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.Agventur : Magpro Family User Guide

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User Guide

MagPro R30
MagPro R30 with MagOption
MagPro X100
MagPro X100 with MagOption

MagPro software v.5.0

MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Copyright © 2010 Tonica Elektronik AlS. All rights reserved.

The contents of this manual are the property of Tonica Elektronik A/S.
Any reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.

At the time of printing this manual correctly described the device and its functions. However, as
modifications may have been carried out since the production of this manual, the system package
may contain one or more addenda to the manual. This manual including any such addenda must be
thoroughly read, before using the device.

The following situations void any guarantee(s) and obligations for Tonica Elektronik A/S:
- The device is not used according to the enclosed manuals and other accompanying
- The device is installed or modified by persons other than Tonica Elektronik AIS or other
authorized service technicians
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Contents 3
Safety Information 5
Safety Requirements 5
Intended use 6
Contraindications 6
Adverse Reaction 6
General Warnings 6
Introduction to Magnetic Stimulation 8
Selection Criteria for Magnetic Stimulation Coils 8
Presentation 10
Working Modes 10
Current Direction 10
Waveforms 10
Repetition Rate 10
Features 11

Symbols and Connections 12

Rear Panel 12
Controls 13
Front Panel 13
Coils 13
Software Controls 14
Status Area (1) 14
Information Area (2) 15
Selection Area (3) 15
Soft Key Area (4) 15

Getting Started 16
General Workflow 16
Main Menu 16
Timing Menu 20
Biphasic Burst (Theta Burst) stimulation 21
Protocol Tool. 22
Data Transfer 22
Configuration Menu 23
Trigger Menu 24
Service Menu 25
Export of data (COM2) 26
Men u tree 27
MagPro R30 27
MagPro R30 incl. MagOption 28
MagPro X100 29

Contents 3
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

MagPro X1 00 incl. MagOption 30

Setting the Scale 31
MagPro R30 31
MagPro R30 incl. MagOption 31
MagPro X100 32
MagPro X100 incl. MagOption 32

Technical Data 33
Electromagnetic Data 33
Mechanical Data 33
Environmental Data 33
Power Supply 33
Connections 34
Performance Data - Amplitude Roll-Off 35
Error messages 35

Maintenance 36
Cleaning and Disinfecting Procedures 36
Waste Management. 36
Safety Checks 36
IEC 60601-1-1 37
Classification 38
Classification requirements 38
Appendix A, Coils and Accessories 39
Operating period (Coils) 39
Symbols 39
Classification 39
Encapsulation of Coils 39
C-100 Circular Coil 40
C-B60 Butterfly Coil 40
MC-125 Circular Coil 41
MC-B70 Butterfly Coil 41
MMC-140 Parabolic Coil 42
MMC-140-11 Parabolic Coil with power control 42
RT-120 Racetrack Coil 43
RT-120-11Racetrack Coil 43
D-B80 Butterfly Coil 44
MCF-B65 Butterfly Coil 44
MCF-75 Circular Coil 45
MCF-125 Circular Coil 45
Cool-B65 Butterfly Coil 46
Coil Cooler Unit. 46
Super Flex Arm for Magnetic Coil Positioning 47
Cart for MagPro R30 48
110V/230V Power Supply Option for MagPro 48
Index 49

4 Contents
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Safety Information • When connecting medical equipment being

