Case CASE 4-1 4-1 PC PC Depot Depot
Case CASE 4-1 4-1 PC PC Depot Depot
Case CASE 4-1 4-1 PC PC Depot Depot
PC Depot was a retail store for personal computers and hand-held calculators, selling
several national brands in each product line. The store was opened in early September
by Barbara Thompson, a young woman previously employed in direct computer sales
for a national firm specialiing in business computers.
Thompson !new the importance of ade"uate records. #ne of her first decisions,
therefore, was to hire Chris $arrard, a local accountant, to set up her boo!!eeping
$arrard wrote up the store%s preopening financial transactions in &ournal form to
serve as an e'ample ()'hibit *+. Thompson agreed to write up the remainder of the
store%s September financial transactions for $arrard%s later review.
Answer of No. 1
*. #n September Barbara Thompson as owner of PC Depot invested @ 21.;;; in
the business and the firm borrowed @ *;;.;;; from a ban! on *16 note payable
. The firm paid @ *.041 rent for September period
/. 8archandise inventory was purchased on account @ */3.1;;
0. :urniture and fi'tures was purchased with cash @ *1.1;;. The e'pected life of
these was *; years
1. dvertising e'pense paid with cash @*./;
2. <ages of employee paid by cash @ >/1
3. #ffice supplies purchased by cash @ *.*;;
4. =tilities e'pense (i.e water, telephone, electricity+ paid with cash @ 31.
Answer of No. 3
Answer of No. 4
:or the case 0-* PC DepotE re"uire for the ad&usting entries due to ad&ust account
balances into actual balances as of the end of the period. The !ind of transactions that
entered to ad&usting entries are deferred revenues, accrued revenues, deferred e'penses
and accrued e'penses. :or these case, the transaction that entered to &ournal ad&usting
are rent e'pense, depreciation of furniture and fi'tures, accrued wages e'pense, prepaid
insurance, accrued electricity e'penses and accrued interest e'pense.
$ournal )ntries
Entry Amount ($)
Number Dr Cr
(*+ 7ent e'pense *,041
Prepaid rent *,041
(+ Depreciation of furniture
and fi'ture e'pense *>.*3
ccumulated depreciation *>.*3
(/+ <ages e'pense 00;
ccrued wages 00;
(0+ 9nsurance e'pense *>.1
Prepaid insurance *>.1
(1+ )lectricity e'pense 2
ccrued electricity 2
(2+ 9nterest e'pense *,1;
ccrued interest *,1;
ccount Balance @
Debit Credit
Cash 40,22*
ccounts receivable **,/2
8archandise inventory *0>,/;;
Sign *,32;
Prepaid 7ent *,041
Prepaid insurance **3.1
:urniture and fi'tures *1,1;;
Depreciation of furniture and fi'tures *>.*3
ccumulated depreciation *>.*3
ccounts payable >,/01
otes payable *;;,;;;
ccrued wages payable 00;
ccrued utilities (electricity+ payable 2
ccrued interest *,1;
ProprietorFs capital 21,;;;
Sales revenue 1,41;
Cost of marchandise sales /4,*0;
dvertising e'pense *,/;
<ages e'pense ,;2/
=tilities e'pense 1;*
#ffice supplies e'pense *,*;;
9nsurance e'pense *>.1
7ent e'pense *,041
9nterest e'pense *,1;
31''4&.1 31''4&.1
Answer of No. *
Ges, we re"uire new ledger accounts that is an income summary. fter we close sales
revenue accounts and credit it into the income summary and also close e'penses
accounts and debit them into it also. Total debit and total credit to income summary
should match with total revenue and total e'pense into income statement.
"ncome Summary
(B+ /4,*0; (+ 1,41;
(C+ *,/;
(D+ ,;2/
()+ *,*;;
(:+ 1;*
(H+ *>.1
(I+ *,041
(9+ *>.*3
($+ *,1;
02,*4;.23 1,41;
nswer of o. 2
for e ont September
dvertising e'pense @ *,/;
<ages e'pense ,;2/
=tilities e'pense 1;*
#ffice supplies e'pense *,*;;
9nsurance e'pense *>.1
7ent e'pense *,041
9nterest e'pense *,1;
Depreciation of furniture and fi'tures *>.*3
ota/ E5penses @ 4,;0*
Net "ncome $ +++,.33
As of September 3&
Assets #ab/tes
Cash @ 40,22* ccounts payable @ >,/01
ccounts receivable **,/2 otes payable *;;,;;;
8archandise inventory *0>,/;; ccrued wages payable 00;
ccrued utilities (electricity+
Sign *,32; payable 2
Prepaid 7ent *,041 ccrued interest *,1;
Prepaid insurance **3.1 ota/ #ab/tes $ 1,4'+1
ota/ Current Assets $ '*&**,.*& %wner8s E9uty
:urniture and fi'tures *1,1;; ProprietorFs capital @ 21,;;;
ccumulated depreciation *>.*3 7etained earnings 2,22>.//
ota/ :5 Assets $ 1*3&.3 ota/ %wner8s E9uty $ 1++,.33
ota/ Assets $ '+*,3&.33 ota/ #ab/tes ; %wner8s E9uty $ '+*,3&.33