Square and Circular SRR

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2017 6th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST)

Circular and Square SRR Exploitation as

a Means for Wireless Power Transfer

A. G. Pelekanidis, A. X. Lalas, N. V. Kantartzis T. T. Zygiridis, P. Sarigiannidis

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki University of Western Macedonia
Thessaloniki, 54124, Greece Kozani, 50100, Greece
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Email: {tzygiridis, psarigiannidis}@uowm.gr

Abstract—As wireless power transfer (WPT) systems emerge,

the efficiency and achievable transmitting distance are two con-
straining factors for their prevalence over wired ones. In this
paper, two split ring resonator (SRR)-based WPT configurations,
with circular and square SRRs, as their transmitting and receiving
elements, are investigated for various frequencies and distances. d
The efficiency is found to be very satisfactory in both cases, ex-
ceeding 98% for certain sets of parameters. Thus, the general Fig. 1. WPT circuit representation via the electromagnetic resonance.
response of both arrangements seems to be promising for effec-
tive power transfer over distances of a few centimeters.

Keywords—Electromagnetic resonance; metamaterials; negative

permeability; split ring resonators; wireless power transfer.

Wireless power transfer (WPT) is considered as an innova-
tive technology of transmitting electric energy and currently
finds implementation in intuitive applications, like wireless
(a) (b)
charging of mobile phones or prototype electric vehicles. The
maximum efficiency and distance between the transmitter and Fig. 2. Geometry of (a) a circular and (b) a square SRR on a dielectric slab.
the receiver are two key parameters that need to be optimized
in order to establish the wide-scale commercial use of WPT of the SRRs, i.e. the frequency band of negative effective
schemes. Amid different electromagnetic phenomena, exploit- permeability. Explicitly, in [11], circular and square SRRs are
ed as WPT mechanisms [1], electromagnetic resonance has examined, while in [13] the circular case is further explored.
been thoroughly investigated, since it can achieve high effi-
Based on the prior aspects, the aim of this paper is to de-
ciency for medium distances (of several cm), according to
velop and thoroughly study the behavior of efficient WPT
theoretical analyses [2]-[4] and experimental results [5]-[7]. In
systems, implemented by means of circular and square SRRs.
particular, electric energy is transferred through the magnetic
Specifically, the utilized resonators are the edge-coupled SRRs
coupling of two coils belonging to separate LC circuits, as
of Fig. 2. Similar dimensions are chosen, so that a viable com-
shown in Fig. 1. The efficiency is maximized when the reso-
parison with respect to the optimum operating frequency can
nance frequencies of the LC circuits are equal to the excitation
be conducted, as well. The efficiency is calculated through the
frequency of the external source VG. Moreover, in [8]-[10],
finite element method (FEM), implemented in the COMSOL
metamaterial slabs have been inserted between the transmitter
Multiphysics® computational package [16], which provides
and the receiver to enhance the transmitted power via the am-
accurate outcomes for the electromagnetic field and the S-
plification of evanescent waves. These slabs comprise an array
parameters of the simulated structures.
of split ring resonators (SRRs) or spiral resonators, which ex-
hibit negative permeability, under specific excitation condi-
tions. Therefore, they can operate effectively, given the mag- II. ESTIMATION OF THE OPTIMAL FREQUENCY
netic nature of the energy transmission between the coils. Since the maximum efficiency is expected at a frequency
Alternative implementations of SRR-based schemes, at- within the magnetic resonance of the SRRs, the magnetic res-
taining WPT through electromagnetic resonance, are presented onance frequency band could be estimated prior to the analysis
in [11]-[14], where the SRRs, being equivalent to an LC cir- of the entire WPT system. Thus, a configuration including an
cuit [15], serve as the transmitting and receiving elements. The infinite plane of SRRs, or equivalently, a unit cell, like the
maximum efficiency is achieved within the magnetic resonance ones of Fig. 3, with a single SRR and suitable boundary conditi-

978-1-5090-4386-6/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

2017 6th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST)

(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Unit cell with (a) a circular and (b) a square SRR. The blue-colored
side of the domain indicates the direction of the (electric) excitation.

Fig. 5. Complete WPT configuration via (a) circular and (b) square SRRs.