supplied from an outlet located in a non-
medically used room, or when connecting
Safety Requirements non-medical electrical equipment to this
This device has been designed and tested in device, please pay attention to the
accordance with IEe 60601-1 Medical requirements of IEe 60601-1-1, Safety
Electrical Equipment. The present manual Requirements for medical electrical systems.
contains some information and warnings, which • When the device is connected to its mains
will have to be followed by the user to ensure supply, connectors may be live, and any
safe operation and to retain the device in safe opening of covers or removal of parts
condition. possible only with the aid of a tool is likely
to expose live parts.
This device is intended to be used by qualified • The device must be disconnected from all
medical personnel, knowledgeable in the field voltage sources before being opened for any
of the device with the appropriate education and adjustment, replacement, maintenance or
training. repair.
• Service must be referred to Tonica or other
This device has been designed for indoor use at
authorized service personnel, except for such
room temperatures between +50°F to +86°F.
works described in this manual as being
performed by the operator.
The mains plug must only be inserted in an
appropriate mains socket outlet provided with a • Make sure that only fuses with the required
protective earth contact. It is forbidden to use rated current and of the specified type are
extension cords. used for replacement. The use of makeshift
fuses and the short-circuiting of fuse holders
are prohibited.
WARNING Any interruption to the protective
earth conductor inside or outside the device or • Where more than one piece of equipment is
disconnection of the protective earth connector connected to a patient, attention must be paid
terminal is likely to make the device dangerous. to the summation of patient leakage currents.
Intentional interruption is prohibited. The • Whenever it is likely that the protection has
protective earth (ground) conductor should be been impaired, the device must be
checked regularly. disconnected and be secured against any
unintended operation.
When the device is producing maximum output, • In that case, call qualified service personnel
power consumption is very high - up to 2300 to conduct at least a functional test and
VA. To prevent any equipment nearby from additionally a safety check including 1) an
malfunctioning, the device must be supplied insulation test, 2) a ground continuity test
from a separate wall outlet. This is especially and 3) a leakage current test, according to
important if the total installed power is low. If a IEe 60601-1.
problem arises it is usually recommended to
• The protection is likely to be impaired if, for
seek the advice of a local electrician on this
example, the device:
matter. Before connecting the device, make sure
that the separate "step-up" transformer - Shows visible damage.
(115V/230V) is installed, and make sure you - Fails to perform the intended function.
use the correct power cord, supplied with the - Has been subjected to severe transport
device. stresses.
- Insufficient Earth connection.
For the combination of this device with other - Has been subjected to moisture.
devices and / or for its connection to
installations, the following applies:

Safety Information 5
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Intended use General Warnings

The MagPro family is intended to be used for
magnetic stimulation of peripheral nerves for & See the accompanying documentation and
carefully read the following warnings
diagnostic purposes.

The MagPro family is intended to be used by

qualified medical personal, knowledgeable in Warnings
the field of neurophysiology. • Do not use this equipment for anything else
than it is intended for by the manufacturer.
Target population: People with dysfunction in
the peripheral nervous system. • The device is not compatible for use in an
MR magnetic field. Please consult the
manufacturer for available special solutions.
• To protect patients from excessive exposure
Contraindications to magnetic gradients keep the number of
stimulations as low as possible.
Do not use the equipment on patients with
cardiac pacemakers, cochlear implants or other • The device is not intended for use with
implanted electronic devices. Do not apply the anesthetic gases or any other flammable
magnetic stimuli to the head, neck or abdomen media - danger of electrical ignition.
of pregnant women. • The operator must be protected against long-
term magnetic fields (e.g. by using a holding
device as the Flexible Arm).
• Hearing protection is recommended if the
Adverse Reaction coil is used near the head or when operating
with more than 100 stimuli a day.
Do not use this equipment for anything else than
it is intended for by the manufacturer. • Not to be used on small children.
• Keep out of reach of children.
• Precautions should be taken when
stimulating patients with suspected or
diagnosed labile or hypertensive blood
• The field produced by this device can
damage a cochlear implant, cardiac
pacemaker and implanted electronic devices.
• The MagPro must only be used under the
constant supervision of qualified medical
personal, only on patients who are not
anaesthetized and only for short term use.

6 Safety Information
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

• Before connecting, please read the
instructions for use.
• Always carefully examine the coil handle,
housing and cables for cracks, marks,
deformations, color changes and other signs
of damage before using it. Do not use the coil
if there is any evidence of stress failure;
otherwise it may disintegrate.
• Metallic (conductive) objects in the field may
be propelled forcibly by the stimulus pulse.
Make sure there are no rings, coins or similar
metal objects near the coil when it is
• Do not place the stimulation coil on or near:
video monitors, watches, calculators, credit
cards or computer disks. Damage or erasure
may occur.
• Disable the device when it is not being used
by pressing the EnablelDisable button. (see
page 13).
• Before changing the stimulation coil, press
Disable to avoid damage on personnel and
• Always use the Flexible Arm to hold the
Magnetic Stimulation Coils of Fluid- or Cool
types during stimulations.
• Changes in noise level or sound frequency
from the coil during stimulation may indicate
beginning damages inside the coil. Stop
using the coil and contact a Service Center;
otherwise it may disintegrate.
• The coil must not be submersed into any
conductive liquid, including water.
The encapsulation tolerates low levels of
surface moist - but in general care should be
taken to keep all surfaces clean and dry.
• Federal (United States) law restricts this
device to sale by or on the order of a licensed

Safety Information 7
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Circular Coils
Introduction to
Magnetic stimulation is a non-invasive tech-
nique for stimulating neural tissue. The
principle of magnetic stimulation is implicit in
Faraday's law. The pulses of current are
generated with a circuit containing a capacitor
connected to the stimulating coil. With the
capacitor charged to a certain level, the
conducting state will cause the discharging of
the capacitor through the coil. A magnetic field
is generated proportional to this current. The
rapid change in the magnetic field induces a The induced current in the tissue occurs under
current in conducting materials e.g. the neural the windings, when applying the circular coil. A
tissue. If the current induced in the human body fairly large area of body tissue will be
is of sufficient amplitude and duration, it will stimulated. The circular coil may be positioned
excite nerve fibers. conveniently over many parts of the body, and
usually serves well as a "general purpose coil".

