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17EC61 Digital Communication Module 5

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Digital modulation techniques

Modulation is defined as the process by which some characteristics of a carrier is
varied in accordance with a modulating wave. In digital communications, the
modulating wave consists of binary data or an M-ary encoded version of it and the
carrier is sinusoidal wave.
Different Shift keying methods that are used in digital modulation techniques are
 Amplitude shift keying [ASK]
 Frequency shift keying [FSK]
 Phase shift keying [PSK]
Fig shows different modulations
1. ASK[Amplitude Shift Keying]:

In a binary ASK system symbol ‘1’ and ‘0’ are transmitted as

2 Eb
S 1(t )  Cos 2f1t for symbol 1
S 2 (t )  0 for symbol 0

2. FSK[Frequency Shift Keying]:

In a binary FSK system symbol ‘1’ and ‘0’ are transmitted as

2 Eb
S 1(t )  Cos 2f1t for symbol 1
2 Eb
S 2 (t )  Cos 2f 2 t for symbol 0
3. PSK[Phase Shift Keying]:

In a binary PSK system the pair of signals S1(t) and S2(t) are used to represent
binary symbol ‘1’ and ‘0’ respectively.
2 Eb
S1 (t )  Cos 2f c t --------- for Symbol ‘1’

2 Eb 2 Eb
S 2 (t )  Cos (2f c t   )   Cos 2f c t ------- for Symbol ‘0’
Tb Tb

Hierarchy of digital modulation technique

Digital Modulation Technique

Coherent Non - Coherent

Binary M - ary Hybrid Binary M - ary

(m) = 2 (m) = 2

* ASK M-ary ASK M-ary APK * ASK M-ary ASK

* FSK M-ary FSK M-ary QAM * FSK M-ary FSK
* PSK M-ary PSK * DPSK M-ary DPSK
Coherent Binary PSK:

Non Return to
Zero Level Product
Encoder Modulator
Binary Binary PSK Signal
Data Sequence

1 (t )  Cos 2f c t

Fig(a) Block diagram of BPSK transmitter

x(t) b x1 Decision Choose 1 if x1>0

dt Device
Choose 0 if x1<0

1 (t ) Threshold λ = 0

Fig (b) Coherent binary PSK receiver

In a Coherent binary PSK system the pair of signals S1(t) and S2(t) are used to
represent binary symbol ‘1’ and ‘0’ respectively.
2 Eb
S1 (t )  Cos 2f c t --------- for Symbol ‘1’

2 Eb 2 Eb
S 2 (t )  Cos (2f c t   )   Cos 2f c t ------- for Symbol ‘0’
Tb Tb

Eb 0  Eb1
Where Eb= Average energy transmitted per bit Eb 
In the case of PSK, there is only one basic function of Unit energy which is given
1 (t )  Cos 2f c t 0  t  Tb
Therefore the transmitted signals are given by

S1 (t )  Eb 1 (t ) 0  t  Tb for Symbol 1

S 2 (t )   Eb 1 (t ) 0  t  Tb for Symbol 0

A Coherent BPSK is characterized by having a signal space that is one

dimensional (N=1) with two message points (M=2)


S11   S1 (t ) 1 (t ) dt   Eb


S 21   S 2 (t ) 1 (t ) dt   Eb

The message point corresponding to S1(t) is located at S11   Eb and S2(t) is

located at S 21   Eb .
To generate a binary PSK signal we have to represent the input binary sequence in
polar form with symbol ‘1’ and ‘0’ represented by constant amplitude levels of
 Eb &  Eb respectively. This signal transmission encoding is performed by a NRZ

level encoder. The resulting binary wave [in polar form] and a sinusoidal carrier 1 (t )
[whose frequency f c  ] are applied to a product modulator. The desired BPSK wave
is obtained at the modulator output.
To detect the original binary sequence of 1’s and 0’s we apply the noisy PSK
signal x(t) to a Correlator, which is also supplied with a locally generated coherent
reference signal 1 (t ) as shown in fig (b). The correlator output x 1 is compared with a
threshold of zero volt.
If x1 > 0, the receiver decides in favour of symbol 1.
If x1 < 0, the receiver decides in favour of symbol 0.
Probability of Error Calculation ‘Or’
Bit Error rate Calculation [BER Calculation] :-
In BPSK system the basic function is given by
1 (t )  Cos 2f c t 0  t  Tb
The signals S1(t) and S2(t) are given by

