Relative Clause
Relative Clause
Relative Clause
A) which A) whose
B) where B) why
C) whose C) that
D) whom D) whom
E) why E) of which
10. One of the contestants ---- reached the 14. Photosynthesis is the process ---- green
final solved the puzzle in only twenty-three plants manufacture carbonhydrates , using
seconds. the energy of sunlight.
A) whose A) as when
B) whom B) on which
C) that C) where
D) where D) by which
E) which E) since
11. The new traffic system in the city, ---- 15 The protest at the Web site of Reporters
reserves one lane for cars with more than one without borders allows people around the
person in, has reduced congestion world to take part in a virtual demonstration ,
considerably. ---- would not be possible in many of the
targeted countries.
A) that
B why E) where
C) where B) which
D) when C) whom
E) which D) at which
E) whose