Assessmentof Schools Evaluation Systemsin Egypt

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State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung (IAIN)


Graduate Studies

Assessment of Mathematics Learning in elementary

schools in Egypt


November 2021

Assessment of School's Evaluation Systems in Egypt

ABSTRACT: School evaluation is crucial to quality education. It forms part of a recognised process of judging
schools' effectiveness, their efficiency, and any other outcomes they may have. The success of a schools'
performance is based on the criteria in an evaluation framework. This study aims to assess the Egyptian school
evaluation system, tests, and student follow-up before and during COVID-19. This study assessed the school's
evaluation system in Egypt before and during the COVD-19 crisis. Data from governmental and educational
institutions are collected, evaluated, and discussed. The results show that schools' evaluation systems suffer from
a crisis in the education system at all stages before and during COVID-19. In conclusion, we find from the state
of education many challenges as follows:
● Lacking a clear plan to be committed to the development of a school evaluation system.
● Continuous change in courses and programs from time to time, which ultimately leads to the
postponement of some lessons and contents for subsequent years
● Courses are stacking with many tasks, which is a burden on both teacher and student,
● The teacher finds no solution except in the use of indoctrination. In contrast, the student finds no way to
resort to conservation to get rid of this heavy stock in the exam paper to end its relationship to what he
● The predominance of quantity over quality and a severe inability to meet the new knowledge era's
● The school is lacking the basics of a suitable environment for school infrastructure and educational
● The teachers have low salaries, which often push them into private lessons, even at private schools.


In education, the term assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that educators use to evaluate,
measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of
While assessments are often equated with traditional tests—especially the standardized tests developed by testing
companies and administered to large populations of students—educators use a diverse array of assessment tools
and methods to measure everything from a four-year-old’s readiness for kindergarten to a twelfth-grade
student’s comprehension of advanced physics. Just as academic lessons have different functions, assessments
are typically designed to measure specific elements of learning—e.g., the level of knowledge a student already
has about the concept or skill the teacher is planning to teach or the ability to comprehend and analyze
different types of texts and readings. Assessments also are used to identify individual student weaknesses and
strengths so that educators can provide specialized academic support, educational programming, or social
services. In addition, assessments are developed by a wide array of groups and individuals, including teachers,
district administrators, universities, private companies, state departments of education, and groups that include
a combination of these individuals and institutions.

While assessment can take a wide variety of forms in education, the following descriptions provide a
representative overview of a few major forms of educational assessment.

Assessments are used for a wide variety of purposes in schools and education systems:
High-stakes assessments are typically standardized tests used for the purposes of accountability—i.e., any
attempt by federal, state, or local government agencies to ensure that students are enrolled in effective schools
and being taught by effective teachers. In general, “high stakes” means that important decisions about students,
teachers, schools, or districts are based on the scores students achieve on a high-stakes test, and either
punishments (sanctions, penalties, reduced funding, negative publicity, not being promoted to the next grade,
not being allowed to graduate) or accolades (awards, public celebration, positive publicity, bonuses, grade
promotion, diplomas) result from those scores. For a more detailed discussion, see high-stakes test.Pre-
assessments are administered before students begin a lesson, unit, course, or academic program. Students are
not necessarily expected to know most, or even any, of the material evaluated by pre-assessments—they are
generally used to (1) establish a baseline against which educators measure learning progress over the duration
of a program, course, or instructional period, or (2) determine general academic readiness for a course, program,
grade level, or new academic program that student may be transferring into.Formative assessments are in-
process evaluations of student learning that are typically administered multiple times during a unit, course, or
academic program. The general purpose of formative assessment is to give educators in-process feedback about
what students are learning or not learning so that instructional approaches, teaching materials, and academic
support can be modified accordingly. Formative assessments are usually not scored or graded, and they may take
a variety of forms, from more formal quizzes and assignments to informal questioning techniques and in-class
discussions with students.Summative assessments are used to evaluate student learning at the conclusion of a
specific instructional period—typically at the end of a unit, course, semester, program, or school
year. Summative assessments are typically scored and graded tests, assignments, or projects that are used to
determine whether students have learned what they were expected to learn during the defined instructional

Formative assessments are commonly said to be for learning because educators use the results to modify and
improve teaching techniques during an instructional period, while summative assessments are said to
be of learning because they evaluate academic achievement at the conclusion of an instructional period. Or as
assessment expert Paul Black put it, “When the cook tastes the soup, that’s formative assessment. When the
customer tastes the soup, that’s summative assessment.”

The methods of student evaluation in the Egyptian education system stand in the way of all attempts to
reform for quality development. Schools evaluation is limited to the conduct of examinations, which measure
scholastic. The current evaluation systems lead to the consolidation of many false educational beliefs, including
enabling the student to overcome the exam's obstacle and the outstanding student. He saves as much knowledge
and information as possible in the textbook and retrieves it in the answer sheet to get the highest score. The
examination became the only means of judging the student level. The student learning outcomes were limited to
one aspect, namely the educational achievement of the information prescribed in the textbooks. It made the
examination a goal in itself, and all educational practices within and outside the school tended to enable the
student to pass the tests successfully. It is a form of educational waste that loses its value and its ability to compete
in contemporary society with all its challenges [1-3].
Since the compass of examinations refers to one aspect of the learning outcomes of conservation and re-
examination, tests have played a central role in determining children's future. The value of knowledge is not only
in this aspect but must include all one's abilities, lifelong self-learning, and the benefit of technological
development. There has been a long-standing need to develop examination systems and methods. It does not
become an end in itself and necessary to measure the objective of higher mental processes. It is an ongoing
process, rather than relying on a one-time student evaluation and working on more useful and comprehensive
evaluation methods that reveal students' skills, abilities, and attitudes [4-7].
A look at the reality of the educational evaluation status quo: attempts have been made recently to bring
about a change in the evaluation system, especially in the early years of primary school, based on national
standards. It is hoped that the comprehensive evaluation will serve as a model to reform the assessment


