of the pupils read out the sentences write by them.
CCE: Moral value, thinking skill


BI Topic 10: Let’s celebrate
1045 – 1115 Learning Standard(s):5.1.7
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, 14/22 of the pupils are
- Able to use articles ‘the’ and zero article (-)correctly and appropriately
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, worksheet
EMK: Contextual Learning
1. Show pupils some pictures of the festivals and get pupils to name the festivals.
2. Pupils try to say who celebrate certain festivals in a simple sentence.
3. Teacher writes their sentences on the board and emphasizes on the usage of the articles.
4. Teacher explains the rules of using articles.
5. Pupils do exercises on articles.
6. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking pupils to review some of the rules of using articles.

四年级 单元五:音乐新创作
音乐 模组/课题:一、敲击乐器真好玩
1115 - 1145 内容标准:2.1 创作音乐新构思
学习标准:2.1.1 通过探讨简单的材料所发出的各种声音
1 探讨简单的材料所发出的各种声音
活动: 1. 探讨乐器发出的各种声音:响木、手铃、钱鼓、响板
2. 根据音乐敲击乐器
3. 以敲击乐器创作为歌曲伴奏

31.07.2017 (Isnin)

五年级 主题 :4 材料世界
科学 课题 :9 物质(物质的形态)
0800 - 0900 内容标准 :9.1 物质的形态
学习目标 :学生能:
2. 通过活动,阐明固体、液体和气体的性质。
• 质量
• 占据空间
• 体积
• 形态
3. 以绘图、信息通讯技术、书写或口述把观察结果加以说明。
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 : 观察、分类、推断、预测、诠释资料、精确解释法、控制变数、做实验、假

价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激、拥有批
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :石头、电子称、塑料袋、线、量筒、颜色水、碗、杯子、气球、吸
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师观察图片说一说。
3. 教师引导学生说出物质以固体、液体和气体的形态存在。
- 活动 1:固体的性质
- 活动 2:液体的性质
- 活动 3: 气体的性质
5. 学生做出结论。

Year 2 Theme: World of Stories

Topic 13: Long Long Ago
Focus: writing
0945 – 1015 Learning Standard(s): 3.2.2
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
Able to write simple sentences with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): word/phrase cards, picture cards sentence halves in PowerPoint slide.
1. Show pictures taken from the story ‘A Great Reward’ and get pupils to talk about them.
2. Pupils read the simple story of ‘A Great Reward’ with guidance.
3. Pupils read the sentence halves and try to match them to form correct sentences.
4. Pupils rearrange words to form correct sentences.
5. Teacher asks some of the pupils read out the sentences write by them.
CCE: Moral value, thinking skill

二年级 课题 : 第十课 说实话讲信用

内容标准 :10.1 在家庭里实践诚实的行为
学习标准 :10.1.4 在家庭里表现出诚实的行为
1015 – 1045 跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
教具 :故事书
价值 : 10 诚实
活动 : 1 学生找故事书后,阅读故事。
2 聆听故事后,写出感想。
反思 :
Topic 10: Let’s celebrate
Focus: writing
1305 - 1335 Learning Standard(s):3.2.1(a), 3.1.2(b) , 2.2.2(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, 18/22 of the pupils should be
- Able to write(b) phrases in neat cursive writing with correct spelling.
- Able to transfer information with guidance to complete (a) linear texts.
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, word cards
Vocabulary: remember, pray, listen to sermons, recite, take part
EMK: Moral value, Constructivism
1. Teacher distributes writing worksheet to pupils
2. Pupils do it as assessment
3. Discussion
4. Dictation
01.08.2017 (Selasa)

Year 2 Theme: World of Stories

BI Topic 13: Long Long Ago
0800 – 0900 Focus: Language Arts
Learning Standard(s): 4.3.2(c)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to take part with guidance in a performance based on stories.
Teaching Aid(s): mask, dialogue in speech bubble.
1. Pupils read again the story of ‘How Melaka Got Its Name’.
2. Teacher acts the conversation between Parameswara and the servant.
3. Pupils get into group and practice to role play the characters in the story.
4. Pupils perform their role play in front of the class.
5. Teacher sums up the lesson with moral values.
CCE: MI, creativity and innovation

二年级 课题 : 第十课 说实话讲信用

内容标准 : 10.1 在家庭里实践诚实的行为
学习标准 : 10.1.4 在家庭里表现出诚实的行为
0900 – 0930 跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 10 诚实
活动 : 1 学生找故事书后,阅读故事。
2 聆听故事后,写出感想。
反思 :
六年级 Ujian Percubaan UPSR
0945 – 1045
Topic 11: Amazing Malaysia
Focus: listening and speaking
1045 - 1145 Learning Standard(s):1.2.1(a-c), 1.2.4
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, 16/22 of the pupils are able to:-
able to participate in daily conversations :
(a) extend an invitation
(c) decline an invitation
able to participate in guided conversation with peers
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, pictures of interesting places in Malaysia.
CCE: Thinking skills, contextual learning
1. Ask pupils about their weekend’s life.
2. Show pictures of interesting places in Malaysia and get pupils to talk about the interesting facts of
those places.
3. Pupils practice to invite their friends to one of the places and also practice to accept or decline the
4. Pupils say the sentences and pay to attention to the stress used.
5. Teacher asks pupils to role play the conversation.

02.08.2017 (Rabu)


BI Topic 11: Amazing Malaysia
0730 – 0830 Focus: Reading
Learning Standard(s):2.2.3(b), 2.3.1(b), 3.2.1, 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, 16/22 of the pupils are able to:-
-read and demonstrate understanding of texts by :
(a) predicting with guidance
- read for information and enjoyment with guidance :
(b) non-fiction
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, pictures of interesting places in Malaysia, worksheet
CCE: Thinking skills, contextual learning
1. Ask pupils about the places that they would like to visit.
2. Pupils read the brochures in their textbook.
3. Pupils find out the similarities and differences of those two places and complete a double bubble map.
4. Pupils read another passage and complete a double bubble map in their worksheet.
5. Teacher checks the answers.

六年级 Ujian Percubaan UPSR

0945 – 1045
Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge
BI Topic 14: Food
1045 – 1115 Focus: Listening and Speaking
Learning Standard(s): 1.1.3, 1.1.4(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs with guidance.
- Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): Food pictures on ppt slide, word cards on food and meals.
1. Teacher shows the word “breakfast” and asks what they took for their breakfast.
2. Pre- teach new words (food) to the pupils and then recites the rhyme.
3. Pupils recite the rhyme. Pupils point to the food picture when teacher says it.
4. Pupils list down the food they have for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking pupils say the food when the picture shown.
CCE: thinking skills, MI

二年级 课题 : 第十课 说实话讲信用

道德 内容标准 : 10 说实话,对人真诚,做人诚心。
1115 – 1145 学习标准 : 10.1 在家庭里实践诚实的行为
跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 10 诚实
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现出诚实的行为后,表演。
2. 聆听故事后,反思故事人物的行为带来的后果。
反思 :

03.08.2017 (Khamis)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 14: Food
0730 – 0830 Focus: listening and speaking
Learning Standard(s): 1.1.3, 1.1.4(a), 2.2.1(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs with guidance.
- Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): Food pictures on ppt slide, word cards on food and meals.
1. Teacher asks some of the pupils to write their favourite food on the board.
2. Teacher asks what do they have for their breakfast/lunch/dinner and gets them to answer orally.
3. Pupils practice the targeted language.
4. Pupils do a ‘mingle’ to ask their friends what they have for the three meals.
5. Teacher calls some of the pupils to tell the food taken by their friends.
科学 主题 :4 材料世界
五年级 课题 :9 物质(物质的形态)
0830 – 0930 内容标准 :9.1 物质的形态
学习目标 :学生能:
2. 通过活动,阐明固体、液体和气体的性质。
• 质量
• 占据空间
• 体积
• 形态
3. 以绘图、信息通讯技术、书写或口述把观察结果加以说明。
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 : 观察、分类、推断、预测、诠释资料、精确解释法、控制变数、做实验、假设
价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激、拥有批
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :-
教学步骤 :
1. 教师引导学生复述。
2. 教师观察图片说一说。
3. 学生习作练习。
4. 学生做出结论。