S1 (t )  Eb 1 (t ) 0  t  Tb for Symbol 1

S 2 (t )   Eb 1 (t ) 0  t  Tb for Symbol 0

The signal space representation is as shown in fig (N=1 & M=2)

Region R2 Region R1

- Eb Eb

Message Point 2 Message Point 1
S2(t) Decision Boundary S1(t)

Fig. Signal Space Representation of BPSK

The observation vector x1 is related to the received signal x(t) by
x1   x(t )1 (t ) dt

If the observation element falls in the region R1, a decision will be made in favour
of symbol ‘1’. If it falls in region R2 a decision will be made in favour of symbol ‘0’.
The error is of two types
1) Pe(0/1) i.e. transmitted as ‘1’ but received as ‘0’ and
2) Pe(1/0) i.e. transmitted as ‘0’ but received as ‘1’.
Error of 1st kind is given by

1  ( x1   ) 2 
Pe (1 / 0)    2 2  dx1
2 2 0
exp Assuming Gaussian Distribution
Where μ = mean value =  Eb for the transmission of symbol ‘0’
 2 = Variance = for additive white Gaussiance noise.
Threshold Value λ = 0. [Indicates lower limit in integration]

Therefore the above equation becomes

  ( x1  Eb ) 2 
Pe 0  Pe (1 / 0)   exp N 0  dx1
N 0 0  

x1  Eb
Put Z 

 exp( Z ) dz
Pe 0  Pe (1 / 0)  2

 ( Eb / N 0 )

1 Eb
Pe (1 / 0)  erfc
2 N0

1 Eb
Similarly Pe (0 / 1)  erfc
2 N0

The total probability of error Pe  Pe (1 / 0) Pe (0)  Pe (0 / 1) Pe (1) assuming

probability of 1’s and 0’s are equal.
Pe  [ Pe (1 / 0)  Pe (0 / 1) ]
1 Eb
Pe  erfc
2 N0

Coherent Binary FSK

In a binary FSK system symbol ‘1’ and ‘0’ are transmitted as

2 Eb
S 1(t )  Cos 2f1t for symbol 1
2 Eb
S 2 (t )  Cos 2f 2 t for symbol 0

nc  i
Frequency f i  for some fixed integer nc and i=1, 2
The basic functions are given by
1 (t )  Cos 2f 1t and
2 (t )  Cos 2f 2 t for 0  t  Tb and Zero Otherwise

Therefore FSK is characterized by two dimensional signal space with two

message points i.e. N=2 and m=2.
The two message points are defined by the signal vector

 E  0 
S1   b  and S2   
0   Eb 

Generation and Detection:-

fig a

fig b

fig: FSK transmitter and receiver

A binary FSK Transmitter is as shown in fig. (a). The incoming binary
data sequence is applied to on-off level encoder. The output of encoder is Eb volts for

symbol 1 and 0 volts for symbol ‘0’. When we have symbol 1 the upper channel is
switched on with oscillator frequency f1, for symbol ‘0’, because of inverter the lower
channel is switched on with oscillator frequency f2. These two frequencies are combined
using an adder circuit and then transmitted. The transmitted signal is nothing but
required BFSK signal.
The detector consists of two correlators. The incoming noisy BFSK signal x(t) is
common to both correlator. The Coherent reference signal 1 (t ) and 2 (t ) are supplied to
upper and lower correlators respectively.
The correlator outputs are then subtracted one from the other and resulting a
random vector ‘l’ (l=x1 - x2). The output ‘l’ is compared with threshold of zero volts.
If l > 0, the receiver decides in favour of symbol 1.
l < 0, the receiver decides in favour of symbol 0.

Probability of Error Calculation:-

In binary FSK system the basic functions are given by

1 (t )  Cos 2f1t 0  t  Tb

2 (t )  Cos 2f 2 t 0  t  Tb
The transmitted signals S1(t) and S2(t) are given by
S 1(t )  Eb 1 (t ) for symbol 1

S 2 (t )  Eb  2 (t ) for symbol 0

Therefore Binary FSK system has 2 dimensional signal space with two messages
S1(t) and S2(t), [N=2 , m=2] they are represented as shown in fig.
Fig. Signal Space diagram of Coherent binary FSK system.