methods at different levels of education, which are integrated with active learning. It is now being practised in
the first three grades. For this change, the evaluation integrated into the teaching and learning in continuous
processes [8,9].
It prompted Egypt's Ministry of Education (MoE) to adopt a long-term and progressive policy to change
the culture of exams in Egypt, aimed at freeing the minds of those who hold out many of the wrong beliefs that
have taken root over decades [7,10].
Below we present an explanation of the current state of the educational evaluation.
First: Kindergartens
It begins at the age of four years, ends with the fifth, sometimes preceded by a pre-kindergarten period
from three years. Sometimes the educational directorates decide to drop the age of admission to the kindergarten
stage, up to three and a half years. It depends on the intensity of the classroom and the number of applicants. At
this stage, the child learns many daily and life activities and exercises. Some language, arithmetic, environment,
physical sports, drawing, and music help him qualify for primary school. During this phase, the child is not
subjected to any formal tests for an immediate transition [11]. The Ministry provides this stage in public and
private schools, whose curriculum is taught in Arabic or foreign languages, and where the curriculum is taught
in English or French [10].
Second: The primary education stage
Basic education in primary and middle school: primary school consists of six classes.
- The preparatory stage consists of three classes starting from the first and ending in the third grade. The primary
education student teaches the Arabic language, Arabic calligraphy, religious education, arithmetic, and
mathematics foreign language social studies (geographical history). For the first grade, an oral exam is held at
the end of the year. It locates 80% of the total degree [12,13].
For the classrooms (transport), written examinations are held at the school level and under the education
department's supervision at the end of each semester, allocated 40% of the total grade. The remaining 20% is
given to the training evaluation through oral and written tests and activities carried out by the classroom teacher
throughout the semester. The student is transferred from one grade to another in light of both the compositional
and final evaluation results. The year's work is intended to guide and organise the essential part of the school's
work to measure students' ability to progress and participate in school activities. The 10% of the evaluation degree
was carried out by a school body and the class leader in editorial work and accompanying activities of the "article
booklet" and personal research effort. Also, 10% of the grade is given for oral and practical tests according to
each subject's nature. The behaviour is allocated to him 10% of the degree. Attendance is assigned 10% of the
degree. The use of technological tools is given to him 10% of the class, in the light of trends in increased interest
in the education system [14,15].
On August 26, 2017, the Supreme Council of Education issued a decree, which distributed student
degrees as follows: 20 degrees for activities, 10 for oral evaluation, 10 for behaviour, 60 for the fourth to sixth
grades the final exams. For preparatory students, 70 degrees were given to the end-of-year exams and 30 for the
year's work and conduct, with the half-year exams' cancellation. The Supreme Council for Pre-University
Education approved teaching the second foreign language (French-German-Italian-Spanish) and computer
science course in the public preparatory schools as an "optional" activity subject. Concerning technical education,
the Council agreed that it would be a success and a breeding material from the third grade to the end of primary
school, without adding to the total marks. Moreover, the Council approved 20 degrees of the half- semester exams
to the full mark at the end of each semester [14,15].
Certificate grades: The Council agreed to take a final written examination for the sixth grade of primary school.
Third: the preparatory stage
Two written examinations are held at the level of educational directorates in the provinces. At the end
of each semester, they are assigned 50% of the total grade, or the training evaluation does not add its total rates.
Its responsibility is under the class teacher's supervision and is successful if it obtains at least 50 % of the success
grades' whole grand finals. The student is transferred to a higher status in the light of the final evaluation results
only. The third-grade students take a final written examination at the end of the year [15].
Fourth: Secondary Stage
According to Ministerial Decision No. (273 and 274) of 27/6/2012 [7], the secondary education level
consists of three grades as follows:
First grade: The courses are divided into two semesters, and the subjects are classified as follows:
1. Subjects taught by all students and added to the total such as Arabic language and first foreign language.
Science courses such as chemistry, biology, physics, computer, mathematics algebra, analytical
mathematical triangles, social materials (principles of science), philosophy, and thinking.

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2. All students taught materials and practised in them and not added to the total such as religious education,
national education- computer science.
3. Subjects taught by students and not tested or added to the total, such as sports education.
The school classes in the first semester are divided into two sections. In the first section, students study
biology- chemistry - history. In contrast, in the second section, they learn physics-philosophy-geography. Then,
they hold an exam at the end of the semester on the subjects studied. The exchange occurs in the second semester;
the semester examination is stored in the issues learned
Second grade: The school year in the second grade of secondary school is divided into two semesters. The
division of the subjects shall be as follows:
1. Students are tested, and their grades are counted in the total at the end of the academic year in
Mathematics, Arabic, and foreign languages courses.
2. Students are tested, and their grades are not added to the total in religious education - citizenship and
information technology.
The student chooses one of the two groups as follows:
a) The scientific division: specialised materials and the end of their studies at the end of the semester and
their grades are added to the total, namely: (chemistry - biology - physics - mechanics)
b) Literary division: specialised subjects and ends their studies at the end of the semester, in which the
student examines and adds to the total, namely (history - psychology - geography - philosophy and lo
Third grade:
At this level, students study the following subjects:
Compulsory Subjects:
Students study courses in religious Education, Arabic and foreign languages, and national education.
Optional specialised subjects:
Students study chemistry, biology, geology, environmental sciences, geography, science, philosophy, logic,
psychology, and sociology.
Art Capabilities: The examinations are held at the national level, and the written tests' grades are 100% so that
the student has completed secondary education.
Fifth: Technical Education
Secondary schools are a 3-year education system: the study duration is three years and is divided into
the following:
a) Technical secondary schools for industrial education: operate according to (old system) or (upgraded
system), and the diploma of specialised secondary schools is awarded.
b) Formerly "Mubarak Kohl" Technical Schools: In April 2004, the Schools started in partnership with
the German Foundation for Technical Cooperation, the Egyptian Ministry of Education, and the
Qualitative Federation of Private Sector Investor Associations. This system is based on teaching cultural
theoretical, and artistic materials within the school and training as a practical application within the
private sector training facility. The duration of the study in these schools is three years. In the end, the
successful student is awarded the diploma of technical secondary schools for education and dual training
- a 3-year system - in addition to a local certificate from the supervisor of practical training (adam, 2010).
c) Technical high schools for the deaf and hearing impaired: the deaf and hearing-impaired diploma is
awarded [6].
d) Quality technical schools are schools under double supervision by the MoE and the practical body that
oversees the technical aspect. The schools operate on a three-year basis and award the diploma of
agricultural secondary schools established under President's Resolution 1620 of 1961.
e) Secondary schools system five years or advanced technical schools: the study duration is five years.
The successful ones are awarded at the end of the advanced technical study diploma, the five- year
system, and the qualitative technical specialisation.