Butterfly Coils
Selection Criteria for
Magnetic Stimulation Coils
Large or Small Coils?
Large coils provide a high penetration depth,
but cannot be very focused at the same time.
The small coils, however, are more focused, but
have a limited penetration depth.

The coils come in many sizes and shapes. The

two most commonly used coils are the circular
shaped coil and the butterfly shaped coil (or the
"figure of 8" coil).

The Butterfly coils are more focused in

comparison with the circular coils. The two
windings are placed side-by-side, enabling the
coil to stimulate structures with focus right
under its center.

8 Introduction to Magnetic Stimulation

MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Coils with Fluid

Magnetic stimulating coils become warm during
use, because energy is deposited in the coil due
to electrical resistance. To prevent fast
overheating in the coil, coils with a reservoir of
fluid (F-coils) have been developed. The fluid
partially absorbs the heat, enabling the coil to
perform more stimuli.
When making more than a few stimuli, place the
coil in a holding device.

Coils with External Cooling

Where a very high number of stimuli are
required at High Repetition Rates and long
pulse trains, extra cooling is necessary.
Cool-Coils with external Cooler Unit fulfill
these requirements.
When making more than a few stimuli, place the
coil in a holding device.

Useful Features
A trigger button in the handle is available in all
coils for easy activation of stimulation. Some of
the coils include a power control in the handle,
making remote control of the amplitude
For more information about magnetic coils and
other accessories see the Appendix section.

Introduction to Magnetic Stimulation 9

MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Presentation Current Direction

Current Direction in the Magnetic coil can be
The MagPro family consists of different models
selected in following directions.
with different level of features. This chapter
describes the differences between the models.
The MagPro model name can be seen on the
.. .. .
display during start-up. R30 Normal
R30 + MagOption Normal
All features are described in the following X100 Normal or Reverse
chapters. Pay attention to that not all models
X100 + MagOption Normal or Reverse
includes a given feature.

Working Modes Waveforms

The device can work in following different The devices feature the following waveforms:
R30 Biphasic (Full-Sine)
R30 Standard Monophasic
R30 + MagOption
Standard Biphasic (Full-Sine)
R30 + MagOption Dual Monophasic
Twin X100 Biphasic (Full-Sine)
X100 Standard Biphasic Burst
Standard Monophasic
Power Biphasic (Full-Sine)
X100 + MagOption X100 + MagOption
Dual Halfsine
Twin Biphasic Burst

Standard Mode
Typically chosen when operating with high Repetition Rate
repetition train sequence. The device can operate up to following
repetition rates:
TwinlDual Mode
When running in twin/dual mode, the MagPro
can provide up to 20 twin pulses per second
with an inter pulse interval down to lms. R30 30pps
R30 +
Power Mode MagOption
The Power Pulse is the most powerful mode. It X100 100pps
allows all waveforms to be extended in pulse X100 +
width and peak with approximately 40%. MagOption

pps: pulses per second

10 Presentation
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

The general user interface in MagPro is logical
and well organized, enabling the operator to
overview all functions.

The Status Area displays e.g. Coil Temperature,

Available Stimuli and Coil Type. All the
displayed information is easily readable.
MagPro can save and load customized settings,
storing all parameters in a stimulation sequence.
The device can show the actual as well as the
predefmed settings.

The MagPro has the ability to combine and

control external equipment due to the advanced
build-in trigger functions.
1 Magnetic Stimulating Coil
2 MagPro
3 MagOption
4 Cart
5 Flexible Arm for Coil

Presentation 11
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Power ON/OFF button (2)

Symbols and The power switch is located in the lower right
part of the rear panel to allow easy access, when
Connections turning the device on.