The two message points are defined by the signal vector

 E  0 
S1   b  and S2   
0   Eb 
The observation vector x1 and x2 ( output of upper and lower correlator) are
related to input signal x(t) as


x1   x(t )1 (t )dt and



x2   x(t ) 2 (t )dt

Assuming zero mean additive white Gaussian noise with input PSD . with
variance .
The new observation vector ‘l’ is the difference of two random variables x 1 & x2.
l = x1 – x2
When symbol ‘1’ was transmitted x 1 and x2 has mean value of 0 and
Eb respectively.

Therefore the conditional mean of random variable ‘l’ for symbol 1 was
transmitted is
l  x  x 
E   E 1   E 2 
1 1 1
 Eb  0
 Eb

l 
Similarly for ‘0’ transmission E     Eb
The total variance of random variable ‘l’ is given by
Var[l ]  Var[ x1 ]  Var[ x2 ]
 N0
The probability of error is given by

  (l  Eb ) 2 
Pe (1 / 0)  Pe 0 
2N 0 0 exp  2 N 0  dl
 

l  Eb
Put Z
2N 0

Pe 0   exp( z
 Eb
2 N0

1  Eb 
 erfc  
2  2 N 0 

1  Eb 
Similarly Pe1  erfc  
2  2 N 0 
The total probability of error = Pe  [ Pe (1 / 0)  Pe (0 / 1) ]
Assuming 1’s & 0’s with equal probabilities
Pe= [ Pe 0  Pe1 ]

1  Eb 
Pe  erfc  
2  2 N 0 


Binary ON-OFF Product Binary ASK

Level Modulator
Data Sequence Signal

1 (t )  Cos 2f e t

Fig (a) BASK transmitter


x(t) X  dt
If x > λ choose symbol 1

If x < λ choose symbol 0

1 (t ) Threshold λ
Fig (b) Coherent binary ASK demodulator
In Coherent binary ASK system the basic function is given by

1 (t )  Cos 2f e t 0  t  Tb

The transmitted signals S1(t) and S2(t) are given by

S1 (t )  E b 1 (t ) for Symbol 1

S 2 (t )  0 for Symbol 0
The BASK system has one dimensional signal space with two messages (N=1, M=2)
Region E2 Region E1

Point 2

1 (t )

0 Eb Message
2 Point 1
Fig. (c) Signal Space representation of BASK signal

In transmitter the binary data sequence is given to an on-off encoder. Which

gives an output Eb volts for symbol 1 and 0 volt for symbol 0. The resulting binary

wave [in unipolar form] and sinusoidal carrier 1 (t ) are applied to a product modulator.
The desired BASK wave is obtained at the modulator output.
In demodulator, the received noisy BASK signal x(t) is apply to correlator with
coherent reference signal 1 (t ) as shown in fig. (b). The correlator output x is compared
with threshold λ.
If x > λ the receiver decides in favour of symbol 1.
If x < λ the receiver decides in favour of symbol 0.

BER Calculation:
In binary ASK system the basic function is given by

1 (t )  Cos 2f c t 0  t  Tb

The transmitted signals are given by

S1 (t )  Eb  1(t ) for Symbol 1

S 2 (t )  0 for Symbol 0

A 2Tb
Eb 0  Eb1 2
2  A Tb
Therefore the average transmitted energy per bit Eb  
2 2 4
The probability of error is given by

1  ( x  0) 2 
Pe 0 
N 0
  N o dx

Where ‘x’ is the observed random vector. μ = 0, because the average value for symbol ‘0’
transmission is zero (0).

