Inflectional Morphology in Mecha Oromo: Full Length Research Paper

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Vol.8(8), pp.

110 -140, August 2017

DOI: 10.5897/JLC2016.0395
Article Number: 47DCAA765496
ISSN 2141-6540 Journal of Languages and Culture
Copyright © 2017
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article

Full Length Research Paper

Inflectional morphology in Mecha Oromo

Gobena Wakweya
College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of English Language and Literature, Jimma
University, Ethiopia.
Received 30 August, 2016; Accepted 4 November, 2016

This study provides relatively detailed descriptions of inflectional morphology in the Oromo language.
It identifies occurrence patterns of morphemes and draws rules for inflections in the language.
Although it focuses basically on inflectional morphology, it in some ways, deals with derivational
processes and syntactic structures for comparison and relational analysis. A degree of fusion of
morphs and morphological occurrences of inflectional formatives have been thoroughly dealt with. The
thesis describes the inflectional forms of, essentially, nouns and verbs. However, words occurring in
the nominals and verb-related words occurring in the predicate position have also been examined.
Since the two word classes (nouns and verbs) are mostly the ones that undergo inflection, they
determine the inflectional characteristics of the language. The study consists of five chapters which are
concerned, respectively, with introduction in which preliminaries and methodology are treated,
literature review which deals with some related concepts and previous works on Oromo, nominal
inflection (including nouns, pronouns and adjectives), verb inflection (including verbs and adverbs) and
conclusion. Number, singulative, gender and case are considered in the nominal inflection. Verb
inflection is described in terms of inherent and agreement properties of grammatical function. In the
descriptive chapters, distribution of morphemes and their allomorphs, along with their hosts, have been
examined. This study provides a relatively more comprehensive and detailed description of inflectional
morphology in Oromo, and hence the research outcomes are more focused to forms and functions of

Key words: Inflection, derivation, nominals, verbs, morphology.


Oromo is one of the languages of the Cushitic family in Ethiopian population, about 37% of the country‟s
the Afro-Asiatic super family (phylum). It is called Afaan population is speaker of Oromo. It is currently a medium
Oromoo by the speakers of the language. The present of instruction at first and second cycles of elementary
study uses „Oromo‟ referring to both the language and school level in Oromia regional state. At this level, all
the people as this is commonly used in the literature. subjects are taught in Oromo. At the secondary and
Several varieties of Oromo are spoken in Ethiopia, Kenya preparatory levels, Oromo is offered as a subject. It is
and some parts of Somalia. In Ethiopia, Oromo is the also given as a field of study at the university level.
largest ethnic group, and the language is spoken over a Furthermore, Oromo is a language of mass media and
vast area of the country. According to the 2007 census of administration in the Oromia regional state and in the

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Wakweya 111

mass media at the federal level of the country, Ethiopia word‟s constituent units across languages is governed by
besides Amharic which is the major federal language. morphological rules in the respective languages.
Various studies have been conducted on the Oromo Morphology studies the word structure of a language
language since the nineteenth century. The research derivationally and inflectionally. The latter is meant for the
outcomes include grammars and descriptions of the construction of sentences. Both the derivational and
various aspects of the language. The earliest works on inflectional word forms are realized in a sentence though
Oromo deal with the grammar and lexicography of the their structural analysis is done within words. As Aronoff
language. Tutcheck (1844) and Viterbo (1887) are and Fudeman (2011: 168) state “derivation gives you
perhaps the earliest works on the Oromo grammar and new lexemes, and inflection gives you the forms of a
lexicon. Onesimos Nasib translated the bible into Oromo lexeme that are determined by syntactic environment”.
using the Ethiopic syllabary at the end of the eighteenth Consequently, the derived word can change its
century (1899) along with other short literary materials placement in a sentence but the inflected form is made to
some of which were done with Aster Gano (cf. Mekuria occur in a specific position in a given syntactic context.
1995). Word formation was part of the works of grammar Many grammar books which involve the treatment of
in both categories of inflection and derivation. Inflection derivation and inflection have been produced on the
signals grammatical relationships of lexical items in Oromo language. A separate and close examination of
syntactic constructions but derivation results in new the latter seems to be lacking. Declension is the
words. modification of nominals (nouns, adjectives, and
pronouns) for grammatical functions, while conjugation is
the change of the verb form to fit a syntactic context
Statement of the problem (Janda and Townsend, 2002). The motivation for this
study was the absence of a comprehensive study on the
Based on the way morphological strings are applied on inflectional morphology in the Oromo language. Thus, the
stems in typological analysis, languages are classified study attempted to answer the following research
into three major types: (1) isolating, (2) agglutinating, and questions in relation to Oromo.
(3) fusional. Isolating languages tend to have no
morphology at all. An independent morpheme carries (1) What is the structural distinction between root, stem,
grammatical information. Agglutinating languages consist and inflected forms?
of a stem with one, or in some cases, more sequential (2) What are the occurrence patterns of inflectional
affixes that can easily be separated. In such languages, morphemes?
morphemes and morphs are in one-to-one identifiable (3) What relational and/or differing forms are observed in
correspondence. Fusional languages often use a single inflectional occurrences distinct from derivational
form representing various morphemes that is a form patterns?
indicating several functions. Contrary to what is observed (4) What are the characteristics of inflectional
in isolating and agglutinating languages, the fusional morphemes?
ones do not display one-to-one correspondence between
morphs and morphemes. Some scholars make
classification of morphological typology as analytic, Objectives of the study
synthetic and polysynthetic (incorporating). In analytic
languages, grammatical categories are represented by General objective
independent morphs. In synthetic languages, morphs of
grammatical information are attached to roots or stems The general objective of this research is to describe and
concatinatively. Polysynthetic languages are similar to explain inflectional morphology in Oromo. The description
the synthetic ones except that in the former concatenated focuses on the formal and functional characteristics of the
morphs in a word are many and the word is long. In view inflectional morphemes in the language.
of the aforementioned explanation and previous works, I
considered that Oromo is typologically a synthetic
(fusional) language. Some scholars categorize word Specific objectives
forms of languages as analytic, synthetic and
polysynthetic. While analytic languages are simple This study aims to achieve the following specific
isolating, synthetic and polysynthetic are inflecting, of objectives:
course, the latter type being languages with long word-
forms. Most languages of Semitic typology are nonlinear (a) To identify and classify inflectional morphemes.
or of fusional type. For example, in Amharic /s-b-r/ is a (b) To classify inflectional phonemes and characterize the
root for ‘break’ which can result in different derived words relationship between root, stem and inflected forms.
by inserting various vowel patterns, that is, without (c) To show the occurrence pattern of inflectional
sequential morphs. The arrangement structure of a morphemes.
112 J. Lang. Cult.

(d) To compare the pattern of inflectional morphemes gender, and case. Number and gender are inherent
with that of derivational morphemes. categories, while case is relational because it is signaled
(e) To identify the rule(s) of inflectional processes. in a sentence by the paradigmatic form in which it is used
(Gragg, 1976: 182; Griefenow-Mewis 2001: 41). The
singulative form is significant in Wallaga Oromo.

Data collection Number

Three research instruments were employed for data collection. The
primary one was introspection, because I am a native speaker of Wallaga Oromo distinguishes between plural and singular
Oromo, particularly, the western (Wallaga) variety. Corpus data and nouns. Plural nouns are marked in different ways.
discussion with some natives were also intended to be sources of Several types of suffixes can be attached to nouns to
the necessary data. Involving few natives as informants is for make plural forms. In collective nouns, some exist in
confirmation purpose; discussing with them helped the data to be plural form only (e.g. hamaamota„bride servants‟),
genuine enough. Two of my informants, Endashaw Jiru and
Birhanu Diriba, reside in Addis Ababa, whereas the other one,
whereas some others have the same singular and plural
whose name is Nasibu Gudina, lives in Nekempt whose visitation forms like ilkaan „tooth/teeth‟. In some cases, the plural
was in time gaps. The data collected were paradigms of word-forms marker varies based on semantic nature of the noun.
and sentences with relevant patterns. Sentences are utilized for As shown in Table 1, the occurrence variation between
relational consideration as inflection is a morpho-syntactic feature. -ota- and -oota- is based on the penultimate syllable of a
Corpus data and discussion with other natives took place next to base noun. When the penultimate syllable contains short
provision of the necessary data through introspection. The corpora
was collected by reading texts and grammar books and also by
vowel, -oota- is suffixed, but when it contains long vowel -
recording short narratives written in Oromo. ota- is suffixed for plurality of the nouns. These
allomorphs occur in complementary distribution based on
the phonological nature of the noun hosts that is the
Data analysis vowel length of penultimate syllables in the nouns. It
occurs with ± animate nouns.
The data were used in phonemically transcribed version which is
similar with the Oromo language‟s orthography except some Nouns of kinship terms are marked for plurality by the
phonemes that are specific to the language. The orthography uses morpheme -an, which follows either geminate consonant
almost the same characters with the IPA alphabet. Words were or short /a/. The morpheme triggers the consonant to be
analyzed into morphs and then glossed. The English equivalents geminated when it is appended. It may also occur by
were provided for the data used in the analysis. Morpheme(s) were lengthening the final short /a/ on the base word when the
examined for their forms and functions and described in their
pattern of occurrence. After careful examination of the data,
base noun ends in short /a/ followed by gemination or
exemplary interpretation was provided in chapters three and four. consonant cluster (Table 2).
Finally, based on the analysis and interpretation, conclusions were The morph –lee is suffixed to inanimate nouns that end
drawn. in long vowel as in Table 3, whereas its allomorph -olii is
suffixed to animate nouns with a long vowel in the
preceding syllable and which end in short vowel. The
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION plural marker -ilee is suffixed to inanimate nouns,
whereas -olii is used with animate nouns. The allomorph
Inflection of nominals –olee can be used with ± animate nouns. Both -olee and
–ilee are suffixed to the nouns with long vowel in the
Word classes of nouns, pronouns and adjectives can be penultimate syllable.
described under nominals. Nominals are inflected for Non-human nouns are marked for plurality by the morph
various grammatical properties in Wallaga Oromo. The –een suffixed to the noun roots. It is appended to two
change of form of nominals for grammatical purposes is syllabic nouns that end in short /a/ sound. If the
referred to declension. This section provides similarities allomorph is preceded by glides and nasals, it makes the
and distinctions among declensions of the nouns, consonants to be geminate.
pronouns and adjectives along with the way they behave The plural marker -an can be preceded by the
in inflection. In doing so, the forms of root, stem and word geminate consonant -ww- when it is appended to nouns
will be identified as well. with long terminating vowels, but the nouns can be ±
animate like the domains of the plural morpheme -(o)ota
(Table 4).
Noun inflection As in Table 5, ± animate nouns may take the plural
morph -an but the phonological form of the nouns, that
Almost all nouns in Oromo end with a vowel except for a they end in vowel length, makes the morph preceded by
few of them which ends in specific consonants like n, l, t. the geminate phoneme /-ww-/ for settling occurrence of
Inflectional categories that are inherent to nouns exist in impermissible number of vowels. The consonant is
four major types. These are marking number, singulative, doubled because the morph -an occurs following
Wakweya 113

Table 1. The Plural Morph -(o)ota on Nouns.

Base form Inflected form Gloss

waggaa wagg-oota „years‟
gowwaa goww-oota „fools‟
ganda gand-oota „kebeles‟
hayyuu hayy-oota „scholars‟

kitaaba kitaab-ota „books‟

k’aama k’aam-ota „bodies‟
diina diin-ota „enemies‟
leenc’a leenc’-ota „lions‟

Table 2. Plural forms of kinship terms.

Base forms Inflected form Meaning

Eessuma eessum(m)-an „uncles‟ (through mother)‟
Wasiila wasiil(l)-an „uncles‟(through father)‟
Ilma ilma-an „sons‟

Table 3. Plural morphs -lee, -olii, -olee, -ilee.

Base forms Inflected form Meaning

buɁaa buɁaa-lee „profits‟
baatii baatii-lee „months‟

ǰaarsa ǰaars-olii „elders‟

gaangee gaang-olii „mules‟

k’aama k’aam-olee „bodies‟

aanaa aan-olee „districts‟

Kitaaba kitaab-ilee „books‟

ɗaaba ɗaab-ilee „organizations‟

Table 4. Plural Morph –een.

Base forms Inflected form Meaning

Muka muk-een „woods‟
Farad fard-een „horses‟
Gaara gaar(r)-een „mountains‟
Mana man(n)-een „houses‟

geminate consonant. + Abstract nouns are members of plural paradigms. Syntactic context and relational
this morpheme which is preceded by the epenthetic consideration is peculiar proof for identifying status of
element /-ww-/. All the suffixes in Table 5 are utilized for such nouns in terms of their number (plural/singular).
a noun ending in a vowel(s). Nouns that name body parts are the same in their
Some nouns are used in the same form in singular and singular and plural forms. Plural forms of some nouns are
114 J. Lang. Cult.

Table 5. Plural forms of ± animate nouns by –an.

Base form Plural form Meaning

hoǰii hoǰii-ww-an „works‟
murtoo murtoo-ww-an „decisions‟
balaa balaa-ww-an „accidents‟
Koree koree-ww-an „councils‟

Table 6. Special forms in plurality of nouns.

Noun type Base form Plural form Meaning

ilkaan ilkaan-Ø „tooth/teeth‟
Body parts
k’uba k’uba-Ø „finger/fingers‟

goromsa gorommii „heifers‟

Irregular forms
farad faradoo „horses‟

- hamaamota ‘bride servants‟

Plural only
- iǰoollee „children‟

Table 7. Associative Marker –faa.