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The Egyptian education system is subjected to several external and internal challenges: internal spending
on education, population growth, quality of education, training of knowledge capital, and the schools as a
learning society. The most critical external challenges are the new world's future formation, globalisation, and
knowledge power.
With a careful analysis of Egypt's evaluation systems' conditions, we find that the challenges are many
and varied, as learners flock to them year after year due to increased awareness of education's importance and
increased social demand. The constant population growth drives the trend of the black market in education

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The private lessons have become a chronic pathological phenomenon in Egyptian education, external commercial books'
sensation, and private lessons teachers' diary. The challenges of the school curricula and their contents need to develop
and renew the times. Finally, a culture affects all of this in the culture of the evaluation. As a result of the shift of
education goal from developing a creative person who can adapt to life's demands to create a person capable of repeating
and simulation without understanding or awareness, education has lost its goals{2,3].
The relationship between the educational process's outcomes and the labour market demands is one of
the strategic issues affecting Egypt's course development regarding its adverse effects on unemployment rates,
labour productivity, and structural imbalances in Egypt's labour markets. This structural imbalance is one of the
most critical problems addressed by the political decision-makers at the national level. The Egyptian economy's
structural unemployment issue can be explained by the quantitative gap between scholarly output size and what
can be addressed. The society and its productive sectors provide employment opportunities for graduates, but
also the inadequacy of national educational institutions in preparing a graduate capable of interacting with the
requirements of the labour markets and competition at the local and regional levels, in proportion to the age of
science and knowledge and the globalisation of productive and service activities [10].


The proper educational evaluation of inputs, processes, and outputs is the backbone of the teaching body.
Suppose the harmony between all educational process components is reconciled as a system or an integrated
interactive format consisting of workshops that affect each other. Thus, the evaluation is one of the important
entrances to the reform of the educational process. It is one of the essential openings to achieve the overall quality
educational process. The educational institution's effectiveness is based on teachers' and learners' performance
in all educational processes. It determines the extent of proximity or distance from the students' trials only. Still,
it can be judged on achieving the required standards for all elements, including the educational evaluation
program, policies, and institution's outputs. The evaluation component process's importance is that any
modernisation or development reflects on the rest of the curriculum. Suppose the evaluation is represented in its
tools. In that case, it focuses on measuring the outputs of special education (such as the amount of information
gained and the student's understanding of it) that the rest of the curriculum is necessarily employed to get the
student to these outcomes. If the targeted results are developing thinking skills and problem-solving, the rest of
the curriculum will get them to these outcomes [19].
The evaluation (its systems, methods, and tools) is one of the central elements' pre-university education
system. Therefore, its nature should be consistent with its core curriculum, including its content, organisation,
teaching & learning strategies, and specific activities. The curricula applied in the Egyptian educational
institutions currently provide the student with information without attempting to give the student the skill to
analyse and criticise it. Because it often provides the student with a history that has passed rather than a modern
applied science that is consistent with the successive changes in advanced societies. The evaluation methods
used in public schools led to many problems related to the student, the other to the teacher, the school, the family,
and society [20,21].
For examples:
(1) The adoption of curricula in pre-university education based on knowledge. Therefore this type of
curriculum is accompanied by evaluation tools that measure objectives of the cognitive aspect. It helps
teach about life situations or the student's ability to solve a typical problem, which prompts the teacher
to follow indoctrination. The student's reliance on preservation and retrieval in the exam position makes
students' minds, such as archiving information and recalls it when necessary. The culture of memory is
oriented towards grades, whether by the student or the family. The student and the family's goal is to get
the highest rates because it is the magic key to achieving the colleges' self-entry classified by the
(2) The use of general examinations that measure conservation has often become a mechanism for the
distribution of applicants, especially when there is too much demand and a lack of supply, as is the case
in students' coordination to attend university education.
(3) High school students study a large number of compulsory subjects. These subjects are stacked with
information, resulting in the length of the examination. The students are subjected to physical exhaustion
and psychological stress, reflecting negatively on them and their families, raising anxiety a
(4) The student in public schools is preparing for the exam to outperform his peers or please his parents.
The educational process's origin is that the exam can move the student to a higher education level or
qualification. Still, the reality contradicts the basis that is more contrary to the principle so that the
examinations become an end in themselves. All the education matters are going on this wrong
understanding so that there are teachers who train students to answer the exam.

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(5) The examination must be at the average student level; it does not measure the above-average or the
superior student's level and does not determine his multiple potentials. It does not need a lot of work or
reason. Still, it only requires the memory that contains the information stored in the examination paper.
Those who deserve and do not achieve high success rates are lost. They lack respect for individual
differences and lack justice. There is a strong need for discovering talents and identifying distinguished
minds. Suppose the exam questions come in one year to measure some of the student's higher levels. In
that case, students complain to the MoE because every student wants exams in a way that suits him. No
doubt, this moves away from objectivity and cannot be achieved in any case. It
(6) This guidance for facilitation is not appropriate; the exam is a tool to measure all students' levels without
bias or discrimination. The exam does not lose its purpose for its placement; pay attention to the media
pressure the level of difficulty for everyone and change society's culture. The exams are designed to
achieve the educational goals required for the graduate to whom we aspire.
(7) The emergence of high and even inflated learners' grades is ominous to the entire teaching and learning
system. Many students have a success rate of more than 96%. Yet, they have no general awareness,
thought, creativity, or ability to analyse and criticise. It confirms that many of them leave college after
enrolling because they do not have the appropriate capacity; objectivity guarantees every student's right.
(8) The spread of cultural memory and the orientation towards the degree, form, and content of the exam
leads to the phenomenon of fraud, whether individual, collective, or electronic, conflicts with the value
of honesty. Neglecting this phenomenon may lead to an incompetent and undisciplined educational
graduate in his future work, unable to assume responsibility, and no competitive spirit of solving his
life's problems—a perfect way to get to what he wants to achieve.