N0 N
2 assuming additive white Gaussian noise with into PSD 0
2 2

Let Z 

Pe 0   exp( z
 Eb
2 N0

1  Eb 
 erfc  
2  2 N 0 

1  Eb 
similarly Pe1  erfc  
2  2 N 0 
The total probability of error = [ Pe 0  Pe1 ]

1  Eb 
Pe  erfc  
2  2 N 0 
Incoherent detection:

Fig(a). : Envelope detector for OOK BASK

Incoherent detection as used in analog communication does not require carrier for
reconstruction. The simplest form of incoherent detector is the envelope detector as
shown in figure(a). The output of envelope detector is the baseband signal. Once the
baseband signal is recovered, its samples are taken at regular intervals and compared with
If Z(t) is greater than threshold (  ) a decision will be made in favour of symbol ‘1’
If Z(t) the sampled value is less than threshold (  ) a decision will be made in favour of
symbol ‘0’.
Non- Coherenent FSK Demodulation:-

Fig(b) : Incoherent detection of FSK

Fig(b) shows the block diagram of incoherent type FSK demodulator. The
detector consists of two band pass filters one tuned to each of the two frequencies used to
communicate ‘0’s and ‘1’s., The output of filter is envelope detected and then baseband
detected using an integrate and dump operation. The detector is simply evaluating which
of two possible sinusoids is stronger at the receiver. If we take the difference of the
outputs of the two envelope detectors the result is bipolar baseband.
The resulting envelope detector outputs are sampled at t = kTb and their values are
compared with the threshold and a decision will be made infavour of symbol 1 or 0.

Differential Phase Shift Keying:- [DPSK]

Fig. (a) DPSK Transmitter

Fig. (b) DPSK Receiver

A DPSK system may be viewed as the non coherent version of the PSK. It eliminates
the need for coherent reference signal at the receiver by combining two basic operations
at the transmitter
(1) Differential encoding of the input binary wave and
(2) Phase shift keying
Hence the name differential phase shift keying [DPSK]. To send symbol ‘0’ we
phase advance the current signal waveform by 1800 and to send symbol 1 we leave the
phase of the current signal waveform unchanged.
The differential encoding process at the transmitter input starts with an arbitrary
first but, securing as reference and thereafter the differentially encoded sequence{d k} is
generated by using the logical equation.

d  d b  d b k 1
k k 1 k k

Where bk is the input binary digit at time kTb and dk-1 is the previous value of the
differentially encoded digit. Table illustrate the logical operation involved in the
generation of DPSK signal.

Input Binary Sequence {bK} 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1

Differentially Encoded 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
sequence {dK}
Transmitted Phase 0 0 Π 0 0 Π 0 0 0
Received Sequence 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
(Demodulated Sequence)

A DPSK demodulator is as shown in fig(b). The received signal is first passed

through a BPF centered at carrier frequency fc to limit noise power. The filter output and
its delay version are applied to correlator the resulting output of correlator is proportional
to the cosine of the difference between the carrier phase angles in the two correlator
inputs. The correlator output is finally compared with threshold of ‘0’ volts .
If correlator output is +ve -- A decision is made in favour of symbol ‘1’
If correlator output is -ve --- A decision is made in favour of symbol ‘0’

Fig. (a) QPSK Transmitter

Fig. (b) QPSK Receiver

In case of QPSK the carrier is given by

si (t )  Cos[2f c t  (2i  1) / 4] 0t T i  1 to 4
2E 2E
si (t )  Cos[(2i  1) / 4] cos( 2f c t )  sin[( 2i  1) / 4] sin( 2f c t ) 0  t  T i  1 to 4
Fig. (c) QPSK Waveform

In QPSK system the information carried by the transmitted signal is contained in

the phase. The transmitted signals are given by

2E  
S (t )  cos 2 f t   for input di bit 10
 4
T c

2E  3 
S (t )  cos 2 f t  for input dibit 00
T  c 4 
2E  5 
S (t )  cos 2 f t  for input dibit 01
T  c 4 
2E  7 
S (t )  cos 2 f t  for input dibit 11
T  c 4 

Where the carrier frequency f  nC for some fixed integer nc

C 7
E = the transmitted signal energy per symbol.
T = Symbol duration.
The basic functions  (t ) and  (t ) are given by
1 2

 (t ) 

cos 2 f t  0  t T
T b

 (t ) 

sin 2 f t  0  t T
T b

There are four message points and the associated signal vectors are defined by
  
 E cos 2i  1 4  
 
Si   i  1,2,3,4
   
 E sin 2i  1  
  4 
The table shows the elements of signal vectors, namely Si1 & Si2


Input dibit Phase of Coordinates of message

QPSK points
signal(radians) Si1 Si2

10   E  E
4 2 2

00 3  E  E
4 2 2

01 5  E  E
4 2 2

11 7  E  E
4 2 2
Therefore a QPSK signal is characterized by having a two dimensional signal
constellation(i.e.N=2)and four message points(i.e. M=4) as illustrated in fig(d)

.Fig (d) Signal-space diagram of coherent QPSK system.

