IoT 02 00011 v2
IoT 02 00011 v2
IoT 02 00011 v2
A Conceptual Architecture in Decentralizing Computing,
Storage, and Networking Aspect of IoT Infrastructure
Yustus Eko Oktian , Elizabeth Nathania Witanto and Sang-Gon Lee *
Abstract: Since the inception of the Internet of Things (IoT), we have adopted centralized architecture
for decades. With the vastly growing number of IoT devices and gateways, this architecture struggles
to cope with the high demands of state-of-the-art IoT services, which require scalable and responsive
infrastructure. In response, decentralization becomes a considerable interest among IoT adopters.
Following a similar trajectory, this paper introduces an IoT architecture re-work that enables three
spheres of IoT workflows (i.e., computing, storage, and networking) to be run in a distributed
manner. In particular, we employ the blockchain and smart contract to provide a secure computing
platform. The distributed storage network maintains the saving of IoT raw data and application data.
The software-defined networking (SDN) controllers and SDN switches exist in the architecture to
provide connectivity across multiple IoT domains. We envision all of those services in the form of
separate yet integrated peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay networks, which IoT actors such as IoT domain
owners, IoT users, Internet Service Provider (ISP), and government can cultivate. We also present
several IoT workflow examples showing how IoT developers can adapt to this new proposed
architecture. Based on the presented workflows, the IoT computing can be performed in a trusted
Citation: Oktian, Y.E.; Witanto, E.N.;
and privacy-preserving manner, the IoT storage can be made robust and verifiable, and finally, we can
Lee, S.-G. A Conceptual Architecture
react to the network events automatically and quickly. Our discussions in this paper can be beneficial
in Decentralizing Computing,
for many people ranging from academia, industries, and investors that are interested in the future of
Storage, and Networking Aspect of
IoT in general.
IoT Infrastructure. IoT 2021, 2,
Keywords: IoT architecture; distributed system; IoT workflow; blockchain; software-defined networking
relatively “single” location, it eases the hackers’ attempt to find targets for their attacks.
They will be most likely to attack the Cloud environment by stealing the data [4] or disrupt
their operations through ransomware [5].
On the other hand, the massive IoT data also brings complexity to the networking
sector. The IoT infrastructure may suffer from packet bursts due to the possibility that
many IoT devices send their data simultaneously. Moreover, IoT applications (e.g., in the
smart disaster prevention application) may require fast responses to IoT events. Therefore,
IoT data need to be sent to the Cloud quickly, and the devices must receive feedback as
soon as possible. The current centralized networking infrastructure poses severe threats
from these scalability issues.
To revolutionize IoT infrastructure, researchers begin to take an interest in the decen-
tralized IoT architecture as an alternative to replace the outdated centralized paradigm
(c.f. [6] to get more insights on the trade-offs between centralized and distributed IoT
architecture). On the other side, the blockchain, the underlying technology behind the
Bitcoin [7], gained popularity recently. Bitcoin proved that complete decentralization
(without trusted party intervention) is possible. This news brought blockchain adaptation
to many sectors such as IoT [8]. Consequently, it transfers the decentralization hype to the
IoT sector as well.
Following the quest to develop a decentralized architecture for IoT, we propose a
decentralization strategy throughout three spheres of computing, storage, and networking
in this paper. We believe that they are all intertwined in the general-level of IoT workflows.
Therefore, they all deserve decentralization re-works. The goal and contribution of this
paper are to introduce a possible decentralized architecture for IoT using the building
blocks from our previous literature survey. They are mostly a combination of blockchain,
distributed storage, and software-defined networking (SDN).
In our conceptual architecture, the government maintains three decentralized, shared
services: peer-to-peer (P2P) Computing Overlay, P2P Storage Overlay, and P2P Networking
Overlay. The IoT domain owners govern their domain independently, comprising IoT
gateway, local SDN switches, and IoT devices. They provision IoT services to IoT users
through their IoT gateway. The Internet Service Provider (ISP) provides connectivity across
IoT domains through their autonomous system (AS), which comprises ISP server and
root SDN switches. Finally, the IoT developers build their applications in the form of
decentralized applications (DApps) and deploy them in IoT gateways. The DApps can
connect to the provisioned decentralized services to provide various IoT workflows such
as computing, storage, and networking.
