Leaky Wave Antenna

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Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2019, 7, 1-11

ISSN Online: 2329-8413
ISSN Print: 2329-8421

Complementary Split Ring Resonator Loaded

Substrate Integrated Waveguide Leaky Wave

Basma M. Yousef1, Ahmed M. Attiya2, A. A. Shaalan3

Communications Department, Delta Higher Institute for Engineering and Technology, Mansoura, Egypt
Microwave Department, Electronics Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt
Electronics and communications Department, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt

How to cite this paper: Yousef, B.M., At- Abstract

tiya, A.M. and Shaalan, A.A. (2019) Com-
plementary Split Ring Resonator Loaded In this paper we present the design of a leaky wave antenna based on Sub-
Substrate Integrated Waveguide Leaky Wave strate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) loaded by Complementary Split Ring re-
Antenna. Open Journal of Antennas and
sonator (CSRR). The proposed antenna is designed for 5G application with a
Propagation, 7, 1-11.
center frequency around 28 GHz. The antenna is implemented on Roger
RT/Duriod 5880. The loading CSRRs are designed to resonate at 28 GHz. The
Received: February 28, 2019 design is simulated by using both High-Frequency Simulation Software
Accepted: March 26, 2019
(HFSS) and Computer Simulation Technology (CST) for verification. Expe-
Published: March 29, 2019
rimental measurements are also presented.
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and
Scientific Research Publishing Inc. Keywords
This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International Leaky Wave Antennas, MM-Wave, 5G, SIW Antennas
License (CC BY 4.0).
Open Access
1. Introduction
Leaky Wave Antennas (LWAs) can be described as a fast wave guiding structure
with a complex propagation constant. LWAs can be classified into two main
categories [1] [2] [3]; uniform guided wave structures [4] [5], and periodic
guided wave structures [6] [7] [8] [9]. The uniform leaky-wave antenna can be
scanned by varying frequency and its scanning range is extended from broadside
to end fire, with the beam closer to end fire at higher frequencies [3]. Different
antenna configurations can be used for leaky wave applications, substrate inte-
grated waveguides (SIW) are quite suitable for these applications [10] [11]. On
the other hand, in periodic leaky wave antennas, the beam swings up from
backward direction towards the broadside and then through the broadside to

DOI: 10.4236/ojapr.2019.71001 Mar. 29, 2019 1 Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation
B. M. Yousef et al.

forward direction [3].

In [12], an LWA based on a periodic set of slots printed on a dielectric wave-
guide is introduced to obtain low side lope level (SLL). Different SIW leaky-wave
antennas are proposed in [13]. The SIW long slot leaky-wave antenna is an ex-
ample of SIW leaky wave antennas. In [13], a straight slot etched on the broad-
side of a meandering SIW exhibits SLL which can be acquired by tapering the
aperture distribution of the centered slot. As the slot is designed to be symme-
trical, the SIW straight long slot LWA can enhance cross-polarization level up to
30 dB. To decrease the cross polarization, a long slot is printed on the SIW cen-
terline, and a sinusoidal ridge is applied to create a controllable asymmetric
electric field around the long slot [11].
In this paper, a periodic LWA structure based on complementary split ring
resonators (CSRRs) etched on the top of an SIW is proposed. Thus, an SIW
structure with an equivalent effective negative constituent meta-surface can be
obtained. Tapering line sections are designed to match the designed leaky wave
structure to the feeding microstrip line. On the other hand, mm-wave leaky
wave antennas are good candidates for different applications like radars [14],
real time spectrum analyzers [15] and 5G mobile communications [16] [17]. In
addition SIW is a good technique for implementing these mm-wave leaky wave
antennas. The proposed CSRR-LWA can be used to steer the main beam from
backward to forward direction through broadside at different frequencies. The
effective width of SIW, diameter of via holes and rings are chosen according to
operating frequency range. The proposed leaky-wave antenna in this paper has a
wide bandwidth from 21 to 33 GHz with frequency steering from −60˚ to 60˚.
The use of CSRR introduces a large bandwidth and expands the range of fre-
quency scanning. The gain of the proposed antenna is improved by approx-
imately 2 dB compared with previously published results in [6] [9]. The size of
the designed antenna is also reduced compared with these designs. The complete
antenna structure is simulated by using both HFSS and CST for verification. In
addition experimental measurements are presented, too.
In Sec. 2, the equivalent circuit model of a unit cell is discussed. The design
simulation and experimental results of the proposed SIW leaky wave antenna are
discussed in Sec. 3. Finally, Sec. 4 presents the concluding remarks.

2. Design of the Unit Cell

To introduce the wave leakage in the proposed SIW leaky wave antenna, period-
ic perturbations are added to the SIW. The proposed perturbation is CSRR as
shown in Figure 1. The role of each perturbation is mainly to radiate a fraction
of the guided wave. To introduce the required radiation, this CSRR should be
nearly resonant at the proposed frequency of operation. In the present case, the
required frequency is around 28 GHz.
In microstrip technology, a broadband negative µ media can be fabricated
by using periodically etching series gaps on a microstrip transmission line

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[18]-[23]. The analysis of split ring resonator (SRR) and CSRR and their elec-
tromagnetic properties are discussed in [24]. In this analysis, SRRs and CSRRs
behave as an equivalent LC resonator is excited by an external magnetic flux and
electric flux respectively. Figure 1 shows the intrinsic equivalent circuit model of
the CSRR. It is represented as dual of the SRR model. This equivalent circuit
consists of a capacitance Cc of a disk of radius ro − c 2 surrounded by a
ground plane, where ro is the average radius of ring and 𝑐𝑐 is the width of the
slot ring, and a parallel combination of the two inductances Lo 2 connecting
the inner disk to the ground.
An analytical approximate expression for Cc , is presented in [24]. The final
expression is
  ε 
 1 + tanh ( kh )  
π εo ∞  ( )
 b kb − a  ( )  1 
ka  3  εo 
c 2 ∫0
=Cc dk 1+ (1)
k2 2  ε0 
  1 + ε tanh ( kh )  
  

where a= ro − c 2 and b= ro − c 2 are the geometrical parameters shown in

Figure 1 and the function  is defined as:
 ( x ) S0 ( x ) J1 ( x ) − S1 ( x ) J 0 ( x )
= (2)

Sn and J n being the nth order of Struve and Bessel functions respectively.
Each inductance of the two parallel can be considered as Lo 2 where
h = 0.508mm and L pul is the per unit length inductance of the CPW connect-
ing the inner disk to the transmission line [25]. The total CSRR inductance can
be calculated as Lc = Lo 4 . After calculating the total CSRR capacitance Cc
and inductance𝐿𝐿𝑐𝑐 , the resonant frequency can be obtained from Equation (3) as
f o ,CSRR = (3)
2π lc cc

Using Equations (1)-(3) the initial values for a specific resonant frequency of
a, b and ro can be obtained. The proposed unit cell is designed to operate at
frequency 28 GHz. The substrate is Roger/RT Duroid 5880 (tm) with a permit-
tivity of ε r = 2.2 and a substrate thickness h = 0.508mm . According to the
previous steps and resonance frequency of 28 GHz, the initial values of a, b and
ro are obtained as follows 1.2 mm, 1.5 mm and 1.35 mm respectively.
These initial values are used to simulate a unit cell inserted inside periodic
boundary conditions and terminated by input and output wave ports. The unit
cell structure is shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the scattering parameter of
unit cell over the frequency range from 21 to 33 GHz. The complex propagation
constant can be recovered from these transmission and reflection coefficients
(S-Parameters) according to theses Equations (4-a) and (4-b) [26] [27]:
  1 − S11 S22 + S12 S21  
β = Re cos −1   (4-a)
  2 S21  

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  1 − S11 S22 + S12 S21  

α = Im cos −1   (4-b)
  2 S21  
The results of dispersion diagram for a unit cell are shown in Figure 4; Figure
4(a) shows the real part of complex propagation constant (β), while Figure 4(b)
shows the imaginary part of complex propagation constant (the attenuation
constant α) normalized to the free space propagation constant k0 .

Figure 1. The intrinsic equivalent circuit model of the CSRR.

Figure 2. The unit cell structure.

Figure 3. S-Parameters of the unit cell.

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Figure 4. The results of dispersion diagram for unit-cell, (a) β/K0 and (b) α/K0.

3. Complete Antenna Design

The proposed antenna is designed based on substrate integrated wave guide
(SIW) consisting of two horizontal metal plates, the ground plane and the
transmission line plate with etching CSRR, printed on dielectric substrate. The
two metal plates are connected together by using metal vias in both sides of the
substrate. These vias act as side walls of the wave guide as shown in Figure 5.
The designed leaky wave antenna consists of ten unit-cells. The separation
between the adjacent unit-cells is 0.2 mm. The overall antenna size is 6.6 × 41.4
mm2, which is printed on grounded Roger/RT Duroid 5880 (tm) substrate. To
match the designed antenna to 50 Ω feed line, the two ends of the designed an-
tenna are terminated by tapering matching sections. Figure 6 shows a paramet-
ric study of outer radius of the CSRRb. The outer radius of 1.7 mm is the opti-
mum one for the required application around 28 GHz. In Figure 7, a parametric
study of the ring width c is introduced and 0.285 mm is chosen to be the ac-
cepted one. The gap between the two rings is assumed to be equal the ring width.
Figure 8 shows the fabricated antenna and its measurements. Figure 9 shows a
comparison between the simulated and measure S parameters of the designed
leaky wave antennas. Good agreements between the two results are obtained.
These reflection and transmission coefficients are used to determine the nor-
malized radiated power as follows:
2 2
Prad Pin =
1 − S11 − S21 (3)

Figure 10 shows a comparison between the simulated and measured norma-

lized radiated power as a function of the operating frequency. It can be noted
that the maximum radiated power occurs at around 28 GHz, which it is expected
from the results of complex propagation constant.
Figure 11 shows the radiation pattern along E-plane at the designed frequen-
cy of 28 GHz. The maximum radiation pattern can be obtained at more than one
frequency. Frequency scanning from angle −60˚ to 60˚ is achieved around the
resonant frequency as shown in Figure 12.

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The radiation efficiency of this antenna is shown in Figure 13 which gives

good efficiency.

Figure 5. Leaky wave antenna of a SIW loaded by periodic CSRR.

Figure 6. Parametric study of outer radius of the CSRR.

Figure 7. Parametric study of the ring width.

Figure 8. Fabricated Antenna.

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Figure 9. (a) Comparison between the simulated and measured

S11 of the designed leaky wave antenna; (b) Comparison between
the simulated and measured S21 of the designed leaky wave.

Figure 10. Comparison between the simulated and measured

normalized radiated power of the designed leaky wave.

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Figure 11. Radiationpattern at frequency 28 GHz.

Figure 12. Frequency scanning radiation pattern.

Figure 13. The radiation efficiency of the CSRR leaky wave antenna.

4. Conclusion
In this paper the design of a leaky wave antenna based in CSRR loaded SIW is
presented. The proposed antenna is designed at a frequency 28 GHz. The ob-

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tained antenna can be used in the frequency range from 21 to 33 GHz. Frequen-
cy scanning is also obtained. This property makes the proposed antenna be suit-
able for scanning radar application, in addition to the proposed application of
5G communication. Tapering sections are used to terminate the two ends of the
proposed antenna to be matched with the feeding network. Good matching is
obtained by using this technique. The impedance matching, radiation pattern
and radiation efficiency are studied for this antenna.

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this

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