Fig(a) shows a block diagram of a typical QPSK transmitter, the incoming binary
data sequence is first transformed into polar form by a NRZ level encoder. Thus the

symbols 1& 0 are represented by  E b

and  E b
respectively. This binary wave is

next divided by means of a demultiplexer [Serial to parallel conversion] into two separate
binary waves consisting of the odd and even numbered input bits. These two binary
waves are denoted by ao(t) and ae(t)
The two binary waves ao(t) and ae(t) are used to modulate a pair of quadrature
carriers or orthonormal basis functions  (t ) &  (t ) which are given by
1 2

(t )  cos 2  f t
1 T c


(t )  sin 2  f t
2 T c
The result is a pair of binary PSK signals, which may be detected independently due to

the orthogonality of  (t ) & 

1 2
(t ) .
Finally the two binary PSK signals are added to produce the desired QPSK signal.
The QPSK receiver consists of a pair of correlators with a common input and supplied
with a locally generated pair of coherent reference signals  (t ) & 
1 2
(t ) as shown in

fig(b).The correlator outputs x1 and x2 produced in response to the received signal x(t) are
each compared with a threshold value of zero.
The in-phase channel output :
If x1 > 0 a decision is made in favour of symbol 1
x1 < 0 a decision is made in favour of symbol 0
Similarly quadrature channel output:
If x2 >0 a decision is made in favour of symbol 1 and
x2 <0 a decision is made in favour of symbol 0
Finally these two binary sequences at the in phase and quadrature channel outputs are
combined in a multiplexer (Parallel to Serial) to reproduce the original binary sequence.
Probability of error:-
A QPSK system is in fact equivalent to two coherent binary PSK systems
working in parallel and using carriers that are in-phase and quadrature.
The in-phase channel output x1 and the Q-channel output x2 may be viewed as the
individual outputs of the two coherent binary PSK systems. Thus the two binary PSK
systems may be characterized as follows.

- The signal energy per bit E


- The noise spectral density is N 0

The average probability of bit error in each channel of the coherent QPSK system is
 E 
P 
1 1
erfc 
 N 
2 E  E 2 
 0
1  E 
 erfc  
2  2 N 0 

The bit errors in the I-channel and Q-channel of the QPSK system are statistically
independent . The I-channel makes a decision on one of the two bits constituting a
symbol (di bit) of the QPSK signal and the Q-channel takes care of the other bit.
Therefore, the average probability of a direct decision resulting from the
combined action of the two channels working together is
pc= probability of correct reception
p1= probability of error

 1  P1 

 1  E 
 1  erfc  
 2  2 No  
 E  1  E 
1  erfc    erfc 

 2 No  4  2 No 
The average probability of symbol error for coherent QPSK is given by

P e
 1 P C

 E  1  E 
 erfc    erfc 

 2 No  4  2 No 
In the region where E We may ignore the second term and so the
 1
2N o

approximate formula for the average probability of symbol error for coherent QPSK
system is

P e
 erfc
2 No
Minimum shift keying:-
In a continuous phase frequency shift keying [CPFSK] system the transmitted
signal is given by
 2
 E b cos 2
 T b
 f 1
t   ( 0)   for symbol 1
S (t )  
 2 Eb

 T b
cos 2  f 2
t   ( 0)   for symbol 0

Where Eb is the transmitted signal energy per bit and Tb is bit duration the CPSK signal
S(t) is expressed in the conventional form of an angle modulated signal as