科学 Ujian Percubaan UPSR

1045 - 1145
道德 课题 : 第十课 说实话讲信用
二年级 内容标准 : 10 说实话,对人真诚,做人诚心。
1305 – 1335 学习标准 : 10.1 在家庭里实践诚实的行为
跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
评估 2:做个诚实的孩子
价值 : 10 诚实
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现出诚实的行为后,表演。
2. 聆听故事后,反思故事人物的行为带来的后果。
反思 :

04.08.2017 (Jumaat)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 14: Food
1015 – 1045 Focus: Reading
Learning Standard(s): 2.1.1(c), 2.1.2, 2.2.1, 3.1.1(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to recognize and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable words within
given context.
- Able to blend two to four phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud.
- Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by matching words with spoken word.
- Able to write words in neat legible print.
Teaching Aid(s): word cards, sample sentence of each word, pictures and phoneme cards.
1. Pupils recite a phonic chant.
2. Pre- teach new words to the pupils.
3. Pupils blend the phoneme cards into recognizable words and read aloud.
4. Pupils write the words to complete sentences with the guidance in the form of pictures.
5. Teacher picks some of the pupils to read the words taught by showing them the pictures.
CCE: Language


BI Topic 11: Amazing Malaysia
1045 – 1115 Focus: Reading
Learning Standard(s):2.2.3(b), 2.3.1(b), 3.2.1, 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, 16/22 of the pupils are able to:-
-read and demonstrate understanding of texts by :
(a) predicting with guidance
- read for information and enjoyment with guidance :
(b) non-fiction
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, pictures of interesting places in Malaysia, worksheet
CCE: Thinking skills, contextual learning
1. Teacher lets pupils to view the reading texts in flash.
2. Pupils think and choose which place to visit.
3. Pupils write their answer in short paragraph.
4. Sharing time.
5. Exercise time.

四年级 单元五:音乐新创作
音乐 模组/课题:一、敲击乐器真好玩
1115 - 1145 内容标准:2.1 创作音乐新构思
学习标准:2.1.1 通过探讨简单的材料所发出各种声音
1 通过探讨简单的材料所发出各种声音来创作音乐
活动: 1. 探讨拍打身体各个部位发出的声音
2. 探讨敲打课室里的各种物品发出的声音
3. 根据节奏拍打身体或物品

07.08.2017 (Isnin)

五年级 主题 :4 材料世界
科学 课题 :9 物质(物质的形态能改变)
0800 - 0900 内容标准 :9.2 物质的形态变化
学习目标 :学生能:
4. 以绘图、信息通讯技术、书写或口述把观察结果加以说明。
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 : 观察、分类、推断、预测、诠释资料、精确解释法、控制变数、做实验、假

价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激、拥有批
教具 :演示文稿
工具 : 冰块、烧杯、温度计、铁盖子
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师引导学生观察图中物质的性质,说出水的三种形态。
3. 教师引导学生通过各自的生活经验,说出图中水的形态分别发生了什么事。
4. 活动:水在变变变!
8. 学生做出结论。
Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic 14: Food
Focus: Reading
0945 – 1015 Learning Standard(s): 2.2.3, 2.2.4
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to read and understand simple sentences in linear and non-linear texts with guidance.
- Able to read and understand paragraph of 3-5 simple sentences with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): reading chart(ppt slide), pictures
1. Teacher asks “Where is the food come from?”
2. Teacher reads a text on “Where is the food come from?”.
3. Pupils group the food into the correct group.
4. In groups, pupils complete a table of food from different sources.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
CCE: Language, CCTS

二年级 课题 : 第十课 说实话讲信用

内容标准 :10.1 在家庭里实践诚实的行为
学习标准 :10.1.4 在家庭里表现出诚实的行为
1015 – 1045 跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
教具 :故事书
价值 : 10 诚实
活动 : 1 学生找故事书后,阅读故事。
2 聆听故事后,写出感想。
反思 :
Topic 11: Amazing Malaysia
Focus: Reading
1305 - 1335 Learning Standard(s):2.2.3(b), 2.3.1(b), 3.2.1, 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to:-
-read and demonstrate understanding of texts by :
(a) predicting with guidance
- read for information and enjoyment with guidance :
(b) non-fiction
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, pictures of interesting places in Malaysia, worksheet
CCE: Thinking skills, contextual learning
1. Teacher lets pupils to view the reading texts in flash.
2. Pupils think and choose which place to visit.
3. Pupils write their answer in short paragraph.
4. Sharing time.
5. Exercise time.
08.08.2017 (Selasa)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 14: Food
0800 – 0900 Focus: Writing
Learning Standard(s): 3.2.1(a), 1.1.4(a), 2.2.1(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
• Able to complete lists with guidance.
• Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
• Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by matching words with spoken
Teaching Aid(s): Food pictures, a sample of food pyramid, a pyramid template
1. Teacher shows a food pyramid and talks about the quantity of food divided.
2. Teacher tells pupils the benefits of eating a balanced meal.
3. Pupils group the food according to the groups “eat least”, “eat a little”, “eat a lot” and “eat most”
4. Pupils make a list of their meals in a day by referring to the food pyramid.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.

二年级 课题 : 第十课 说实话讲信用

内容标准 : 10.1 在家庭里实践诚实的行为
学习标准 : 10.1.4 在家庭里表现出诚实的行为
0900 – 0930 跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 10 诚实
活动 : 1 学生找故事书后,阅读故事。
2 聆听故事后,写出感想。
反思 :
六年级 单元二:3.0 编程与测试
RBT/TMK 学生能够:
0945 – 1045 3.2 应用编程软件中的工具让角色移动,加入对话框、声音和新的角色。
活动 :1.学生确认工具的功能
反思 :
Year 4 Theme: World of knowledge
Topic 11: Amazing Malaysia
Focus: Writing
1045 - 1145 Learning Standard(s):3.3.1 (b), 2.2.2(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to:-
- Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance
- Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from linear texts
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, invitation texts
CCE: Thinking skills, contextual learning
1. Teacher asks pupils to read the invitation Arun sent to Zain.
2. Guide pupils in understanding the format of invitation
3. Pupils write an invitation to Mimi using Arun’s invitation and notes given.
4. Exercise time.
5. Sharing time.

09.08.2017 (Rabu)

Year 4 Theme: World of knowledge

BI Topic 11: Amazing Malaysia
0730 – 0830 Focus: Writing
Learning Standard(s):3.3.1 (b), 2.2.2(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to:-
- Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance
- Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from linear texts
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, reading texts
CCE: Thinking skills, contextual learning
1. Spelling time
2. Pupils write about Fraser’s Hill using the phrases given.
3. Pupils write about Tioman Island using phrases in group.
4. Exercise time
5. Sharing time

六年级 讨论考试卷和订正
0945 – 1045
Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge
BI Topic 14: Food
1045 – 1115 Focus: Writing
Learning Standard(s): 3.1.1(a-b), 3.2.2, 3.2.4
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to write words and phrases in neat legible print.
- Able to write simple sentences with guidance.
- Able to spell common sight words.
Teaching Aid(s): Food pictures on ppt slide, writing task shown on ppt slide, glue, scissors and pictures
of food.
1. Teacher revises the name of the food and the spelling with pupils.
2. Pupils learn the targeted language for speaking activity.
“What do you like?” “I like…”
3. Pupils choose and cut down the food that they like from their activity books. Pupils paste the
pictures in a circle drew in their activity books. Pupils find their partner and ask for information.
4. Pupils complete the writing task in their activity books.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.

