Long Range Plans: Grade 4 Science, Social Studies, and Health September-December 2021 Chelsea Woods
Long Range Plans: Grade 4 Science, Social Studies, and Health September-December 2021 Chelsea Woods
Long Range Plans: Grade 4 Science, Social Studies, and Health September-December 2021 Chelsea Woods
Chelsea Woods
Classroom Demographics:
To be completed after class lists are provided.
Resources Edmonton Public School Science 4 Resources Edmonton Public School Science 4 Resources
Alberta Education Program of Studies Alberta Education Program of Studies
Specific Outcomes
Understanding and Expressing Feelings
R–4.1 recognize that individuals can have a positive and negative influence on the feelings of others.
R–4.2 identify and use short-term strategies for managing feelings; e.g., dealing with excitement, anger,
sadness, jealousy.
R–4.3 recognize that management of positive/negative stress can affect health.
R–4.4 demonstrate respectful communication skills; e.g., describe behaviours that show respect for the
feelings of others.
R–4.5 identify changes that may occur in friendships, and explore strategies to deal with changes.
R–4.6 identify and describe ways to provide support to others; e.g., help a friend deal with loss.
R–4.7 practise effective communication skills and behaviours to reduce escalation of conflict; e.g., monitor
personal body language.
Group Roles and Processes
R–4.8 describe and accept roles and responsibilities within a group.
R–4.9 assess how to act as important role models for others.
Activities - Mindfulness Mondays - JamBoards
- JamBoards - Class Discussions and JigSaws
- Class Discussions and JigSaws - Role play and scenarios
- Role play and scenarios
Assessment - Reflections and journals - Reflections and Journals
- Stress management poster - Build a Friend
Resources Alberta Education Health Guide to Implementation Alberta Education Health Guide to Implementation