Villaflores College: Teaching Multigrade Classes

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Villaflores College

Legapi St., Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

Teaching Multigrade Classes

Midterm Exam

Test I. Multiple Choice.

1. The goal of this evaluation is to examine long-term learning over a three-year span.
Spiral evaluation
a. Webbed evaluation
Bridged evaluation
b. Diagnostic evaluation

2. This focuses on ascertaining whether students have learned what they were taught

a. Evaluation
b. Diagnosis
c. Intervention
d. Remedial

3. These are open-task activities that have no single correct answer but provide students with the opportunity to
respond to the task in their own unique way and at their own level.

a. Divergent
b. Convergent
c. Literal
d. Detergent

4. This is a type of classroom wherein there are many dimensions of intellectual competence.

a. Unidimensional
b. Multidimensional
c. Bidimensional
d. One-dimensional

5. In this organizational structure students receive rewards on a competitive basis with their peers.

a. Competitive goal structure

b. Individualistic goal structure
c. Cooperative goal structure
d. Interdisciplinary goal structure

6. In this goal structure, it emphasizes a positive interdependence among students for success or reward.
Students depend on each other for task completion.

a. Competitive goal structure

b. Individualistic goal structure
c. Cooperative goal structure
d. Interdisciplinary goal structure
7. In this goal structure, it places a major emphasis on self-improvement. Students are individually rewarded for
gains they make over past levels of performance. This type of organization is characterized by students working
on individual learning programs tailored to their unique needs.

a. Competitive goal structure

b. Individualistic goal structure
c. Cooperative goal structure
d. Interdisciplinary goal structure

8. The following are examples of behavioral principles ought to be observed by the students, except:

a. Be respectful
b. Be prepared
c. Be courteous
d. Be a failure

9. Some children are more active than others, as everyone knows-extremely high levels of
activity or hyperactivity are considered problematic. How may a teacher help a child who is
a. Make him the leader of the class
b. Transfer him to another class
c. Give him challenging activities that are appropriate to his ability level and interests.
d. Allow him to spend longer at the playground until he gets tired.

10. Train up a child in the way he should be; when he grows up, he will not depart from it.
Which principle supports this?
a. Development is determined by his heredity
b. Development is determined by the environment
c. Early development is more critical than the late development
d. Early development is less critical than late development.

11.  Which instance in the delivery or implementation of lesson plan do teachers lead the students towards the
process of metacognition or the awareness of one's own thought processes and an understanding of
the patterns behind them?
A. Teacher Albert outlines the parts of a lesson.
B. Teacher Eva explains the learning objectives.
C. Mrs. Reyes introduces the topic of discussion.
D. Mr. Lopez asks students to predict outcomes.

12. When students are allowed to be responsible on their own learning and to be aware of their thinking
processes, what skill is developed?

A. construction 
B. metacognition 
C. psychic awareness
D. reflection

13.   Depending on the person’s dominant intelligence, an individual would have a different concept of what is
beautiful. Basing on Howard Gardner’s MI theory, which example is considered beautiful by the spatially
intelligent learners?
A. Computer encoding 
B. Case study writing 
C. Landscape designing
D. News reporting

14. What is the very psychological principle or purpose of employing multi-cultural instruction?
A. achieve high standards
B. develop cognitive skills
C. recognize individual differences
D. promote motivation in learning

15. Which of the following is an example of positive reinforcement?

A. Giving Ben money for washing the dishes.

B. Spanking Ana for throwing trash on the street.
C. Taking away the lollipop is Suzie doesn’t finish her homework.
D. Excusing Rico from cleaning the toilet because he got high score in Math

16.  Research confirms that student’s motivation is affected by his/her socio-cultural background. Which of
the following observations affirms this finding?

A. Girls mature earlier than the boys.

B. Brains of the males function better than those of the females.
C. Children of low-income household meet more obstacles in learning.
D. Genetic endowments may show gifted endowments among the young.

17. Social behaviorists and social cognitivists believe that learning is influenced by social interaction and
interpersonal relations. With this in mind, a teacher must _________.