二年级 课题 : 第十课 说实话讲信用

道德 内容标准 : 10 说实话,对人真诚,做人诚心。
1115 – 1145 学习标准 : 10.1 在家庭里实践诚实的行为
跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 10 诚实
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现出诚实的行为后,表演。
2. 聆听故事后,反思故事人物的行为带来的后果。
反思 :

10.08.2017 (Khamis)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 14: Food
0730 – 0830 Focus: writing
Learning Standard(s): 3.1.1(a-b), 2.2.5, 3.2.4
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to write words and phrases in neat legible print.
- Able to arrange words in alphabetical order.
- Able to write simple sentences with guidance.
- Able to spell common sight words.
Teaching Aid(s): word cards on food, small word cards sets, worksheet
1. Sing the “Alphabet Song”.
2. Teacher shows the word cards on food and teaches pupils how to arrange them in alphabetical order.
3. In groups, pupils arrange the small word cards in alphabetical order.
4. Pupils do the worksheet.
5. The class sings the “Alphabet Song” again.
Assessment: Able to arrange words in alphabetical order. (B3DB1E1)

科学 主题 :4 材料世界
五年级 课题 :9 物质(水的循环)
0830 – 0930 内容标准 :9.3 水的自然循环
学习目标 :学生能:
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、预测、诠释资料、精确解释法、控制变数、应用空间与时间的
价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激、拥有批判性和分
教具 :演示文稿
工具 : -
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师引导学生观察图片。
3. 教师引导学生理解云和雨是如何形成的。
4. 活动:一起来造雨
8. 学生做出结论。

科学 讨论考试卷和订正
1045 - 1145
道德 课题 : 第十课 说实话讲信用
二年级 内容标准 : 10 说实话,对人真诚,做人诚心。
1305 – 1335 学习标准 : 10.1 在家庭里实践诚实的行为
跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
评估 2:做个诚实的孩子
价值 : 10 诚实
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现出诚实的行为后,表演。
2. 聆听故事后,反思故事人物的行为带来的后果。
反思 :

11.08.2017 (Jumaat)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 14: Food
1015 – 1045 Focus: Language Arts
Learning Standard(s): 4.1.1, 4.3.2(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to enjoy action songs and jazz chants.
- Able to take part with guidance in a performance based on jazz chant.
Teaching Aid(s): enlarged jazz chat taken from textbook page 84, word cards and picture cards.
1. Show the pictures taken from the textbook and get pupils to arrange them into correct sequence.
2. Teacher chant the jazz chant and pupils follow.
3. In groups, pupils practice the chant and think of the actions.
4. Pupils act out the chant.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by telling pupils to have a balance diet every day.

Year 4 Theme: World of knowledge

BI Topic 11: Amazing Malaysia
1045 – 1115 Focus: Writing
Learning Standard(s):3.1.2 (b), 3.3.1 (b), 2.2.2(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to:-
- Able to write in neat cursive writing
- Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance
- Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from linear texts
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, reading texts
CCE: Thinking skills, contextual learning
1. Spelling time
2. Pupils practice the cursive writing using the phrases given.
3. Exercise time
4. Sharing time

四年级 单元五:音乐新创作
音乐 模组/课题:一、敲击乐器真好玩
1115 - 1145 内容标准:2.1 创作音乐新构思
学习标准:2.1.1 通过探讨简单的材料所发出各种声音
2.1.2 创作简易节奏形态
1 通过探讨简单的材料所发出各种声音来创作音乐
2 创作简易节奏
活动: 1. 探讨拍打身体各个部位发出的声音
2. 探讨敲打课室里的各种物品发出的声音
3. 根据节奏拍打身体或物品
5. 教师讲评

14.08.2017 (Isnin)

五年级 主题 :4 材料世界
科学 课题 :9 物质(水源的重要性)
0800 - 0900 内容标准 :9.4 水源的重要性
学习目标 :学生能:
1. 说出自然水源,例如河流、湖泊、水 井和泉水。
2. 说明保持水源清洁的重要性。
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、诠释资料、假设、传达
价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激、客观的
教具 :演示文稿
工具 : 马尼拉卡、马克笔
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师引导学生观察图片。
3. 教师引导学生说出水的来源。
4. 教师引导学生说明保持水源清洁的重要性。
5. 学生分组活动。
6. 学生习作练习。
7. 学生做出结论。

Year 2 Revision: Unit 10 (Getting around)

1. Teacher revises the vocabularies with pupils
2. Teacher distributes worksheets to pupils
0945 – 1015 3. Pupils do their worksheets
4. Discussion time
5. Dictation time

二年级 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累

内容标准 :11 以勤勉、坚强、不屈不挠、热诚与上进心。持之以恒地做每件事。
学习标准 :11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
1015 – 1045 跨科学元素 :企业家元素 教具:课本图片
价值 : 10 勤勉
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现出勤勉的态度。
2. 狼的后,学生讲述自己在家里是否勤勉。
反思 :
Year 4 Theme: World of knowledge
Topic 11: Amazing Malaysia
Focus: Writing
1305 - 1335 Learning Standard(s):3.1.2 (b), 3.3.1 (b), 2.2.2(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to:-
- Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance
- Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from linear texts
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, reading texts
CCE: Thinking skills, contextual learning
1. Spelling time
2. Pupils use the phrases given to complete the paragraph on “Fraser’s Hill”.
3. Pupils write about Tioman Island using phrases given.
4. Exercise time.
5. Discussion
6. Dictation

15.08.2017 (Selasa)

Year 2 Revision: Unit 11 (Occupation)

BI 1. Teacher revises the vocabularies with pupils
0800 – 0900 2. Teacher distributes worksheets to pupils
3. Pupils do their worksheets
4. Discussion time
5. Dictation time

二年级 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累

内容标准 :11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
学习标准 :11.1.1 列出 在家庭里表现勤勉态度的例子
0900 – 0930 11.1.3 说出在家庭实践勤勉态度的感受
11.1.4 在家庭勤勉地执行任务
跨科学元素 :企业家元素 教具:课本图片
价值 : 11 勤勉
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现出勤勉的行为。
2. 根据自身情况,学生写出自己在家里周末要进行的活动。
反思 :
六年级 单元二:3.0 编程与测试
RBT/TMK 学生能够:
3.2 应用编程软件中的工具让角色移动,加入对话框、声音和新的角色。
0945 – 1045 活动 :1.学生确认工具的功能
反思 :
Year 4 Theme: World of knowledge
Topic 11: Amazing Malaysia
Focus: Grammar
1045 - 1145 Learning Standard(s):5.1.6(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to:-
- Able to use adjectives correctly and appropriately
Teaching Aid(s): textbook
CCE: Thinking skills, contextual learning
1. Teacher uses flash to teach pupils about adjectives.
2. Exercises time
3. Discussion time
4. Dictation
16.08.2017 (Rabu)

Year 4 Theme: World of knowledge

BI Topic 11: Amazing Malaysia
0730 – 0830 Focus: language arts
Learning Standard(s):4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.2.1(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to:-
- Able to enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal response
- Able to sing songs and recite jazz chants and poems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and
- Able to respond to literacy texts :
(b) place and time
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, the lyric of song
CCE: Thinking skills, contextual learning
1. Pupils sing a song on “Going around Malaysia”.
2. Question and Answer session
3. Pupils choose a place that they would like to visit and give reasons for their choice.
4. Exercise time
5. Discussion

六年级 复习+模拟试卷
0945 – 1045
Year 2 Revision: Unit 12 (beautiful flowers)
BI 1. Teacher revises the vocabularies with pupils
1045 – 1115 2. Teacher distributes worksheets to pupils
3. Pupils do their worksheets
4. Discussion time
5. Dictation time

二年级 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累

道德 内容标准 :11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
1115 – 1145 学习标准 :11.1.1 列出 在家庭里表现勤勉态度的例子
11.1.3 说出在家庭实践勤勉态度的感受
11.1.4 在家庭勤勉地执行任务
跨科学元素 :企业家元素 教具:课本图片
价值 : 11 勤勉
活动 : 1. 学生轮流讲述在家里如何表现出勤勉的行为及感受。
2. 学生分享自己在家里周末进行的活动,是否充实又愉快。
反思 :
17.08.2017 (Khamis)

Year 2 Revision: Unit 13 (long long ago)

BI 1. Teacher revises the vocabularies with pupils
0730 – 0830 2. Teacher distributes worksheets to pupils
3. Pupils do their worksheets
4. Discussion time
5. Dictation time

科学 主题 :4 材料世界
五年级 课题 :9 物质(水源的重要性)
0830 – 0930 内容标准 :9.4 水源的重要性
学习目标 :学生能:
1. 说出自然水源,例如河流、湖泊、水井和泉水。
2. 说明保持水源清洁的重要性。
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、诠释资料、假设、传达
价值 :意识到科学即是对自然界的了解、对上苍的恩赐表示感激、客观的态度
教具 :演示文稿
工具 : 马尼拉卡、马克笔
教学步骤 :
1. 教师引导学生复述。
2. 教师观察图片说一说。
3. 学生习作练习。
4. 学生做出结论。

科学 复习+模拟试卷
1045 - 1145
道德 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累
二年级 内容标准 :11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
1305 – 1335 学习标准 :11.1.1 列出 在家庭里表现勤勉态度的例子
11.1.3 说出在家庭实践勤勉态度的感受
11.1.4 在家庭勤勉地执行任务
跨科学元素 : 企业家元素 教具:课本图片
价值 : 11 勤勉
活动 : 1. 学生说出如果在家里没有进行指定活动会带来的后果。
2. 学生轮流举例说出勤勉的活动。
反思 :
18.08.2017 (Jumaat)

Year 2 Revision: Unit 14 (food)

BI 1. Teacher revises the vocabularies with pupils
1015 – 1045 2. Teacher distributes worksheets to pupils
3. Pupils do their worksheets
4. Discussion time
5. Dictation time

Year 4 Revision: Unit 8 – Unit 11

BI 1. Teacher revises the vocabularies with pupils
1045 – 1115 2. Teacher distributes worksheets to pupils
3. Pupils do their worksheets
4. Discussion time
5. Dictation time

四年级 单元五:音乐新创作
音乐 模组/课题:一、敲击乐器真好玩
1115 - 1145 内容标准:2.1 创作音乐新构思
学习标准:2.1.1 通过探讨简单的材料所发出各种声音
2.1.2 创作简易节奏形态
1 通过探讨简单的材料所发出各种声音来创作音乐
2 创作简易节奏
活动: 1. 探讨拍打身体各个部位发出的声音
2. 探讨敲打课室里的各种物品发出的声音
3. 根据节奏拍打身体或物品
5. 教师讲评
28/08/2017 – 03/09/2017

Cuti Pertengahan Penggal II

04.09.2017 (Isnin)

五年级 分发及订正考试卷:
科学 1. 教师分发考试卷给学生。
0800 - 0900 2. 讨论考试卷。
3. 学生订正考试卷。
Year 2 Distribution and dictation of exam paper:
1. Teacher distributes exam paper to pupils.
2. Discussion
0945 – 1015 3. Pupils do dictation

二年级 分发及订正考试卷:
1. 教师分发考试卷给学生。
2. 讨论考试卷。
1015 – 1045 3. 学生订正考试卷。
Year 4 Distribution and dictation of exam paper:
1. Teacher distributes exam paper to pupils.
2. Discussion
1305 - 1335 3. Pupils do dictation

05.09.2017 (Selasa)

Year 2 Discussion and dictation of exam paper:

BI 1. Teacher discusses exam questions with pupils.
0800 – 0900 2. Pupils do dictation.

二年级 讨论及订正考试卷:
2. 学生订正考试卷。
0900 – 0930 反思:
六年级 单元二:3.0 编程与测试
学生能够:3.3 应用合适的编程工具为某个角色制作有顺序结构的程序:
3.3.1 让角色以不同的速度从 A 点移动到 B 点后再回到 A 点。
0945 – 1045 3.3.2 让角色显示合适的对话框。
3.3.3 让角色发出合适的声音。
活动 :1.学生让角色以不同的速度移动
反思 :
Year 4 Discussion and dictation of exam paper:
1. Teacher discusses exam questions with pupils.
2. Pupils do dictation.
1045 - 1145 Reflection:
06.09.2017 (Rabu)

Year 4 Discussion and dictation of exam paper:

BI 1. Teacher discusses exam questions with pupils.
0730 - 0830 2. Pupils do dictation.
0945 - 1045
Year 2 Discussion and dictation of exam paper:
BI Teacher discusses exam questions with pupils.
1045 - 1115 Pupils do dictation.
二年级 讨论及订正考试卷:
道德 1.教师与学生讨论考试卷。
1115 – 1145 2. 学生订正考试卷。

07.09.2017 (Khamis)

Year 2 Discussion and dictation of exam paper:

BI Teacher discusses exam questions with pupils.
0730 - 0830 Pupils do dictation.
科学 分发及订正考试卷:
五年级 1. 教师分发考试卷给学生。
0830 - 0930 2. 讨论考试卷。
3. 学生订正考试卷。

1045 - 1145
道德 讨论及订正考试卷:
二年级 1.教师与学生讨论考试卷。
1305 - 1335 2. 学生订正考试卷。

08.09.2017 (Jumaat)

Year 2 Discussion and dictation of exam paper:

BI 1. Teacher discusses exam questions with pupils.
1015 – 1045 2. Pupils do dictation.
Year 4 Discussion and dictation of exam paper:
BI 1. Teacher discusses exam questions with pupils.
1045 – 1115 2. Pupils do dictation.
四年级 单元五:音乐新创作
音乐 模组/课题:三、旋律
1115 - 1145 内容标准:2.1 创作音乐新构思
学习标准:2.1.2 创作简易节奏形态
2.1.3 以唱出一个乐句的方式创作简易旋律
活动: 1. 演唱《欢乐歌》,《密树林里》
2. 聆听音乐
3. 根据音乐模仿旋律
4. 根据‘旋律问题’创作‘旋律答案’
5. 教师讲评
11.09.2017 – 14.09.2017
Bertugas sebagai pengawas UPSR di SJK Min Daik

15.09.2017 (Jumaat)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 15: Festivals
1015 – 1045 Focus: Listening and speaking
Learning Standard(s): 1.1.4, 1.2.1(b), 1.3.1(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
- Able to participate in daily conversations: talk about oneself.
- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral text by answering simple Wh-questions.
Teaching Aid(s): Pictures of festivals celebrated in Malaysia (ppt slide), Pictures of different races.
1. Show a mooncake and get pupils’ interest to the word ‘festivals’.
2. Teacher shows the pictures of different festivals celebrated in Malaysia and the people in Malaysia.
3. Teacher asks questions such as “What festival is it?” “Who celebrate it?” and pupils answer orally.
4. In group, pupils talk about the festival they get.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
EMK: MI, language

Year 4 Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends

BI Topic: Doing What Is Right
1045 – 1115 Focus: Listening and speaking
Cont. Stand: 1.1
Learn. Stand.: 1.1.2, 1.1.3,
Objective : By the end of the lesson , pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with
the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
Activities :
1. Listen to and enjoy stories.
2. Listen to and recite poems, tongue twisters and sing songs, paying attention to
pronunciation, rhythm and intonation
3.Teaching Homophones to pupils.
T/Aids : picture cards
HOTS : Multiple Intelligence Reflection:

四年级 单元五:音乐新创作
音乐 模组/课题:三、旋律
1115 - 1145 内容标准:2.1 创作音乐新构思
学习标准:2.1.2 创作简易节奏形态
2.1.3 以唱出一个乐句的方式创作简易旋律
活动: 1. 演唱《欢乐歌》,《密树林里》
2. 聆听音乐
3. 根据音乐模仿旋律
4. 根据‘旋律问题’创作‘旋律答案’
5. 教师讲评

18.09.2017 (Isnin)

Bertugas sebagai pengawas UPSR di SJK Min Daik

19.09.2017 (Selasa)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 15: Festivals
0800 – 0900 Focus: Listening and speaking
Learning Standard(s): 1.1.4, 1.2.1(b), 1.3.1(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
- Able to participate in daily conversations: talk about oneself.
- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral text by answering simple Wh-questions.
Teaching Aid(s): Pictures of festivals celebrated in Malaysia (ppt slide), Pictures of different races.
2. Show a mooncake and get pupils’ interest to the word
3. Teacher shows the pictures of different festivals celebrated in
Malaysia and the people in Malaysia.
4. Teacher asks questions such as “What festival is it?” “Who
celebrate it?” and pupils answer orally.
5. In group, pupils talk about the festival they get.
6. Teacher concludes the lesson.
EMK: MI, language

