Xiaomi M365 and M365 Pro Electric Scooter Error Codes Explained
Xiaomi M365 and M365 Pro Electric Scooter Error Codes Explained
Xiaomi M365 and M365 Pro Electric Scooter Error Codes Explained
It’s safe to say that if you are used to owning or using technologically based items
then getting the odd error is almost inevitable. Technology can be fragile, and with so
many components being used in conjunction with one another, it is possible for one
or more of those components to fail. This can leave you with a confusing situation
not knowing which bit failed, or which bit needs to be replaced.
Thankfully the wizards at Xiaomi built a feedback system into the electric scooters
we sell here at Electra-Zoom.
It is clear when an error happens because your electric scooter simply won’t work
properly, it will beep repeatedly in a sequence or the 4 th LED will flash green in a
Example: If your electric scooter does two long beeps and six short beeps then it is
error code 26. It is the same with the green flashing LED. If the light flashes one long
flash, then one short flash, you have an error code 11.
In the case of the Xiaomi M365 Pro Electric Scooter it will have the error code shown
on the display and with the M365 standard, if you are connected using the Mi Home
app, it will tell you there which error code it is.
26 – Check the controller (Save operation in the Flash memory maybe wrong)
28 – MOSFET error
28 – MOSFET error
29 – MOSFET is abnormal
31 – Program error