Rear Panel Earth Connectors /

Equipotentiality (3 + 4)
& See the accompanying documentation. To ensure a safe patient environment, we
strongly recommend effective grounding of the
CAUTION Electric shock hazard. Do not various items of the equipment. For this
remove cover. Refer servicing to qualified purpose, two connectors are provided. When
service personnel. connecting additional pieces of equipment to the
device, please pay attention to the maximum
9 permissible leakage currents as per IEC 6060 I-

:! -:;--H:i":"!~~~:~'IIII
" Interference
7 Always use shielded power line cables to avoid
line interference.
4 3 5 1 2
WARNING Electrical equipment for medical
use requires special EMC precautions and needs
1 Mains Socket
to be installed and serviced according to the
2 ON I OFF button
EMC documentation of the device.
3 Equipotentiaiity

4 Earth Connector Serial ports (6 + 7)

5 Apparatus is of type BF, i.e. the The serial COMI and COM2 connectors are
applied part is electrically isolated. used for interface to other equipments. COM! is
COM1 6 COM1 Serial Port (MEP Monitor) used for interface to a MEP Monitor unit and
COM2 7 COM2 Serial Port (Data Export) COM2 for data export to an external computer.
~Jl 8 Trig inlTrig out
-€>Jl Trig in/Trig out connector (8)
Storage temperature range. Triggering of other equipment from MagPro og
% Packaging label
triggering of MagPro from other equipment is
possible. Special trigger cable must be used.
SN xxx 9 Serial Number

Part Number
PIN USB ports (10)
The device complies with the EC These ports must only be used for export of data
directive 93/42/EEC on medical supported by the Data Transfer program. See
device. separate documentation.
Waste Electrical and Electronic The USB port is also used for updating of the
Equipment: Compliance MagPro software.
The USB memory stick must maximum be of
10 USB Port
size 2 GB and it must be formatted with the
FA T16 file allocation system.

12 Symbols and Connections

MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Enable/Disable Button (6)

Controls The EnablelDisable function is used to
enable the device, when starting to operate
and is used to disable the device, when
Front Panel operation is terminated. The device must be
disabled, before changing the coils.
3 1 4
The Enable function can also be activated
from the trigger button on the coil handle.
See section for coils below.

Arrow Buttons (7)

The functions of the arrow buttons are to
toggle between the lines in the display menu.

Coil Connector (8)

12 8 10 9 6 11 2 5 7 The large orange plug carries the very high
current for stimulation as well as the coil
1 Display Area 7 Arrow Buttons temperature measurement signals.
2 Soft Keys 8 Coil Connector
3 Pulse Wheel, 9 Upper Lemo Lemo Connectors (9 + 10)
Amplitude Connectors The small Lemo connector carries control
4 Pulse Wheel, 10 Lower Lemo signals. The Lemo connection must be used,
Options Connector if the controls in the coil handle needs to be
5 Trigger Button 11 Start Up Indicator applied. The Lemo connector must always be
6 Disable/Enable 12 See the connected to allow the measurement of
Button accompanying "Available Stimuli" - and to enable
documentation TrainMode, if not only single stimuli is
WARNING Never Touch the metal pads in the large The Upper Lemo Connection (9) matches
orange connector. the standard coils without intensity controL
The lower Lemo connection (10) matches
Display and Soft Keys Area (1 + 2) the standard coils with intensity controL
The device has a front panel including a TFT
Display (1), and 5 Soft Keys (2). The functions Start Up Indicator (11)
of the Soft Keys are illustrated above in the The green indicator next to the hourglass
bottom of the display. symbol flashes during the start up period.

Pulse Wheels (3 + 4)
There are two Pulse Wheels: one for Coils
adjusting the Amplitude (3), and one for
Amplitude control
toggling between the Options in each line
Orange trigger button
Trigger Button (5) LED Red: disabled
On each side of the Soft Keys, two small Green: enabled
black round buttons are situated. The button
to the right of the Soft Keys, is the Trigger Enabling of MagPro from coil:
Button Function. The Trigger Function is Coils with amplitude control button: Turn
also available in the coil handle enabling control button to minimum and press trigger
stimulation with single pulse. button for 2 seconds.
Coils without amplitude control button: Press
trigger button for 2 seconds.

Controls 13
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

So tware Controls When the temperature exceeds 41°C (106°F),

the system will automatically be disabled and
Status Area (1) the field change from yellow to red. To use
Amplitude Reo1il8ddi,/d1
the device again, simply change the coil or
50 % 75 Mus wait for the coil to cool down.

Be aware that high amplitude and high
repetition rates will heat up the coil faster.
The Status Area in the upper section of the
display consists of fixed states fields. In this As an extra precaution there is implemented
section the following parameters can be read: an ITP algorithm (ITP - Intelligent
Temperature Prediction) that predicts the
Amplitude temperature of the coil even faster than the
The amplitude is an expression for the power temperature sensor placed in the coil. It is
output level. When changing the coil the indicated by a ! sign when ITP is active - see
device will automatically turn the amplitude picture below.
down to 0 %.