二年级 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累

内容标准 :11 以勤勉、坚强、不屈不挠、热诚与上进心。持之以恒地做每件事。
学习标准 :11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
0900 – 0930 跨科学元素 :企业家元素 教具:课本图片
价值 : 10 勤勉
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现出勤勉的态度。
2. 狼的后,学生讲述自己在家里是否勤勉。
反思 :
六年级 单元二:3.0 编程与测试
RBT/TMK 学生能够:
3.4 应用合适的编程工具为某个角色制作有单分支结构的程序:
0945 – 1045 3.4.1 让角色随意移动。
3.4.2 让碰到其他物体的角色显示合适的对话框与发出合适的声音。
3.4.3 对所完成编码的程序进行测试运行与错误修正。
活动 : 1.学生让角色以不同的速度移动
反思 :
Year 4 Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: Doing What Is Right
Focus: Listening and speaking
1045 - 1145 Cont. Stand: 1.1
Learn. Stand.: 1.1.2, 1.1.3,
Objective : By the end of the lesson , pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with
the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
Activities :
1. Listen to and enjoy stories.
2. Listen to and recite poems, tongue twisters and sing songs, paying attention to
pronunciation, rhythm and intonation
3.Teaching Homophones to pupils.
T/Aids : picture cards
HOTS : Multiple Intelligence Reflection:
20.09.2017 (Rabu)

Year 4 Theme : World of Self , Family and Friends

BI Unit : 12
0730 – 0830 Topic: Doing what is right
Cont. Stand: 2.2 , 2.3
Learn. Stand.: 2.2.2 , 2.3.1
Objective: By the end of the lesson , pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding if variety of
linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to
construct meaning.
1. Read the speech
2. Look at the pictures and find the paragraphs that tell you about each picture.
3. Rearrange the pictures in correct order.
4. Worksheet
5. Discussion
6. Dictation
T/Aids : picture cards , phoneme cards , words cards
HOTS : Thinking skills, Multiple Intelligence

六年级 讨论考试卷和订正
0945 – 1045
Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge
BI Topic 15: Festivals
1045 – 1115 Focus: Reading
Learning Standard(s): 2.1.1(c), 2.1.2, 2.2.1, 3.1.1(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to recognize and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable words within
given context.
- Able to blend two to four phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud.
- Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by matching words with spoken word.
- Able to write words in neat legible print.
Teaching Aid(s): ppt slide shows words(ear sound) to be taught, sample sentence of each word, pictures
and worksheets.
1.Pupils recite a phonic chant.
2. Pre- teach new words to the pupils.
3. Pupils blend the phonemes shown in ppt slide into recognizable words and read aloud.
4. Pupils write the words to complete sentences with the guidance in the form of pictures.
5. Teacher picks some of the pupils to read the words taught by showing them the pictures.
EMK: Language

二年级 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累

道德 内容标准 :11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
1115 – 1145 学习标准 :11.1.1 列出 在家庭里表现勤勉态度的例子
11.1.3 说出在家庭实践勤勉态度的感受
11.1.4 在家庭勤勉地执行任务
跨科学元素 :企业家元素
教具 :课本图片
价值 : 11 勤勉
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现出勤勉的行为。
2. 根据自身情况,学生写出自己在家里周末要进行的活动。
反思 :

21.09.2017 (Khamis)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 15: Festivals
0730 – 0830 Focus: Reading
Learning Standard(s): 2.2.3, 2.2.4
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
Able to read find information to complete a table.
Able to read and understand paragraph of 3-5 simple sentences with guidance.
Able to group the vocabulary into correct family.
Teaching Aid(s): reading chart(ppt slide), pictures of traditional food and costumes
1. Teacher asks “How do you celebrate Chinese New Year?” and gets pupils to talk about it.
2. Teacher reads a text taken from the textbook. (Festivals in Malaysia).
3. Pupils read the text and list out the ‘festival’, ‘food’ and ‘clothing’ mentioned in the text.
4. In groups, pupils complete a table taken from the textbook.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
EMK: Language

科学 主题 :4 材料世界
五年级 课题 :10 酸与碱
0830 – 0930 内容标准 :10.1 物质的化学性质
学习目标 :学生能:
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、分类、预测、精确解释法、控制变数、做实验、假设、传达
价值 :诚实并准确记录和证实相关的资料、拥有批判性和分析事物的思考
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :石蕊试纸、各种化学物质的液体、培养皿
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师引导学生举例酸性物质、碱性物质和中性物质
3. 教师引导学生将物质根据石蕊试纸颜色的变化分类。
4. 教师引导学生以石蕊试纸颜色的变化解释物质的酸性、碱性和中性。
5. 教师引导学生讨论酸性物质、碱性物质和中性的物质在日常生活中的重要性。
6. 教师引导学生针对酸性物质和碱性物质如何改变某种物质的化学性质作出见解。
7. 学生分组活动。
8. 学生习作练习。
9. 学生做出结论。
科学 讨论考试卷
1045 - 1145
道德 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累
二年级 内容标准 :11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
1305 – 1335 学习标准 :11.1.1 列出 在家庭里表现勤勉态度的例子
11.1.3 说出在家庭实践勤勉态度的感受
11.1.4 在家庭勤勉地执行任务
跨科学元素 :企业家元素
价值 : 11 勤勉
活动 : 1. 学生说出如果在家里没有进行指定活动会带来的后果。
2. 学生轮流举例说出勤勉的活动。
反思 :
22.09.2017 (Jumaat)

Cuti Umum – Awal Muharam

25.09.2017 (Isnin)

五年级 主题 :4 材料世界
科学 课题 :10 酸与碱
0800 - 0900 内容标准 :10.1 物质的化学性质
学习目标 :学生能:
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、分类、预测、精确解释法、控制变数、做实验、假设、传达
价值 :诚实并准确记录和证实相关的资料、拥有批判性和分析事物的思考
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :石蕊试纸、各种化学物质的液体、培养皿
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师引导学生举例酸性物质、碱性物质和中性物质
3. 教师引导学生将物质根据石蕊试纸颜色的变化分类。
4. 教师引导学生以石蕊试纸颜色的变化解释物质的酸性、碱性和中性。
5. 教师引导学生讨论酸性物质、碱性物质和中性的物质在日常生活中的重要性。
6. 教师引导学生针对酸性物质和碱性物质如何改变某种物质的化学性质作出见解。
7. 学生分组活动。
8. 学生习作练习。
9. 学生做出结论。
Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic 15: Festivals
Focus: writing
0945 – 1015 Learning Standard(s): 3.1.1(b-c), 3.1.2(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
 Able to write words and phrases in neat legible print.
 Able to answer simple Wh-questions.
Teaching Aid(s): Enlarged dialogue taken from the textbook
1. Teacher shows different people in Malaysia and gets pupils talk about the festival they celebrate.
2. Pre-teach the new words (clothing/food). Teacher reads the dialogue and pupils listen.
3. Pupils read the dialogue in two groups and answer teacher’s Wh-questions.
4. Pupils complete a table in their exercise books.
5. LBI: Saringan menulis
6. Closure: Teacher concludes the lesson.

二年级 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累

内容标准 :11 以勤勉、坚强、不屈不挠、热诚与上进心。持之以恒地做每件事。
学习标准 :11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
1015 – 1045 跨科学元素 :企业家元素 教具:课本图片
价值 : 10 勤勉
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现出勤勉的态度。
2. 狼的后,学生讲述自己在家里是否勤勉。
反思 :
Year 4 Theme :World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: Doing What Is Right
Focus: Writing
1305 - 1335 Cont. Stand: 3.2
Stand.: 3.1.2, 3.3.1, 3.1.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.4
Objective : By the end of the 6- year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write using appropriate
language, form and style for a range of purposes
Activities :
1. Write in neat cursive writing with correct spelling: (b) phrases
2. Create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance: (b) linear texts
3. Write in neat legible print with correct spelling: (b) sentences
4. Transfer information with guidance to complete: (a) linear texts
5. Spell words by applying spelling rules
T/Aids : picture cards , words cards
HOTS : Multiple Intelligence , Creativity and Innovation
26.09.2017 (Selasa)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 15: Festivals
0800 – 0900 Focus: writing
Learning Standard(s): 3.1.1(b-c), 3.1.2(b)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
 Able to write words and phrases in neat legible print.
 Able to answer simple Wh-questions.
Teaching Aid(s): Enlarged dialogue taken from the textbook
6. Teacher shows the flash to pupils.
7. Pupils name their favourite festival.
8. Pupils draw something about their favourite festival.
9. Pupils write something about their favourite festival.
10. LBI: Saringan menulis

