The Physical Self: I. Multiple Choice
The Physical Self: I. Multiple Choice
The Physical Self: I. Multiple Choice
I. Multiple Choice:
3. Who considered the body as the initial source of sensation and necessary for the
origin and maintenance of personality?
A. William James
B. Erik Erikson
C. Santrock
10. It is defined as a social system that is characterized by the shared meanings that
are attributed to people and events by its members.
A. Socialization
B. Culture
C. Tradition
B. Identification:
12. It is defined as "a tendency to interpret the world in terms of European or Anglo-
American values and experiences.
13. This is the concept a person has about himself that develops over the years. This
includes aspects of his life that he was born into like family, nationality, gender,
physical traits as well as the choices he makes, such as what he does for a living.
who his friends are and what he believes in.
14. On this theory, the self-image is shaped and reflected from the social world.
Other people's reaction would serve as a mirror in which people see themselves
particularly the way in which they are perceived and judged by others.