Through the given IoT workflows, the gateways can train IoT data distributedly with-
out sharing the IoT data with other entities, therefore preserving data privacy. However,
the gateways can also share their collected data if they want to by storing it in decentralized
storage. The hash of the data will also be stored in the blockchain. The receiving party
can then validates the integrity of the shared data by comparing the hash of the received
file with the one in the blockchain. Finally, the networking overlay allows the gateways
and the ISP servers to collaborate in providing intra- and inter-domain routing across all
entities. Overall, our conceptual architecture can serve as an alternative to the existing IoT
architectures by bringing decentralization benefits to the IoT infrastructure.
We organize the rest of this paper as follows. Section 2 investigates the related
research papers on decentralizing IoT architecture. Section 3 outlines the background
and motivation of this paper. We then discuss our proposed architecture from low-level
perspective in Section 4, while the high-level perspective is discussed in the following
Section 5. Several examples of IoT workflows that IoT developers can perform in our
architecture are presented in Section 6. Finally, we discuss limitations and future research
directions in Section 7, and concludes in Section 8.
IoT 2021, 2 207
2. Related Works
Several kinds of research regarding decentralized computing for IoT exist in the lit-
erature. Kolhar et al. [9] construct a decentralized IoT-based biometric face detection for
lockdown cities during COVID-19 outbreaks. To fully restrict public movements, they pro-
pose three-layer architecture (i.e., application layer, edge layer, and device layer) and
then build a deep learning framework on top of it. The framework can perform multi-
task cascading to recognize the face of individuals. BlockIoTIntelligence [10] combines
blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) for IoT big data analysis purposes. It comprises
three layers of architecture: cloud, fog, and edge; all are integrated using a blockchain
network. The given quantitative analysis shows that the proposed architecture produces
small overheads compared to similar architecture without blockchain integration. BlockSe-
cIoTNet [11] proposes a decentralized security architecture using SDN, blockchain, and fog
servers for a smart city environment. SDN is used for continuous monitoring of IoT traffics
to collect necessary data for detection. Meanwhile, the actual attack detection happens in
each of the fog nodes. The blockchain is used to deliver a distributed detection while also
mitigate the single-point-of-failure problem.
Concept papers for decentralized computing are also available. Ning and Wang [12]
propose a future IoT architecture concept in two aspects: Unit IoT and Ubiquitous IoT.
The Unit IoT refers to the basic IoT unit with specific special applications, which has a
man-like nervous (MLN) model. On the other hand, the Ubiquitous IoT concept refers to
an “everything connected, intelligently controlled, and anywhere covered” architecture,
a modified and enhanced version of the MLN model. Sarkar et al. [13] propose a layered IoT
architecture to ensure interoperability among many IoT devices. The Virtual Object Layer
(VOL) is responsible for the virtualization of IoT physical objects or entities. The Composite
Virtual Objects (CVO) coordinates those entities in the VOL. Finally, the Service Layer (SL)
is responsible for creating and managing IoT services, which abstract the underlying IoT
process to the IoT applications.
Aside from computing, decentralized storage has also been investigated in the lit-
erature. Narendra et al. [14] propose decentralized cloud-based storage for IoT data.
The components of their approach include software-defined storage and mini-data centers.
Specifically, they find solutions on where to place the mini-data centers to minimize the
latency, ranging from IoT data collection to data migration. ChainSplitter [15] is a hierar-
chical blockchain storage strategy in industrial IoT (IIoT) to eliminate blockchain storage
issues, where all nodes must store all of the data locally. Using ChainSplitter, most of
the blocks are stored in the clouds, whereas most recent blocks are stored in the overlay
networks in the IIoT network. Two connectors exist in the architecture to bind the cloud
storage with the blockchain storage.