二年级 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累

内容标准 :11 以勤勉、坚强、不屈不挠、热诚与上进心。持之以恒地做每件事。
学习标准 :11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
0900 – 0930 跨科学元素 :企业家元素
价值 : 10 勤勉
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现出勤勉的态度。
2. 学生讲述自己在家里是否勤勉。
反思 :
六年级 单元二:3.0 编程与测试
RBT/TMK 学生能够:
3.4 应用合适的编程工具为某个角色制作有单分支结构的程序:
0945 – 1045 3.4.1 让角色随意移动。
3.4.2 让碰到其他物体的角色显示合适的对话框与发出合适的声音。
3.4.3 对所完成编码的程序进行测试运行与错误修正。
活动 : 1.学生让角色以不同的速度移动
反思 :
Year 4 Theme :World of Self, Family and Friends
BI Topic: Doing What Is Right
Focus: language arts
1045 - 1145 Cont. Stand: 4.1
Learn. Stand.: 4.2.1, 4.3.2
Objective : By the end of the lesson , pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes , poems and
Activities :
1. Respond to literary texts: (a) characters (b) place and time (c) values
2. Plan, prepare and participate in a performance with guidance based on literary works.
T/Aids : picture cards , words cards
HOTS : Multiple Intelligence

27.09.2017 (Rabu)

Year 4 Theme :World of Self, Family and Friends

BI Topic: Doing What Is Right
0730 – 0830 Focus: Grammar
Cont. Stand: 5.1
Learn. Stand.: 5.1.8
Objective : By the end of the lesson , pupils will be able to use different word classes correctly and
Activities :
1. Use adverbs correctly and appropriately: (a) manner
T/Aids : words cards
HOTS : Multiple Intelligence

六年级 讨论考试卷和订正
0945 – 1045
Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge
BI Topic 15: Festivals
1045 – 1115 Focus: Language Arts
Learning Standard(s): 4.3.1
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on jazz chant.
Teaching Aid(s): jazz chant projected on PowerPoint slide.
1. Set Induction: Show Christmas cards to get pupils attention.
2. Teacher recites the jazz chant projected on the slide twice.
3. Pupils recite the jazz chant after teacher. (LBI)
4. Pupils recite the jazz chant in groups.
EMK: Language

二年级 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累

道德 内容标准 :11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
1115 – 1145 学习标准 :11.1.1 列出 在家庭里表现勤勉态度的例子
11.1.3 说出在家庭实践勤勉态度的感受
11.1.4 在家庭勤勉地执行任务
跨科学元素 :企业家元素
教具 :课本图片
价值 : 11 勤勉
活动 : 1. 师生讨论如何表现出勤勉的行为。
2. 根据自身情况,学生写出自己在家里周末要进行的活动。
反思 :

28.09.2017 (Khamis)

Year 2 Theme: World of Stories

BI Topic 15: Festivals
0730 – 0830 Learning Standard(s): 4.3.1
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on jazz chant.
Teaching Aid(s): sample of Christmas cards and coloured pencils
1. Set Induction: Teacher shows a Christmas card to get pupils’ interest.
2. Teacher gives instructions on how to produce a Christmas card.
3. Pupils make their Christmas card.
4. Pupils write message in the card and then give the card to their friend.
5. LBI: Saringan menulis
Assessment: -

科学 主题 :4 材料世界
五年级 课题 :10 酸与碱
0830 – 0930 内容标准 :10.1 物质的化学性质
学习目标 :学生能:
4. 以石蕊试纸颜色的变化解释物质的酸性、碱性和中性
5. 以石蕊试纸颜色的变化、味道和触觉来測试一些物质以概括物质的酸性、碱性和中性
6. 根据石蕊试纸颜色变化举例酸性物质、碱性物质和中性物质
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、分类、预测、精确解释法、控制变数、做实验、假设、传达
价值 :诚实并准确记录和证实相关的资料、拥有批判性和分析事物的思考能力、勇
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :石蕊试纸、各种化学物质的液体、培养皿
教学步骤 :
1. 教师引导学生复述。
2. 教师观察图片说一说。
3. 学生习作练习。
4. 学生做出结论。

科学 讨论考试卷和订正
1045 - 1145
道德 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累
二年级 内容标准 :11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
1305 – 1335 学习标准 :11.1.1 列出 在家庭里表现勤勉态度的例子
11.1.3 说出在家庭实践勤勉态度的感受
11.1.4 在家庭勤勉地执行任务
跨科学元素 :企业家元素
价值 : 11 勤勉
活动 : 1. 学生说出如果在家里没有进行指定活动会带来的后果。
2. 学生轮流举例说出勤勉的活动。
反思 :

29.09.2017 (Jumaat)

Year 2 Theme: World of Knowledge

BI Topic 15: Games
1015 – 1045 Focus: Listening & Speaking
Learning Standard(s): 1.1.4, 1.3.1(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral text by answering simple Wh-questions.
Teaching Aid(s): Pictures of games (ppt slide), Pictures of the equipment used to play the games.
1. Set Induction: Ask pupils what is their favourite game.
2. Presentation: Teacher shows the pictures of games and gets pupils to talk about them.
3. Practice: Teacher asks questions such as “What game is it?” “Where do they play this game?” , “What
do they use?” and pupils answer orally.
4. Production: In groups, pupils recite a jazz chant.
5. LBI: Breaking words into sounds.
6. Closure: Teacher sum up the lesson.
EMK: MI, language

Year 4 Theme :World of Self, Family and Friends

BI Topic: Doing What Is Right
1045 – 1115 Focus: Grammar
Cont. Stand: 5.1
Learn. Stand.: 5.1.8
Objective : By the end of the lesson , pupils will be able to use different word classes correctly and
Activities :
1. Teacher teaches adverbs of manner to pupils
2. Pupils complete the passage with the adverbs given
3. Worksheet
4. Discussion
5. Dictation
T/Aids : words cards
HOTS : Multiple Intelligence

四年级 单元五:音乐新创作
音乐 模组/课题:三、旋律
1115 - 1145 内容标准:2.1 创作音乐新构思
学习标准:2.1.2 创作简易节奏形态
2.1.3 以唱出一个乐句的方式创作简易旋律
1 创作简易节奏
2 唱出一个创作的简易乐句
活动: 1. 演唱《Di Sini Senang》,《欢乐歌》
2. 聆听音乐
3. 根据音乐模仿旋律
4. 根据‘旋律问题’创作‘旋律答案’
5. 教师讲评

02.10.2017 (Isnin)

五年级 主题 :5 地球与宇宙
科学 课题 :11 地球、月球和太阳
0800 - 0900 内容标准 :11.1 地球的运转
学习目标 :学生能:
1. 说出地球绕着地轴自转的同时也随着轨道绕着太阳公转
2. 通过模拟实验,描述地球的自转与公转的方向和时间
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、预测、精确解释法、控制变数、做实验、假设、传达
价值 :诚实并准确记录和证实相关的资料、拥有批判性和分析事物的思考能力、勇于
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :手电筒、尺、、吸管、铅笔、图画纸
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师引导学生说出地球绕着地轴自转的同时也随着轨道绕着太阳公转。
3. 实验 1:模拟地球自转和公转
3. 教师引导学生通过模拟实验,描述地球的自转与公转的方向和时间
4. 教师讲解。
5. 教师引导学生分组活动。
6. 学生习作练习。
7. 学生做出结论。
Year 2 Theme: World of Stories
Topic 16: Games
Focus: Reading
0945 – 1015 Learning Standard(s): 2.1.1(c), 2.1.2, 2.2.1, 3.1.1(a)
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
 Able to recognize and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable words within
given context.
 Able to blend two to four phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud.
 Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by matching words with spoken word.
 Able to write words in neat legible print.
Teaching Aid(s): rhyme with /air/sound shown in the ppt slide, letters cards, activity book.
1. Pupils recite a phonic chant.
2. Teacher recites a rhyme with /air/ sound and pupils follow. Pupils find the words with /air/ sound.
3. Pupils form words with /air/ sound and read them aloud.
4. Pupils listen to teacher and complete a rhyme with the words given.
5. Teacher picks some of the pupils to recite the rhyme that they had completed.