The evaluation is the backbone of education, and the assessment has undergone a radical reform
movement in previous years. Thus, the reform's beginning was to re-examine the traditional evaluation process,
which merely tests the paper and pen, which measures only knowledge and minimum thinking levels. There is
no doubt that Egyptian schools' educational evaluation continues to suffer from apparent weaknesses and
shortcomings. It hardly needs to be confirmed or demonstrated by reality, with the complete sense and awareness
of those in charge of Egypt's education affairs. The importance of developing and improving evaluation and
examination systems is in line with the times' requirements. They reflect the product produced by the educational
system to participate in the construction of human civilisation actively .
Despite the criticisms and repeated calls for reform from the education experts, many studies and research have
been confirmed in Egyptian and Arab universities.
a) It is worth noting that there is no echo or tangible impact on the ground except in the very least, there is no
integrated or real work that we can feel, except in some cases we see some reforms that came in the form of
b) Behind it focused on the mechanisms by which the final examination process is conducted. While adhering
to the previous philosophy, it has not changed to keep pace with the technological development we are
experiencing today.
c) Based on the arguments mentioned above, the educational evaluation process and the examinations are vital
processes. These processes require specialised task forces' sincere efforts, adopting serious policies,
implementing precise mechanisms, procedures characterised by impartiality, transparency, integrity, and
those who receive their results and benefit from their recommendations.
d) Based on the dominance of national education standards in different countries, Egypt chose to adopt this
framework to reform education. It was an attempt to build the national standards of Education in Egypt,
which went through several stages, summarised as follows [7]:
● In 1990, attempts to develop pre-university education began and were severe.
● In 1991, education was considered Egypt's most extensive national project, declaring education to be the
first national project in society's development and facing future challenges.
● In 1992, the document "Mubarak and Education" was issued. It included the outlines and basics of future
● The 1990s was considered the national decade to eliminate illiteracy and achieve a new vision, namely
education for excellence for all, which became a national goal towards universal quality standards in
education. It was a reflection of the holding of a series of national conferences for the development of

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● In 1993 the National Conference for the Development of Primary Education was held.
● In 1994, the National Conference for the Development of Preparatory Education was held, followed by a
national conference entitled: Teacher Preparing, Developing and Nurturing.
● In 1996-2000, the National Conference for the discovery and care of talented people emphasised its
recommendations to train teachers in examination models suitable for all age groups before they teach and
began thinking about the comprehensive evaluation project.
● In 2001, the first Arab Conference for exams and educational evaluation "Vision for the Future" was held
by the National Centre for Examinations and Educational Evaluation to conduct the necessary scientific
studies and research to prepare, evaluate and develop examination systems.
In 2001, this policy began to bear fruit through an intensive movement at the official and public levels. It
forms the general opinion of the need for development and its causes through the symposium organised by the
National Centre for Examinations and Educational Evaluation entitled "Development of evaluation systems and
examinations in pre-university education" which aims to answer the following questions:
1) What is the proposed perception of evaluation systems in the years of transport in public education?
2) What problems are expected when this system is implemented?
3) What guarantees are necessary for the proper application of this
system? One of its most important recommendations was:
1) The evaluation should be continuous throughout the year and not limited to final examinations.
2) The accountability system should be used in light of the educational product for the teacher.
3) The evaluation processes combine editorial work with oral and practical tests.
4) The methods of the evaluation should vary to measure the various aspects of the personality.
5) Grouping all the works, reports, and tests in the student's file, referring it to judge their performance
and progress.
6) Introducing the cumulative system in the estimation of the student's grades at the end of secondary
7) Attention should be paid to the availability of tools and evaluating educational institution's emotional
and skill aspects.
8) Improving the efficiency of teacher's capability of the requirements of the system.
9) Collective the evaluation process to participate in more than one party (teachers, mentors, managers,
specialists, and parents( .
Phase I: In 2002, the Egyptian National Council of Education issued the scientific research and technology
report entitled "Pupil Evaluation in General Education and Methods of Development". It included the following:
1) It aims to measure behaviour, retrieval, and recollection and measure the educational process from
understanding and engaging in sound and innovative thinking.
2) Employing the effects of learning in life situations, analysis and composition, and criticism of the
skills, tendencies, and trends it acquires.
3) The student's need to get used to the self-evaluation helps him remedy his mistakes.
4) Considering the diversity of different evaluation methods and the participation of auxiliary bodies
of psychologists and social workers in the student evaluation.
5) Establishing national standards of performance and educational achievement at different levels and
education classes [10].
In 2002, the Ministry of Education proposed to cancel the end-of-year exams for transport classes.
This proposal stated to rely on the basic idea of having one exam at the end of the year besides the
student's activities during the academic year; Members of the incentive system and the confirmation and increase
disjointed cooperation between the family and the school to raise the level of children.
this context, the National Examination Centre organised a conference entitled "Examinations and Educational
Evaluation visions for the future," which included the following:
1) The spreading of the culture and actual evaluation using its modern tools.
2) The evaluation should be continuous and encompass all aspects of the educational system.
3) The evaluation should be comprehensive on all aspects of the student's development.
4) The need to pay attention to the cumulative evaluation system is not limited to the student's evaluation
in one semester but extends to more than one academic year.
5) The need to determine the performance standards of the student at the end of the educational stage.
6) The evaluation result should be recorded as a reference that helps correct it in future situations.
The MoE also introduced a national slogan emphasising "quality for all," and building national
standards emerged. The National Standards for Education experience in Egypt project was one of the most