Base form Inflected form Meaning

kuulanii kuulanii-faa „Kulani and others‟
eeňňu eeňňu-faa „whom and others‟
kuulanii kuulanii-n-faa „Kulani-Nom-and others‟
eeňňuu eeňňuu-n-faa „who and others‟

apart from the ones indicated earlier; they seem to be the basis of the language‟s internal segmental and auto-
irregular plural forms as in the third row of Table 6. Nouns segmental (gemination and vowel length) occurrence
which name things with the notion of generality like pattern as well as semantic type of the nouns.
iǰoollee „children‟ are used in plural form only. They do not In Wallaga Oromo, a proper noun can be suffixed with
have singular forms or the base forms cannot be stripe the associative marker –faa to identify a group referring
out of the inflected.Some nouns code between their to human, that is, the morpheme -faa is suffixed to
singular and plural forms by the final syllables on their someone‟s name in the group. It is mostly suffixed on
base forms; for example, waraabessa „hyena‟ vs. interrogative pronoun eeňňu „who‟ in questions.
waraabeyyii „hyenas‟. Such forms seem to be contrastive The morpheme –faa can be appended to proper nouns
in their final syllable -ssa and -yyii on the lexical item. In and interrogative pronouns either in nominative case
some cases, members of the different categories of plural paradigm or in the object form as in Table 8. The
markers can be possibly alternated for taking number nominative markers precede the associative marker as in
marker; for instance, fard-een „horses‟ or its alternate the Table 7.
form fard-oota „horses‟, kitaab-ilee „books‟ or the alternate
form kitaab-ota „books‟ can be used. Different markers of
plurality can be used together on a noun of kinship term; Singulative
for example, fira „relative‟ firoota „relatives‟ /fir-oot(t)-an
„relatives‟. The ± animate nouns can be pluralized by The singulative marker shows that noun is marked for
different morphs based on the phonological form and being used as single form which may or may not be
choice of the base word. There are multiple of forms to definite. This grammatical property is marked in Wallaga
make nouns plural, and these are appended to nouns on Oromo using -ičča (for masculine) and -ittii (for feminine).
Wakweya 115

Table 8. Singulative forms.

Base form Inflected form Meaning

nama nam-ičča „a/the man‟
gurbaa gurb-ičča „a/the boy‟

intala intal-ittii „a/the girl‟

dubartii dubart-ittii „a/the woman‟

Table 9. Gender distinction in nouns.

Masculine Feminine
Base form
Inflected form Meaning Inflected form Meaning
gurbaa Gurbaa „boy‟ intala „girl‟
gessuma Eessuma „uncle‟ adaadaa „aunt‟

mararaa marar-aa „dear boy/man‟ marar-tuu „dear girl/woman‟

boonaa boon-aa „proud boy/man‟ boon-tuu „proud girl/woman‟

sooressa sooressa „rich man‟ soorettii „rich girl/woman‟

ogeessa ogeessa „techincian‟ ogeettii „technician lady‟

In some studies, these two markers have been exist in Oromo (Gragg, 1976:180; Mohammed and
considered to be definiteness markers (cf. Nordfeldt, Zaborski, 1990:5; Griefenow-Mewis, 2003:22). These are
1947:26; Launhardt, 1973: 107; Gragg, 1976:181; identified through gender marking suffixes, or lexically by
Mohammed and Zaborski, 1990:10); while, Oromo does using different words for masculine and feminine forms.
not have any overt marker of definiteness which means a The distinct words for masculine and feminine like
specified noun that can be either singular or plural. adaadaa „aunt‟ and eessuma „uncle‟ are also used in
However, the singulative marker entails definiteness Oromo. Gender indicating words can be used for animals
being with singular nouns in Oromo. and they are placed immediately after or before the
The morpheme –ičča in the inflected form in Table 8 is nouns they belong to. The most common contrastive pair
considered as the object/citation form which can be of words used in this way is kormaa „male (m.)‟ vs. ɗaltuu„
varied to -ičč-i whose final -i marks nominative case. Both female (f.). Consider Table 9.
the morphs -ičča and -ittii tend to be singulative markers In Table 9, the first two examples are distinguished for
embodying the property of definiteness. The following gender lexically. The third and fourth nouns that are
sentence provides an example for an indefinite derived from verbs indicate that the long -aa suffixed to
singulative form: the verb root or to a C-final stem marks masculine
gender, whereas the suffix -tuu makes verbal nouns in
[2] (a) nam-ičča tokko waam-ee-n ɗuf-e feminine gender. Lexically, gender coding nouns
man-Sing:ABS one call:1sg-Conv-1sgm distinguish between masculine and feminine genders by
come:1sg-Perf their contrastive final syllables as -ssa vs. -ttii. Such
„I came after calling a man‟ nouns that are derived from adjectives indicating gender
distinction. Proper nouns may also code gender
In example [2] (a), -ičča shows an indefinite singulative distinction by varying their final vowel like Gaaddisaa (m.)
property. Therefore, the basic functions of the vs. Gaaddisee (f.) in Oromo.
morphemes (-ičča and -ittii) are marking the singulative Some nouns may end in derivational morpheme -tuu,
property. Had they been definiteness markers, they could and they are used with no gender distinction (they are
have possibly been used with plural nouns; but that is not epicene). Even though they seem to end in the feminine
permissible. The function of these morphemes as form, the nouns are gender neutral. Each example below
definite, however, can be understood on the basis of is either masculine or feminine:
semantic aspect of the sentence.
[3] (a) hat-tuu „thief‟
Gender (b) kaɗat-tuu „beggar‟

Two types of gender, that is, masculine and feminine, In [3] (a) and (b), the roots are verbs. They become
116 J. Lang. Cult.

Table 10. Nominative case on nouns.

Base forms Inflected Forms Meaning

siree siree-n „bed‟
hirriba hirrib-ni „sleep‟
morma morm-i „neck‟
Bišaan bišaan-Ø „water‟

nouns by the suffix -tuu. In Wallaga Oromo, non-human intransitive verbs and agent of the transitive verbs take
nouns, as the example [4], are syntactically used as the inflectional morpheme for the nominative case. The
feminine. nominative case is marked by four different morphs of
allomorphic variation occurring in complementary
[4] (a) aduu „sun (f.) distribution. The allomorphs for the nominative case are -
(b) daččee „land (f.)‟ n,-ni,-i and Ø.
The difference in the phonological realization of the
Example [4] (a) and (b) shows that non-human nouns are nominative case markers arises from the phonological
considered as only feminine gender in Oromo. Such nature of the nouns. The marker -n occurs after a
nouns can be used with feminine gender marker -ittii; terminating long vowel of a noun, including the derived
however, its function is either feminine or diminutive nouns. For a noun base that ends in short vowel, the final
marking. For example, saree „dog‟ sar-ittii „dog-f‟. The vowel is dropped and -ni is suffixed to mark nominative
noun saree „dog‟ is considered feminine gender or case. It makes either gemination or consonant cluster.
diminutive form so that they normally take the marker of The allomorph -i is appended to noun roots or -C1C1 and
singulative property in the feminine form (Baye, 1981: -C1C2 final stems. Nominative case can also be marked
18). by zero morph when the noun ends in consonant as in
the last noun in Table 10; the case is understood by
considering placement of the noun and the syntactic
Case function it conveys.
Some consider the unit –ti as a separate nominative
The relational category, case, is a grammatical case marker (Launhardt, 1973: 40; Griefenow-Mewis,
relationship of nouns or pronouns to other words in a 2003: 42). The morpheme -ti is used as an optional
sentence. Faarlund (2004: 16) defines case as a extension of genitive case marker as in mana namaa-ti„
morphosyntactic category which is construed in its house of man‟ as it occurs after the genitive marker,
syntagmatic occurrence. Languages differ especially in vowel length (Gragg, 1976: 183). It is a copula in a
morphological case rather than syntactic case. “Syntactic possessive construction (Ishetu, 1981: 12). It can also be
Case is universal, while morphological case is language- used as a phonological variant of the morpheme -ni in
specific” (Mcfadden, 2004: 3). Wallaga Oromo marks nominative case. The nominative case allomorph –ni
nouns for case. According to Nordfeldt (1947: 22), there undergoes phonological processes and gets changed to -
are six types of cases in Oromo: nominative, accusative, ti, for example, bofa „snake ABS‟ - bof-ni „snake Nom‟ -
genitive, dative, ablative and vocative ones; he considers bof-ti „snake Nom‟ in which -ti results from partial
the absolutive case as the primitive form of nouns. assimilation process in the shares vocal feature between
Several cases exist in Oromo encompassing syntactic the segments /f/ and /t/. In some Oromo dialects it is
and semantic bases of case assignment with distinct pronounced as bofni without undergoing the phonological
inflectional markers for each. These include: nominative, process.
absolutive, genitive, dative, ablative, instrumental, When the focus marker -tuis suffixed to a noun in the
beneficiary, vocative, locative cases. They show their subject position, no case marker is used. Debela and
semantic roles on the basis of syntactic relational Ronny (2003: 165) and Baye (1988: 371) state that the
structures. morpheme -tu is a contrastive focus marker of nominal.
Baye (1988) indicates that this contrastive focus
phenomenon is construed in context because it contrasts
Nominative the focused nominal with other presupposed constituents
providing context.
In Wallaga Oromo, nouns that are used as subject of
[5] nam-ičča-tu na waam-e
1 man-Sing-Foc me call-Perf
Occurrences of core cases with their formal variations in Oromo are syntactic
and morphological. On the other hand the morphological forms of peripheral „It is the man who called me‟
cases like instrumental and genitive are semantic cases. Example [5] illustrates that the nominative case marker –
Wakweya 117

tu marks a focused subject in the contrastive context of making the same construction with dative forms in
the others. semantic consideration.
The suffix -tti makes the sentence semantically distinct
from the other marker (-f) in the dative case. For
Absolutive example, k’aršičča isa-tti kenni „give the money to him‟. In
this sentence, the money is supposed to be staying with
The base form of noun is the unmarked one, the so „him‟ for a short period of time . However, in the sentence
called absolutive case in Oromo, it is an underlying noun k’aršičča isaa-f kenni „Give him the money‟, indicates that
that occurs in the object position without an inflectional the money will be possessed by „him‟. Therefore,
suffix. In addition, we will be having all the final vowels occurrence of –tti and -f may signal semantic difference
with their long forms as markers of object paradigm if we in Oromo.
consider Oromo as an object marked language. It usually According to Griefenow-Mewis (2003: 45), the dative
ends in vowel(s) which Gragg (1976: 194) states as case markers mentioned earlier (-f and -tti) are not the
„stem-formatives‟. Owens (1985: 18) defines the only ones used in Wallaga Oromo. It considers several
absolutive case as the citation form used in the object markers inclusive of these suffixes. The dative case is
paradigm. These forms are considered as inherent stems marked by -f and -tti as the underlying inflectional forms
used in the position of direct object. Oromo is a marked- which means they are the formal occurrences of inflection
nominative language in which the object is unmarked. in our competence. However, when -f is appended to
Inherent noun like kitaaba „book‟ is treated in the nouns that end in short vowel, the vowel needs to be
absolutive case. lengthened being triggered by the suffix, because it
Consonant ending nouns occur with the suffix –n in the behaves to occur after long terminating vowel. In the
object position. Sometimes an object seems to be surface form, which is the uttered form, vowel length only
marked; for example, Galaanii(n) „Galaan-(Emph)‟. seems to be a dative case marker, but it is only occurring
According to this example, in consonant ending nouns, it in performance for utterance that it is not one of the
seems that the morpheme -n can be appended to citation allomorphs of the dative case; underlyingly, there exists
form in the same way as pronouns; for example, isaanii-n the suffix -f.
„them-Emph‟. Perhaps, the suffix -n is a focus marker on Nouns that seem to end in consonants can also be
object since the language is object unmarked in terms of suffixed by the dative case marker -f after vowel length.
case. Pronouns and demonstratives seem to be Such nouns can be followed by a high front vowel -i as a
distinguishing between subject and object forms as in is- copula, so that the case is marked by adding the suffix -f
ni „he-Nom‟ vs. is-a „he-Acc‟; however, this form is not following vowel length. Even though the noun loon ends
compatible for all pronouns as well as nouns. It calls for in consonant as in Table 11, the underlying dative case
more explanation. form is done in the same way with that of nama+f which
becomes namaa+f. It will be loon(i)+f which becomes
loonii+f. The long vowel without the final -f can be said;
Dative for example, ani loonii okaa haame „I cut grass for cattle‟.
In this sentence the noun loonii „for cattle‟ is in the dative
Wallaga Oromo marks an indirect object known as dative case paradigm whose underlying form is loonii-f „for
case, which is also called oblique case. Dative case cattle‟.
signals a noun that takes the position before or after the
direct object with the function of telling „for whom‟ or „to
whom‟ the action is done as semantic criteria. Two Genitive
different markers can be suffixed to nouns in order to
mark the dative case. Dative case uses-f as commonly The case marked on nominals for indication of
occurring suffix in this case (Owens, 1985: 105). possession is known as genitive case. Of course, genitive
Consider the examples in Table 11. case is broader than possession inclusive of purpose,
The dative case markers are the two underlying source, reference, etc. The marker of genitive case in
morphs of inflectional suffixes which are -f and -tti. These Wallaga Oromo nouns is vowel length, which is
morphs are distinctly used in Wallaga Oromo; their basic lengthening a short ending vowel of a noun. According to
functional difference falls between the morph -tti, which is Ishetu (1981:13), genitive case is formed in two ways: by
basically adpositional form (Owens, 1985: 112), signals prefixing kan and lengthening the last vowel (or suffixing -
goal or addressee whereas the suffix –f shows addressee i to final consonant of the possessor noun; and by
with a sense of beneficiary in dative case. Another juxtaposing the thing possessed and the possessor in
difference is that -f occurs after long vowel, but -tti can be that order and lengthening the final vowel of the
appended to any noun in the same function (Table 11).
Vowel length is used as a surface form in the same 3
The preverbal cliticas can be used before a verb to indicate that the object
function on which the suffix -f is realized in the underlying remains with the addressee for a short time. For example, ulee sana as kenni
form. The morpheme -tti occurs as in muč’aa-tti „to boy‟, ‘Give me that stick’
118 J. Lang. Cult.

