CHB Inverter
CHB Inverter
CHB Inverter
In order to validate proposed inverter system, the
simulation using PSIM is carried out with the main
parameters, modulating frequency=50Hz, carrier frequency
fC=2.1 KHz, Vdc=325V, L=2mH.
Fig.10 Software algorithm of PWM generation
Software algorithm is the heart of three-level
inverter control algorithm [12]. The time required to execute the
core algorithm should be less than the sampling time set for
the ADC. The Software algorithm is depicted in the flowchart The Power testing of the three-level inverter has been
as shown in fig. 10. carried out and the results shown in Fig.11 -15. Various
quantities and waveforms have been observed and recorded
for the further analysis. The proposed scheme is tested with
300V D.C. along with 0.7 Modulation Index. The 3-level PS-
PWM scheme is used for the PWM signal generation.
Fig. 11 DSP control card results of PWM gate pulses for
complimentary switches.
From experimental result, it is concluded that Cascaded
H bridge topology can be used for three-level inverter. It has
not problem of DC-link capacitor voltage balancing as it
happens in Neutral Point clamed (NPC) topology. The only
one disadvantage is that for each H Bridge module separate
Fig. 12 Results of Line to Neutral voltages for Van, Vbn DC source is needed. From the waveform, it is concluded that,
the Cascaded H Bridge (CHB) topology is the optimum
solution for three level inverter. Three-level inverter can be
used for medium voltage drive, FACTs Controller etc. This
Modulation scheme effectively increases output frequency.
Which helps in reducing power loss of the individual inverter.
When two inverters are operated in parallel for achieving
higher switching power, the open loop PS-PWM scheme
should provide stable operation for three level CHB inverter.
The THD in line voltage is less in three-level inverter in two-
level inverter. The future scope for the above prototype
inverter can be used as STATCOM. Where, with this type of
modulation scheme helps to eliminate the Bulky transformer
used in STATCOM.
Fig. 13 Results of Line to Neutral voltages for Vcn
The authors wish to thank the management of Vellore
Institute of Technology (VIT) University, Vellore -632 014,
India for encouragement & Management of the Veeral
controls Private Limited-Gandhinagar, Gujarat, for their
support to implement the Hardware.
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