Carcass Crawler Exclusive Inaugural Issue
Carcass Crawler Exclusive Inaugural Issue
Carcass Crawler Exclusive Inaugural Issue
Old-School Essentials and Carcass Crawler are trademarks of Necrotic Gnome. This product is released
2 under the terms of the Open Game License Version 1.0a, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Welcome! Compatibility
Welcome to this special inaugural issue of Content in Carcass Crawler is compatible
Carcass Crawler—the official Old-School with all flavours of Old-School Essentials
Essentials zine! This issue is available (e.g. Classic Fantasy, Advanced Fantasy,
exclusively to backers of the Old-School etc.). By extension, this means that the
Essentials Advanced Fantasy Kickstarter content is also compatible with the classic
(August–September 2020). Basic/Expert game and with other games
Carcass Crawler is a zine devoted to Old- that are based on the Basic/Expert rules.
School Essentials—each issue is packed
with new material for your games, in-
cluding new character classes and races,
new spells and magic items, new mon-
sters, optional and expanded rules, news,
previews of in-development products,
short adventures, and more!
In This Issue
This issue focuses on expanded character
options, with the following articles:
▶ Fantasy Classes: Eight new character
classes for all fantasy games! The arcane
bard, the beast master, the changeling,
the chaos knight, the mage, the mutoid,
the mycelian, and the warden.
▶ Fantasy Races: Three new character
races for Advanced Fantasy games! The
changeling, the mutoid, and the mycelian.
▶ Expanded Equipment: More gear
for expeditions into dungeons and the
Fantasy Classes
By Gavin Norman
This article presents 8 brand new fantasy
genre character classes for your Old- Arcane Bard
School Essentials games. The new classes The bard class in Old-School Essentials
range from classic sword & sorcery Advanced Fantasy is inspired by the 1979
archetypes, through variants on existing Advanced 1st edition rules—an ally of the
classes, to weird new demihumans to take druids who casts spells from the druid
your games in new directions. spell list.
Introduce them as NPCs for player char- This druidic bard is unique to the 1st edi-
acters to encounter or add them to the tion rules. As the various newer editions
roster of classes players may choose from of the game were published, the bard
when creating a character! class evolved into something different.
The association with druids disappeared,
divine spells were replaced with arcane
Too Many Classes? spells, and skills of stealth and subterfuge
The new classes presented in this article were added. In essence, the bard class
are entirely optional. Some groups love evolved into a sort of “jack-of-all-trades”,
to have as many classes as possible, rel- with a smattering of the abilities of fight-
ishing the variety of a wide selection of ers, magic-users, and thieves.
character types to choose from. Other The arcane bard class in this issue is
groups prefer to stick with a limited presented as an alternative version of the
selection of character classes. As always: class, specifically inspired by the 1989
do what brings your group the most Advanced 2nd edition rules. Some groups
enjoyment in your games. may prefer to use this version of the class
One approach that works well is for the in place of the version in Old-School
referee to select a limited set of classes Essentials Advanced Fantasy. Of course,
(say between 7–10 in number) that are both classes may also be used together in
available in the campaign. For example, a campaign, should a group wish to do so.
in one campaign, the cleric class may
not exist, being replaced with the pala- Beast Master
din and chaos knight (representing the
opposing poles of Law and Chaos). A classic fantasy archetype: the warrior
who can tame and befriend wild animals.
In this way, the number of choices avail- This class is (as the name implies) specif-
able to players when creating characters ically inspired by the protagonist of the
is kept within reasonable bounds, while 1982 film The Beastmaster.
the hand-picked set of allowed classes
can heavily reinforce the flavour of the
specific campaign.
A demihuman race with the ability to steal
the form of other humanoids. The change-
ling class is based partly on folkloric de-
scriptions of shape-shifters and partly on
the abilities of the doppelgänger monster.
The changeling is also presented as a race,
for those using the option presented in
Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy
for selecting a character’s class and race
separately. See Fantasy Races, p22.
Chaos Knight
The counterpart and nemesis of the law-
ful-aligned paladin, the chaos knight is a
warrior bound to serve a chaotic patron.