The data from the decentralized can then also be used for an efficient data sharing
mechanism. BeeKeeper [16] combines blockchain and homomorphic encryption (HE)
for threshold IoT service systems. In their systems, users encrypt their data using HE
and store them in the blockchain. The servers then can query the encrypted data and
perform computation in the cipher space using HE. This way, the data privacy of the
users is preserved. Zhu et al. [17] use blockchain to build a decentralized platform for
storing and trading IoT data. They acknowledge the limitation that blockchain requires
high computing resources. Therefore, they design a novel consensus mechanism involving
uneven equilibrium distributions of resources among the participants. The authors then
use a Cournot model to optimize the active density factor and Nash equilibrium to balance
the number of sensors.
Driven by the motivation to push IoT computations to the edge and the network,
Dragon [18] develops a scheme to enable distributed IoT network architecture without
connecting to gateways or servers. Dragon can facilitate the users’ query for IoT resources
or commands and routes it to the intended nodes efficiently, all without any central entity
involved in the process. Nour et al. [19] propose a decentralized IoT network architecture
based on the named data networking concept. Their proposal includes device and service
IoT 2021, 2 208
networking, communication model, network management, and network naming. They also
consider node mobility, hand-off, packet design, and push and pull data service scenarios
in their architecture.
In the realm of SDN-based infrastructure for IoT, DistBlackNet [20] combines SDN
and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) to form a distributed secure SDN-IoT archi-
tecture for smart cities. By using the concept of distributed SDN controllers, the authors
separate the whole IoT network into several clusters. Their approach leads to better
results in network performances, security, and privacy. Still related to SDN-IoT archi-
tecture, DistBlockNet [21] proposes the use of blockchain to secure a distributed SDN
for IoT. The authors propose a new Flow Rules insertion scheme using the blockchain,
which enables SDN entities to verify the Flow Rules’ origin, validate the Flow Rules table,
and download the latest Flow Rules table without the need of a trusted intermediary.
SoftNet [22] utilizes SDN to manage mobile network architecture so that it becomes 5G-
ready. The authors’ strategy includes defining the architecture dynamically, decentralized
mobility management, distributed data forwarding, and multi-RATS coordination. Based
on those ideas, they can design an efficient and scalable network that improves the overall
system performance.
Similar to our proposal, the previously mentioned researches are related to distributed
IoT architecture. However, we cannot provide a fair comparison in terms of efficiency or
usefulness between our works with others as the scope of this paper is only to introduce
our conceptual architecture. Therefore, in Table 1 we measure our comparison based
on the coverage area. From that table, we can see that other researchers only consider
decentralization in one or two aspects from computing, storage, and networking workflow.
Meanwhile, we provide all aspects of workflows in our architecture. This trend shows the
necessity to provide decentralization in all aspects of IoT to realize a fully decentralized
IoT infrastructure.
Table 1. The comparison between our proposed architecture and the state-of-the-art based on their decentralization coverage
in terms of computing (Comp.), storage (Stor.), and networking (Net.)
3. Preliminaries
This section mentions several background and motivations of our concept paper in
decentralizing the computing, storage, and networking aspect of IoT architecture.
4. Low-Level Architecture
From a low-level perspective, our proposed architecture can be divided into four major
physical or logical hardware components: the overlay networks, the IoT actors, the IoT
domains, and the autonomous systems. We summarize them in Figure 1 and elaborate
as follows.
Figure 1. Our conceptual decentralized IoT architecture from a low-level perspective. The government manages three
overlay networks, which host shared decentralized services. The domain owners maintain the IoT domains and supply IoT
resources to IoT users. Finally, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) provides connectivity to others through their autonomous
system (AS).
IoT 2021, 2 211
areas, may have lower computing, storage, and networking resources than those in the
“smart factory or smart home” sector. Our proposed architecture is general enough to cope
with various use cases.