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important in the Arab region since it was national and well-established based on models developed with political
support groups such as the World Bank. It was not liberated from the culture and specificity of the Arab countries
with enlightenment and taking advantage of the global models that approach these foundations and controls
because building standards must be a national action that stems from reality. It is based on Egyptian circumstances,
but it may be indicative or action-oriented. Therefore building standards national movement is primarily based on
fact. The most important intellectual foundations for the development of these standards are:
● Promoting active, self-directed learning;
● Strengthening community participation and good democratic citizenship;
● Keeping pace with modern developments and technology; enshrining the principle of equal
opportunities; helping systems renew and develop continuously;
● Achieving commitment to quality, excellence, follow-up, evaluation, and evaluation;
● Enhancing the community's ability to develop a generation that is qualified to participate and discuss.
In summary, the evaluation system continued during 1990-2002 on the compositional formulas in the
final years of transition from primary and middle school. The training forms and final evaluation of general
certificates are based on academic achievement through oral and written tests throughout the year and at the end
of the year.
Phase II: According to specific characteristics and a particular work methodology, it was agreed on the basic
terms (e.g., domain, standard, indicators, benchmarks, and rubrics) standard units. The formation of discussion
groups and surveys of comparative global studies were used to draw lessons from them. Meetings were held with
all parties concerned to reach preliminary criteria. The requirements were taken out in three volumes, and work
on their application began in the 2003/04 academic year.
The second phase included developing application control concepts; intensive training of senior leaders,
directors, and educational departments' agents.
Nine criteria each have a set of indicators indicating that the learner has achieved the standard, and these criteria
are as follows:
● Criterion 1: the initial evaluation reflects the student's performance.
● Criterion 2: A comprehensive evaluation of all learning aspects (cognitive, emotional, and skilful).
● Criterion 3: Evaluation is an ongoing process employed in diagnostics, treatment, and enrichment.
● Criterion 4: The evaluation provides opportunities for the development of thinking processes and skills.
● Criterion 5: The first is the "new" approach, which is the most important of the "one-size-a-country" a
● Criterion 6: Multiple sides and evaluation levels.
● Criterion 7: Be here as a mechanism for showing the results of the self-evaluation (remote evaluation).
● Criterion 8: The number of people affected by the conflict has been increasing.
● Criterion 9: Evaluation processes are clear and transparent.
Phase III: The basic principles of the application of standards, including the introduction of models of
improvement so that the school is the unit of development and implementation in the form of groupings; Pilot
projects have been carried out to apply standards to the entrance to improve the school following national
standards of education. It indicates a shift in the school-level reform model, which qualifies the school to deal
with quality assurance processes and makes the school able to self-evaluate and build development plans. Also,
the grouping schools model was used, where the scientific approach associated with the school improvement
entrance is easy to apply. Four significant projects involve access to school improvement, depending on national
standards of education:
1) Unicef: Public schools project in 90 schools.
2) World Bank and European Union: School Improvement Project in 100 schools.
3) The experimental school project and the activation of community participation in the new schools project
50 schools.
4) National Centre for Examinations and Educational Evaluation.
The MoE in Egypt adopted the Comprehensive Evaluation Project in 250 schools. This project aimed to
develop the evaluation system at the primary education stage to an evaluation system that includes all aspects of
the learner's cognitive, skill, and emotional personality. In 2003-2004, The project was conducted in 30% of
primary schools with 4,500 schools. Only 5% of the schools followed up and evaluated.
From the academic years 2009/2010 and 11/2012, a continuation of the Egyptian Ministry of Education's
efforts in implementing the comprehensive evaluation system began to apply this system to the sixth primary and
secondary grades. They paid attention to provide teachers with the skills needed to praising this system's
effectiveness in improving the educational process.
Then there were movements calling for education reform. From 2007/2008, the MoE began preparing
the national strategic plan to reform pre-university education in Egypt. In 2011/2012, a qualitative shift in

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education is taken to evaluate the kindergarten stage. It recommended not to conduct written and formal tests to
transition to primary school and emphasised the comprehensive evaluation's implementation to achieve the
learner's integrated personality's balanced structure. The assessment is based on a set of key elements, including
the following:
− The learner's achievement file.
− End-of-term exams.
− Extra-class activities.
Table 1 shows the key elements of educational evaluation and grade distribution for years of transportation. In
summary, the evaluation systems from 2000 to 2006 began to apply the comprehensive evaluation system and
calculated the year's grades. The evaluation is based on the student achievement file and his performance

In 2007-2017, the MoE made efforts to modify secondary education structure, optional subjects,
compulsory general subjects, and specialised subjects. Students are now studying common topics in the first
grade of secondary school. In the second grade, they choose to study subjects that qualify them to enter scientific
colleges or learn issues that permit them to enter literary colleges. Also, optional speciality subjects supporting
this specialisation have been enrolled in the secondary education improvement project to carry out the project to
promote secondary education. It includes a plan to convert 315 commercial, technical schools into a public
secondary school (Thanwia Amma) to achieve 50% general secondary versus 50% for technical education
instead of a percentage of 37% to 63%. The quality of education provided through commercial and technical
education is not required from the labour market, and its output is inappropriate for future requirements.
Phase IV: A comprehensive guide for self-assessment, data collection, analysis methods
In the following, we present a summary of the schools' self-assessment process:
● Planning to improve participating schools and construct the second phase using standard modules and
reference comparisons for each indicator in the same bar.
● Developing a set of measurement tools, teacher graded measurement rules, outstanding management,
curriculum, and learning outcomes (content, learner, and subjects).
● In 2016/2017, the MoE made some amendments to resolve 313 of the comprehensive educational evaluation
applied to the primary and preparatory stages. The aims are to activate the thorough assessment and achieve
equal opportunities among students, including abolishing the mid-term exam and replacing three exams for
each semester.
● The year accompanying activities, editorial, attendance, and behaviour are devoted 40% of the whole class
degree evaluation, and 60% is given for the written examination at the end of the semester.
● The computer and information technology courses are provided within the necessary activities in the fourth,
fifth and sixth grades. These amendments to the comprehensive evaluation resolution aim to make
extracurricular successful and fail actions and do not have a dual role. It does not add to the total number of
grades. It is forbidden to hold written examinations for them due to their practical nature, explaining that the
necessary extracurricular activities in the primary cycle include: sports education, applied fields