S (t ) 
2 Eb
cos 2 f t   ( 0) 
T b

The phase θ(t) is a continuous function of time which is given by

h t
 (t )   (0)  0 t  T b
T b

The transmitted frequencies f 1

& f 2
are given by
f  f 
1 c
2T b

f  f 
2T c

f  1 / 2( f  f )
c 1 2

h T ( f  f )
b 1 2

Where f  the carrier frequency &


h  the deviation ratio

The variation of phase θ(t) with time t follows a path consisting of sequence of straight
lines, the slope of which represent frequency change Fig(a) shows the possible paths
starting from time t=0. This plot is known as “Phase tree”.
When h= ½ the frequency deviation equals half the bit rate. This is the minimum
frequency difference (deviation) that allows the two FSK signals representing symbol ‘1’
& ‘0’. For this reason a CPFSK signal with a deviation ratio of one- half is commonly
referred to as “minimum shift keying”[MSK].
Deviation ratio h is measured with respect to the bit rate 1/Tb
at t =Tb

h for Symbol 1

 (Tb )   (0)  
 h for Symbol 0

fig(b) phase tree

Fig(c): Phase Trellis, for sequence 1101000

In terms of In phase and Quadrature Component

2 Eb 2 Eb
s (t )  Cos [ (t )] Cos (2f c t )  Sin [ (t )] Sin (2f c t )
Tb Tb
with the deviation ratio h=1/2

 (t )   (0)  t 0  t  Tb

+ Sign corresponds to symbol 1

- Sign corresponds to symbol 0
In phase components
For the interval of  Tb  t  Tb
consists of half cosine pulse
2 Eb
s1 (t )  Cos [  (t ) ]
2 Eb   
 Cos [  (0) ] Cos t 
Tb  b 
2 Eb   
 Cos t   Tb  t  Tb
Tb  2Tb 
+ Sign corresponds to θ(0) =0
- Sign corresponds to θ(0) = п
Quadrature components
For the interval of 0  t  2 Tb
consists of half sine pulse

2 Eb
sQ (t )  Sin [  (t ) ]
2 Eb   
 Sin [  (Tb ) ] Cos t 
Tb  2Tb 
2 Eb   
 sin  t  0  t  2Tb
Tb  2Tb 

+ Sign corresponds to θ(Tb) =п/2

- Sign corresponds to θ(Tb) = -п/2
since the phase states θ(0) and θ(Tb) can each assume one of the two possible values,
any one of the four possibilities can arise

Basic functions are given by

2   
1 (t )  Cos  t  Cos (2f c t )  Tb  t  Tb
Tb  2Tb 

2   
2 (t )  Sin  t  Sin (2f c t ) 0  t  2Tb
Tb  2Tb 

we may express the MSK signal in the form

s (t )  s11 (t )  s22 (t ) 0  t  Tb

The coefficients are given by


s1   s (t ) 1 (t ) dt

 Eb Cos  (0)  Tb  t  Tb


s2   s (t ) 2 (t ) dt

  Eb Sin  (Tb ) 0  t  2Tb

The signal space diagram for MSK system is as shown in fig

Fig: signal space diagram for MSK system

Signal Space Characterization of MSK
Fig: sequence and waveforms for MSK signal
(a) input binary sequence (b) scaled time function s11 (t )

(c) scaled time function s 2 2 (t ) (d)obtained by adding (b) and (c)

In the case of AWGN channel, the received signal is given by
x(t) = s(t) + w(t)
where s(t) is the transmitted MSK signal and w(t) is the sample function of a white
Gaussian noise.
The projection of the received signal x(t) onto the reference signal 1 (t ) is


x1   x(t )  (t ) dt

 s1  w1  Tb  t  Tb
similarly the projection of the received signal x(t) onto the reference signal  2 (t ) is

x2   x(t ) 2 (t ) dt

 s2  w2 0  t  2Tb
^ 
If x2>0, the receiver chooses the estimate  (Tb )   . If, on the other hand, x2<0, it
^ 
chooses the estimate  (Tb )  .

To reconstruct the original binary sequence, we interleave the above two sets of
phase decisions,
^ ^ 
1 If we have the estimates  (0)  0 and  (Tb )   , or alternatively if we have the
^ ^ 
estimates  (0)   and  (Tb )  , the receiver makes a final decision in favor of
symbol 0.
^ ^ 
2 If we have the estimates  (0)   and  (Tb )   , or alternatively if we have
^ ^ 
the estimates  (0)  0 and  (Tb )  , the receiver makes a final decision in favor of
symbol 1.