This class is the result of a thought exper- Mycelian
iment: what would a wizardly class look
A demihuman race of fungal humanoids
like if based on the percentile thief skills
who dwell in the depths of the Under-
mechanic, instead of the standard spell
memorization mechanism? Thus, the
magic possessed by mages is not bound The mycelian is also presented as a race,
by spell books or memorization. for those using the option presented in
Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy
The specific abilities of the class are
for selecting a character’s class and race
heavily inspired by a certain wizard of
separately. See Fantasy Races, p22.
great repute in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of
the Rings trilogy. Due to the class’ lack of
flashy combat magic, it could be used as Warden
a wholesale replacement of the standard The ranger class featured in Old-School
magic-user class in low-magic campaigns. Essentials Advanced Fantasy is a warrior
whose connection with nature grants
Mutoid them access to druidic magic at higher
levels. While access to druid spells fits
A demihuman race whose members have
thematically with the ranger’s wilderness
mismatched body parts of many different
lifestyle, many groups prefer rangers to be
creatures (e.g. reptiles, crustaceans, birds,
a completely non-magical class.
mammals, etc.). Each individual has a
unique appearance. The warden class presented in this issue
is just that—a ranger who does not gain
The mutoid is also presented as a race,
access to spells.
for those using the option presented in
Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy
for selecting a character’s class and race
separately. See Fantasy Races, p22.
Arcane Bard
Using magic items: As spell casters,
bards are able to use magic scrolls of
spells on their spell list. They can also use
Requirements: Minimum INT 9 items that may only be used by arcane
Prime requisite: CHA, DEX spell casters (e.g. magic wands).
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum level: 14 Bard Skills
Armour: Leather, chainmail, no shields Bards can use the following skills, with
Weapons: Any the chance of success shown opposite:
Languages: Alignment, Common ▶ Climb sheer surfaces (CS): A roll is
required for each 100’ to be climbed. If
Bards are musicians and poets drawn to the roll fails, the bard falls at the halfway
a life of wandering and adventure. They point, suffering falling damage. This skill
pick up a wide range of abilities in their may not be used if the bard is wearing
travels, becoming jacks-of-all-trades. chainmail.
Prime requisites: A bard with at least ▶ Hear noise (HN): In a quiet environ-
13 CHA and DEX gains a 5% bonus to ment (e.g. not in combat), a bard may
experience. A bard with a score of 16 or attempt to listen at a door or to hear the
higher in one prime requisite, and a 13 or sounds of something (e.g. a wandering
higher in the other gains a 10% bonus. monster) approaching.
▶ Pick pockets (PP): If the victim is
Anti-Charm above 5th level, the bard’s roll is penal-
While the bard plays music and sings, al- ised by 5% for every level above 5th.
lies within 30’ are immune to song-based There is always at least a 1% chance of
magical effects and the beguiling powers failure. A roll of more than twice the
of sylvan creatures or fairies. Allies al- percentage required for success means
ready under the effect of such magic gain that the attempted theft is noticed. The
another saving throw with a +4 bonus. referee should determine the reaction of
the victim (possibly using the reaction
Arcane Magic table under Encounters, in Old-School
See Magic in Old-School Essentials for
full details on arcane magic. ▶ Read languages (RL): A bard can read
non-magical texts in unknown languag-
Spell casting: From 2nd level, bards can es (including dead languages and basic
cast arcane spells, owning a spell book in codes). If the roll does not succeed, the
which the magical formulae for the spells bard may not try to read that particular
they know are recorded. The level pro- text again until they reach a higher level
gression table (opposite) shows both the of experience.
number of spells in the bard's spell book
and the number they may memorize,
determined by the character’s experi- Combat
ence level. A bard's spells are selected by Bards can use leather armour or chain-
the referee (who may allow the player mail but do not have the training
to choose). The list of spells available to required to use plate mail or shields. They
bards is provided in Old-School Essentials can use all weapons.
(bards have the same spell selection
as magic-users).