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● The student chooses only one of the optional activities available at the school.
● The school principals and teachers of extracurricular activities must fully comply with the periods allocated
to these activities.
● The decision confirms the commitment to activate therapeutic programs in all subjects and not limit them to
Arabic and English languages, starting from the second primary to the second preparatory grades.
● In 1994, the MoE made the first modifications to secondary schools by introducing optional materials for
colleges and compulsory subjects. Under this system, the student is entitled to take the second-round exam,
whether it fails or successfully improves the total after only one month. For the first time in the history of
education, the result's announcement opened the door for students to obtain total marks exceeding 100%.
However, with much criticism from parents, educators, and experts on improvement, it was abolished in
1999, and the Ministry maintained the secondary system in two years, which lasted until 2012.
● In 2012, the two-year system was abolished. The one-year system was introduced in the same year, despite
errors in the curriculum's distribution and teaching, which requires substantial adjustments to overcome the
imbalance in the student's access to the secondary school curriculum.
● The executive branch of the Ministry was forced to find solutions to minimise the consequences of the
disaster. The only solution came by planning to avoid the problems that ensued over three years.
● The student who failed in the second grade of the old system can choose to continue with the old system or
transfer to the new system's second year. This new approach focused on studying the basic speciality subjects
exchanged between (semesters). He learns a group in one semester and examines the other in a second
semester. This system allows the student to study half of the second-grade curriculum and the other half in
the third grade. He also explores two subjects in the new design, citizenship & human rights, and information
technology without adding to the total.
Since 2011, the Egyptian political system was unstable due to the start of the revolution upraising. This
phase is seen as a transition for change and stability to meet the challenges and demands, namely social justice,
political freedom, and social & economic security. These are the key elements of development; it calls for the
liberation of the mind from the trap of memory. It makes a mind that thinks, meditates, criticises, discovers,
imagines, adapts to change, overcomes authoritarian thinking, innovates, and innovates).


In this period, the National Centre for Examinations and Evaluation has been working to diagnose the
strengths and weaknesses of third and fourth grades in Egypt. The first study to be conducted at the national level
to measure all pupils' levels. In 2015, they analysed 1,415,158 pupils in the third grade and 1,374,687 pupils in
the fourth grade of primary education in 280 educational districts and 15,711 schools [10].
The percentage of success was more than 50 % of the test's overall score as a whole. In the third grade of
the primary were 66.2% and 69.4% in the fourth grade. As for skills, the skill of "identifying words with the letter
of the tide" was the highest (60.8%) In the third grade of primary and the skill of "distinguishing between two
different characters" in the fourth grade (61.6%). The following figure shows the overall rate of success.

Figure 1, the overall success rate for the third and fourth grades
(National Examination Centre Report, 2015)
The MoEclarified that eighth-grades from the primary education stage aims to:
− To see the academic performance of the children in the exploratory application.

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− Identifying the essential concepts that our students have not been able to correct or answer the questions
they measure,
− Determining the necessary levels of knowledge that our students have difficulties in achieving.
− Providing technical support to math teachers by proposing specific training programs that contribute to
the teacher's ability to improve students' performance.
The results have shown the following:
1) Students suffer from short answer questions in particular, where the percentages of success in this type
of problem have declined. The study questions focused on all the concepts, ranging from (0%-28%), and
multichoice questions (MCQ) were no better than the previous one if we took into account the "guessing"
process. In other countries, the overall student success level has not crossed 50% in sample questions
2) Students suffer from answering questions level (inference). The situations that require significant
knowledge of the ability to solve life problems and the success rate at this level have not exceeded the
barrier of 28%.
In 2017, the Centre prepared training workshops for teachers to present the results, train teachers to
address the weaknesses, and prepare students for the final application. The MoE developed examination
systems, especially secondary schools, that emerged supporting the educational and evaluation process. An
integrating question booklet, including the answer, was introduced to prevent fraud and eliminate it as the first
stage of the development strategy. To reach the future's optimal education goals, finding innovative solutions to
applied science education's most significant problems was made l [16].


In Egypt, like other countries, the spread of the Coved-19 virus has severely damaged the education
system at school and the university level. Below we will discuss the school assessment in Egypt during the
pandemic, the implementation of preventive measures, and schools' closure. This assessment may help identify
strengths and weaknesses and develop plans and alternatives to the potential adverse effects of education policies.
In December 2019, the Corona pandemic led to rapid reactions from developed countries in Europe, the
United States of America, China, and the Russian Federation. All of which announced severe precautionary
measures and closed all economic and social activities, particularly schools and universities' decision to closure.
All developing countries followed without adequate preparations for emergency crises. All countries have also
resorted to the online distance education system or other visual and audio transmissions such as television or radio.
New study content has also been introduced {22-28].
It is worth noting that surveys and investigations conducted on harmful damage and the collapse of
education systems in some States have varied opinions among experts and decision-makers to reopen schools in
whole or in part, taking preventive measures and social divergence. Thus, the importance of integrated or hybrid
education has emerged to combine head-to-head schooling with distance education [22]. During the second wave
outbreak and its deadly impact on children and young people's lives, governments decided to close all schools and
universities entirely and again resort to the online education system.
In Egypt, schools were closed in the middle of the second semester of 2019/2020. The government has
made several decisions to provide health protection and education for students, teachers, and staff. Teachers were
obliged to be satisfied with the course's parts without putting forward the rest of the study content, with a recent
evaluation and testing methods, especially in the final educational stages. It has led to confusion in policies and
alternatives to addressing the crisis in the face of inadequate preparedness and challenges in applying the digital
education system.
Due to the centrality of the education system and the lack of transparency, survey forms were not available to
evaluate educational institutions at all levels, provide information on decision-making criteria, and determine
responsibility for the principal of schools, teachers, students, and parents. At this stage, educational evaluation
and accountability at the level of programs, organisations, and individuals are a policy-making process and a
discussion of all assumptions and methodologies to ensure education quality.
In this context, you should verify the following:
● Monitoring the state of schools at all stages.
● Collecting professional specifications for all parties (i.e., teachers, parents, students, school staff,
school leadership, school authority, and school support system).
● Identifying challenges and link research to practices, especially in times of crisis.
● Reducing the harmful effects of the Corona epidemic on schools.
Here are the most critical points for evaluating this phase:

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● The importance of providing all the information and data that the government sets out from policies and
decisions to guide school leaders and teachers with the study rules.
● How students and parents respond to school closures due to the pandemic?
● Stress, student conditions, and intensification of self-study methods
● The extent to which the phenomenon of private lessons is widespread
● The extent to which the phenomenon of private lessons is widespread
● Providing financial and technical resources to support the digital education system
● How efficient teachers are to work in the digital education system
● The efficiency of the student's performance test evaluation system
Social factors
The family environment includes support from parents and siblings - technical equipment - spatial
status at home - the educational level of parents - financial sources - revenue alienation) (Huber, 2020) [29]
Background on the student's condition includes age and sex-conscience-living-motivations of learning-
subjective concepts (performance and will) - self-discipline (learning emotions - self-regulation abilities) -
learning learning learning strategies - cognitive abilities /aspirations.
Instructions include quantity-quality-classroom-management-cognitive activation-learning support learning
processes and include quantitative-quality-cognitive activation-interactive learning-social education... Learning
outcomes include disciplinary outcomes - cognitive outcomes - interdisciplinary - results - non-cognitive
The teacher includes age and sex-knowledge content-educational content-experience in the use of digital media
- knowledge of digital media - motivation for the benefit of digital media - self-efficiency in digital media -
professional-beliefs and values.
School include school leadership and management-coordination-work-school strategy (innovation, improvement
and continuity) - school development and staff (instructions and human resources) - professional-common beliefs
(passion and commitment) - staff competence (self)-cooperation (between students and faculty) - methodology
work -learning environment - school prestige - social record.
The system includes governance, coordination of work- information and communications- curriculum- setting
standards of learning-employment (depending on the school authority) - equipment and professional technical-
professional maggots for staff and technicians - school development and education support system.
Cognitive activity is an educational practice that encourages students to engage in high-level thinking through
participation and meditation.
The assessment of cognitive activity depends on applying a wide range of educational strategies and tools used.
In the past, the government has provided a range of support to the government and the government. For example,
provide observations and carry out teaching tasks and school assignments assigned to them. Support for
constructive learning is defined in various ways following educational quality standards. This support includes all
measures aimed at achieving a stimulating learning environment. Therefore, the evaluation process is based on
how students receive individual teacher support during or after class. The extent to which teachers respond to help
students and remove concerns in understanding the study tasks assigned to them.
The distance and on-learning principles are based on the treatment of original educational topics, cognitive
activity, demonstration, application, and integration. The success of this system depends on students accepting the
concept of self-learning through digital media. Accordingly, the school evaluation process is based on measuring
the availability of adequate technical resources for digital education (including providing opportunities for
students to work on and off the computer). And the extent to which students accept the idea of


Measuring distance learning outcomes online or using other means requires the design of a questionnaire.
It includes the survey of the executive authorities represented by the Ministry of Education, its education
directorates, and school leaders looking to manage the educational process nationwide about the quality of
education and the response of families, students, and teachers to the policy of closing schools and universities.
Students and teachers should be surveyed about digital competence and their dealings with educational platforms
and courses' digital content. They also enjoyed self-study and the use of new educational tools. The distance
education system should be assessed seriously (i.e., the number of daily study hours and ways dealing with
teachers' psychological stress and negative feelings). These exploratory studies help provide a better
understanding of the current situation under a reluctant policy to support schools' continued closure. There is a
misconception about the importance of implementing a hybrid education system after the COVID-19 crisis so that
face-to-face schooling is combined with distance learning online. Proponents of this view believe that this policy
may lead to a rationalisation of education expenditures regarding the high cost of educational

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buildings, poor educational infrastructure, increases in classroom density and teacher capacity, etc. Supporters
need the students to return to school being convinced of the importance of quality education through full
supervision of the educational process in schools and the prevention of dropouts, with the development of a
comprehensive education system in light of the state's commitment to protecting the constitutional rights of
citizens and international charters sponsored by the United Nations to make education for all. The latter is about
the future of the nation and generations [29]. Figure 2 shows the school measuring parameters.

Figure 2: The school measuring parameters

The design of the proposed questionnaire should take into account:

1. The importance of surveying parents in all parts of cities, centres, and villages
2. Measuring the actual rate of dropout swells at all levels of education
3. The success of self-learning methods among urban and village students and for all age groups
4. The impact of distance education on the efficiency and reduction of the school staff
5. The efficiency of training programs for teachers and school leaders
6. Schools' response to educational policies and research to achieve justice and equality among all
It is worth mentioning that the survey conducted in some developed countries highlighted differences
and disparities among students. Some cannot study at home and spend 8-10 hours a day and five days a week.
Others cannot adhere to school functions obligations, therefore adequately resort to private lessons that cost them
and their families huge sums and violate equal opportunity principles. There is a general feeling among all parents,
students, and teachers that the school closure period due to the COVID-19 is an open school holiday. They practice
general relaxation to escape boredom and daily routine. Teachers can also not follow and monitor these enormous
numbers of students to meet learning and performance evaluation tasks. Figure 3 shows the various factors of the
school assessment measuring parameters.

Through media channels and social media networks, they show the following:
1. The level of learning at home is worryingly low during school closures
2. Lack of seriousness in commitment to study tasks and full completion of study content.
3. Lack of a self-learning regulatory policy
4. Supporting and promoting student's motivation and the desire for self-directed learning.
5. Previous studies have highlighted the importance of educational care for parents, peers, and teachers to
support students' basic psychological needs in terms of independence, experience, competence,
communication, and social integration. In this regard, the social context seems essential for developing
self-competencies, mainly when it provides role models, contacts/networks, and educational mentors
who support students in setting realistic long-term goals [4].
There is no doubt that teachers and school staff face multiple challenges with student families regardless
of COVID-19, physical distance and limited access and communication opportunities, and lack of motivation,
competencies, and resources. To compensate for these shortcomings, schools need to make additional efforts
towards these children and students to prevent the gap in learning and achievement from worsening. It is a
professional responsibility at all levels of the country.