the cleft system, Ɂeeboo-ɗaa-n “spear-Cop-Inst‟ is to

possessor if it is short (or suffixing -i after -C). However, mean kan fajjadame Ɂeeboo-ɗa „what he used is spear‟.
all about genitive is the vowel length only on the However, this thesis focuses on the overt morphology
possessor noun. In possession, if the vowel of the noun only that it does not enter into the details of the cleft
possessor is already long, occurrence of the possessed system.
noun just before the noun possessor signals the genitive Instrumental case is marked on the adjectives or
case. Using kan before the possessor and lengthening demonstratives if any. When a noun is modified by an
the short terminating vowel is also the other way of adjective, it is the adjective that is marked for the
constructing genitive forms in syntactic form. It does not instrumental case. An exceptional usage of instrumental
make gender distinction in Wallaga Oromo; however, in case in Wallaga Oromo occurs when the marker is seen
some other varieties like Hararghe, varying the initial on the verb just as on the noun; for example, deem-ii-n
letter to /t/ makes gender difference. Thus, tan is used go-2sg:Imp-Inst „use it to go‟. This example is the verb
referring to feminine gender. Table 12 may clarify the inflection for case. Such form can also mean take this
point more. horse away in addition to the indicated meaning and
Vowel length is the marker of genitive case on a noun function.
as in shown in Table 12. The vowel length on the genitive
noun occurs by the position of the possessed noun right Ablative
before. If the noun ends in short vowel, it is lengthened.
When the noun base ends in long vowel, positioning the The source, origin or from where a movement begins is
possessed noun right before the noun possessor expressed by the ablative case which is marked by vowel
indicates genitive case as a phrasal form like uffata length in Wallaga Oromo. For nouns that end in long
muč’aa „clothes of baby‟. vowel, long -aa and -ii following copular elements -ɗa
and-ti respectively are used to show ablative case. Table
14 provides the examples.
Instrumental Vowel length is about lengthening of a short vowel,
especially, referring to long -aa and -ii to mark ablative
The use of instruments or a means of doing something is case. Nouns that end in long vowels are marked for
termed as the instrumental case (Table 13). In Wallaga ablative case by placing copulas -ɗa or its allomorph -ti
Oromo, it is marked by -n. The instrumental case marker before the lengthened final vowel of the case. The
is utilized based on the spelling of the nouns in almost interesting point is that such form distinguishes ablative
similar way with that of the dative case as discoursed so case from the object form of nouns in its morphology. For
far. example, *Adaamaa ɗuf-Ø-e „He came to Adama‟. In this
As is clear from the examples, the instrumental case sentence, the noun Adaamaa „Adama‟ is the absolutive
marker is –n which occurs following long vowel. For a noun which may indicate locative or object or else
noun that ends in short vowel, the ending vowel is ablative, but when it becomes Adaamaa-ɗaa ɗuf-Ø-e „He
lengthened to append a marker of instrumental case. came from Adama‟, the noun form Adaamaaɗaa
Nouns ending in consonant are followed by the copular „Adama:Abl‟ is clear to be in the ablative form.
vowel -i which is lengthened before suffixing the
instrumental case marker –n in the same way with that of
the preceding example. Other elements especially Locative
copulas can be suffixed to nouns preceding the Locative case is marked by the suffix -tti, and tells
instrumental case marker indicating cleft system in location for some occurrence, goal or addressee. This
semantics as in the following example sentence. case seems to be antonym to the ablative case in that it
is “to” whereas the ablative case “from” is in the opposite
[6] kop’ee namaa-tii-n deem-i direction. Owens (1985: 110ff) states -tti as locative case
shoe man:Gen-Cop-Inst go-2sg:Imp in addition to that it considers the morpheme (-tti) as
„Go in someone‟s shoe‟ suffix appended to human noun indicating goal as
Copulas are placed before instrumental case marker –n Locative case as shown in Table 15 indicates location.
to indicate the instrumental from in cleft system, but they It may also indicate goal or addressee as in aangoo-tti
are not applicable for the nouns that end in short vowel; „authority-Loc‟ which shows addressee, but it may
for instance, *harka-ɗaa-n „hand-Cop-Inst‟. They precede indicate goal when appended to human as in nama-tti „to
-n when the terminating vowel of the noun is long vowel man‟.
and the case is instrumental, for example, Ɂeboo-n
„Spear-Nom‟ or Ɂeeboo-ɗaa-n „spear-Cop-Inst‟. Its sense
shows that the copulas make the instrumental case easily Beneficiary
understandable fulfilling that the suffix -n follows
lengthened vowel rather than the already long vowel. In In Wallaga Oromo, gaining from the result of something is
Wakweya 119

Table 11. Nouns in dative case forms.

Base form Inflected form Meaning

nama namaa-f/[namaa] „for man‟
muč’aa muč’aa-f/[muč’aa] „for baby‟
loon(i) loonii-f / [loonii] „for cattle‟

abbaa abbaa-tti „to father‟

ǰaarsa ǰaarsa-tti „to father‟
galaan Galaan(i)-tti „to father‟

Table 12. Noun forms in genitive case.

Base form Inflected form Meaning

farda fardaa „of horse‟
bišaan bišaanii „of water‟
muč’aa muč’aa „of baby‟

Table 13. Nouns in instrumental case forms.

Base forms Inflected forms Meaning

miila miilaa-n „by leg‟
Ɂeeboo Ɂeeboo-n „by spear‟
Summii summii-n „by poison‟

Table 14. Nouns in ablative form.

Base form Inflected form Meaning

ǰimma ǰimmaa „from Jimma‟
Adaamaa Adaamaa-ɗaa „from Adama‟
Šanan Šananii „from Shanan‟

Table 15. Nouns in locative case.

Base form Inflected form Meaning

Nak’amte Nak’amte-tti „at Nekempt‟
Mana mana-tti „at home‟
galma galma-tti „in hall‟
aangoo aangoo-tti „by authority‟

All data of the language under analysis is written in phonemically transcribed form; wherever the phonetic form is needed brackets are used; which means, the
uttered form is enclosed in brackets
marked on nouns by a suffix –f that follows long vowel, something. In this paper, such marking is indicated by
and called beneficiary or benefactive case. Beneficiary is beneficiary.
used referring to gaining from result of some happening The paradigmatic forms indicate that the beneficiary
whereas benefactive case marks for benefitting from marker -f after long final vowel on a noun point out that
120 J. Lang. Cult.

there are gains from something. Since the same markeris forms of inflectional indications. They distinguish their
appended for dative case, the verb type and semantic inflectional forms through their internal phonological
aspect determines beneficiary. The noun in the forms or by suppletive forms in which complete
beneficiary occurs with intransitive verbs. Such replacement of the word indicates inflection in the
constructions are widely used in Wallaga Oromo. language. The absolutive form of pronoun is the base
Although case marker and morphological form of dative form in the same way with noun that is the object form. It
and beneficiary seem the identical, the verb type with its also distinguishes between masculine and feminine
arguments determines the case type (Tables 16 and 17). gender.
If the verb is constructed with direct and oblique objects, Regarding the core case distinction in pronouns, the
the oblique one is in the dative form whereas when the nominative case is marked in the same way with nouns
verb is intransitive or linking verb for the benefit of applying the four allomorphs. The first person plural nu
someone, the noun form is in the beneficiary case by „us‟ in the object form is marked for nominative case by
using monovalent or bivalent verbs. Number of the allomorph -i as nu-i  nu-t-i „we‟ (Table 19). The
arguments and semantic features need to be considered impermissible occurrence of V1V2 in Oromo is settled by
for the distinction between dative and beneficiary cases. the epenthetic consonant -t- which in other dialects is -j-
becoming nu-j-i „we‟. Second person singular si „you‟
does not have a clear root; it seems to be diacronically
Vocative metathetic element from the root is- „pronoun notion‟,
because this root is applicable for all pronouns, except
Some languages have vocative case which marks the first persons (calls for more study). The nominative form
noun representing the entity (animate) we address. It is a of si „you‟ is ati „you:Nom‟ by suppletive form through
verbal means of calling attention. In Wallaga Oromo, complete replacement for grammatical function, so that it
there are various ways of marking the vocative case. One is not analyzed into *at-i „You-Nom‟ because its whole is
is using the word ‘yaa’ referring to the addressee which is inflected form. Although the object pronouns are from the
syntactic form. meaningless roots /n-/ and /is-/, they are considered
The suffix -na which marks vocative case is appended absolutive because there is no specific marker of object
to a noun which is two syllabic and ending in short vowel form.
with harmonic occurrence of vowels (Table 18). Its full In the pronouns 3sgm and 3sgf, isa „him‟ and ise „her‟,
word form nana is used after nouns that end in long the final vowels show gender distinction. Vowel -a sound
vowel; for example, gurbaa nana „you boy!‟ It seems that is associated to masculine, whereas the vowel -e sound
the suffix -na occurs in allomorphic variant of its full word is related with feminine gender as in Nagaasa „masculine‟
form nana as vocative case marker. Sometimes the vs. Nagaase „feminine‟. Therefore, they are like gender
suffix -na can be used representing the word kana „this‟; coding base forms of pronouns. In the 3sgf form,
for example, bara-na „this year‟. It can be identified based iseišee undergoes phonological process of
on the syntagmatic occurrence of the nouns with such palatalization by movement of tongue s š /-high-mid
particle. The marker of vocative case with incorporation front vowel.
of strong feeling -na or its full word form nana can never Second person plural pronoun isin and third person
be used with proper nouns. plural pronoun isaan are also used as honorific words
referring to a single person. The citation or object forms
are considered as the base forms of pronouns. Haymanot
Pronoun (1984: 8) distinguishes forms of 2pl pronoun isin and isini
as object and subject forms, respectively showing the
Another declensional class in the nominals, which is same form for 3pl isaan and isaani. However, consonant
inflected for a number of categories, is pronoun. Inflection ending nominals are marked for nominative case by zero
of pronouns is complex because it is less regularly morpheme. The optional -i suffixed to nominals is for
patterned than noun inflection. That is it contains several copular costruction as kun isaan-i „these them-Cop‟.
suppletive forms of inflection phonological forms in their The controversial issue of marking pronouns in Oromo
functional variation. Pronouns are inflected for properties for accusative case is considered by several studies.
of number, gender, singulative and case like the noun Haimanot (1984: 19) used object pronouns in accusative
inflection. Launhardt (1973) describes some forms of case forms by the morpheme -n without describing their
pronoun inflection in the attempt to provide how to learn phonological distinction in advance; Debela and Meyer
the Oromo language. (2003: 174) marks pronouns of accusative case by -Vn. It
puts two paradigms of object forms of pronouns as the
base forms and the marked accusative forms.
Personal pronoun The view of this is contrary with the works of the
aforementioned studies, in this regard, that the issue of
Personal pronouns in Wallaga Oromo appear complex accusative case is never raised in this work. It has been
Wakweya 121

Table 16. Nouns in beneficiary case.

Base form Inflected form Meaning

Waak’a Waak’aa-f „for God‟
Hoǰii hoǰii-f „for work‟

Table 17. Difference between dative and beneficiary.

Case type Base form Inflected form Meaning

muč’aa uffata muč’aa-f/ [muč’aa] biti „Buy the baby clothes‟
nama k’aršii namaa-f/ [namaa] kenni „Give the man money‟

muč’aa muč’aa-f ɗufe „he came for the baby‟

Nama namaa-f gammada „he gets happy for others‟

Table 18. Vocative Nouns.

Base form Inflercted form Meaning

nama nama-na „(you) guy‟
ǰara ǰara-na „(you) guys‟

Table 19. Personal pronoun.

Person Root Citation/Object form Subject Possessive adjectives

1sg n- (a)na (a)n-i koo
1pl n- nu nu-i [nuti] keeňňa
2sg - si ati Kee
2pl is- isin isin-Ø keessan
3sgm is- isa is-ni[inni] isaa [saa]
3sgf is- isee[išee] išee-n isee [šee]
3pl is- Isaan isaan-Ø[isaan] isaanii[saanii]

indicated that Oromo is an absolutive language in which waam-Ø-e he-Nom them-Emph call-3sgm-Perf „he called
object is not marked for accusative case by particular them‟ has the meaning „it is them whom he called‟ in
morpheme(s) (Table 20). The base (citation) forms of the relation with other participants of the discourse. The
pronouns are absolutively the onject forms that we do not equivalent forms for 3sg pronouns seem to be suffixing
have object markers. Next, the marked form is the copula -ɗa for emphasis as isa-ɗa „him-Emph‟ and
incompatible for 3sg pronouns that they have to remain in išee-ɗa „her-Emph‟.
their base forms. The other, the morpheme -Vn will be - The nominative and objective forms of the pronouns
VVn for the C-final nouns. Therefore, the discourse can be seen in Table 21. Pronouns are inflected for
related marked forms of the object pronouns can be seen several types of cases. The dative case is marked by -f
in Table 21. and -tti. However, in some cases pronouns in the oblique
Pronouns in object forms are marked by the morpheme case remain in the object form as in gaaffii si gaafate „he
-n which triggers the preceding vowel to be lengthened if asked you a question‟; no any marker. The base form of
it is short. Several morphemes behave like occurring after a pronoun functions as dative case.
vowel length only. The marked object forms of pronouns
are functionally for showing emphasis; not accusative [7] is-ni[inni] bišaan sii-f[sii] kenn-Ø-e
case as we already have the absolutive case in object he:Nom water you-Dat give-3sgm-Perf
forms. These forms are situation based that they are „He gave you water‟
understood more in discourse. For example, Inni isaanii-n Example [7] uses –f to indicate dative case whereby
122 J. Lang. Cult.