Generation and detection of MSK signal:-

Fig. (b) MSK Receiver

Fig (a) shows the block diagram of typical MSK transmitter. and (b)receiver

 n C
Two input sinusoidal waves one of frequency f c
for some fixed integer nc and
4T b

the other of frequency are first applied to a modulator. This produces two phase
4T b

coherent sinusoidal waves at frequencies f1 and f2 which are related to the carrier
frequency fc and the bit rate Rb by

h h
f  f  f 
2 Rb
1 c
2T b

h h 1
f  f  f  for h 
2 Rb
2 c
2T b
C 2

These two sinusoidal waves are separated from each other by two narrow band filters one
centered at f1 and the other at f2. The resulting filter outputs are next linearly combined to
produce the pair of basis functions  (t )
and  (t ) . Finally
 (t )
and  (t ) are

multiplied with two binary waves a1(t) and a2(t) both of which have a bit rate equal
to . These two binary waves are extracted from the incoming binary sequence.
2T b
Fig (b) shows the block diagram of a typical MSK receiver. The received signal
x(t) is correlated with locally generated replicas of the coherent reference signals

 (t )
and  (t ) . The integration in the Q – channel is delayed by Tb seconds with

respect to the I - channel.

The resulting in-phase and quadrature channel correlator outputs x 1 and x2 are
each compared with a threshold of zero. To estimate the phase θ(0) and θ(T b). Finally
these phase decisions are interleaved so as to reconstruct the original input binary
sequence with a minimum average probability of symbol error in an AGWN channel.
Binary data has to be transmitted over a telephone link that has a usable bandwidth of
3000Hz and a maximum achievable signal-to-noise power ratio of 6 dB at its output..
a. Determine the maximum signaling rate and probability of error if a coherent
ASK scheme is used for transmitting binary data through this channel.
b. If the data is maintained at 300 bits/sec, calculate the error probability.
a) If we assume that an ASK signal requires a bandwidth of 3rb Hz, then the
maximum signaling rate permissible is given by
Bandwidth =3 rb=3000 Hz
rb=1000 bits/sec.

Average Signal Power  A2 4

Noise Power  2 23000
Average Signal Power A2
Noise Power 12,000
 48,000

Hence, A2 4rb  12 and
 
Pe  Q 12  Q3.464  0.0003

b) If the bit rate is reduced to 300 bits/sec, then

 40
Pe  Q  40   Q6.326  10 10
Binary data is transmitted over an RF band pass channel with a usable bandwidth of
10 MHz at a rate of (4.8) (106) bits/sec using an ASK signaling method. The carrier
amplitude at the receiver antenna is 1 mv and the noise power spectral density at the
receiver input is 10-15 watt/Hz. Find the error probability of a coherent and non coherent

a) The bit error probability for the coherent demodulator is
 A 2T 
Pe  Q  b 
; A  1 mv, Tb  10 6 / 4.8
 4 
 
 / 2 10 watt / Hz
 
Pe  Q 26  2(10 7 ).

b) for non coherent ASK pe is given by

Pe   1 exp A 2Tb /(16 ) ,

pe = 0.0008

Binary data is transmitted at a rate of 106 bits/sec over a microwave link having a
bandwidth of 3 MHz. Assume that the noise power spectral density at the receiver
input is  / 2  10 10 watt / Hz. Find the average carrier power required at the receiver
input for coherent PSK and DPSK signaling schemes to maintain Pe ≤10-4.

The probability of error for the PSK scheme is

Pe  PSK  
 Q 2 S avTb /   10 4 ,
2 S avTb /   3.75

( S av )  (3.75) 2 (10 10 ) (10 6 )  1.48dBm

For the DPSK scheme

 
Pe  DPSK  1 exp  A 2Tb / 2 10 4 ,
S av Tb /   8.517
S av DPSK  2.3.3 dBm

This example illustrates that the DPSK signaling scheme requires about 1 dB more
power than the coherent PSK scheme when the error probability is of the order of
Probability of Error

Definition: Defines average probability of error that can occur in a Communication

Error Functions
(1) Error function erf(u):

erf (u )  
 0
exp( z 2 )dz -------- ( A6.1)

(2) Complementary error function erfc(u):

erfc(u )  
 u
exp( z 2 )dz -------- ( A6.2)

Properties of Error function

1. erf(-u) = -erf(u) - Symmetry.