Herein, the selected dimensions of the circular and the

square SRRs are r = 35 mm, w = g = s = 5 mm and D1 = 70
mm, D2 = 60 mm, d1 = 50 mm, d2 = 40 mm, respectively. The
periodicity of the cell is set to α = 80 mm. The SRRs are
placed on lossless dielectric slabs with a relative permittivity
of εr = 4.5 and a height of t = 1.5 mm. In this context, the real
parts of the constitutive parameters are shown in Fig. 4. As
expected, the effective permeability receives negative values,
revealing the frequency band of magnetic resonance, where
the optimal WPT operating frequency is probably located. Al-
so, the magnetic resonance of the circular SRR ranges between
426 MHz and 478 MHz, whereas for the square SRR the cor-
responding values are 340 MHz and 400 MHz. These frequen-
cy bands are indicative and can be tailored to a desirable, unli-
censed and non-interfering spectrum with the proper choice of
the SRR dimensions, as it is performed in [13]. It is notewor-
thy that the band of the magnetic resonance is quite different in
these two cases, despite the similar dimensions. So, different
(b) optimal operating frequencies in the WPT scheme are expected.
Fig. 4. Real parts of the effective constitutive parameters for (a) the circular
The WPT structure examined in this paper follows the ra-
ons, is proposed. The desired band may be indirectly deter- tionale of Fig. 1, including a transmitting and a receiving SRR
mined via the measurement of the aforementioned arrange- at a distance d and a source connected to the transmitting
ment, when excited by the proper electric or magnetic field. SRR. Similarly, a load impedance is connected to the receiv-
Subsequently, the effective constitutive parameters εeff and μeff ing SRR. Additionally, an inductive wireless connection be-
can be derived from the S-parameters and the assumed perio- tween the source/load and the respective SRRs is chosen, as
dicity of the SRRs in the infinite plane, with the aid of a popu- discussed in [2] and employed in [8], [13]. This choice of feeding
lar homogenization process [17]. and terminating the configuration serves mismatching issues
2017 6th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST)

2 cm
3.5 cm
0.8 5 cm
7 cm
10 cm




0.38 0.4 0.42 0.44 0.46
Frequency (GHz)
Fig. 6. Efficiency of the circular SRR-based WPT system as a function of Fig. 8. Efficiency of the square SRR-based WPT system as a function of fre-
frequency for various distances between the transmitting and receiving SRR. quency for various distances between the transmitting and receiving SRR.

Fig. 7. Maximum magnetic field intensity (in A/m) for the circular SRR-based Fig. 9. Maximum magnetic field intensity (in A/m) for the square SRR-based
WPT system at an excitation frequency of 539 MHz. WPT system at an excitation frequency of 432.5 MHz.

sues, which could otherwise not be avoided. The source and

between the transmitting and the receiving SRR. It is observed
load are implemented as circular or square loops, in accord-
that it can receive high values for distances up to 50 mm,
ance with the shape of the inductively coupled SRRs and
reaching or exceeding the level of 98% for frequencies slightly
placed at distances ds and dl from them. The complete configu-
above 510 MHz. On the contrary, for larger distances, there is
rations are depicted in Fig. 5.
a considerable decrease of the efficiency. A snapshot illustrat-
The initial distance values are chosen as d = 50 mm, ds = 5 ing the maximum magnetic field intensity at the xz-plane, for
mm, and dl = 5 mm. In practice, the values of ds and dl are not the optimal values of d = 20 mm and f = 539 MHz, shown in
arbitrary, yet are appropriately chosen in order to accomplish Fig. 7, indicates that almost the entire available power is
the optimal matching of the source and the load to the circuit. transmitted to the load.
In our analysis, however, S-parameters (which ensure port
matching) are determined, thus, ds and dl affect merely the B. Square SRR WPT Configuration
coupling coefficient of the SRRs along with the source/load Similarly, for the case with the circular SRRs, the efficien-
loops. Then, a parametric sweep is conducted for various d val- cy for the square SRR setup is displayed in Fig. 8. Herein, the
ues between the SRRs, which indicates the behavior and po- frequency band of maximum efficiency ranges between 424
tential stability of the WPT efficiency with respect to distance. MHz and 445 MHz. However, it is lower than the former case,
Since the range of satisfactory efficiency for the electromag- since it reaches the level of 98.6% for d = 35 mm and remains
netic resonance-oriented WPT system is a few centimeters below 94% for the rest of the distances. Finally, in Fig. 9, the
[13], the study is conducted for d = 20 mm, 35 mm, 50 mm, corresponding snapshot of the maximum magnetic field inten-
70 mm, and 100 mm. Note that the arrangements of Fig. 5 are sity, obtained with the optimal distance, d = 35 mm and fre-
placed in an infinite space terminated by a perfectly matched quency, f = 432.5 MHz, is presented. In this figure, and equiv-
layer (PML), so that artificial reflections are minimized. alently in Fig. 7, practically non-zero magnetic field is ob-
served only in the vicinity of the SRRs. This artifact confirms
A. Circular SRR WPT Configuration that at the electromagnetic resonance phenomenon non-
The efficiency, calculated as |S21|2, is provided in Fig. 6 as resonant objects (air) interact weakly with the resonant ones
a function of the excitation frequency for different distances (SRRs) [1], which leads at high efficiency levels.
2017 6th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST)

TABLE Ι. Comparative results of maximum achievable efficiency plementations, since for the former SRR the effective permea-
bility is negative in a frequency band around 520 MHz, whereas
Circular SRR Square SRR
for the latter SRR the respective frequency band is around 430
Maximum Optimal Maximum Optimal MHz. This promising performance of the featured WPT sys-
Distance efficiency frequency efficiency frequency
(mm) tems can be proven very instructive for various contemporary
(%) (MHz) (%) (MHz)
applications, which require fast and reliable energy transfer.
20 99.03 539 93.06 445
35 97.89 522 98.59 432.5 REFERENCES
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