Table 20. Object pronouns

Object pronouns
Without suffix -Vn with suffix –Vn
1sg na ana-an
2sg si si-in
1pl nu nu-un
2pl isin isin-iin
3pl isaan isaan-iin
Debela and Meyer (2003: 174)

Table 21. Object pronouns and emphatic forms.

Object pronouns
Absolutive Emphatic
1sg na anaa-n
2sg si sii-n
1pl nu nuu-n
2pl isin isin(ii)-n
3pl Isaan isaan(ii)-n

Table 22. Pronouns in ablative form.

Base form Inflected form Meaning

ana ana-irraa [narraa] „from me‟
Si si-irraa [sirraa] „from you‟

vowel length can also be used as its surface form. The suffixed by -f and it conveys focus. However, the pronoun
morph -tti can also mark dative case as in išee-n ergaa of the dative case which is placed after the direct object
na-tti him-t-e, „she told me a message‟ on the basis of uttered in vowel length only whose underlying form is with
meaning though in other contexts it can function as the suffix -f. Sentence [8] (b) indicates that third person
adposition. For example, saree-n na-tti fig-Ø-e „A dog ran pronouns do not allow the double appearance of the
to me‟ in which –tti is an adposition showing goal to mean dative pronouns because on the final position of the
towards. sentence, -fii is suffixed to the verb following a
Double usage of dative case pronouns is permissible in lengthened vowel whose function is similar with the
Wallaga Oromo. The pronoun which is placed before the doubled pronouns in other pronouns.
direct object shows focus on the indirect object, and is Personal pronouns are also inflected for ablative case.
suffixed by-f whereas the second one appears in vowel The adpositional particle –irraa marks ablative case on
length only whose underlying form is the same. The pronouns.
examples below illustrate more: The ablative forms of pronouns indicating source is
made by using the adposition -irraa because this
[8] (a) is-ni anaa-f baɗaasa naa-f[naa] kenn-Ø-e adposition has got the meaning „from‟ in its long final
he-Nom me-Dat award me:1sg-Ben give-3sgm-Perf vowel (Table 22). It seems that this is the only marker of
„He gave me an award‟ ablative case on pronouns.
(b) in-ni išee-f kop’ee bit-Ø-ee-fii Wallaga Oromo distinguishes between possessive
he-Nom her-Dat shoe buy-3sgm-Conv-Ben adjectives and possessive pronouns. Possessive
„He bought her shoes‟ adjectives are used with nouns being encliticized whereas

As in example [8] (a), the first person pronouns can be 5

Pronouns that are used with a noun and somehow modifying the noun in terms
used in double form. It seems that when the dative of its kind and identity are used as possessive adjectives. They are pronouns
pronouns occur before the direct object, the pronoun is used as adjectives.
Wakweya 123

Table 23. Reflexive pronouns (Subject).

Base form Reflexive form Meaning

ana ofiikoo „myself‟
si ofiikee „yourself‟
isa ofiisaa „himself‟
išee ofiišee „herself‟
nu ofiikeeňňa „ourselves‟
isin ofiikeessan „yourselves‟
isaan Ofiisaanii „themselves‟

Table 24. Cases in intensive pronouns.

Case type Intensive form Meaning

mataa-n-koo „myself‟
mataa-n-saa „himself‟

mataa-kee „yourself‟
mataa-šee „herself‟

mataasaa-f „for himself‟

mataakee-f „for yourself‟

possessive pronouns are used alone in sentences, and possessive adjective forms of pronouns. A reflexive
thus they are syntactic forms. The particle kan is prefixed pronoun may come either right after its antecedent or
to the possessive adjectives to form possessive pronouns after some words in a sentence and it remains reflexive
that can stand alone in a sentence to indicate possession regardless of changing its syntactic placement. Launhardt
as in kankoo „mine‟. Such forms are usually constructed (1973: 233) indicates that subject and object cases are
with the copulas ɗa or -ti. The obligatory difference in the similarly unmarked.
usage of the copulas is that the first and second person Reflexive pronouns are inflected for several cases like
plural possessive pronouns kankeeňňa „ours‟ and nominative case as in ofiisaanii iǰaarani „themselves built
kankeessan „yours‟ are used with the copula ɗa only. The it‟ and dative case as in ofiikee-f „yourself-Dat‟. Dative
copular element -ti can be used with the other possessive case is marked by –f on the reflexive pronouns (Table
pronouns ending in long vowel; but ɗa can be used 23).
replacing -ti for the purpose of focus on the possession.

Intensive pronouns
Reflexive and intensive pronouns
Intensive pronouns are formed in different ways from that
Both reflexive and intensive pronouns are differently used of the reflexive ones. The intensive form mataa is
in Oromo. According to Launhardt (1973: 234), both the procliticized to the possessive adjective form and it is
markers of(i)- „self (reflexive)‟ and mataa „self (intensive)‟ syntactic aspect. Nominative case markers are suffixed to
are for reflexive pronouns; however, from syntactic the word mataa preceding the possessive adjectives
constructions we can understand that the former is for occurring with the intensive marker because it is usually
reflexive whereas the latter makes intensive pronouns placed right after its antecedent. Pronouns of this
(Table 23). category are inflected for subject, object, dative cases
and beneficiary.
Intensive pronouns emphasize the subject. The
Reflexive pronouns nominative case marker –n is suffixed to the intensive
pronoun mataa „self (intensive)‟ in the subject paradigm
Reflexive pronouns show that an action refers back to the (Table 24). The intensive pronouns come right after the
subject. They are formed by prefixing the particle of(i)-on nominative nouns or pronouns to indicate intensity or
124 J. Lang. Cult.

Table 25. Demonstratives.

Base form Nominative form Gloss

kana kun(i) this:Nom „this‟
sana sun(i) that:Nom „that‟

emphasis. The object forms of intensive pronouns occur /u/ makes the inflectional form in the use of ablaut in
in the absolutive form. Intensive pronoun occurs in the which vowel change shows inflection (Table 25).
dative case being suffixed by the marker -f on the Occurrence if -i at the end in the nominative case as kuni
intensive pronoun. In both object forms and dative cases „this:Nom‟ and suni „that:Nom‟ is dialectal variation.
the intensive pronouns occur right after the object or Even though these are basically pronouns, they can be
citation forms of pronouns or after corresponding nouns. used as adjectives modifying nouns. The plural form
Intensive pronouns are used in subject or object kanneen „these‟ points to near things in object form.
positions following their antecedent nouns or pronouns; However, it is also possible to opt with the singular
hence, they are inflected for nominative case. They are demonstrative pronouns kana „this‟ for plural antecedents
also inflected for dative case by the marker -f suffixed to in Wallaga Oromo.
the intensive pronoun.
[10] nam-oota kanneen waam-i
[9] Dabaloo-n ana mataa koo-f t’alayaa erg-ee man-pl:ABS these call:2sg-Imp
ǰir-a[erg-ee-ra] „call these persons‟
Dabaloo-Nom me self my-Dat letter send:3sgm-
Conv Aux-Impf As in example [10], demonstrative adjective or pronoun
„Dabalo sent me a letter‟ can be used in plural form, but its singular correspondent
can also occur without meaning change as in ǰabb-oota
When an intensive pronoun is used as a dative case, the kana fuuɗ-ii deem-i „Take these calves away‟. The
direct object noun or pronoun is followed by intensive singular form kana „this‟ can also be used along with
pronoun. The intensive pronoun is inflected for the case, plural forms.
whereas the pronoun in the direct object form remains in
its base form as in example [8].
Interrogative pronouns

Demonstrative and interrogative pronouns Interrogative pronouns undergo inflection for different
grammatical properties. They are marked for number
Demonstratives and interrogative pronouns have case as distinguishing between plural and singular (Table 26). In
their common inflectional category, though the latter is addition, they are marked for cases as subject, object,
marked for more number of cases than the former in genitive and dative forms. Launhardt (1973: 246) states
Wallaga Oromo. Demonstrative adjectives occur after that –tu suffixed to the object form in order to mark focus
nouns to modify the noun (antecedent), whereas in the nominative case.
demonstrative pronouns are used alone in a sentence Nominative forms of interrogative pronoun are used in
either in subject or object positions. Interrogative focused forms by the morpheme -tu which is a nominal
pronouns are marked for nominative, genitive and dative focus marker. It indicates focused subjects used in the
cases. nominative case. Both dative and beneficiary cases are
formed in the same morphology that they both are
marked by the morpheme -f. The distinction between
Demonstratives them is syntactic and semantic. The genitive case
marker, vowel length, can be used with interrogative
Inflection of demonstrative adjectives and pronouns pronouns as in Table 26. Interrogative pronoun eeňňu is
distinguishes between nominative and absolutive forms. marked by -n in the object form. The morpheme is
When demonstratives are used with nouns as adjectives basically functional for showing emphasis but it occurs
as in man-ni kun-i „this house‟, they are marked for with the interrogative pronoun embodying the sense of
nominative case following the nouns they are modifying. objective indication.
Demonstrative pronouns are also marked for nominative
case as in kun-i mana „this is a house‟. [11] eeňňuu-n waam-t-e?
The distinction between the absolutive and nominative who-Emph call-2sg-Perf
forms is not the final vowel change, but the internal vowel „Whom did you call?‟
Wakweya 125

Table 26. Interrogative pronouns.

Case Base form Inflected form Meaning

Eeňňu eeňňuu-f „for whom‟
maal(i) maalii-f „for what‟

Eeňňu eeňňuu-f „for whom‟

maal(i) maalii-f „for what‟

eeňňu Eeňňuu „whose‟

maal maalii „of what‟

eeňňu eeňňu-tu „who‟

maal(i) maat-tu „what‟

Table 27. Indefinite pronouns.

Base forms Inflected form Meaning

nama nam-uu „nobody‟
eeňňu eeňňu-llee „whomever‟
kam kam-llee [kam-i-llee] „whichever‟
Eessa eessa-llee „wherever‟

Example [11] shows that interrogative pronoun occurs in morphologically the same. Here is an example sentence:
object form being suffixed by -n whose function is
marking an emphatic object. [12] (a) namuu daree hin ǰeek’-n-e
man:Nom class Neg disturb-Neg-Perf
„Nobody disturbed the class‟
Indefinite and reciprocal pronouns
In example [12] (a), the indefinite pronoun is in the
Indefinite pronouns nominative case though it can also be used in the object
position. The suffix -uu makes indefinite pronouns when
Several indefinite pronouns are available in Wallaga they are suffixed to the lexical item nam- which basically
Oromo and they undergo inflection. They are marked for serves as a noun root when considered alone. It adds the
number and case. The case indicated by indefinite property of indefiniteness as the stem namuu „nobody‟.
pronouns between nominative and absolutive cases is
rather syntactic because it is not morphologically
distinctly marked. Indefinite pronouns can be marked for Reciprocal pronouns
genitive and dative cases also. Launhardt (1973: 247)
classifies indefinite pronouns into three based on their In Wallaga Oromo, reciprocity is expressed by wal(i)
usage. According to him, there are indefinite pronouns „each other‟. This particle is inflected for dative,
referring to person only, those referring to animals and beneficiary cases as follows. The base form wal is as an
things only, and those referring to persons, animals and object object.
things. Indefinite pronouns are marked for few inflectional The reciprocal pronoun used as dative case is formed
categories. by suffixing -f whereas the next example in Table 28
The morpheme -llee, which means „ever‟, gives the indicates that wal is suffixed by the same morpheme -ffor
property of indefiniteness to pronouns when it is beneficiary cases. The difference is construed from their
appended to them (Table 27). These indefinite pronouns syntagmatic forms.
are mostly used in negative constructions especially in The reciprocal pronoun can be suffixed by –n to mean
jussive and imperative forms. The indefinite pronouns „together‟ though the marker seems to occur with the
make contrastive relation between nominative and reciprocal pronoun only.
absolutive cases in syntactic forms though they are [13] (a) Marartuu-fi Immiruu-n walii-n ǰiraat-u
126 J. Lang. Cult.

Table 28. Reciprocal pronouns.

Case Base form Inflected form Meaning

Dative wal walii-f „for eachother‟
Beneficiary Wal walii-f „for eachother‟

Table 29. Plural forms of adjectives.

