Speed Control of Separately Excited D.C. Motor: Chayan Kumar, Prof. (DR.) Deoraj Kumar Tanti
Speed Control of Separately Excited D.C. Motor: Chayan Kumar, Prof. (DR.) Deoraj Kumar Tanti
Speed Control of Separately Excited D.C. Motor: Chayan Kumar, Prof. (DR.) Deoraj Kumar Tanti
Chayan Kumar1, Prof. (Dr.) Deoraj Kumar Tanti2
Research Scholar, 2Associate Professor
Electrical Department, Bit Sindri Dhanbad, (India)
This paper presents the speed control of a separately excited dc motor “A separately excited DC motor has a
regulated or unregulated power supply that supplies power to the field winding that is completely independent
from the power supplied to the armature”. Conventional controllers are generally used to control the speed of
the separately excited DC motors in various industrial applications. It is found to be simple and high effective if
the load disturbances are small. So there will be drawback of Conventional controllers when high load has been
applied to the DC motor. The system has been implemented using MATLAB/Simulink software. The simulations
results show that presenting controller give good performance and high robustness in load disturbance. This
paper is to design PID controller to supervise and control the speed response of the DC motor and MATLAB
program is used for calculation and simulation PID controllers are widely used in a industrial plants because of
their simplicity and robustness. Industrial processes are subjected to variation in parameters and parameter
perturbations. We are choosing PID parameters and discussed.
Keywords: Dc motor, PID controller, MATLAB representation
The DC motors have been popular in the industry control area for a long time, because they have many good
characteristics, for example: high start torque characteristic, high response performance, easier to be linear
control etc. The speed of a DC motor is given be the relationship
This Equation show that the speed is dependent on the supply voltage V, the armature circuit resistance Ra, and
field flux Ф, which is produced by the field current. This paper describes the MATLAB/ SIMULINK of the DC
motor speed control method namely field resistance, armature voltage, armature resistance control method and
feedback control system for DC motor drives When speed control over a wide range is required, combination of
armature voltage control and field flux control is used. This combination permits the ratio of maximum to
minimum speed to be 20 to 40. With closed loop control, this range can be extended up to 200.The parameters
of the PID controller kp, ki and kd (or kp, Ti and Td) can be manipulated to produce various response Curves from
a given process
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In case of Separately excited dc motor the field coil is energized from a separate DC voltage source and the
armature coil is also energized from another source. Armature voltage source may be variable but, independent
constant DC voltage is used for energizing the field coil. So, those coils are electrically isolated from each other,
and this connection is the specialty of this type of DC motor.
Fig- 2
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2.2 Parameters Of separately excited dc motor
Ra=Armature Resistance,
La=Armature self inductance caused by armature flux,
ia= Armature current,
if= field current,
Eb=Back EMF in armature,
V =Applied voltage,
T=Torque developed by the motor,
θ = Angular displacement of the motor shaft
Ј =Equivalent moment of inertia of motor shaft & load referred to the motor,
B= Equivalent Coefficient of friction of motor shaft & load referred to the motor
α if
= kf if (1)
Where kf is a constant
The torque T developed by the motor is proportional to the armature current and air gap flux i.e.
Tα ia
T= ka ia
T=kifia (2)
Where k is motor constant
Eb=kb w
Eb=kb ......( 3 )
........( 4)
And the dynamic quation with moment of inertia & coefficient of friction will be
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.......... .(5)
T=J .......(6)
Take the laplace transform of equation of (2) ,(3), (4) and (5)
Field controlled dc motor is open loop while armature controlled is closed loop system. Hence armature
controlled dc motor are preferred over field controlled system. For small size motor field control is
advantageous because only a low power servo amplifier is required while the armature current which is not large
can be supplied from an expensive constant current amplifier. For large size motor it is on the whole cheaper to
use armature control scheme. Further in armature controlled motor, back emf contributes additional damping
over and above that provided by load friction
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G(S) = = .........(7)
From equation (7) the armature inductance is very small in practices, hence, the transfer function of
DC motor speed to the input voltage can be simplified as Follows,
is the motor gain and
J = 0.01;
B = 0.1;
K = 0.01;
Ra = 1;
La = 0.5;
s = tf('s');
P_ motor = K/((J*s + B)*(La*s + R)+K^2)
P_ motor =
0.005 s^2 + 0.06 s + 0.1001
A = [-B/J K/J
-K/La -Ra/La];
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B = [0
C = [1 0];
D = 0;
Motor _ ss = ss(A,B,C,D)
motor_ss =
x1 x2
x1 -10 1
x2 -0.02 -2
x1 0
x2 2
x1 x2
y1 1 0
y1 0
motor_ss = ss(P_motor);
A controller is a device, may be in the form of analogue circuit, chip or computer that monitors and physically
alters the operating conditions of a given dynamical system. From the past decades, the importance of the
control system has been increased due to the increment in complexity of the system under control and to achieve
optimum performance of the system. The block diagram of closed-loop separately excited dc motor is shown in
Figure below.
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3.1. Proportional-Integral Controller
The combination of proportional and integral terms is important to increase the speed of the response and also to
eliminate the steady state error. C(s) the transfer function of PI controller has the form of
C(s) =KP + KI ∕S (1)
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Block Diagram of PID controller
The PID controller calculation involves three separate parameters, and is accordingly sometimes called three-
term control: the proportional, the integral and derivative values, denoted P, I, and D.
The combination of proportional, integral and derivative control action is called PID action control and the
controller is called three action controllers. Here the proportional part of the control action repeats the change of
error and derivative part of the control action adds an increment of output so that proportional plus derivative
action is shifted ahead in time. The integral part ads a further increment of output proportional to the area under
the deviation line. The combination of proportional, integral an derivative action may be made in any sequence
as shown. Now, we increase the gain Kd, with Kp=5; Ki=10. All results are illustrated in the Table 3 and the
corresponding plots are shown in Fig .From the results we see that the rise time increase from (0.50 sec to
0.82sec) for (Kd=1 to Kd=4) and the overshoot from (23% to 12%) and there is small change in the settling
time. Hence the steady state error is completely zero.
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1 0.50 23.39 0 40
2 0.65 15.95 0 40
3 0.71 14.52 0 40
4 0.82 12.58 0 40
So now we know that if we use a PID controller with: Kp=4,ki=1 and Kd=1; all our design requirements will be
satisfied and the response looks like
Accurate performance of a motor is desired feature for any industrial application. As the age of motor increases
its performance also deceases with aging, so it is desired to evaluate the performance of motor from time to time
for efficient operation. The conventional method for calculating output performance indices are quite time
consuming. The PID based approach algorithm worked satisfactory for the test system. The important
observations made during the studies are
1) The solution time for proposed PID approach is only a fraction of time taken by conventional algorithm.
2) A proportional controller Kp will have the effect of reducing the rise time and reduce but never eliminate
the steady state error.
3) An internal controller Ki will have the effect of eliminate the steady state error but it may make the transient
response worse.
4) A derivative controller Kd will have the effect of increasing the stability of the system and reducing the
overshoot and improve the transient response.
5) The output performance obtained by normalized value in PID is very close and near to
6) MATLAB used for simulation of entire project is sophisticated and user friendly software.
It must be mentioned that the efficiency of the speed algorithm can be improved by using more efficient
learning techniques and dynamic weight selection algorithm.
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