Local SDN switches: Sets of local SDN switches exist in the domain to control the
intra-domain and inter-domain traffics [28]. The administrator may separate their roles into
logical switches and routers, with switches control the intra-domain traffics and routers
control inter-domain traffics. This way, IoT devices can all be connected and also attached
to entities outside their domain. All local SDN switches correlate to the local SDN controller
in the administrative IoT gateway for that domain.
IoT gateways: IoT gateway is the entry point, and manager for the IoT domains,
in which all decisions on what traffics or operations performed in the domain is resolved.
The domain owner must administer this gateway. As a result, all actions made inside the
gateway are subject to the domain owner’s regulation.
5. High-Level Architecture
From a high-level perspective, our proposed architecture comprises many software
components scattered in overlay networks, IoT devices, SDN switches, IoT gateways,
and ISP servers. We summarize them in Figure 2 and elaborate as follows.
Data Sharing Agreement: When a party wants to share data with others, they can
consult the computing overlay to facilitate a trustable data sharing agreement using the
smart contract. The sharer must anchor the hash of their data to the blockchain. Then,
the receiver can verify the shared data by comparing the hash of the received data with the
one previously stored in the blockchain [36].
Figure 2. Our conceptual decentralized IoT architecture from a high-level perspective shows the necessary software
components each entity needs. Red color indicates local processings while yellow, green, and blue colors are related to P2P
Computing, Storage, and Networking Overlay, respectively.
produce valuable insights on the local network, such as the number of connected devices,
possible congested ports or paths, and an intrusion attempt by attackers [39]. The controller
can then store this network state in the networking overlay for management purposes.
Global Network State: In the presence of multiple SDN controllers, such as the one in our
architecture, the controllers must collaborate to provide inter-domain routing among SDN
domains. To do so, they need to share their local network state. The networking overlay can
mediate the transfers of local network states to all controllers. Once the controllers receive
all network state updates, they can aggregate the updates and form a global network
state [39].
6. Local Database: A local database exists in the gateway to provide temporary data
storage for ephemeral data (e.g., temporary logs or pointers used for data processing).
The gateway deletes the data when it becomes unnecessary anymore. Alternatively,
the gateway can persist this data in IPFS or blockchain network when necessary before
deleting it.
7. REST API Module: The gateway provides IoT services to IoT users from open REST
API endpoints. IoT devices can also use those endpoints to submit their IoT data or to
submit their blockchain transactions. Recall that the gateway piggybacks all the burden
from IoT devices because they have constrained resources. Furthermore, IoT developers
leverage this API to deploy SDN applications in the IoT-domain level area. This module
is versatile, and it can serve multiple distinct clients simultaneously.
Figure 3. Training the IoT data collaboratively using Federated Learning, highlighting a possible computing workflow in
our architecture.
First, the IoT users initiate a global model with random parameters and then submit it
to the IPFS (Step 1). The users then create a training job (including the training objective) in
the smart contract and submit the IPFS hash, pointing where to download the initial global
models (Step 2). At any given time, any domain owner (represented by his IoT gateway)
can join the training job. After joining, he/she gets the global model’s IPFS hash (Step 3)
and then downloads the model (Step 4).
During IoT operations, IoT devices send their data to the IoT gateway (Step 5), which is
relayed by the local SDN switches inside the domain (Step 6). The gateway then trains the
previously downloaded global model using the collected IoT data (Step 7). The gateway
trains the model for several epochs until it reaches the required accuracy stated in the
training job. Once the training completes, the gateway stores the updated model to the
IPFS (Step 8) and submits the IPFS hash to the smart contract (Step 9).
Multiple gateways may participate in the training job. They all submit their training
result to the IPFS and smart contract. After the training round finishes, the users collect all
IPFS hashes of the updated models from the smart contract (Step 10). Using these hashes,
they download the models (Step 11) and aggregate them to get a more accurate model
(Step 12). This workflow may repeat for several rounds until the training objectives are
achieved. The newly updated global models will now become the initial global model for
the next round.
