Introducing Peaple
Introducing Peaple
Introducing Peaple
Joe Ana
Hi, I am Joe, I’m 12 years old, I’m a Hello! I’m Ana. I’m 30 years
student. I’m in 8th grade. I study in old. I’m a fashion designer. I’m from
Roosevelt Primary School. Spain. I live in Asturias with my
I’m from Sao Paolo, Brazil but right husband and two sons. I live in an
now I live in Los Angeles, California apartment. I have my own Fashion
USA. Studio. My husband is Mario and my
I have 2 brothers and a sister. My brothers are Carlos and two sons are Rodrigo and Yanella. In my spare time, I love
Mattias and my sister is Giovanna. My parents are Luisa going shopping. I like shoes and dresses. My favorite book is
and Johan. We live in a big house and we have a dog. Pride and Prejudice, my favorite movie is The Devil wears
In my spare time, I like going to the movies. I love action Prada. I love romantic music. My favorite group is La Oreja de
movies. My favorite movie is Transformers, I love the first Vangogh.
and the second movie, but I don’t like the third one. I like cleaning my house but I hate cooking. So, I like going to
I like music too. I like electronic music. My favorite artist is restaurants for dinner. My favorite food is Roasted Chicken.
Linkin Park. I don’t like playing sports.
My favorite room in the house is the garden and my I love traveling. I want to travel to Venice, Italy; it’s very
bedroom, but I don’t like cleaning it. It is always dirty. romantic.
My favorite sport is football; my favorite football player is I like English because it is very important for my career. If I
Ronaldiño Gaucho. He is awesome! can’t speak more languages, English helps me to
I like reading but I don’t read very much. So, I don’t have a communicate with people from different countries.
favorite book.
I like traveling a lot. I want to travel to Cancun, I love
going to the beach!
My favorite food is Feijoada, it is delicious.
I love English because I like the pronunciation of words…
the sound is really good.
Joe Ana
Name: His mane is Joe Name: His name is Ana
Profession: He´s student Profession: She´s fashion designer
Country: He´s from Brazil Country: She´s from Spain
City: Sao Paolo City: Asturias
Family: He has 2 brothers, a sister, a Family: She´s married & has two
mother & his father children
Like doing in spare He´s like to the movies Like doing in spare She likes to go shopping
time: time:
Pets: He has a dog Pets: He has no pets
Favorite movie: His favorite movie is Favorite movie: His favorite movie is The Devil
Transformers wears Prada
Favorite music: His favorite music is Favorite music: His favorite music is romantic
Favorite room in the Is the garden Favorite room in the
house: house:
Favorite sport: His favorite sport is football Favorite sport: She doesn´t like to play sports
Favorite book: He has not favorite book Favorite book: His favorite book is Pride and
Like traveling to: He likes to travel to the beach Like traveling to: She likes to travel to Venice,
Favorite food: His favorite food is Feijoada Favorite food: His favorite food is Roasted