A. give more independent study

B. make students work collaboratively
C. make students feel good about themselves
D. motivate students to reflect on how they learn

18. A child was punished for cheating in an exam. For sure the child won’t cheat again in short span of time, but
this does not guarantee that the child won’t cheat ever again. Based on Thorndike’s theory on punishment and
learning, this shows that __________.
A. Punishment strengthens a response
B. Punishment removes response
C. Punishment doesn’t remove a response
D. Punishment weakens a response

19. Laughing at a two-year-old child who uttered a bad word is not proper thing to do because in
this stage of the child’s life, the child is ___________.
A. Considering the views of others
B. Distinguishing sex differences
C. Socializing
D. Distinguishing right from wrong

20. Classroom rule should

A. be set by teachers without input from students

B. be stated in negative forms such as “do not” and “not allowed”
C. be reviewed on a regular basis
D. have no consequences.

21. When arranging the classroom,

A. traditional rows of desks are best

B. seat students with behavior problems in the back of the room where they are least likely to distract others.
C. no spaces should be off limits
D. be sure students can easily be seen by the teacher and vice-versa.

22. When is the best time to establish rules and procedures?

A. when it is needed
b. All year long
c. when a situation arises
d. beginning of the school year

23. You have a pupil who is so talkative, naughty, and aggressive that he is a burden to the entire members of
the class. What is the remedy to this problem?
a. Talk to him seriously
b. Report the case to the principal
c. Call the parents for a dialogue
d. Reprimand him always

24. A student develops self-confidence if ________.

a. he is treated with justice and fairness
b. he is praised for his good deed
c. he is ignored when he commits mistake
d. he is allowed to do whatever he wants.

25. Nica the brightest pupil in the class is so restless and mischievous that oftentimes distracts the attention of
the class. What should be the reason for this behavior?
a. She dislikes her teacher
b. She is a spoiled brat
c. She is an attention seeker
d. The lessons are no longer interesting to her

26. Jayson has a problem of frequent absences and tardiness in submitting class requirements. He could be
suffering from _____.
a. low level of aspiration
b. lack of motivation
c. low intelligence
d. poor study habits

27. When enrolment is small in the rural elementary schools, two or three grade levels are combined in _______
class taught by one teacher.
a. special
b. multicultural
c. multigrade
d. indigenous

28. Which of these ins NOT a quality of an engaging learning environment?

a. Open communication among school head, teachers, parents, and students
b. Student self-centered learning activities
c. Innovations in enhancing learning for all types of learners
d. Centralized governance.

29. Which is the best reason for providing early intervention program to children with disabilities, ages 0 to 3
years old?
a. Prevent labelling at an early stage
b. Ensure inclusion or enrolment in regular classes
c Identify strengths and weaknesses for instruction purposes
d. Address developmental lag and prevent acquiring additional disabilities

30. There is high level of collaboration and communication in a school community when ______.
a. parents and community members are provided with a variety of volunteer activities
b. teachers and students work together in the implementation of community projects
c. structure and time for collaboration are determined and allocated
d. there is regular use of varied means of communication

31. Can parents pass on their duty to educate their children to the school, especially if they are illiterate?
a. No, parents have the primary duty to educate their children
b. Yes, because parents did not go through formal training for the education of their children
c. It depends on the condition of parents
d It depends on the condition of children
32. The grade six pupils were given a diagnostic test in addition and subtraction of whole
numbers to find out if they can proceed to the next unit. However, the results of the test were
very low. What should the teacher do?
a. Proceed to the next lesson to be able to finish all the topics in the course.
b. Construct another test parallel to the given test to determine the consistency of the scores.
c. Count the frequency of errors to find out the lessons that the majority of students need to
d. Record the scores then inform the parents about the very poor performance of their child
in mathematics.
Answer: C

Essay. Why is it necessary to identify the different learning styles and intelligences of the children? Limit your
answer to 3 sentences. Google is good, but your OWN point of view is better.

Is it helpful to label each activity center or area and to include a few simple rules
regarding the appropriate behavior for each area? Why?

Why is multigrade classroom a labor intensive and requires more planning,

collaboration, and professional development than the conventional graded

Why do teachers need to apply positive discipline to students who are


What kind of preparation or training is needed to be an effective teacher in a multigrade


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