Benefits: Committing to this computing workflow improves the privacy and robustness
of the system. Because IoT gateway trains the IoT data locally, the data never leaves the
IoT domain. Therefore, only IoT devices and gateway know the data; the data privacy is
preserved. IoT gateway also collaboratively trains the local model with other gateways and
produces a more accurate global model by aggregating all local updates from gateways.
Due to this decentralized nature, the training can be continuously performed even when a
particular gateway fails when crashing.
Figure 4. Storing and verifying IoT data, highlighting a possible storage workflow in our architecture.
When the IoT data need to be shared or audited, the gateway can disclose the as-
sociated IPFS hash to verifiers (Step 6). In this example, we use IoT users as verifiers.
Upon receiving the hash, the users validate the IPFS hash to the smart contract (Step 7).
First, they must make sure that the miners already validate the sender’s tx. Second,
they check that the IPFS hash exists in the smart contract. If both verifications are valid,
the users can get their IoT data by presenting the IPFS hash to the P2P Storage Overlay
(Step 8–9). Finally, the users can use or audit the IoT data (Step 10).
Note that the data stored in the IPFS is not encrypted in this example. However, the gate-
way can add any encryption algorithm that they want to protect the data confidentiality.
Benefits: In this mentioned workflow, the gateway can store and share its data distribut-
edly through the IPFS. Because we store the data in a decentralized manner, they become
robust to failure or censorship. Moreover, the smart contract preserves the integrity of the
submitted IPFS hash. Any malicious tampering of the data can be easily detected as the
modification will change the IPFS hash, and it will not match the previously stored hash in
the smart contract.
Figure 5. Delivering IoT data traffics across IoT domains, highlighting a possible networking workflow in our architecture.
The IoT device A crafts an IoT data packet for device B and sends it to the SDN switch
(Step 1). Assuming that A never sends packets to B before, the switch sends Packet-In
messages to the SDN controller, which resides in the IoT gateway (Step 2). The controller
query for an up-to-date global network state from the P2P Networking Overlay (Step 3).
Using the newly collected information, the controller then calculates forwarding paths for
this packet (Step 4) and installs them in the switch using the Flow-Mod message (Step 5).
IoT 2021, 2 218
Following the previous Flow-Mod message instructions, the switch relays the packet
to the destination domain (Step 6). The corresponding SDN switch retrieves this packet
and sends Packet-In messages to its SDN controller (Step 7). Similar to what happens in
the source domain, the controller gathers an up-to-date global network (Step 8) before
constructing forwarding paths (Step 9). The controller then sends a Flow-Mod message
to the switch and installs the forwarding paths (Step 10). The switch then transmits the
packet to its destination (Step 11).
The IoT device B sends a reply for device A and delivers the packet to the switch.
However, because the forwarding path has been previously installed in Steps 10 and
5, the switches can directly relay the packet to its destination (i.e., device A) without
contacting the SDN controllers. Therefore, the reply message takes lesser time to deliver
compared to the initial message.
Note that the packet delivery across the domain may involve root SDN switches and
controllers. However, we omit those steps for simplicity, as they are generally similar to
Steps 2–5, in which the Packet-In and Flow-Mod messages are generated in sequence.
Benefits: The P2P Networking Overlay is used in this mentioned workflow to maintain
an up-to-date global network state of SDN controllers from multiple IoT domains. The
overlay also facilitates the OpenFlow message transmission between the SDN controllers
and the SDN switches. Therefore, the overlay network plays a crucial role in managing the
delivery of IoT traffics efficiently.
7. Discussion
This paper’s immediate future work will be its implementation and evaluation be-
cause we write this paper as a concept paper. We design the architecture based on our
literature surveys on emerging technologies such as blockchain, decentralized storage,
and software-defined networking. Previous researches discuss implementations of those
technologies, and many are available as open-source projects. Therefore, given enough
time, we argue that our design should be feasible to implement. However, we project sev-
eral challenges and issues remain after implementation, which may hinder the applications
in the production setting. We mention some of them in the following paragraphs.
In terms of computing, the smart contract’s execution is expensive to perform in a pub-
lic network (i.e., permission-less blockchain) because users must pay the miners to perform
the PoW algorithm to secure the network. For the same security reason, the blockchain must
also throttle the throughput to ensure consistency across all blockchain nodes. This decision
limits the throughput of the network to only perform about 15 transactions per second
for the Ethereum case. Moreover, PoW is also power-hungry, and it is not suitable for the
environment [41].
As an alternative, adopters can deploy a private network (i.e., permissioned blockchain)
to boost the system’s scalability. For example, Quorum [42], a modified Ethereum blockchain
tailored for enterprises, uses Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus protocol to enable
thousands of transactions per second throughput. However, BFT-variant consensus only al-
lows a limited number of nodes. As a result, there is a trade-off between a high throughput
or a high number of nodes [43].
Future research directions for our P2P Computing Overlay should enhance the
blockchain network’s performance, especially for IoT cases, where the data traffic volume
is high and may come from many sources of IoT devices. The current state of blockchain
performance will cause a bottleneck in the system.
In terms of storage, the file stored in the decentralized storage is hard-to-trace and
hard-to-delete. It is very challenging to determine who is the origin or owner of a partic-
ular stored data, even though this feature may still be proven helpful in some scenarios
(e.g., the data cannot be censored by an authoritarian government). The saved data also
become hard-to-delete because of the duplications made to ensure high availability. As a re-
sult, when the users want to remove the data, they must find the stored data locations
before deleting it.
IoT 2021, 2 219
To solve the hard-to-trace issue, we can make rules that all stored data must be signed
and logged in the blockchain, as shown in our Storage Workflow example in Section 6.2.
This way, we can quickly determine who uploads the given data to the P2P Storage Overlay.
Meanwhile, solving the hard-to-delete problem is more complicated. It may involve finding
an efficient algorithm for deduplication. However, if we de-duplicate the data, it becomes
less compromised to failure if the node saving that data fails.
Further research must be conducted to find solutions for the trade-off to ensure data
stability, thus ensuring high availability and easy-to-delete, especially for IoT cases, where
most of the IoT data is ephemeral data. We may not need the raw data after we obtain
micro- or macro-processing results. Furthermore, querying data from decentralized storage
is also slower compared to centralized storage. Hence, enhancing the query performance is
also an essential requirement.
In terms of networking, SDN controllers and the underlying SDN switches can col-
laborate through the OpenFlow protocol. However, there is no standardized protocol that
governs the collaboration among SDN controllers. This absence may pose problems in
our P2P Networking Overlay because ISP from one AS may have different opinions in
handling the network than the one in other ASs. Consequently, they may find it difficult to
reach agreements and continue to maintain the network moving forward.
Future protocol design to solve the ISP interoperability issue is necessary, especially
for IoT network case, which usually covers a wide-level management area comprises
of multiple networks at city-level, national-level, or international-level. This vast area
coverage means more frequent collaborations between ASs are required.
8. Conclusions
This paper introduced a conceptual decentralized IoT architecture throughout three
IoT workflows: computing, storage, and networking. The Ethereum smart contract facili-
tated secure computation for IoT entities in the form of P2P Computing Overlay. The IPFS,
as our P2P Storage Overlay, maintained the saving of IoT data, FL model, or applica-
tion data distributedly. SDN controllers and SDN switches, as P2P Networking Overlay,
were leveraged to govern the intra-domain and inter-domain communication. IoT de-
velopers built their customized applications using those shared overlays and deployed
them in IoT gateways. By committing to our architecture, the IoT computation could be
made private without leaking the IoT data while maintaining robust IoT data storage
and reactive IoT networking. Because we only proposed our architecture design in this
paper, its implementation and evaluation became our immediate future works. Meanwhile,
several limitations and future research directions for realizing our proposal were also
discussed in this paper.
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