Form of inflection Singular Plural m./f.

sooressa „rich:m.‟ sooreyyii „riches‟
Lexical coding bayeessa beautiful:m bayeeyyii „beautifuls‟
koɁeettii „busy:f.‟ koɁeeyyii „busies‟

guddaa „big‟ gud-guddoo [gur-guddoo] „bigs‟

Reduplication furdaa „fat‟ fur-furdoo [fu-furdoo]„fats‟
č’imaa „strong‟ č’i-č’č’imoo „strongs‟

hamaa „cunning‟ ham-oota „cunnings/bads‟

-(o)ota gowwaa „foolish‟ goww-oota „foolishes‟
gamna„wise‟ gamn-oota„wises‟

Marartuu and Imiruu-Nom each other-Loc live:3Pl- occurrence patterns of their markers. Almost all
Impf adjectives end in vowel sounds in which change of the
„Marartu and Imiru live together‟ vowels or suffixing markers account for inflection of the
The suffix -n as in example [13] represents the shortened
form of wal-waǰǰin „together‟ which has undergone the
diachronic process of grammaticalization in which Inflectional categories of adjectives
meaning and lexical form is reduced into grammatical
form and function. Adpositions like –tti „toward‟ and –irraa The inflectional categories or properties of adjectives are
„from‟ are used with reciprocal pronouns showing goal the same with that of nouns. Adjectives are inflected for
and source respectively as wal-tti [wal-i-tti] eachother-Loc number, gender, singulative and case like nouns;
„eachother-toward‟, and wal-irraa each other-Abl “from however, sometimes they are marked differently from
each other”. They are appended to the pronouns as nouns. For instance, adjectives, unlike nouns, are
adposisions are morphological in Oromo. The adpositions inflected by reduplication to mark plurality.
-tti and -iraa are used in morphology of nominal indicating When adjectives occur with nouns in sentences,
the meaning „towards‟ and „from‟ respectively. The number is marked on both of them. Nouns are marked for
reciprocal pronoun wal can also be used as a direct plurality (cf. section 4.1.1), but adjectives are marked for
object occurring just before verb in its unmarked form number by reduplication of its initial syllable (CV, CVC),
(absolutive) as in isaan wal ǰaallatu „they love each other‟. or by the plural suffix -(o)ota. In the former way of
marking plurality, the initial syllable reduplication co-
occurs with the final vowel shift from -aa to –oo when the
Adjectives adjectives end in long -aa. The latter way of marking
number in adjectives is the same with that of nouns.
In Wallaga Oromo, adjectives are inflected following the According to Baye (1981: 29) and Launhardt (1973: 313),
nouns they modify in a sentence. That is, when the noun the suffix -(o)ota shows plurality in adjectives. Table 29
is in the nominative case, the adjective is marked for the shows the different ways of marking plural adjectives with
same case; the same is true when they occur with nouns examples.
in object paradigm. They mostly occur in harmony with The lexically coded adjectives distinguish between
nouns. Adjectives can be considered as a peripheral singular and plural forms by their contrastive final
word class of inflectional morphology as they mimic syllables -ssa and -ttii. The plural number is also marked
nouns, they modify in several ways. This section attempts by reduplication whereby the final vowel shifts from long -
to describe inflectional categories of adjectives and aa to -oo occurs for most adjectives of such form.
Wakweya 127

Table 30. Marked gender on adjectives.

Masculine Feminine
ham-aa „cunning/bad:m.‟ ham-tuu „cunning/bad:f.‟
ɗeer-aa „tall/long-m.‟ ɗeer-tuu „tall/long-f.‟
furd-aa „fat:m.‟ furd-oo „fat:f.‟
k’alɁaa „thin:m.‟ k’alɁ-oo „thin:f.‟

Table 31. Noun phrases (Nouns and Adjectives) in the nominative case.

Inflected forms Meaning

nam-nigowwaa-n „a foolish man‟
nam-oot-ni ɗe-ɗɗeeroo-n „long men‟

Reduplication of the initial CV or CVC syllable can be a stick-Nom long-Sing-Nom

marker of plural number. This occurs on adjectives that „The long stick‟
are formed from other part of speech and on the (b) muk-ičč-i ɗeeraa-n
compound adjectives like harka-k’alɁeessa „poor:sg‟ stick-Sing-Nom ling-Nom
harka-k’alɁeeyyii „poor:pl‟. The third row of Table 29 „The long stick ‟
shows that the suffix -(o)ota is also a marker of plurality
on adjectives. Singulative markers occur on either an adjective or a
In Oromo, the base forms of adjectives are normal to noun when they are used together as in examples [14]
be used with masculine as in gurraačča „black:m.‟, that is, (a) and (b). Adjectives are marked for singulative
they are basically masculine related. Inflection occurs especially when they occur after the relative pronouns
when we make them fit for the feminine as gurraattii inni and išeen as in (a). Marking singulative property on
„black:f.‟. Variation of the final syllables on these both noun and adjective is ungrammatical *muk-ičč-i
adjectives is lexical form seemingly suffixal forms of ɗeer-ičč-i „the long stick‟ because the singulative marker
feminine gender –ittii and -ičča of masculine. This is for is appended on both the adjective and noun.
adjectives that can also be used as nouns. Adjectives If a noun is marked for nominative case, an adjective
that are invariable between gender distinctions also exist following it will also be marked for the same case. Table
in Oromo. Table 30 shows some examples of Marked 31 clarifies the point. The phrases in Table 31 exemplify
Gender on Adjectives. that adjectives following a nominative noun are marked
For many adjectives that end in long -aa, the for nominative case whether the adjective is occurring
morpheme –tuu is suffixed dropping the long vowel -aa either in suffixation or reduplication. The same rules
so that it marks feminine gender. However, some (markers) of nouns apply for the adjectives for nominative
adjectives ending in long -aa can be marked by shifting case.
the final -aa to -oo. Some adjectives like garraamii „kind‟ As indicated in Table 32, the nominative case is marked
happen with no inflection to mark gender that means the by four allomorphs whereas the absolutive case is the
same form is used for both masculine and feminine. unmarked object form. Dative case is marked by the
There are adjectives indicating gender to distinguish underlying suffixes -f. Genitive case is marked by vowel
between masculine and feminine (Mohammed and length on the noun or pronoun possessor. The
Zaborski, 1990). They are used after the noun they refer instrumental and beneficiary cases are marked by -n and
to. For example, saree kormaa vs. saree ɗaltuu can be -f respectively. These are suffixed to the nouns or
considered in which then adjectives kormaa and ɗaltuu pronouns under the case.
are gender distinguishers coming after those nouns.
Markers of singulative property –ičča (for masculine) and
-ittii (for feminine) occur on adjectives also as for nouns. Inflections of verbs
Singulative markers are not used on both a noun and
adjective at the same time. When noun is marked, Verbs are the most significant class in undergoing
adjective is not and the vice versa. several inherent and agreement inflection and thus
complexity of conjugational occurrences is noticeable. As
[14] (a) muk-ni[muk-ti]ɗeer-ičč-i Katamba (1993: 220) indicates, “in most languages the
128 J. Lang. Cult.

Table 32. Summary of case inflection realized on adjectives.

Case Marker Example

furdaa-n fat-Nom
Nominative -n, -ni, -i

Absolutive No marker
gamna wise-ABS

c’imaa-f strong-Dat „for strong‟

Dative -f
adii-fwhite-Dat „for white‟

hamaa cunning/bad-Gen „of cunning/bad‟

Genitive Vowel length
guraaccaablack-Gen „of black‟

ɗeeraa-n tall/long-Inst „by tall/long‟

Instrumental -n
k’alɁoo-nthin-Inst „by thin‟

muraasaa-f few-Ben „for few‟

Beneficiary -f
gudaa-fbig/respected-Ben „for big/respected‟

verb shows greater morphological complexity than any regular manner to occur in agreement with subject as
other word class”. Oromo refers to a subject agreement inflection on verbs.
The other rare verbs whose root ends in consonants /Ɂ/,
/h/, /ɗ/, /j/ and whose inflected forms happen in special
Verbs and inflection ways with their vowel change seem to be irregular verbs.
The conjugational pattern of the regular and irregular
In the Oromo language, the base stems of verbs are the verbs can be shown as in Table 33.
infinitive (verbal noun) forms ending with morpheme -uu In Table 33 conjugation of the verb root raf-, the
as in mur-uu cut-VN „to cut/cutting‟. We can classify the perfective marker -e which is varied to -i used with
verbs in Oromo into three types as action/stative, second and third person plural pronouns. The morpheme
auxiliary and copula. The action verbs can be used in -t- marks person on verbs as an agreement suffix.
different derivational forms like causative and passive However, in other context, it marks person and gender as
constructions. Auxiliary verbs, which occur as helping a cumulative morpheme. Therefore, the morpheme can
verbs, can be considered as action/main verbs when they be considered as an agreement marker of person and
are used in the absence of another action verb in a gender on verbs. Here, are examples:
sentence. They are basically functioning as helping verbs
being with other action verbs in a sentence. The [15] (a) an-i raf-Ø-e
invariable particles functioning as copula do exist in the I-Nom sleep-1sg-Perf
language. They are ɗa and its negative form miti, but the „I slept‟
positive copula ɗa can be varied to -ti, which usually (b) at-i raf-t-e
occurs in genitive construction or -i, which occurs with you-Nom sleep-2sg-Perf
nouns or pronouns ending in consonant. „You slept‟
Verb inflection happens for inherent and agreement
properties. Inherent properties are the basic members of In example [15] (b), the morpheme -t- marks second
a word class triggering inflection on that word class person singular pronoun in contrast with its unmarked
whereas agreement properties indicate inflection of a (zero morphemic) correspondent on first person singular
word class for properties out of its members (cf. section as in example [15] (a). It also conveys a feminine gender
2.4). Besides inflection of their inherent properties, verbs when the verb is used with the third person singular
are inflected for agreement purposes based on forms of pronoun as is seen in Table 34. Haimanot (1984: 11)
their root or stems. We can identify two types of verbs indicates that the morph -t- is a person agreement marker
according to the root forms and their agreement for second singular and plural, third singular feminine
properties. The majority of verbs are conjugated in a types of pronouns; the rest are marked by zero
Wakweya 129

Table 33. Conjugation of action verbs in positive form.

Verb Person Verb root Perf. Inflected Form Gloss
Per. Num
1sg raf- „sleep‟ -Ø - -e raf-Ø-e „I slept‟
2sg raf- „sleep‟ -t - -e raf-t-e „you slept‟
3sgm raf- „sleep‟ -Ø - -e raf-Ø-e „he slept‟
3sgf raf- „sleep‟ -t - -e raf-t-e „she slept‟
1pl raf- „sleep‟ -Ø -n -e raf-n-e „we slept‟
2pl raf- „sleep‟ -t- -an -i raf-t-an-i „you slept‟
3pl raf- „sleep‟ -Ø- -an -i raf-an-i „they slept‟

1sg ɗaw-„weave‟ -Ø - -e ɗaw-Ø-e „I weaved‟

2sg ɗaw- „weave‟ -t - -e ɗaw-t-e [ɗoofte] „you weaved‟
3sgm ɗaw- „weave‟ -Ø - -e ɗaw-Ø-e „he weaved‟
3sgf ɗaw- „weave‟ -t - -e ɗaw-t-e[ɗoofte] „she weaved‟
1pl ɗaw- „weave‟ -Ø -n -e ɗaw-n-e [ɗoofne] „we weaved‟
2pl ɗaw- „weave‟ -t- -an -i ɗaw-t-an-i [ɗooftani] „you weaved‟
3pl ɗaw- „weave‟ -Ø- -an -i ɗaw-an-i „they weaved

Table 34. Consonat deletion in conjugational forms.

Person Root Inflected form Asp. Gloss
Per. Num
1sg moɁ- moɁ-Ø-e -Ø- - -e „I won‟
2sg moɁ- moɁ-t-e [moote] -t- - -e „you won:sg‟
3sgm moɁ- moɁ-e -Ø- - -e „he won‟
3sgf moɁ- moɁ-t-e [moote] -t- - -e „she won‟
1pl moɁ- moɁ-n-e [moone] -Ø -n -e „we won‟
2pl moɁ- moɁ-t-an-i [mootan(i)] -t- -an -i „you won:pl‟
3pl moɁ- moɁ-an-i -Ø -an -i „they won‟

morphemes. However, the agreement marker -n- seems Transitive and intransitive verbs whose roots end in the
to be a cumulative morpheme conveying person and glottal phonemes /Ɂ/, /h/, the implosive /ɗ/ and the palatal
number functions in first and third plural pronouns. /j/ (like hoɗ- „suck‟, ɗoɁ- „explode‟ and moɁ- „win‟),
Example, raf-n-e „We slept‟ in which the suffix -n- agrees behave differently conjugating when they take any
with the first person and plural pronoun. In general, the consonant initial morph and hence the agreement
suffix -t- marks the verb to distinguish between genders markers of such forms. They are not followed by a
or persons which are contextually identified. Negative consonant. Based on this, when a suffix that begins in
forms of the verb conjugation in Table 33 above are done consonant is to happen on a verb root or stem that ends
by using the negative proclitic hin- and the dependent in one of these segments, they are deleted and followed
suffix -n- after the verb. For instance, hinraf-n-e „Neg by the preceding vowel length. However, in some cases
sleep-Neg-Perf‟ is the negative form for all the varied the preceding vowel may be changed. The following table
forms in the table. In negative perfective aspect, the verb can make it clearer.
form is uniform across the paradigm. No agreement As Table 34 indicates, a marker that begins with
marker is used. The perfective marker is similarly -e consonant causes deletion of the terminating glottal
which follows the dependent negative suffix -n-. In segments `and others /j/ and /ɗ/which is followed by the
imperfective forms, the suffix -u can be considered as the preceding vowel length. Such form does not occur with
dependent negative marker along with the proclitic hin 1sg, 3sgm and 3pl subjects because the conjugational
except for second and third person plural pronouns agreement morphemes of these subjects do not begin
whose marker is -an instead. These are also the markers with consonant; there is no change with status of the
of imperfective aspect. vowel because the morphs appended are vowel or
130 J. Lang. Cult.