2. erf(u) approaches unity as u tends towards infinity.

 exp( z )dz  1
-------- ( A6.3)
 0

3. For a Random variable X, with mean mx and variance σx2, the probability
of X is defined by

 a 
P(m X  a  X  m X  a)  erf  
 2  -------- ( A6.4)
 X 
Note: Relation: erfc(u) = 1 – erf(u)
Tables are used to find these values.

Approximate Relation: ( only for large values of u )

exp( u 2 )
erfc (u ) 

-------- ( A6.5)
Q – Function:
An alternate form of error function. It basically defines the area under the
Standardized Gaussian tail. For a standardized Gaussian random variable X of zero
mean and unit variance, the Q-function is defined by

1  x2 
Q (v ) 
2 v exp   2  dx -------- ( A6.6)

Relations between Q-function and erfc function:

1  v 
(i) Q (v )  erfc  ------- ( A6.7a)
2  2

(ii) erfcu   2Q( 2u ) ------ ( A6.7b)

Probability of Error Calculation for Binary PCM Systems
Consider a binary communication system in which the two symbols binary1 and binary0
are represented by the signals s1(t) and s2(t) respectively. Let E1 and E2 represent the
energies of the signals s1(t) and s2(t) respectively.
Tb Tb
E1   s (t ) dt2
1 and
E2   s22 (t ) dt ----- ( A6.8)
0 0

The Probability of error for Communication Systems can be defined as

1  Eb ( 1   ) 
Pe  erfc 
 --------- ( A6.9)
2  2 N 0 
Where Eb is the average energy per bit defined by

E1  E 2
Eb  --------- ( A6.10)
and ρ is the correlation coefficient
Eb  s (t )s (t ) dt
1 2 ------ ( A6.11)

and (No/2) represent the noise power spectral density in W/Hz.

Case (1): Uni-polar signaling:

In this scheme the signals are represented as

S1 (t )   a 0  t  Tb for Symbol 1

S 2 (t )  0 0  t  Tb for Symbol 0
Signal energies are E1 = a2 Tb and E2 = 0
Average energy per bit, Eb = a2 Tb/2.
Correlation coefficient = 0.
Probability of error,

1  Eb ( 1   ) 
Pe  erfc 
2  2 N 0 

1  a 2T 
Pe  erfc b 
2  4N0 
 
Case (2): Polar signaling:

In this scheme the signals are represented as

S1 (t )   a 0  t  Tb for Symbol 1

S 2 (t )   a 0  t  Tb for Symbol 0
Signal energies are E1 = a2 Tb and E2 = a2 Tb
Average energy per bit, Eb = a2 Tb
Correlation coefficient = -1.
Probability of error,

1  Eb (1   ) 
Pe  erfc 
2  2 N 0 

1  a 2T 
Pe  erfc b 
2  N0 
 
Case (3): Manchester signaling:
In this scheme the signals are represented as
S1 (t )   a / 2 0  t  Tb / 2 for Symbol 1
a/2 Tb / 2  t  Tb

S 2 (t )   a / 2 0  t  Tb / 2 for Symbol 0
a/2 Tb / 2  t  Tb
Signal energies are E1 = a2 Tb/4 and E2 = a2 Tb/4
Average energy per bit, Eb = a2 Tb/4
Correlation coefficient = -1.
Probability of error,

1  E (1   ) 
Pe  erfc b 
2  2 N 0 
Reduces to

1  a 2T 
Pe  erfc b 
2  4N0 
 

A binary PCM system using NRZ signaling operates just above the error threshold
with an average probability of error equal to 10-6. If the signaling rate is doubled,
find the new value of the average probability of error.


For probability of error equal to 10-6.

Eb/N0 = 3.3 (from table)

The probability of error is

1  Eb 
Pe  erfc 

2  N 0 

If the signaling rate is doubled then Eb is reduced by a factor of 2 and correspondingly

Eb/N0 also reduces by 2. Hence the new probability of error will become .

Pe  103

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