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Figure 3: Various factors of the school assessment measuring parameters


The online distance learning system relies on teachers' technical capabilities in using digital forms of
teaching and learning. Egypt has found this efficiency to be very modest compared to some other countries. In
this regard, it requires professional policies to raise the digital efficiency of teaching and learning with all the tools
and equipment.
Teacher cooperation
The quality of education within the school depends on the seriousness of cooperation between teachers
and school leaders to develop the right strategy for school and educational operations in the light of the Corona
pandemic by preparing documents for digital forms of teaching and learning and also developing concepts for the
development and evaluation of the school differently for all groups.
In recent years, extensive research has been carried out on various forms of cooperation, not only in the
collaboration of teachers within schools but also between schools and other educational and non-educational
institutions. Secondary education seems particularly important for schools where students move from low socio-
economic backgrounds. State education policies should focus on using all kinds of resources to benefit students
and prioritise knowledge management and sustainability [29].


As the Corona pandemic continues to spread in its first and second waves as we come to the third wave
threshold, we ask how to manage the future of Education in Egypt? Will the post-Corona education system be the
same as it is now?
It is an urgent question globally, but it becomes the irreplaceable choice of necessity in Egypt. The
symptoms or future of the disease seem to be similar to everyone. The end is to introduce technology as a necessary
component of education, but how is it done to achieve quality education objectives to benefit our children and our
entire society.
It is an exceptional phase due to the Corona pandemic spread, especially for primary education students, so how
will students be evaluated?
According to the MoE statement, no part of the first-semester curriculum will be deleted. The exam
questions will be from the annotated portions of the course before the schools are closed. The written tests will be
held in schools, amid all precautionary measures to counter corona infection. Three types of evaluation have been
developed as follows:
First assessment: This assessment is specific to the basic education classes and is carried out by measuring
students' individual and collective skills and measuring the student's individual and collective behaviour through
a series of tests of the types of "oral and skilled" without any written examinations.

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Second assessment: This assessment will be conducted for grades 4 to 3 in middle school through written
tests held in schools. This assessment will be conducted for grades 3 and 4 in middle school through written
examinations held in schools.
In both evaluations, parents will be delivered at the end of the semester with a student performance report and
marked in distinctive colours to assess the student's level as follows:
Blue: Exceeds expectations. Green: Follows expected. Yellow: expected. Red: Less than expected.
The third assessment: This assessment for the first and second grades will be conducted through electronic
examinations through the tablet (Ipad), with questions that measure the student's understanding.
It is worth mentioning that the MoEhas announced the lifting of the absence for those who wish to continue
to open schools and hopes to attend while insisting on watching the follow-up of the curriculum through school
channels and accredited platforms. The first semester exams for 2020/2021 have been postponed to be held at the
end of February 2021, with preventive measures being applied through social spacing. For pre- primary grades,
no tests are conducted, but an evaluation is made for students.

Despite all the development before COVID-19, we are still suffering from a crisis in the education
system at all stages. Indeed, education reform is the first step to develop Egyptian society. The observer of the
state of education finds a lot of failures and problems. These problems are as follows:
● The lack of a clear plan to be committed to the development of Ministers of Education,
● The difficulty of the curriculum that arises from one period to another change it to find in the end that it is
just an increase in the problem of the courses by migrating courses for the higher year to the year preceding
● Courses are stacking with many lessons, which is a burden on both teacher and student,
● The teacher finds no solution except in the use of indoctrination. In contrast, the student finds no way to
resort to conservation to get rid of this heavy stock in the exam paper to end its relationship to what he
● The school is lacking the basics of a suitable environment for school infrastructure and educational means.
● The teachers have low salaries, which often push them into private lessons, even at private schools.
For the success of distance education policies and the completion of homeschooling, realistic strategies
must be developed, according to the following proposals:
1. The need for training: Teachers need training in the use of the Internet in general and training in special
programs to make web pages, publish lectures, lessons, etc. The students also need internet training to
use programs that help them share information with their teachers. First of all, both the student and the
teacher need to know the basics of the computer.
2. The need for a technological infrastructure: there must be a technical infrastructure in all schools,
educational institutions, or those who wish to introduce distance education programs. This structure is
not now available enough.
3. The need for communication between students and the Internet: communications between students must
be provided online or through the educational body's internal network to share the digital educational
materials and electronic data and share information with their teachers. However, this service is not fully
available to all students or all schools.
4. Improving capabilities and internet speeds: One of the main problems facing the distance learning process
is the capacity and speed of communication with the Internet. It is used to transmit lectures and video
lessons properly. It can be achieved by connecting the computer to the Internet through specific systems.
These systems are expensive for ordinary users.
5. Security: Security is one of the main problems facing distance learning. During electronic examinations,
the teacher does not guarantee that the student is not trying to cheat. The teacher also does not ensure
that the person who takes the exam is the student himself and not another person. Some software tools
and techniques may help overcome some security-related disadvantages, but they are not enough to
overcome all those disadvantages.
6. Costs: In addition to previous challenges, there are costs to those who want to implement the distance
education system. One of these costs relates to the technological structure required by this educational
system. The purchase and maintenance of a computer and server with equipment and software, or the
rental of space on a third-party server, are financial burdens. Training teachers to use the programs and
tools used in the distance education system is also an additional financial

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beneficiaries of the education system. Taking into account that crises increase differences in the quality of
education, which have an impact on inclusive education as well as on digital learning environments. It is
necessary to reflect on the appropriate strategies, conditions, and practices for cooperation among those dealing
with this pandemic crisis.

This research is part of the project entitled "Cairo University proposal to develop education in developing
countries in the Egyptian context using modeling approaches." The financial support of Cairo University is

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