Table 35. Autobenefactive verbs in conjugation.

Person Stem Inflected form Asp. Gloss
Per Num
1sg bitat- bitat-ɗ-e [bitaɗɗe] -ɗ- - -e „I bought:ABen‟
2sg bitat- bitat-t-e -t- - -e „You:sg bought:ABen‟
3sgm bitat- bitat-Ø-e -Ø - -e „he bought:ABen‟
3sgf bitat- bitat-t-e -t- -e „she bought:ABen‟
1pl bitat- bitat-n-e -Ø -n -e „We bought:ABen‟
2pl bitat- bitat-t-an-i -t- -an -i „You:pl bought:ABen‟
3pl bitat- bitat-Ø-an-i -Ø -an -i „They bought:ABen‟

vowel initial. The occurrence pattern of these markers is regular in that

With regard to the verbs that may also change their way with such verbs.
preceding vowels usually from low a into the high mid
vowels. This occurs in both transitive and intransitive Verbs
verbs. Example, gaj-s-egeesse „she reached‟, ɗaw-n-
eɗoo-f-n-e „we weaved‟, kaaj-s-e  keesse „she put‟. Different inherent and agreement grammatical categories
These can be considered as irregular verbs since their account for the inflection of verbs in Oromo. The inherent
inflectional forms are special. Phonological process of ones are aspect, mood, and voice whereas the
total assimilation accounts for the change of the palatal agreement properties include person, number, gender
segment /j/ into /s/. What makes these forms irregular is and case. Several studies, especially the earlier ones,
that they not only change their consonant which might be consider tense in the inflectional categories of verbs in
attributed to phonological process but also vowel change the Oromo language (Hodson and Walker, 1922: 29;
occurs. On the other hand, the low vowel can be realized Nordfeldt, 1947:117; Launhadt, 1973: 71; Gragg, 1976:
as back, high-mid vowel being in length and the segment 189; Mohammed and Zaborski, 1990: 7; Griefenew-
f happens by phonological process of partial assimilation mewis, 2003: 72ff). From the three major tenses present,
in its conjugation as in ɗaw-n-e  ɗoo-f-n-e „we weaved‟, past and future, Oromo mainly identifies between past
in which the change of vowels from low a into high-mid and non-past in its morphology, because the
vowels is subject to irregularity. Therefore, they tend to morphological markers do not distinguish each tense
be construed as irregular verbs. types. For example, present and future tenses are not
Verb stems are formed by several markers including distinctly marked in the morphology of the language when
the passive -am-, the causative -s- or -si(i)s, and the tense is considered. Owens (1985: 82) distinguishes
autobenefactive or the middle voice /-at-/ suffixed to the between past and imperfective in which the imperfective
verb roots or other stems. The conjugational forms might conveys present and future tenses. Therefore, the
vary across different types of verbs. morphological distinctions that are overtly marked on
Table 35 shows that verb stems are inflected by verbs point to aspect rather than tense (Dabala and
occurring with the markers of grammatical functions that Meyer, 2003: 162; Kebede, 2009: 41). However, some
occur following the derivational suffixes. Autobenefactive extent of tense related concept is also found in the
verbs show distinct conjugational form with 1sg subject in Oromo language. Some grammatical forms need tense-
occurrence of agreement morphemes in verbs. The wise consideration which can be categorized under the
autobenefactive verb with this subject is suffixed by the two aspect types.
morpheme -ɗ- as its agreement marker. Mohammed and
Zaborski (1990: 22) considers -aɗɗ as a morpheme of Inherent inflectional properties of verbs
reflexive, middle voice and hence autobenefactive which
is appended to verb root. However, I argue that the Booij (1995: 2) identifies verbal inflection as tense,
agreement marker -ɗ should be considered here, aspect, mood and voice adding that the important
because if we consider -aɗɗ itself as one morpheme it categories are three being tense, aspect and mood. The
could be difficult to stripe the roots out on the verb forms three main functional domains of inherent verb inflection
like ňaat-ɗ-e„I ate‟ which distinctly shows the functional in the Oromo language are aspect, mood and voice with
differences of the morphemes. The agreement some indications of tenses.
autobenefactiv/middle voice suffix is -at which undergoes
phonological process of assimilation with the agreement Aspect
marker -ɗ-. The suffix -ɗ- shares its features to the final /t/
of the marker -at as bitat-ɗ-ebitaɗ-ɗ-e „I bought:ABen‟. Comrie (1976: 3) states, “Aspects are different ways
Wakweya 131

Table 36. Aspectual distinction on verbs.

Verb type Root Perf form Gloss Impf form Gloss

Action kuf- kuf-e „fell-Perf‟ kuf-a „fall-impf
ǰir- ǰira (present) „exist-Perf‟ ǰira (present) „exist-Impf‟
tur- ture (past) „exist-Perf‟ ture (past) „exist-Impf‟

of viewing the internal temporal constituency of a perfective and imperfective aspects -e and -a respectively
situation”. According to his view, in aspect languages, occur on main verbs. When tense is considered, the
perfective aspect has relation with inchoative forms that perfect tenses and progressive tenses occur with
it conveys state changes. Aspect is context related which auxiliaries ǰir- (present form) and tur- (past form) with their
morphologically distinguishes between completeness and forms of agreement in inflection. Hence, the agreement
incompleteness of an action. It is bound with situation markers are suffixed to the auxiliary verbs. The auxiliary
and duration unlike tense which is just about time of an verb always follows the main verb in a sentence. The
event in relation with the speech time. In the Oromo aspect is, mainly, noticed on the converbal or progressive
language the roots or stems of verbs, usually ending in verb forms.
consonant, take inflectional morphemes showing The difference between perfective and imperfective is
distinction between perfective and imperfective aspects marked on the main verbs, so that when the auxiliary
(Dabala and Meyer, 2003:162). Heine (1981), as stated verbs are used, the converbal forms with the auxiliaries
in Kebede (2009:41), notes, “these two aspects are distinguish between and imperfective aspect in
distinguished primarily by their suffix vowel, which is -a connection with tense (Table 36). The markers of
(and its allomorphs -i and -u) for the imperfect and -e perfective and imperfective aspects are -e and -a on
(and its allomorph -i) for the perfective.” The continued action verbs respectively. The converbal form with -ee as
actions are categorized as imperfective aspect whereas a in ɗuf-ee „come-Conv‟ is perfective whereas the
short and completed action can be considered as progressive form with -aa as in ɗuf-aa „come-PRG‟ is
perfective aspect. Dehl (1985) as stated in Bybee and imperfective with tense considered. Look at the following
Dehl (1989:84) says a perfective verb denotes a single examples in sentences.
event that happens which is seen as a whole regardless
of duration. In their two major parts showing past and [17] (a) Fufaa-n mana bul-ee
non-past, Oromo verbs are marked for such distinction of ǰir-Ø-a
aspect. Perfective aspect can, of course, be illustrated in Fufaa-Nom home spend night-Conv:Perf Aux-
connection with a sense of past tense. The concept of 3sgm
perfectness is that an action is prior to a specific moment „Fufa has spent the night at home.‟
in time whereas the imperfectness is connected with an (b) Fufaa-n mana bul-ee tur-
action in process or in progress. Ø-e
Fufaa-Nom home spend night-Conv:Perf Aux-
[16] išee-n hoǰ-ičča t’umur-t-e 3sgm
she-Nom work-Sing finish-3sgf-Perf „Fufa had spent the night at home‟
„She finished the work‟
As in examples [17] (a), the perfect form but present is
The perfect form indicates an action is complete at a like present perfect tense form provided by auxiliary
specific time in the past as in example [16]. Imperfective verbǰir- „exist‟. The converbal forms bulee „spend night-
aspect indicates a longer lasting action as in ɗufaa ǰira Conv‟ determines aspect of the sentence. Both of the
„he is coming‟. When an action in progress is indicated by sentences (a) and (b) above are perfective aspect based
applying an auxiliary verb, it occurs with a sense of on the forms of the converbs, and the perfective aspect
existing in some kind of experience. Therefore, the marker -e is noticed on those verbas. Utilization of the
marker-aa of progressive suffix is appended to the action auxiliary verbs shows the sense of tense. Considering the
verb in its semantic compatibility with the auxiliary as. final vowels of the auxiliaries in aspect distinction is
The progressive marker -aa seemingly a verbal noun is irrelevant. Shifting the converb marker-ee to the
converbally used in Oromo being grammaticalized for progressive marker –aa changes the aspect of both
present progressive form (Banti, 2003). sentences into imperfective aspect in the same
Oromo identifies between past and non-past which can construction. What determines in the aspectual distinction
be considered in aspectual property. The markers of is the inflectional form of the action verb occurring before
the auxiliaries in a sentence. In progressive and perfect
tense forms, when the first person singular noun or
Verbs that show change of state on its own are inchoative forms. pronoun becomes subject of a sentence the obligatory
132 J. Lang. Cult.

Table 37. Summary of perfective and imperfective aspects.

Aspects Person Root mur- ‘cut’ Asp. Inflected form
Per. Num.
1sg mur- -Ø - -e mur-Ø-e
2sg mur- -t - -e mur-t-e
3sgm mur- -Ø - -e mur-Ø-e
Perfective 3sgf mur- -t- - -e mur-t-e
1pl mur- -Ø -n -e mur-n-e [mur-r-e]
2pl mur- -t -an -i mur-t-an-i
3pl mur- -Ø -an -i mur-an-i

1sg mur- -Ø- - -a mur-Ø-a

2sg mur- -t- - -a mur-t-a
3sgm mur- -Ø- - -a mur-Ø-a
Imperfective 3sgf mur- -t- - -i mur-t-i
1pl mur- -n- - -a mur-n-a [mur-r-a]
2pl mur- -t- - -u mur-t-u
3pl mur- -Ø- - -u mur-Ø-u

agreement marker -n follows the lengthened forms of the It is originally from the word „mode‟ which means a
markers of converbal construction as in mana bul-ee-n specific way of doing something. Modality, which is also
tur-e „I had spent the night at home‟. The agreement originated from „mode‟, is more ideal and is about the
marker -n functions to keep the meaning of the sentence existence of a particular way of speaking. According to
if the independent subject pronoun is left out. The subject Arin (2003: 15), modality is connected with the
is understood from the verb suffix. The occurrence of the involvement of the speaker‟s attitude and non-factivity in
suffix -n is for the purpose of the subject agreement. any utterance whereas the factive is truth or reality. In
Different forms of sentences in perfective aspect can be connection with the styles of speech which arises from
the same in their negative constructions. For example, involvement of feeling, Oromo has several types of
the sentence Fufaan mana hin bul-n-e [bul-le] „Fufa did moods from which four modal forms indicative, imperative
not spend the night at home‟ is the negative form for and jussive are considered in this work.
different forms in the perfective aspect. It is formed by the
preverbal negative particle hin and the dependent suffix Indicative mood: which involves making statements and
on the verb -n-. Both of these elements are used together asking questions constitutes the most common clause
at the same time. type in Oromo. In its construction, yes/no question is
Table 37 shows the suffixal vowels -e and -a, similar with declarative sentence except the final vowel
essentially, distinguish perfective and imperfeciive length along with intonational relevance on the question
aspects as is noticed in the Oromo language. However, form (Debela and Rooney, 2003:182).
the allomorph -i is used with 2pl and 3pl subjects for
perfective aspect marking. On the other hand, -i marks [18]Boruu-n kitaaba barreess-Ø-e
imperfective aspect when it is used with 3sgf subject, and Boruu-Nom book:ABS write-3sgm-Perf
the suffix -u is an imperfective aspect marker occurring „Boru wrote a book‟
with 2pl and 3pl subjects. Therefore, the markers -i, and -
u are allomorphs of the aspect marker –a occurring in The subject is placed at the beginning of declarative
complementary distribution whereas the marker -i occurs sentences as in examples [18]. However, in interrogative
as allomorphic variant of -e for perfective aspect. When sentences also, the subject is placed at the beginning.
the auxiliaries are used in the perfect and progressive What makes interrogative is intonational variation.
tenses, the auxiliaries are followed by converbal form of Actually, the subject can be placed either at the
main verbs, and aspect is also shown on the converbal or beginning or at the end of a sentence in both declarative
progressive verb forms. and interrogative sentences. This is a kind of topicality
shift from subject to object or theme in syntactic
Imperative mood: In Oromo, the imperative begins by
Mood is the attitude of the speaker towards an utterance. the object as it precedes the verb in word order of the
Wakweya 133

Table 38. Imperative form by suppletive.

Person Verb root Inflected form Marker Meaning

2sg ɗuf- koott-u -u „(you) come‟
2pl ɗuf- koott-aa -aa „(you guys) come‟

Table 39. Affirmative and negative verbs in the imperative mood.