Realized di/dt
Realized di/dt is the actual measured value
(Azus) of the coil current gradient. When
stimulating with twin pulses or biphasic burst Coil Type
pulses, the realized di/dt will show the All by, FDA cleared types of MagVenture
parameters A and B, indicating the amplitude Stimulating Coils can be used with the
of the first pulse (A) and second pulse (B) for MagPro. The device automatically identifies
twin pulses and last burst pulse (B) for the coil type connected to the coil
biphasic burst pulses. connectors.

Realized di/dt If a new coil type is released and the

A: 82 Nusee software on MagPro does not recognized it
B 66 A/usee with its real name a coil group name will be
displayed instead.
Status: Enable/Disable
EnablelDisable is a manual function which Available Stimuli
indicates whether, or not the device can be The number of available stimuli is calculated
activated. The device must be Enabled before based on coil type, actual temperature and
it can be activated. The device will stimulation amplitude. See also "Defined
automatically disable when one of the Number of Stimuli" in the section on
following things occur: Information Area.

• Overheating of coils Event log information and date/time

• Overheating of the device In the upper right comer of the status area
• Disconnection of the Stimulation Coil following information is shown:
• Auto Discharge Time, no activity for the
selected time - Availability of USB memory stick
- Log data (newest data on the bottom line)
Coil Temperature - Time and date
The Coil Temperature shows the actual
measured coil temperature. The field will For more information about USB memory
turn yellow at 35°C (95°F), indicating a stick and log data see accompanying
warning for overheating. documentation regarding Data Transfer.

14 Controls
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

On the right-hand side of the display, all

possible options are listed.
Information Area (2)
This section is arranged in four different menus

selectable with the appropriate Soft Key. The
device always starts up in the Main Menu.

Each menu is subdivided into multiple lines of

Pl options (i.e. Rep.Rate and Number of Trains)
Nt can be controlled by the Arrow Buttons.
In each line, all settings are represented
1111 11111 1111 (controlled from the right-hand side Pulse
Wheel). Please see the details in the section on
"Getting Started", or see page 31 where all
settings are scheduled.
00:00:00 Elapsed lime: 00:00:07 00:00:10

Defined Number of Stimuli: 50

Trains left: 2 Soft Key Area (4)

Main I Configure I Protocol I -L-_st_art_

The left-hand side of the display is the
Information Area. This area is reserved for The bottom area of the screen shows the five
illustrations of chosen setups, i.e. waveform, Soft Keys. The function of each soft key is
amplitude and sequence. Information is shown in the display just above the key. See
concurrently given about, e.g. Defined Number also the chapter on "Getting Started".
of Stimuli and train duration.

Selection Area (3)

I Tirnin Menu

Timing Control Sequence

Rep.Rate 20pps
Pulses in Train 10

Number of Trains

Inter Train Interval 2 see

Controls 15
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Getting Started Main Menu

Ampl~udil Realizeddi/dt
A 50 Al\..JSec
33% B: OMJsec

General Workflow I En:bled Coi;;~ M;~~B70., Ave.iloble Stimuli

• Select the appropriate coil, and connect it to ~~~'.~m~.tmM~Dml!l1I~~~~~iiiiii_,mi!iii.
the device. Turn on the device. Setup

• Choose a setup in the Main Menu, and CUrrentDeecticn


position the coil near the stimulation spot. Burst Pulses

Inter Pulse lnterval no 0 see
Enable the device. r-r- r-r- ~

• Press the trigger button to make a single

stimulus, and gradually turn up the 1-"-

Timingr Configure I I I Recall

NOTE For an advanced use, stimulation The selected menu is indicated in the status
sequences can be selected in the Timing Menu. section right above the selection area.

Single Stimulation
Default Setup
The single stimulation function is placed in the The device automatically starts in the Default
trigger button of the device. The user is always setup. To stimulate with default settings,
able to activate a single pulse, either from the simply press the start button in the Timing
trigger buttons of the device or the coil handle, Menu.
even in the time period between two train
sequences, e.g. for determining motor threshold. Predefined Setups
Besides the Default Setup, you can choose
Create Setup between 26 predefmed setups created in the
When creating a setup, the operator is basically Configuration Menu (letter A-Z). The present
selecting from two menus: the Main Menu and setup can be seen in the Information Area.
the Timing Menu. The setups listed in the information area
shows the selected setup, but it is not loaded
When setting fixed parameters, the operator until the Recall button (one of the Soft Keys
must select from the Configuration Menu and to the far right) is pressed (to save a
the Timing Menu. customized setup, see the Configuration
Menu, Setup).
An overview of all selectable parameters can be
found in the "Menu Tree" on page 27. Factory Setup
With the Factory Setup it is possible to recall
the original factory settings for the device.
Information box
An Information Box will appear when operating
with incompatible settings. The Information
Box will contain a report of the error.