Arcane Bard Level Progression
Saving Throws Spells
Level XP HD THAC0 D W P B S 1 2 3 4
1 0 1d6 19 [0] 13 14 13 16 15 – – – –
2 2,000 2d6 19 [0] 13 14 13 16 15 1 – – –
3 4,000 3d6 19 [0] 13 14 13 16 15 2 – – –
4 8,000 4d6 19 [0] 13 14 13 16 15 3 – – –
5 16,000 5d6 17 [+2] 12 13 11 14 13 3 1 – –
6 32,000 6d6 17 [+2] 12 13 11 14 13 3 2 – –
7 64,000 7d6 17 [+2] 12 13 11 14 13 3 3 – –
8 120,000 8d6 17 [+2] 12 13 11 14 13 3 3 1 –
9 240,000 9d6 14 [+5] 10 11 9 12 10 3 3 2 –
10 360,000 9d6+2* 14 [+5] 10 11 9 12 10 3 3 3 –
11 480,000 9d6+4* 14 [+5] 10 11 9 12 10 3 3 3 1
12 600,000 9d6+6* 14 [+5] 10 11 9 12 10 3 3 3 2
13 720,000 9d6+8* 12 [+7] 8 9 7 10 8 3 3 3 3
14 840,000 9d6+10* 12 [+7] 8 9 7 10 8 4 4 3 3
THAC0: Attack matrix row to use. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;
(Ascending AC attack bonus in [].) P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;
*: Modifiers from CON no longer apply. S: Spells / rods / staves.
After reaching 5th level, a beast master
can see through the eyes of their animal
companions, wherever they may be. This
requires deep concentration.
Beast masters can use all types of weap-
ons and can use leather armour, chain-
mail, and shields.
Beast Master Level Progression
Saving Throws
1 0 1d6 19 [0] 11 12 12 15 16
2 1,800 2d6 19 [0] 11 12 12 15 16
3 3,600 3d6 19 [0] 11 12 12 15 16
4 7,250 4d6 19 [0] 11 12 12 15 16
5 15,000 5d6 17 [+2] 9 10 10 13 14
6 30,000 6d6 17 [+2] 9 10 10 13 14
7 60,000 7d6 17 [+2] 9 10 10 13 14
8 120,000 8d6 17 [+2] 9 10 10 13 14
9 240,000 9d6 14 [+5] 7 8 8 11 12
10 360,000 9d6+2* 14 [+5] 7 8 8 11 12
11 480,000 9d6+4* 14 [+5] 7 8 8 11 12
12 600,000 9d6+6* 14 [+5] 7 8 8 11 12
13 720,000 9d6+8* 12 [+7] 5 6 6 9 10
14 840,000 9d6+10* 12 [+7] 5 6 6 9 10
THAC0: Attack matrix row to use. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;
(Ascending AC attack bonus in [].) P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;
*: Modifiers from CON no longer apply. S: Spells / rods / staves.
Identify Tracks
A beast master can identify the tracks
and spoor of animals in the wild.
Reaction Modifier
A beast master gains a +1 bonus to reac-
tion rolls made when interacting with an-
imals, in addition to their CHA modifier.
(See Encounters in Old-School Essentials.)
d8 Mutation Effect
1 Beast ears 3-in-6 chance to hear noises.
2 Beast eyes Infravision to 60'.
3 Clawed hand Unarmed attack for 1d6 damage.
4 Gills Breathe underwater.
5 Pincer Unarmed attack for 1d3 damage. The pincer locks on to the victim,
causing 1d3 damage per round (save versus paralysis to escape).
6 Scales +2 bonus to Armour Class.
7 Spring legs Jump up to 30’ forwards and gain +1 to attack. If wielding an
impaling weapon (e.g. spear), this counts as a charge and inflicts
double damage on a successful hit.
8 Sticky tongue Grab an object up to 15' away and pull it to the mouth. Can be
used as a melee attack: bite inflicts 1d3 damage.
Mycelian Level Progression
Natural Melee Saving Throws
Level XP HD THAC0 AC Damage D W P B S
1 0 1d8 19 [0] 6 [13] 1d4 9 11 9 13 12
2 3,000 2d8 19 [0] 5 [14] 2d4 9 11 9 13 12
3 6,000 3d8 19 [0] 4 [15] 3d4 9 11 9 13 12
4 12,000 4d8 17 [+2] 3 [16] 4d4 7 9 7 11 10
5 24,000 5d8 17 [+2] 3 [16] 5d4 7 9 7 11 10
6 45,000 6d8 17 [+2] 3 [16] 6d4 7 9 7 11 10
THAC0: Attack matrix row to use. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;
(Ascending AC attack bonus in [].) P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;
S: Spells / rods / staves.
Requirements: Minimum CON 9,
minimum WIS 9
Prime requisite: STR
Hit Dice: 1d8
Maximum level: 14
Armour: Leather, chainmail, shields
Weapons: Any
Languages: Alignment, Common
Wardens are members of a secret society
which protects their native lands from
invasion and the influence of Chaos. They
are skilled warriors who are adapted to
life in the wilds.