Affirmative Imperative
Verb types
Person Verb root Imp Inflected Verb Gloss
2sg bit- -i bit-i „(you sg) buy‟
2pl bit- -aa bit-aa „(you pl) buy‟
2sg bit-at-[bit-aɗ-] -u bit-at-u [bitaɗɗu] „(you sg) buy:ABen‟
2pl bit-at-[bit-aɗ-] -aa bit-at-aa [bitaɗɗaa] „(you pl) buy:ABen‟

Negative Imperative
Person Neg. Verb root Imp Neg Imp Inflected verb Gloss
2sg hin bit- -i- -n - hin bit-i-n „Don‟t buy‟
2pl hin bit- - -n -aa hin bit-i-n-aa „Don‟t buy‟
2sg hin bit-at-[bit-at-] -i- -n - hin bit-at-i-n „Don‟t buy:ABen‟
2pl hin bit-at-[bit-at] - -n -aa hin bit-at-i-n-aa „Don‟t buy:ABen

language. Intransitive verbs are used at the beginning of respectively is used only in the imperative form. The verb
the sentence in the form of the subject „you‟ understood. ɗuf- is not used in imperative construction but in the
However, it may happen following motion verbs like indicative form.
deemuu „to go‟ or kaɁuu „to stand‟ in their converbal The verb root koott- is an imperative form of the verb
forms. The motion verbs often precede the objects of root ɗuf- „come‟ (Table 38). After it becomes in imperative
transitive verbs, and they happen in the terminating vowel mood by inflection through the use suppletive form, it
length. identifies between the understood subject 2sg and 2pl
A verb in its agreement form of number may occur at form by agreement markers -u and -aa respectively. This
the before an imperative verb. Such form of verb is used suppletive form is typical to imperative form whereby the
in a converbally marked verbas in kaɁ-ii deem-i „stand other modal forms occur with the verb root ɗuf- instead.
and go-2sg:Imp‟, it can be followed by either an Therefore, occurrence of the verb ɗuf- in imperative form
intransitive verb or an object of a transitive verb. is ungrammatical as in *ɗuf-i „come-Imp‟. In affirmative
imperative sentences, the converb agrees with the
[19]kitaaba sana fid-i subject in number and occurs in harmony with the
book:ABS that:ABS bring-2sg:Imp imperative verb in its final vowel.
„Bring that book‟ Negative forms of verbs in imperative sentences occur
in a little bit special way. The particle hin and the
Sentence [19] implies that an object in its absolutive form dependent suffix -n both mark negativity. The suffix -aa
often occurs at the beginning of imperative sentences. marks mood and plural number the verb of an imperative
Modifiers of the object may occur following it as sister form.
words in the noun phrase in the object form. In addition to Table 39 indicates distinct forms of imperative verbs in
verbs and objects, modifiers of verbs (adverbs) may also their affirmative and negative occurrences. It shows that
occur at the beginning of an imperative sentence as in in the positive form, imperative mood with singular
ǰabeess-ii k’ab-i „catch firmly‟. When the modifiers or subject is marked by -i- and -u on ordinary verbs and
other verbs begin the imperative verb, they agree with the autobenefactive/middle verbs respectively. When plural
subject in harmony with the imperative verb. subject is used, the marker of mood together with number
Imperative verbs are also inflected by suppletive form will be -aa for normal verb and for the autobenefactive
using a completely different word of inflection. For and the middle voice ones. The markers –u and -aa in
example, the word koott- „come‟ which is inflected for positive imperatives occurring with autobenefactive verbs
singular and plural number by the markers -u and -aa are preceded by the morpheme -ɗ- which marks the
134 J. Lang. Cult.

Table 40. Summary of marking Jussive mood.

Jussive Mood
Person Jussive Root Agr. Asp. Inflected form Gloss
3sgm Haa deem- -Ø- -u haa deem-u „Let him go‟
3sgf Haa deem- -t- -u haa deem-t-u „Let her go‟
3pl Haa deem- -an -i haa deem-an-i „Let them go‟
1pl Haa deem- -n- -u haa deem-n-u „Let us go‟

Negative Jussive Mood

Person Neg Root Agr Neg Inflected form Gloss
3sgm Hin deem- - -n hin deem-i-n „Don‟t let him go‟
3sgf Hin deem- - -n hin deem-i-n „Don‟t let her go‟
3pl Hin deem- - -n hin deem-i-n „Don‟t let them go‟
1pl Hin deem- - - - -

mood being with the agreement markers. In the negative they:Nom Juss come-3pl:Impf
forms of imperatives, the same marker -i- marks the „Let them come‟
person, number and mood occurring before the
dependent negative suffix when singular subject is used. Jussive sentences are constructed with the types 3sgm,
The same way applies for autobenefactive or the middle 3sgf, 1pl and 3pl subjects. All the subjectsin the jussive
verbs. However, a plural subject along with mood is sentence occur in the nominative case. Examples [20] (a)
marked by -aa which is appended after the dependent and (b), indicate that the suffixes co-occurring with the
negative suffix -n for both the autobenefactive and normal preverbal particle haa are -u and -i that are used with
verbs. singular and plural subjects respectively. Jussive mood is
When a verb occurs at the beginning of the negative basically conveyed in the preverbal particle haa in the
imperative form, the converbal form marked by -ee or -ii syntactic form.From the seven pronouns in Oromo, four
is used. The terminating long vowel on the converb of them, as mentioned above in comment of examples
functions for identifying singular and plural numbers [20], are constructed in jussive form whereas the two
respectively. The interesting point is that in the negative second person singular ati and plural isin are in
form of imperative mood with plural subject, the second imperative form. The first person singular pronoun ana „I‟
person singular marker -i-seems to be still occurring as in does not occur in jussive form. Here are few examples:
Table 32. Its function seems, but, no more related with
person, number and mood marking, it will change to be Negative forms of the jussive sentences is similar across
like an epenthetic element for keeping the occurrence of the pronouns used which means the verb in the negative
the dependent suffix -n after vowel (which will be jussive doesn‟t occur agreeing with subject in number
lengthened); for example, hin k’ab-n-aa  hin k’ab-i-n-aa and person. The negative jussive sentences are formed
„Don‟t catch-Ep-Neg-2pl‟ in which the vowel -i has the by the proclitic hin along with its coexisting dependent
function of epenthesis. suffix -n on the verb. First person plural subject occurs
only in positive jussive form.
The suffix –u and its allomorph -i, occurring with the
Jussive Mood: Debela and Meyer (2003: 182) states preverbal particle haa, marks jussive mood in positive
that imperative and jussive have semantic and construction. The morph -u is suffixed to verb root or
morphological features in common. Jussive mood is stem with 3sgm, 3sgf, and 1pl subjects whereas -i occurs
marked by the pre-verbal particle haa and the dependent with 3pl subjects in jussive mood (Table 40).
suffix -u or -i on the verb. They co-occur in a sentence to In positive jussive forms the verb occurs in agreement
mark mood and aspect. The suffixes mainly mark with the subject in number and person whereas in
imperfective aspect. This construction is, however, rather negative, it doesn‟t distinguish among the subjects. The
syntactic. Here are few examples: form hin deemiin which literally means „don‟t go‟ is used
with all the three person types except with the first person
[20] (a) gurb-ičč-i haa ɗuf-Ø-u plural one. Of course, negative form in the jussive mood
boy-Sing-Nom Juss come-3sgm-Impf is rare and situation based in which this expression might
„Let the boy come‟ occur in giving a negative response to the question haa
(b) isaan haa ɗuf-an-i deemuu? „Shall we let him go?‟ whicn will be hin deem-i-
Wakweya 135

nNeg go-Juss-Neg „don‟t let him go‟. Before the tokko „we are one‟. Zero morpheme in the Table 42 is to
dependent negative marker -n, the vowel –I marks indicate that the copula is understood in a sentence to
jussive mood being supported by the context. exist with no any phonological form. The vowel -i is a
copula on -C final nominal which can formally and
functionally be identified in the language, Oromo.
Voice According to Debela and Meyer (2003: 172), the copula -
ɗa is a focus marker. It states that direct objects are
Voice is a verb form that relates action of a verb with its marked for contrastive focus by the copula -ɗa, and
participants (or arguments). It tells us if the subject adjuncts are also used with this copula in focus
performs or receives the action indicated by the verb. indication. As can be seen in Table 42, the function of the
When the subject performs the action the voice is active copula -ɗa is pervasively for focus marking except after
whereas the form in which the subject receives the action long vowel in which its occurrence is obligatory the
is passive voice. Using sentence types in which the verb function is linking the subject to the complement.
form is changed for the purpose of such grammatical Therefore, the final short vowels can be considered
function is inflectional. According to several theories like copula whereas the copula occurring with such forms is
Government and Binding theory and minimalist approach, contrastive marker of predicate adjective or object the
passive formation is a syntactic process in which the copular verb itself. Ishetu (1981: 9ff) treats -ɗa as a
subject object exchange happens so that subject in active morpheme with allomorphic occurrence with -i, -ti, and Ø,
becomes object in the passive form and vice versa. The but it is a morphological copula that functions as focus
lexical-functional approach treats passive formation as a marker being a verbal nature semantically.
morphological process. Being in favor of the Lexical- When -C final nominal is suffixed by -i and -ɗa at the
functional approach, Wondwossen (2012:10) considers same time, it will be clear that the vowel -i is copula, and
that passive formation in Oromo is purely morphological the copula -ɗa is functionally shifted to focus marking.
as it is formed by adding the morpheme -am on transitive This is because the copula -ɗa is optional element and it
verbs. Based on the Lexical-functional approach, this does not bring meaning change if it is removed. The
thesis treats voice as morphological form in inflection. remaining -i makes sense of copular function in the
The passive morpheme -am, in Oromo, is an invariable presence of -ɗa and in its absence. We can also
morpheme across subjects and aspects. Voice involves understand this from occurrence of the negative
all valency changing verb forms including causative and correspondent of -ɗa which is miti. It does not occur with
middle; however, my consideration in this thesis is the vowel -i at copular position, *kun bišaan-i-miti „This is not
most common ones – active and passive forms. Here are water‟ because both are copulas that they cannot be
few examples in Table 41. used together. The negative copula can be used instead
In Table 41, the examples indicate verb forms for voice of all the positive copulas.
change in perfective aspect. In both perfective and
imperfective aspects, the morpheme -am- invariably [21] (a) kun bišaan-i
marks the passive voice in contrast with the unmarked this:Nom water-Cop
active form. The verb form contains the morpheme -am in „This is water‟
its passive voice. Although lexical-functional approach is (b) kun bišaan-i-ɗa
applied and hence morphological inflectional occurrence this:Nom water-Cop-Foc
of voice is dealt with, in the syntactic consideration, the „This is water‟
demoted agent subjects become object with the suffixed
instrumental marker -n which occurs after vowel length in These two sentences in example [21] (a) and (b) are the
passive construction. same in content, except the focus phenomenon that the
copula -ɗa adds on sentence (b). The positive copula ɗa
occurs in the function as verb when it follows long vowel.
Copular constructions The copula -ti occurs in genitive construction only so
that it is in complementary distribution with the other
A copula is a kind of verb that functions to link a subject copulas mentioned above. Ishetu (1981: 12) indicates
with predicate nominative or predicate adjective. The that the morpheme -ti is a copula used in genitive
invariable copulas in the language are ɗa and its negative construction, and it is contrary to analysis of Gragg
form miti. Other copulas -ti (in genitive constructions) and (1976: 183 which considers it as optional possessive
-i (with nouns that end in consonant) are also functional marker. Owens (1985: 105) considers -ti as an intrusive
in the language. In addition to these copular words or element following genitive case marker (vowel length).
suffixes, the final short vowels on some nouns and This work is on the side of Ishetu (1981); the copular
adjectives can be considered as copula in the language. variant -ti has the function of linking a genitive nominal in
Nominas that end in short vowel, especially, in –a are the predicate with a subject. It can be used twice if the
understood for the covert copula in sentences as in nuti double genitive forms are noticed in a sentence.
136 J. Lang. Cult.

Table 41. Active and passive verbs.

Voice Root Marker Inflected form Meaning

kut- - kut-e „cut‟
gurgur- - gurgur-e „sold‟
kut- -am- kut-am-e „was cut‟
gurgur- -am- gurgur-am-e „was sold‟

Table 42. Copular forms.

Base forms Copular forms Meaning Copulas for focus Meaning

farda farda-Ø „is horse‟ farda-ɗa „is horse‟
isa isa-Ø „is him‟ isa-ɗa „is him‟
goota goota-Ø „is brave‟ goota-ɗa „is brave‟

bišaan bišaan-I „is water‟ bišaan-i-ɗa „is water‟

loon loon-i „are cattle‟ loon-i-ɗa „are cattle‟
aannan aannan-i „is milk‟ aannan-i-ɗa „is milk‟

raammoo - - raammoo-ɗa „is worm‟

muč’aa - - muč’aa-ɗa „is baby‟
adii - - adii-ɗa „is white‟

[22] kun [mana [abbaa koo-ti(i)]-ti] be peripheral to inherent inflection. Therefore, the
this:Nom house father my-Cop -Cop contextual or agreement properties function to confirm
„This is the house of my father‟ the appropriateness of relating the syntactic arguments
and the theme of the verb on the basis of the grammar of
The double genitive form in a sentence makes the copula a particular language. Verbs are marked by different
-ti to be duplicated with the number of the genitive forms agreement markers in Oromo.
in Wallaga Oromo. This shows that the copula is tied with
the genitive marker as in example [22]. It seems that the
negative copula miti also occurs in the same way taking Suffixes of agreement in Oromo
the place of the second copula as kun [mana [abbaa koo-
Oromo is a suffixing language in which other affix types
ti] -miti]. However, in dialectal variation, only one copula
do not exist. Its agreement markers are for the subject
is also used.
agreement only. Kebede (2009:43) considers that verbs
are marked for person by -n (1pl), -t (2sg) and -ti (3sgf)
Agreement properties of verbs on roots or stems. However, the agreement morpheme
for third person singular feminine is rather -t instead of -ti.
Agreement, which can be construed as an instance of The verb occurs in agreement with subject in person,
inflection, is a change in a form of a word depending on number and gender in Oromo. Zero morphemes are also
the other word/words to which it relates. Several used on verbs for some properties especially for third
grammatical features are marked by agreement person singular masculine subject agreement. Some
properties. The agreement inflection occurs on a word agreement properties are indicated by syncretism in
when it is triggered by the grammatical categories that do which different grammatical functions are marked by the
not refer to its domain of the inherent inflectional/ same form.
grammatical categories. Inflection of agreement occurs Table 43 shows the agreement between the subject
based on the context of a sentence and it is an additional pronouns and verbs by the markers suffixed on a verb.
7 For the plural person types (subjects), the verb is marked
marker to corroborate (or confirm) the argument used.
Booij (2009:7) states that a contextual inflection tends to for agreement separating person and number unlike the
singular subjects whose agreement morpheme represents
7 both person and number features of agreement. The two
A sentence may use one or two or three arguments based on the content of
syntactic theme. The participants (subject, object, etc.) of an action of a verb way agreement marking, as seen in Table 43, is clearly
are arguments in a sentence. noticed on 2pl subject that marks person and number by
Wakweya 137

Table 43. Person, number and gender agreement markers in verbs.