二年级 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累

内容标准 : 11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
学习标准 : 11.1.2 讲述 在家庭实践勤勉态度的重要性。
1015 – 1045 跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 11 勤勉
活动 : 1. 玩游戏,学生说出如果没有表现出勤勉的态度会带来什么后果。
2. 学生轮流举例说出实践勤勉的重要性。
反思 :
Year 4 Theme : World of Knowledge
BI Topic: Our Country , Our Pride
1305 - 1335 Focus: listening and speaking
Cont. Stand: 1.1
Learn. Stand.: 1.1.4, 1.2.4
Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with
the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
Activities :
1. Teacher asks pupils to look at the different symbols of our country.
2. Pupils talk about how they can show their love and loyalty to the country.
3. Q&A session
T/Aids : picture cards
HOTS : Multiple Intelligence
03.10.2017 (Selasa)

Year 2 Theme: World of Stories

BI Topic 16: Games
0800 – 0900 Focus: Reading
Learning Standard(s): 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.1
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
 Able to read and understand phrases in linear and non-linear texts with guidance.
 Able to read and understand simple sentences in linear and non-linear texts with guidance.
 Able to read simple fiction text with guidance.
Teaching Aid(s): chant (ppt slide), notice projected on ppt slide, question cards.
1. Teacher shows a picture of Badminton Tournament and gets pupils to talk about it.
2. Teacher recites a chant taken from the textbook. Pupils recite a chant and answer teacher’s
questions orally.
3. Pupils read a notice with teacher and answer questions orally.
4. In groups, pupils complete the sentences in their activity books.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
EMK: Language

二年级 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累

内容标准 : 11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
学习标准 : 11.1.1 列出 在家庭里表现勤勉态度的例子
0900 – 0930 11.1.2 讲述 在家庭实践勤勉态度的重要性。
11.1.3 说出在家庭实践勤勉态度的感受
跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 11 勤勉
活动 : 1. 学生写一写在家里进行的活动,完成好行为卡。
2. 学生轮流举例说出家人所进行的勤勉活动,并以他为榜样。
反思 :
六年级 单元二:4.0 制作编程项目
4.1 使用已学过的编程功能和角色制作一个具吸引力和创意的编程项目。所使用的编程功
0945 – 1045 能必须适合程序中的角色,即按照下列的程序开发步骤:
4.1.1 情景理解。
4.1.2 算法、伪代码和流程图设计。
4.1.3 程序编码。
活动 :1.教师引导学生构思情景
反思 :
Year 4 Theme : World of Knowledge
BI Topic: Our Country , Our Pride
1045 - 1145 Focus: Reading
Cont. Stand: 2.2
Learn. Stand.: 2.2.2, 2.3.1, 2.2.4, 2.3.1, 2.2.3
Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding if variety of linear
and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct
Activities :
1. Teacher guides pupils to read a conversation and answer the WH questions.
2. Discussion
3. Correction
T/Aids : reading text
HOTS : Thinking skills, Multiple Intelligence

04.10.2017 (Rabu)

Cuti Peristiwa – Mooncake Festival

05.10.2017 (Khamis)

Year 2 Theme: World of Stories

BI Topic 16: Games
0730 – 0830 Focus: Writing
Learning Standard(s): 3.2.2, 3.2.3(a), 3.1.1
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
 Able to write sentences from a substitution table.
 Able to punctuate correctly.
 Able to write words and phrases in neat legible print.
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, reading text, word cards and phrase cards, information cards.
1. Chant: “Hockey, Badminton, Squash”.
2. Teacher shows a text about my favourite game and read with pupils. Group reading.
3. Teacher guides pupils say about their favourite games based on the text and the information given.
4. Pupils write about their favourite game in their exercise books.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
EMK: Language
Assessment: -

科学 主题 :5 地球与宇宙
五年级 课题 :11 地球、月球和太阳
0830 – 0930 内容标准 :11.1 地球的运转
学习目标 :学生能:
1. 说出地球绕着地轴自转的同时也随着轨道绕着太阳公转
2. 通过模拟实验,描述地球的自转与公转的方向和时间
3. 通过模拟实验,解释昼夜的形成
4. 描述地球绕着地轴自转将会造成:
• 昼夜的形成
• 太阳的位置看似不断改变
• 影子的长度和方向的变化
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、预测、精确解释法、控制变数、做实验、假设、传达
价值 :诚实并准确记录和证实相关的资料、拥有批判性和分析事物的思考能力、勇于
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :手电筒
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师引导学生复述
3. 教师引导学生通过模拟实验,解释昼夜的形成。
4. 教师引导学生说出地球绕着地轴自转将会造成什么现象。
5. 活动:一天内太阳和影子的变化
6. 学生习作练习。
7. 学生做出结论。

科学 升中科学
1045 – 1145
道德 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累
二年级 内容标准 : 11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
1305 – 1335 学习标准 : 11.1.1 列出 在家庭里表现勤勉态度的例子
11.1.2 讲述 在家庭实践勤勉态度的重要性。
11.1.3 说出在家庭实践勤勉态度的感受
跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 11 勤勉
活动 : 1. 唱儿歌,然后找出有关勤劳的行为。
2. 学生轮流举讲述如何培养爱劳动和勤奋学习的精神。
反思 :

06.10.2017 (Jumaat)

Year 2 Theme: World of Stories

BI Topic 16: Games
1015 – 1045 Learning Standard(s): 3.2.2, 3.2.3(a), 3.1.1
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
 Able to write sentences from a substitution table.
 Able to punctuate correctly.
 Able to write words and phrases in neat legible print.
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, reading text, word cards and phrase cards, information cards.
1. Teacher asks some pupils talk about their favourite games.
2. Teacher shows a text describing Rinong’s favourite game and read together with pupils.
3. In pairs, pupils ask their friend’s favourite game.
4. Pupils write about their favourite game and one of their friends’ favourite game in their activity
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.
EMK: Language
Assessment: -

Year 4 Theme : World of Knowledge

BI Topic: Our Country , Our Pride
1045 – 1115 Focus: Reading
Cont. Stand: 2.2
Learn. Stand.: 2.2.2, 2.3.1, 2.2.4, 2.3.1, 2.2.3
Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding if variety of linear
and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct
Activities :
1. Teacher gives pupils a reading text.
2. Pupils read and try to understand the text.
3. Pupils answer the questions.
4. Discussion
5. Doing correction
T/Aids : reading text
HOTS : Thinking skills, Multiple Intelligence

四年级 单元六:认识不同的音乐
音乐 模组/课题:一、亚洲音乐
1115 - 1145 内容标准:3.1 欣赏各种形式乐曲
学习标准:3.1.1 通过所听的音乐辨识乐器的类型
1 辨识所听到的音乐所使用的乐器
2 说出有关乐器的表演方式
活动: 1. 聆听亚洲乐曲
2. 师生共同讨论乐曲中所使用的乐器
3. 讨论有关乐器的表演方式

09.10.2017 (Isnin) – 11.10.2017 (Rabu)

Menghadiri Kursus Pedagogi Pemulihan Bahasa Inggeris Kepada Guru Bahasa Inggeris Bukan Opsyen Program LINUS 2.0
(Literasi Bahasa Inggeris) Tahun 2017 – Secara Onsite

12.10.2017 (Khamis)

Year 2 Theme: World of Stories

BI Topic 16: Games
0730 – 0830 Learning Standard(s): 3.2.2, 3.2.3(a), 3.1.1
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
 Able to write sentences from a substitution table.
 Able to punctuate correctly.
 Able to write words and phrases in neat legible print.
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, reading text, word cards and phrase cards, information cards.
6. Teacher asks some pupils talk about their favourite games.
7. Teacher shows a text describing Rinong’s favourite game and read together with pupils.
8. In pairs, pupils ask their friend’s favourite game.
9. Pupils write about their favourite game and one of their friends’ favourite game in their activity
10. Teacher concludes the lesson.
EMK: Language
Assessment: -

科学 主题 :5 地球与宇宙
五年级 课题 :11 地球、月球和太阳
0830 – 0930 内容标准 :11.1 地球的运转
学习目标 :学生能:
• 昼夜的形成
• 太阳的位置看似不断改变
• 影子的长度和方向的变化
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、预测、精确解释法、控制变数、做实验、假设、传达
价值 :诚实并准确记录和证实相关的资料、拥有批判性和分析事物的思考能力、勇于
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :手电筒
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师引导学生复述
3. 学生习作练习。
4. 讨论答案。
5. 订正。
6. 学生做出结论。