'", . . ~'--""~ - -~. ~.,,~ -~~
Info~~it?_n~~..,,*~;p~~ __
Max. Rep Rate lor Twin/Duol mode is 20 pps

16 Getting Started
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Mode Dual Mode

Standard Mode This mode is similar to Twin Mode. It differs
Standard Mode can be chosen In all four from the Twin Mode in selecting the pulse
waveforms: amplitude. When choosing Dual Mode, the
line Pulse B Amplitude will automatically
- Monophasic
appear in the selected Main menu indicating
- Biphasic
that both "Pulse A" and "Pulse B" are
- Halfsine
independently adjustable. "Pulse B" is the
- Biphasic Burst
basic pulse in this selection choosing from 0-
100%. The "Pulse A" amplitude is controlled
When choosing the Standard Mode, the with the amplitude pulse wheel.
device operates with one energy storage
Twin and Dual Mode can be selected in three
only. The Standard Mode is normally chosen,
different waveforms:
when running single stimulation, or train
sequences, where power pulse and twin - Monophasic
pulses are not required. - Biphasic

Power Mode
In this mode the two energy storages are
Current Direction
added together. Power Pulses can be chosen Some use require a change in the Current
in all four waveforms: Direction. Instead of changing the coil position
the operator is able to choose between Normal
- Monophasic
and Reverse.
- Biphasic
- Halfsine
- Biphasic Burst In Normal direction, the current flows
through the coil following the direction of
The pulse width and the amplitude outlet are
the arrows shown on the coil encapsulation.
extended with approximately 40 % relative to
Standard Mode.
In Reverse, the current flows through the coil
Twin Mode opposite to the direction of the arrows shown
When stimulating with Twin Pulses (double on the coil encapsulation
Pulses), the two energy storages are working
side by side. The device is able to fire 20 The induced current direction in the tissue is
Twin Pulses per second (tpps) for XIOO + always the opposite of the coil current direction.
MagOption and 5tpps for R30 + MagOption.
Twin Pulses enable two pulses with a
variable Inter Pulse Interval in each
stimulation. When choosing the Twin Mode,
the line Ratio B/ A amplitude will
automatically appear. The amplitude of the
two pulses A and B are then controlled in an
adjustable ratio between 0.2-5.0. "Pulse B" is
now adjusting in a selected percent ratio
proportional to "Pulse A". The B/A Ratio
amplitude is calculated by dividing pulse B
with Pulse A. The "Pulse A" amplitude is
controlled with the amplitude pulse wheel.

Getting Started 17
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

In this line different waveforms can be selected:



140jJs 2101'S 280~s

Monophasic, Full Length

The Halfsine waveform requires a compara-
tively small amount of energy compared to
The Monophasic waveform is typically all the other waveforms. The Halfsine
chosen where single stimulus is needed. The waveform is not as powerful as the biphasic
Monophasic waveform deposes a large waveform, thus only a fairly small amount of
amount of energy in the coil, which explains energy is disposed in the coil (approximately
the comparatively faster heating of the coil. half of the amount disposed by the biphasic
Coil Current

Max Biphasic Burst (Theta Burst)

Coil Current
lOps 2801'S


Monophasic, Shortened for Comparison with

other Waveforms
Biphasic (Full-Sine)

Coil Current


The biphasic burst waveform is able to

provide a powerful stimulation. Biphasic
lime Burst can be selected with 2, 3, 4 or 5 pulses
in each stimulation with very low IPI (Inter
Pulse Interval).
The biphasic burst mode can be used to
define Theta Burst stimulations. For further
description of Biphasic Burst and Theta
Burst see page 21.
The biphasic waveform is very powerful.
There is a rather small amount of energy
disposed in the coil, which means that the
coil can provide a larger amount of
stimulation, before it heats up. Consequently,
the Biphasic waveform is relatively effective
before roll off in comparison to the
Monophasic waveform.

18 Getting Started
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Inter Pulse Interval (IP/)

Inter Pulse Interval is the duration between the
beginning of the first pulse to the beginning of
the second pulse. The IPI is adjustable
(Overview of setting possibilities on page 31).

Absolute Amplitude
Both pulses (A and B) are individually
adjustable. In this example the B pulse is set
to 70 % of max. output.