Person Verb root Asp. Inflected form Gloss
Per. Num.
1sg ɗuf- -Ø- - -e ɗuf-Ø-e „I came‟
2sg ɗuf- -t- - -e ɗuf-t-e „You (sg) came‟
3sgm ɗuf- -Ø- - -e ɗuf-Ø-e „He came‟
3sgf ɗuf- -t- - -e ɗuf-t-e „She came‟
1pl ɗuf- -Ø -n -e ɗuf-Ø-n-e „We came‟
2pl ɗuf- -t -an -i ɗuf-t-an-i „You (pl) came‟
3pl ɗuf- -Ø -an -i ɗuf-Ø-an-i „They came‟

Table 44. The agreement suffix -(a)n.

Base form Inflected form Gloss

leenč’a leenč’a-n lion-1sg
harɁa harɁa-n today-1sg
Harka harkaa-n-an „hand-Inst-1sg‟
Waak’a Waak’aa-f-an „God-Ben-1sg‟
ɗufuu ɗuf-ee-n „come-Conv-1sg‟
Kana kana-n „this-1sg‟
č’imaa č’imaa-n „strong-1sg‟

distinct morphemes -t- and -an respectively. The suffix -n on the adjective č’imaa „strong‟ in example
The first person singular pronoun shows special [23] functions as an agreement marker for the subject. In
occurrence of agreement. The pronoun suffix occurs, such occurrence of the morpheme -(a)n in a sentence,
especially, with copulas and auxiliary verbs and in the presence of the subject an-i „I-Nom‟ is not obligatory
progressive tense forms. It can be marked on verbs by as the morpheme distinguishes it. It occurs just for
zero morpheme whereas it is also marked by -(a)n emphasis of the nominative case. When two converbs
appended on verbs or on other word types in predicate. occur in a sentence, the agreement marker of first person
For example, mugaa-n ǰira „I am slumbering‟. In this singular subject can occur on either of them.
sentence, the subject is understood to be „I‟ from the
suffix -n on the progressive verb. It‟s clear that subject [24] deem-ee ilaal-ee-n deebiɁ-a
agreement on verbs is realized verb internally that is go-Conv watch-Conv-1sg return-Perf
before aspect markers; however, 1sg pronoun can occur „I will go, watch and come back‟
at the final position of verbs. Of course, it does occur not
only with verbs but also with different word categories in In example [24], the first two verbs are in converbal
the predicate phrase. Debela and Meyer (2003: 179) construction either of which can be suffixed the 1sg
states that the morpheme -(a)n is an agreement marker marker -(a)n. In Wallaga Oromo, the form ilaal-ee-
for first person singular subjects. It seems that the suffix - n„watch-Conv-1sg‟ can also be used as ilaal-ee-t-an
(a)n is the pronoun itself behaving as a morphological „watch-Conv-Ep-1sg‟, in which the epenthetic consonant -
element appended to different word classes in the t- is inserted between the converbal suffix and the
predicate phrase. Wherever it occurs, its function is pronoun suffix when the the morpheme begins with the
distinguishing the subject in the form of agreement. optional vowel -a- which can be varied to -i- as in bor-in
Table 44, all the words occurring with the morpheme - „tomorrow-1sg‟ (dialectal). The morphemic pronoun -(a)n
(a)n are different either in word category or in their can also occur with functional words like the focus marker
paradigmatic function though some of them are clearly hin which marks action of a verb in focus. Several studies
distinguished when they are put in sentence. Here is one like Baye (1988: 368); Debela and Meyer (2003: 166)
example sentence: state that the preverbal element hin marks focus on the
verb seemingly obligatory with intransitive verbs in
[23] an-i barataa č’imaa-n fil-e declarative sentences. My point is apart from explaining
I-Nom student:VN strong-1sg select-Perf focus marking systems; but it is to show the relation
„I selected an intelligent student‟ between hin and nan both occurring preverbally to avoid
138 J. Lang. Cult.

Table 45. Preverbal elements nan and hin.

Person Root nan ‘Foc’ (h)in ‘Foc’

1sg fid- nan fid-a -
2sg fid- - hin fid-t-a [fid-d-a]
3sgm fid- - hin fid-Ø-a
3sgf fid- - hin fid-t-i [fid-d-i]
1pl fid- - hin fid-n-a [fin-n-a]
2pl fid- - hin fid-t-u [fid-d-u]
3pl fid- - hin fid-an-i

the confusion in the functional and formal occurrences performed on the affected agent, though, it is for the
between the two. purpose of getting benefitted. The same marker -at-
The preverbal element nan is formed from indicates the autobenefactive voice in which the action is
combination the reducible focus marker (h)in and the 1sg performed on another thing (compare with ABen – Table
marker -(a)n under phonological processes of deletion. It 35); the benefitted subject is more affected in the middle
forms up a portmantou [nan] by combining the two form than the one in the autobenefactive counterpart
separate elements. (Shimelis, 2009: 4). The morpheme -at- can be followed
by the agreement marker -ɗ- with first person singular
(h)in „Foc‟ +(a)n „1sg‟ inan [nan] subject as inɗik’-at-ɗ-eɗik’-aɗ-ɗ-e „bought for myself‟, or
it can be followed by -n- with first person plural subject as
It means, the preverbal element nan portrays both focus in ɗik’-at-n-e  bit-an-n-e „bought for ourselves. It
and 1sg marking. This is because of several reasons: 1, undergoes phonological process of assimilation forming -
the 1sg marker -(a)n can occur with different words in the aɗɗ and -ann respectively which seem to be variants of
predicate phrase (cf. Table 45) which means inclusive of the autobenefactive or the middle forms.
the functional elements like hin. 2, the 1sg pronoun does
not occur with the focus marker hin but with nan instead
which means nan can replace the function of hin 3, the Adverbs in inflection
preverbal element nan restricts the subject whereas hin
does not function like this. Basically, many adverbs are derived from other parts of
When nan occurs preverbally in parallel with the speech in Oromo. However, some words are fit to be
occurrence of (h)in, its function is focus marking in the categorized as adverbs (Nordfeldt, 1947:184). Almost all
obligatory form hand in hand with 1sg marking. adverbs including the derived ones can be suffixed by -
Therefore, when the 1sg marker -(a)n is a 1sg pronoun uma which makes the point of the adverb in focus.
marker which can also combine with (h)in for focus Example, as-uma tur-n-a [tur-r-a] „We will stay here‟.
marking. Haimanot (1984: 9) considers nan as an Derived words from other parts of speech or phrasal
obligatory prefix for first person singular pronoun in the forms are prominently used as adverbs in the language.
same function with the focus marker hin though it does Some stems derived from other word classes undergo
not describe its internal form in terms of function. inflection to agree with the subject in a sentence. The
However, it is, in my view, a portmantou like preverbal agreement marker is applied, particularly, on the adverbs
element containing both (h)in of focus and -an of first that are derived from verbs.
person singular pronoun.
Autobenefactive and middle voice are marked by the [25] inni barfat-ee ɗuf-Ø-e
suffix -at- in Oromo. Even though both are marked by the he:Nom late-Conv come-3sgm-Perf
same morpheme, they are semantically distinct. The „He came late‟
autobenefactive form indicates that a subject performs
something for its own benefit whereas the middle voice is The adverbs that occur in agreement with subject are
about an action that is more closely connected with the those which are derived from verbs. They occur in
subject for the same function in being benefactive. harmony with verbs showing agreement with subject in
In Table 37, the morpheme -at- functions to mark an person, number and gender. As example [25] shows, the
middle verb form (Table 46), because the action is adverbs occur in the form of converbs with final vowel
8 Adverbs behave like nominal for that they can occur in
When two or more elements of different form and function are combined
together as one functional unit we call it a portmantou. It seems one element nominative case taking the suffixes -i, -n and -ni of the
containing two separate forms. nominative markers. During this, they are used as an
Wakweya 139

Table 46. The middle voice verb forms.

Subject Root Inflected forms

1sg ɗik’- ɗik’-at-ɗ-e [ɗik’-aɗ-ɗ-e] „wash‟
2sg ɗik’- ɗik’-at-t-e „wash‟
3sgm ɗik’- ɗik’-at-Ø-e „wash‟
3sgf ɗik’- ɗik’-at-t-e „wash‟
1pl ɗik’- ɗik’-at-Ø-n-e „wash‟
2pl ɗik’- ɗik’-at-t-an-i „wash‟
3pl ɗik’- ɗik’-at-Ø-an-i „wash‟

Table 47. Adverbs in nominative case.

Base form Inflected form Meaning

harɁa harɁ-i „today‟
bakkee bakkee-n „outside‟
ala al-ni [al-li] „outside‟

adverbial noun subject. Adverbs are basically categories functions as cumulative form. Syncretism and zero
of predicate phrase that they cannot be treated in morphemes are significant, especially, in verb inflection.
nominal inflection because they modify verbs. According These are the tokens for justifying that the Oromo
to Baye (1986: 65) illustration, although adverbs are language is highly fusional, in which morphs are fused
functionally verb restricting words, they behave like together for grammatical functions. Concatenation of the
nominal taking markers of nominative case. It considers morphs seems complex. Inflection of nominals follows the
adverbs as part of nominals based on their inflectional system in which all sister words of a noun in a noun
behavior and that they occur with adpositions taking -f phrase are declined in the same ways with the head
meaning „for‟ as in harɁaa-f „for today‟ whereas noun. Nominals are inflected for the inherent grammatical
adpositions are basically occurring with nominals only. categories of number, gender and singulative along with
Adverbs in the nominative case are used as nominal the relational category, case. Both definite and indefinite
they occur with the nominative case markers as shown in nouns are not clearly and morphologically marked.
Table 47. However, their basic function and lexical class Definiteness, though, can be conveyed under singulative
is predicative that the function as verb modifiers which, markers having no any marker of its own. Masculine and
obviously, can be categorized in the predicate phrase of feminine gender is distinctly marked by -icca and -ittii
a sentence. respectively for singulative property. Pronoun inflection is
Adverbs undergo inflectional morphology for the declined for the same grammatical categories with the
agreement purposes. Agreement properties like number, noun and follows almost the same rule of inflection.
gender and person are marked on the adverbs derived However, it involves more complex morphemic elements
from verbs and they are constructed in converbal forms. and suppletive forms than that of nouns. Double usage of
Many adverbs can be inflected for case in which the pronoun in the dative case is permissible in Wallaga
markers of nominative, locative, ablative cases can be Oromo; one is placed before the direct object for
suffixed to adverbs. emphatic purpose and the other is after. First person
singular pronoun can be considered to occur in special
agreement inflection. The 1sg marker-(a)n occurs as a
Conclusion suffix on one of the word classes in the predicate part
with a covert or overt subject. It is also suffixed to the
Oromo is a suffixal language in both derivational and functional element hin to form a portmantou like element
inflectional morphology. The root form is usually nan combining hin and nan through phonological process
meaningless and ends in consonant. Almost all word as (h)in + an  inan [nan] which is used in parallel
classes undergo inflectional morphology. Since several with hin as focus marker. Verbs distinguish between past
forms are indicated by the suffixes, there is a tendency to and non-past and the forms indicate perfective and
convey wider message in a short sentence that means imperfective aspects in their inflectional morphology. A
fewer words may represent wider message in the sense of tense also exists in the language though
language. A single morpheme has several grammatical aspectual forms are more pervasive than tense.
140 J. Lang. Cult.

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provision of materials and advice related to my study and Dissertation: University of Pennsylvania.
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especially, Dr. Ronny for guiding me in advance on how Oromo Writing. Nordic J. Afr. Stud. University of Uppsala,
to do a research in linguistics and equipped me with soft Sweden.4(1):36-59.
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benefactive; Ben, beneficiary; CAUS, causative; Conv,
converb; Cop, copula; Ep, epenthesis; Emph, emphasis;
f, feminine; Foc, focus; Gen, genitive; Imp, imperative;
Impf, imperfective; Ind, indefinite; Inf, infinitive; Inst,
instrumental; Juss, jussive; Loc, locative; m, masculine;
MD, middle voice; Mod, modality; Neg, negative; Nom,
nominative; Ø, zero morpheme; Pas, passive; Perf,
perfective; pl, plural; PRG, progressive; Ref, reflexive;
sg, singular; Sing, singulative; VN, verbal noun.


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