科学 升中科学
1045 - 1145
道德 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累
二年级 内容标准 :11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
1305 – 1335 学习标准 :11.1.1 列出 在家庭里表现勤勉态度的例子
11.1.3 说出在家庭实践勤勉态度的感受
11.1.4 在家庭勤勉地执行任务
跨科学元素 :企业家元素
价值 : 11 勤勉
活动 : 1. 学生说出如果在家里没有进行指定活动会带来的后果。
2. 学生轮流举例说出勤勉的活动。
反思 :
13.10.2017 (Jumaat)

Merentas desa dan sukaneka

16.10.2017 – 20.10.2017

Cuti Sekolah – Perayaan Deepavali

23.10.2017 (Isnin)

五年级 主题 :5 地球与宇宙
科学 课题 :11 地球、月球和太阳
0800 - 0900 内容标准 :11.1 地球的运转
学习目标 :学生能:
• 昼夜的形成
• 太阳的位置看似不断改变
• 影子的长度和方向的变化
跨课程元素 :信息通讯技术
科学程序技能 :观察、推断、预测、精确解释法、控制变数、做实验、假设、传达
价值 :诚实并准确记录和证实相关的资料、拥有批判性和分析事物的思考能力、勇于
教具 :演示文稿
工具 :手电筒
教学步骤 :
1. 引起动机。
2. 教师引导学生复述
3. 学生习作练习。
4. 讨论答案。
5. 订正。
6. 学生做出结论。

Year 2
0945 – 1015
二年级 课题 : 第十二 合作力量大
内容标准 : 12.1 对学校的活动给予合作
学习标准 : 12.1.1 列出在校内可共同进行的活动。
1015 – 1045 跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 12 合作
活动 : 1. 学生能分辨个人和团体活动。
2. 学生进行个人和组别活动。
3. 学生能举例说出至少两个需要大伙一起进行的活动。
4. 学生知道在组别活动里要有分工、作出个贡献的精神。
反思 :
Year 4 Theme : World of Knowledge
BI Topic: Our Country , Our Pride
1305 - 1335 Focus: Writing
Cont. Stand: 3.2
Learn. Stand.: 3.3.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.1
Objective : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to write using appropriate language, form and
style for a range of purposes
Activities :
1. Create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance: (a) linear texts (b) linear texts
2. Write in neat cursive writing with correct spelling: (b) phrases
3. Write in neat legible print with correct spelling: (b) sentences
T/Aids : picture cards, words cards
HOTS : Multiple Intelligence , Creativity and Innovation
24.10.2017 (Selasa)

Year 2 Theme: World of knowledge

BI Topic 16: Games
0800 – 0900 Learning Standard(s): 3.2.2, 3.2.3(a), 3.1.1
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to write sentences from a substitution table.
- Able to punctuate correctly.
- Able to write words and phrases in neat legible print.
Teaching Aid(s): worksheet
1. Teacher gives a few worksheets to pupils.
2. Pupils finish the worksheets individually.
3. Classroom discussion.
4. Do correction.
5.Teacher concludes the lesson.
EMK: Language
Assessment: -

二年级 课题 : 第十二 合作力量大

内容标准 : 12.1 对学校的活动给予合作
学习标准 : 12.1.1 列出在校内可共同进行的活动。
0900 – 0930 12.1.2 讲述在校内互相合作的好处
跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 12 合作
活动 : 1. 学生进行组别活动。
2. 学生体现互助精神。
3. 学生表现合作力量,提升同学之间凝聚力。
4. 学生道出有合作精神的组员,并展示合作结果。
5. 学生说出讨论结果及好处。
反思 :
六年级 单元二:4.0 制作编程项目
4.1 使用已学过的编程功能和角色制作一个具吸引力和创意的编程项目。所使用的编程功能必
0945 – 1045 须适合程序中的角色,即按照下列的程序开发步骤:
活动 :1.教师引导学生进行编程设计
反思 :
Year 4 Theme : World of Knowledge
BI Topic: Our Country , Our Pride
1045 - 1145 Focus: Writing
Cont. Stand: 3.2
Learn. Stand.: 3.3.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.1
Objective : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to write using appropriate language, form and
style for a range of purposes
Activities :
1. Teacher asks pupils to read and understand the text on “National Day”.
2. In group, pupils write about “Malaysia Day” celebration.
3. Gallery walk.
4. Discussion.
5. Worksheets time.
6. Teacher concludes the lesson.
T/Aids : reading text, worksheets
HOTS : Multiple Intelligence , Creativity and Innovation

25.10.2017 (Rabu)

Year 4 Theme : World of Knowledge

BI Topic: Our Country , Our Pride
0730 – 0830 Focus: language arts
Cont. Stand: 4.1
Learn. Standard.: 4.1. 1 , 4.1.2, 4.2.1
Objective : By the end of the lesson , pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes , poems and
Activities :
1. Enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal response.
2. Sing songs and recite jazz chants and poems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and
Respond to literary texts: (c) values
T/Aids : picture cards , words cards
HOTS : Multiple Intelligence

六年级 升中科学
0945 – 1045
Year 2 Theme: World of knowledge
BI Topic 16: Games
1045 – 1115 Focus: language arts
Learning Standard(s): 4.1.2
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Teaching Aid(s): lyrics, music
1. Teacher guides pupils to read and understand the lyrics
2. Pupils sing the song with guidance.
3. Pupils sing in group, in pair and individually.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson.
EMK: Language
Assessment: -

二年级 课题 : 第十二 合作力量大

道德 内容标准 : 12.1 对学校的活动给予合作
1115 – 1145 学习标准 : 12.1.1 列出在校内可共同进行的活动。
12.1.2 讲述在校内互相合作的好处
跨科学元素 : 企业家元素
价值 : 12 合作
活动 : 1. 学生进行组别连接橡皮筋活动。
2. 学生聆听步骤后展开活动。
3. 橡皮筋连接得最长的组获胜。
4. 各组利用自己的橡皮筋玩跳绳,之后说出合作的好处及感受。
反思 :

26.10.2017 (Khamis)

Year 2
0730 – 0830
0830 – 0930
科学 升中科学
1045 - 1145
道德 课题 : 第十一课 辛勤劳动不怕累
二年级 内容标准 :11.1 在家庭里实践勤勉的态度
1305 – 1335 学习标准 :11.1.1 列出 在家庭里表现勤勉态度的例子
11.1.3 说出在家庭实践勤勉态度的感受
11.1.4 在家庭勤勉地执行任务
跨科学元素 :企业家元素
价值 : 11 勤勉
活动 : 1. 学生说出如果在家里没有进行指定活动会带来的后果。
2. 学生轮流举例说出勤勉的活动。
反思 :

27.10.2017 (Jumaat)

Year 2 Theme: World of knowledge

BI Topic 17: Once upon a time
1015 – 1045 Focus: listening and speaking
Learning Standard(s): 1.1.2, 1.1.4, 1.3.1
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
- Able to listen to and enjoy simple stories.
- Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by answering simple Wh-Questions.
Teaching Aid(s): textbook, stories book
4. Teacher asks pupils to choose a storybook.
5. Pupils read and tell their friends why they like the story.
6. Pupils talk about the characters in the story.
7. Teacher concludes the lesson.
EMK: Language
Assessment: -

Year 4 Theme : World of Knowledge

BI Topic: Our Country , Our Pride
1045 – 1115 Focus: Grammar
Cont. Stand: 5.1 Learn. Stand.: 5.1.8
Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to use different word classes correctly and
Activities :
1. Pupils use adverbs correctly and appropriately in exercises
2. Discussion.
3. Do correction.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson.
T/Aids : words cards
HOTS : Multiple Intelligence

四年级 单元六:认识不同的音乐
音乐 模组/课题:二、西方古典音乐
1115 - 1145 内容标准:3.1 欣赏各种形式乐曲
学习标准:3.1.1 通过所听的音乐辨识乐器的类型
1 辨识所听到的音乐所使用的乐器
2 说出有关乐器的表演方式
活动: 1. 聆听西方乐曲
2. 师生共同讨论乐曲中所使用的乐器
3. 讨论有关乐器的表演方式

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