Kraft I-
Styrke I-
f- 70%
intensiteit I- ;; Time
Potenza I- Temps
Pot6ncia I-
I- Aika
I- Tempo
I- liempo

Relative Amplitude
The two pulses (A and B) are adjusted in a
selected ratio. In this example the ratio is set
to 1.4.

Kraft -
Styrke - A
- 70%
Virta Time
Intensiteit - Zeit
Potencia - Ie
Potencia - lid
- Aika
- "

- Tiempo

The first pulse can activate both inhibitory

and facilitator mechanisms and modify the
threshold and readiness of the second pulse.

Getting Started 19
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Number of Trains
Timing Menu The total amount of trains arnvmg in one
Ampliludii Ree.lized diJa'I.
= • 13:52:44· Stopped in Pulse Mode 2010-01-08

60 % 91 Afus -
.13:52:51 - Started in Pulslt Mode
.e 1 J:53:01 - Stopped inPulse Mode 1353 sequence.
Coil Templ3r!!ture A'MiIobleStimuli

'[',i!.i.ii!liiilliD 'j,,jimi$i§.!i Inter Train Interval (IT/)
TimingControl Sequence
The time interval between two trains described
Rep.Rate 20 pps
PulsesinTrain 10 as the time period between the last pulse in the
Number of Trains ~::::=:J first train to the first pulse in the next train.
InterTrainInterval 2.0see

1111.11111 .. 11111
In the Information Area, the present actions
will be illustrated. These pieces of information

Main I Configure I Protocol I I Start • The time duration of a sequence

• The train duration
The Timing Menu is chosen for multiple • Inter train interval (ITI)
stimulation e.g for study or treatment.
• The defined Number of Stimuli
• The trains Remaining
Timing Control
External Triggers
If external triggers are selected, the device
will now be controlled from an external
device e.g. the Keypoint'".

With the external trigger it is possible to

trigger start of a sequence line in the protocol
tool. External Trig must be selected in the
Timing Menu for this option in the Protocol
Tool. For further information see separate
User Guide for Protocol Tool.

If Sequence is selected, the following options
must be set:

The repetition rate refers to the number of
pulses per second (pps.) at which the pulses are

Pulses in Train
The number of pulses in each train. The Train
Duration is automatically calculated by dividing
the number of pulses in a train with the Rep.

20 Getting Started
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Main Menu
Biphasic Burst (Theta ,dmpliwd9 F«Ielitllddi/tt
fa= ·.,1·i~~o··Co~rypeisCooIiJ65 2009-Q2-13

Burst) stimulation
A; 102 AlUsec .11:56:~1-Modeli~Xl00~O;non
70 % B: 102At'uscc. " .'1:56-;!]-0a:e2009-U2-13 11:59
- -
",",,, CoiITerr'4W~It' Ca4Type Avcclo!:lleSoimuh

Biphasic Burst mode can be used in conjunction Enabled

24 C Q
Cool-B65 I 8673
with the normal sequence timing. SOI\.l> O<>faull
Mode Standard

RepRaie Pu'-lnT •.•ln D...rrrol Direction Hormal

N = Number of T•.•lna

I I I Waveform
&rstNses 3

111111111 1111111111 !IIIIIIIII r-' ,--J toter F\.d£e Interval 20 msec

I ,
Inter Train Intarval


Timing I Configure I I I Recaii

i In the Main Menu the Biphasic Burst Waveform

\1 2 31 is selected.
n = Number of Burst Pulses

Number of pulses in the Theta burst is defined

Special burst modes are also called Theta Burst
in the Burst Pulses selection.
and a very common used protocol is:
The Inter Pulse Interval between each pulse is
A Theta Burst of 3 pulses with 20ms (50Hz)
interval repeated as a train of 10 bursts with a
repetition rate of 5Hz. The trains are repeated
20 times with an interval of 8 seconds. Total Timing Menu
number of bursts 200. AmpIi1utl" R"ellz"odi,lcl
E!I.ll~S6:~O'CC4Tj"'P~'~CovH36S 2OQ~-1:l
A; I02Mlsec ~ lell:56:-t7-Mode!isXIOO·OOJlon
70% 102 Alusec .11:5G·O-O$l8roS9.oo-1l 1212
.., 8:
CoitT~.r!1tll. CoITypii ;';'.rcAobIeS",".u!,
Following settings on the MagPro will generate
the commonly used Theta Burst protocol.
24°C Cool-B65 I 8673

Tiling Contrd
aep.aate 5pps
Main Menu Pulsasin Trai'l 10
Waveform: Biphasic Burst - Number of Trams 20
Int9rTrainInte~ 60500
Burst Pulses: 3 IIII IIIII IIII
-- . _. ... ..
Inter Pulse Interval: 20 msec iiiiii"

Timing Menu
Rep Rate:
Pulses in Train:
Number of Trains:
Main , Configure I Protocol I I Start

Inter Train Interval: 8.0 see In the Timing Menu the Rep Rate for the Theta
Bursts is selected.