Alignment: As protectors, wardens may
only be lawful or neutral. If a warden
ever changes alignment to chaotic, they
lose all special class abilities and become
a fighter of the same level. The character
may be able to regain their status as a
warden by performing a special quest.
Combat Pursuit
When the warden’s party pursues an
Wardens can use all types of weapons and
opposing group in the wilderness (see
can use leather armour, chainmail, and
Evasion and Pursuit in Old-School Es-
shields. Because of their need for stealth,
sentials), the chance of evasion is reduced
they cannot use plate mail.
by 10%.
Foraging and Hunting Surprise Attack
A party with a warden succeeds at forag- In the wilderness, a warden has a 3-in-6
ing with a 2-in-6 chance and finds prey chance of going unnoticed when sneaking
when hunting with a 5-in-6 chance (see up on a target. If the warden goes unno-
Wilderness Adventuring in Old-School ticed, the target may be surprised (see
Essentials). Surprise under Encounters in Old-School
Warden Level Progression
Saving Throws
1 0 1d8 19 [0] 12 13 14 15 16
2 2,000 2d8 19 [0] 12 13 14 15 16
3 4,000 3d8 19 [0] 12 13 14 15 16
4 8,000 4d8 17 [+2] 10 11 12 13 14
5 16,000 5d8 17 [+2] 10 11 12 13 14
6 32,000 6d8 17 [+2] 10 11 12 13 14
7 64,000 7d8 14 [+5] 8 9 10 10 12
8 120,000 8d8 14 [+5] 8 9 10 10 12
9 240,000 9d8 14 [+5] 8 9 10 10 12
10 360,000 9d8+2* 12 [+7] 6 7 8 8 10
11 480,000 9d8+4* 12 [+7] 6 7 8 8 10
12 600,000 9d8+6* 12 [+7] 6 7 8 8 10
13 720,000 9d8+8* 10 [+9] 4 5 6 5 8
14 840,000 9d8+10* 10 [+9] 4 5 6 5 8
THAC0: Attack matrix row to use. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;
(Ascending AC attack bonus in [].) P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;
*: Modifiers from CON no longer apply. S: Spells / rods / staves.
Wardens can identify and follow tracks.
This skill improves as the character gains
levels (see the table to the right). Success
may be modified by the following factors:
▶ Soft/hard ground: +20% to –50%.
▶ Size of group being tracked: +2% per
creature beyond the first.
▶ Passing through an area where other Warden Tracking Chance of Success
tracks mingle: –50%. Level Tracking
▶ Age of tracks: –5% per 12 hours. 1 20%
▶ Rainfall: –25% per hour. 2 30%
▶ Efforts made to hide tracks: –25%.
3 40%
After Reaching 10th Level 4 50%
5 60%
2d12 beings will join the warden as fol-
lowers. The nature of these followers is up 6 70%
to the referee—they may include human 7 80%
or demihuman adventurers, animals, fan- 8 90%
tastic mounts, sylvan creatures, or special 9 100%
monsters. If any of the followers die, they 10+ 110%
are not replaced. 21
Fantasy Races
By Gavin Norman
The three new demihuman races from the 2. Apply ability score modifiers: Some
previous article—the changeling, mutoid, races also list ability score modifiers.
and mycelian—are also presented here as Once you have chosen a race, ad-
separate races, for groups who prefer to just your character’s ability scores as
select character race and class separately. indicated. Bonuses that would raise
If using this rule, each player may decide an ability above 18 or penalties that
individually whether to create their would lower it below 3 are ignored.
character by selecting a class alone or by 3. Choose a class: The selected character
selecting race and class separately. race determines the classes that are
available to choose from. Also bear in
Character Creation Procedure mind the ability score requirements of
some classes.
If selecting character race and class sep-
arately, the following procedure should Native Languages
be used:
When choosing race and class separately,
1. Choose a race: Choose a race from
the character’s native languages are deter-
those available, bearing in mind their
mined by the race. The languages listed in
ability score requirements.
the class should be ignored.
Requirements: Minimum INT 9
Ability modifiers: –1 CON, +1 CHA
Languages: Alignment, Common,
Stats: The changeling retains their own
A changeling can alter their form to ex- intelligence, hit points, saving throws,
actly mimic another person. This requires and attack probabilities.
