Bureau of Fire Protection
Bureau of Fire Protection
Bureau of Fire Protection
College of Criminology
Cor. Magsaysay & Quezon St.
Dagocdoc , Tandag City
Telefax : (086) 211-3046
BFP is responsible for ensuring public safety through prevention and/or suppression of all
destructive fires on buildings, houses, and other similar structure, forests, and land
transportation vehicles and equipment, ships/vessels docked at piers, wharves or anchored at
major seaports, petroleum industry installations.
Under Presidential Decree No. 765 dated January 1, 1975, the Fire Department was integrated
with the Philippine Constabulary/Integrated National Police (PC/INP) until it was organized as
the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) under R.A. No. 6975, the Department of the Interior and
Local Government Act, enacted in 1990. The BFP is mandated to ensure public safety through
the prevention and suppression of all kinds of destructive fires; enforce the Fire Code of the
Philippines (PD 1185); investigate all causes of fires and file complaints with the appropriate
agencies; and assist the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) during national emergencies.
The BFP is required to establish at least one (1) fire station with adequate firefighting facilities
and equipment in every province, city and municipality and provide highly trained officers and
staff with capability, initiative and foresight to effectively implement their fire prevention and
suppression programs and assist during national emergencies. As of September 2005, out of
1,617 total provinces, cities and municipalities, only 807 have fire stations and only 747 have
been provided with fire station buildings.
“We serve, so that others may live”. As a public safety agency, our organization adheres
to the doctrine of life preservation in the event of emergency, disaster and calamity.
Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
College of Criminology
Cor. Magsaysay & Quezon St.
Dagocdoc , Tandag City
Telefax : (086) 211-3046
A modern fire service fully capable of ensuring a fire safe nation by 2034.
We commit to prevent and suppress destructive fires, investigate its causes; enforce
Fire Code and other related laws: respond to man-made and natural disasters and other
The Fire Bureau shall be responsible for the prevention and suppression of all
destructive fires on buildings, houses and other structures, forest, land transportation
vehicles and equipment, ships or vessels docked at piers or wharves or anchored in
major seaports, petroleum industry installations, plane crashes and other similar
incidents, as well as the enforcement of the Fire Code and other related laws.
Organizational Structure:
Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
College of Criminology
Cor. Magsaysay & Quezon St.
Dagocdoc , Tandag City
Telefax : (086) 211-3046
New Time-In-Grade:
Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
College of Criminology
Cor. Magsaysay & Quezon St.
Dagocdoc , Tandag City
Telefax : (086) 211-3046
Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
College of Criminology
Cor. Magsaysay & Quezon St.
Dagocdoc , Tandag City
Telefax : (086) 211-3046
Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
College of Criminology
Cor. Magsaysay & Quezon St.
Dagocdoc , Tandag City
Telefax : (086) 211-3046
Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
College of Criminology
Cor. Magsaysay & Quezon St.
Dagocdoc , Tandag City
Telefax : (086) 211-3046
Upon arrival at the Fire scene, SFO2 Solomon P. Tanay and SFO1 Samson P.
Estanol rushed to the Fire area carrying hose and nozzle while SFO3 Joel G. Salud
assisting the hose lay-out to immediately suppressed the burning residential house.
After more or less 10 minutes of Firefighting operation and fire was not yet under
control, SFO3 Joel G. Salud replaced SFO2 Solomon P. Tanay Jr. as a nozzle man
until the Fire was totally controlled and suppressed together with the assistance of
Nabua and Iriga City Fire Station Fire Trucks. However, on the event of sustainable
firefighting operation, SFO3 Joel G. Salud BFP suffered suffocation due to the
excessive presence of bad smell thick smoke of assorted burning materials like plastic,
stream stroke. He was the complaining of chest and back pain while we are District at
Barangay Santiago this municipality and finally decided to asked permission to rest and
went back to the Fire Station by tricycle and on or about 1740H of same date SF03 Joel
G. Salud accompanied by his wife left station with permission to seek medical attention.
Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
College of Criminology
Cor. Magsaysay & Quezon St.
Dagocdoc , Tandag City
Telefax : (086) 211-3046
Until we were informed by his family that he was confined at the intensive Care Unit
(ICU) of Sta. Maria Hospital Foundation Iriga City.
Prepared by: