Light Lab 1
Light Lab 1
Light Lab 1
Light Lab 1
How does light travel?
Experiment #1
1. Set up Cards 1, 2, and 3 in order, about 5-10 cm apart from each other.
Make sure your cards are in a straight line so that the holes line up.
2. Hold a piece of black paper up after card 3.
3. Hold the flashlight up to the hole in card 1.
4. Turn the flashlight on.
5. Record your observations.
Draw what you saw in the box below. Make sure to be detailed. Include the cards, flashlight, and black paper in your
Remove the piece of black paper and look through the hole in card 3. Were you
able to see the flashlight and the light it emits? Circle your answer below.
Yes No
Experiment #2
1. Set up Cards 1, 4, and 3 in order, about 5-10 cm apart from each other.
Make sure your cards line up. The holes will not line up.
2. Hold a piece of black paper up after card 3.
3. Hold the flashlight up to the hole in card 1.
4. Turn the flashlight on.
5. Record your observations.
Draw what you saw in the box below. Make sure to be detailed. Include the cards, flashlight, black paper, and the
lights path in your drawing.
Remove the piece of black paper and look through the hole in card 3. Were you
able to see the flashlight and the light it emits? Circle your answer below.
Yes No
Reflection Questions
1. When were you able to see the flashlight and light through the cards?