1 round of physical contact.
Capabilities: Physical capabilities of the
Slain victims: The changeling can steal new form (e.g. strength, physical attack
the form of a person they have killed forms, modes of movement) are acquired.
within the last turn. Non-physical special abilities (e.g. immu-
Unconscious victims: The changeling nities, breath weapons, spell casting) are
can steal the form of a sleeping or uncon- not acquired.
scious victim. Clothing and gear: Items visibly worn or
Effects of Successful Shape-Stealing carried by the victim are copied. Copied
Duration: The changeling remains in the items do not possess any magical proper-
new form for 1d6 rounds. ties of the original and vanish if dropped.
Requirements: None
Ability modifiers: None
Languages: Alignment, Common
d8 Mutation Effect
1 Beast ears 3-in-6 chance to hear noises.
2 Beast eyes Infravision to 60'.
3 Clawed hand Unarmed attack for 1d6 damage.
4 Gills Breathe underwater.
5 Pincer Unarmed attack for 1d3 damage. The pincer locks on to the victim,
causing 1d3 damage per round (save versus paralysis to escape).
6 Scales +2 bonus to Armour Class.
7 Spring legs Jump up to 30’ forwards and gain +1 to attack. If wielding an
impaling weapon (e.g. spear), this counts as a charge and inflicts
double damage on a successful hit.
8 Sticky tongue Grab an object up to 15' away and pull it to the mouth. Can be
used as a melee attack: bite inflicts 1d3 damage.
Requirements: Minimum CON 9
Ability modifiers: –1 DEX, +1 WIS
Languages: Alignment, Common,
The list of adventuring gear presented in the variety of tools and oddments that
Old-School Essentials is pretty minimal. more experienced parties may seek out.
It includes the basic items that beginning This article presents a greatly expanded
adventuring parties will need, but lacks list of adventuring gear.
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Crab, Monstrous from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002,
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You may use any authorized version of this License based on original material by Gary Gygax.
to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Fly, Giant from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002,
Content originally distributed under any version of Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene,
this License. based on original material by Gary Gygax.
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy Golem, Wood from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002,
of this License with every copy of the Open Game Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and
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11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market Kamadan from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002,
or advertise the Open Game Content using the Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene,
name of any Contributor unless You have written based on original material by Nick Louth.
permission from the Contributor to do so. Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002,
12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and
comply with any of the terms of this License with Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary
respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due Gygax.
to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation Labyrinth Lord™ © 2007-2009, Daniel Proctor.
then You may not Use any Open Game Material so Author Daniel Proctor.
B/X Essentials: Core Rules © 2017 Gavin Norman.
13 Termination: This License will terminate Author Gavin Norman.
automatically if You fail to comply with all terms
B/X Essentials: Classes and Equipment © 2017 Gavin
herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of
Norman. Author Gavin Norman.
becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall
B/X Essentials: Cleric and Magic-User Spells © 2017
survive the termination of this License.
Gavin Norman. Author Gavin Norman.
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is
B/X Essentials: Monsters © 2017 Gavin Norman.
held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be
Author Gavin Norman.
reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
enforceable. B/X Essentials: Adventures and Treasures © 2018
Gavin Norman. Author Gavin Norman.
Old-School Essentials Core Rules © 2018 Gavin
Open Game License v 1.0 © 2000, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Genre Rules ©
System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the
2018 Gavin Norman.
Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Cleric and
Gygax and Dave Arneson. Magic-User Spells © 2018 Gavin Norman.
System Reference Document © 2000-2003, Wizards Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Monsters ©
of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte 2018 Gavin Norman.
Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Treasures ©
David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, 2018 Gavin Norman.
John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Rules Tome ©
on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave 2019 Gavin Norman.
Arneson. Carcass Crawler Exclusive Inaugural Issue © 2020
Modern System Reference Document © 2002-2004, Gavin Norman.
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, END OF LICENSE
Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle,
Watch out...
Carcass Crawler
The official Old-School Essentials zine
Carcass Crawler is a zine devoted to Old-School Essentials
from Necrotic Gnome. Each issue is packed with new
material for your games, including new character classes
and races, new spells and magic items, new monsters,
optional and expanded rules, news, previews of in-
development products, short adventures, and more!
In this issue
ISBN 978-3-96657-043-5