The number of Theta Burst pulses in each train

is defined in the Pulses in Train selection.

Number of Trains and Inter Train Interval is


When ready, enable the stimulator and turn up

the Amplitude to the required level.

Getting Started 21
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Press the Start button to start the protocol. Protocol Tool

kp-IM;!: ~~""'~a{dt
M .lr:YitP.-~2W9Ol""13 2m!tif:-13
From the Timing Menu it is possible to select
A' ll)2-A4J:1ec E: .12::'):6.StIIfe.dJ')~et.lode
70% B: 11}2AV:;sc. • ..,e.ll$-CoiT~~'~~·( 1214 the Protocol Tool for advanced sequencing of
multiple stimulations. See separate User Guide

Enabled 24°C Cool-B65 8673

for this software tool.
P::~p_R~to? 5pp-'<: Amplitude ReoJiled dVdt
II eI4:0.;(:22-Deloy 205 2D1IHJHlG
FVsesIn Tra., 10 42% 63 Alus - • 1-4;04::22-RecAmpl Data (1-640)
• 14:04.:26-Protocolstopped 14:05
N1.I'l'b;c'1j1Trc:tns 20
- In~'lran Inr~al e.o &'1; """"
Coil Temperetul9 Coil Type Avail~eStimuli

Enabled 2rC Cool-B65 79365

1111 '-'-'
.... 11111 ...... ...1111
iiiirI I Mode I BurstPulses I I B/A I TrainPulses I

DelaylAmplA CUrr.Dir~Waveform IPI Ratio Rep.Rate

0000·00 EloJ?$ii!c!tirne'OO-tltl.--n-Qfl(O·1I5
1+ ~~
Ii- ~cec
Sw-o'.wd N..,.


'''''''' B~tic
""" 10
I I-T L"J~ 1.0 S~~d N""", B~tic
"'~ 20
[)r;,fir'ledNt..J1't~ of SlmJi 200 16" ~:ec 1.0 S~nd~d B~tic 20,~ 20
Tral"lslatt' 16 l"6iEl 1.0 s"",,", N'" B~$;;; 20",. 20
l-t lJ~ 1.2 St.oJrld~d N""", B~lic
Main I Coniigure I Protocol I I Stop lalJaec
0.' S••••• d Nooru/ BiP'micBlnl 20_ S,., 10

110 ••

ec O. S••••• d , ..•
N""", B~BI,I$1


The amplitude of the first pulse (A) and last t-t2
Blee aa S""",,, N••• B~BI.ISI ,,- 5,., 10

pulse (B) in the Biphasic Burst waveform is Una roare": 00:00:00 00;00:20 AmplitudeA
Total time: 00:01:27 00:03:38

measured during stimulation and displayed on '" "'"

Exit I Left I Right I Delete I Start
the display.

Realized di/dt
A: 102 .A/usee
Data Transfer
The MagPro Data Transfer feature gives the
B: 102 A/usee
possibility to extract data for documentation to
an USB memory stick. The Event log contains
For the commonly used TBS protocol the details as:
amplitude of the 3 Biphasic Burst pulses will be - when did a train start
equal up to approximately 60% output power on - how many stimuli did it produce
MagPro. - and at which amplitude did the train run

The maximum output power where the first and Following data will be exported:
the last pulse are equal is shown in table below. -Event log
For output power above the curve the last pulse - MEP log (if MEP monitor available)
will begin to be lower than the first pulse. - Amplitude log

Coli Cool·B65
Biphasic Burst rolloff For further information see separate Data
(first pulse = last pulse)
Transfer User Guide.

-------- •.....
l~ 40

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Burst Rate (Hz)

Coil type, output level and Inter Pulse Interval

(IPI) will influence on the di/dt values.

22 Getting Started
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Charge Delay
Configuration Menu
After each stimulation, the device recharges the
- .13:52:44· Slopped in Pulse Mode 2010-01-08
energy storage. During the recharging period,
82 ANsae
66 AAlsec 19 .'):52:51-Sterted in Pulse Mode
.,3:53:01 - Stopped in Pulse Mode 14:32
Coil Temparefura Coil Type Ave.iIe1:Jle S~muli the device consumes and transfers very high
MCF-B70 100000 amounts of energy. This transfer can produce
unwanted noise, interfering with signal pickup
OmS9C wires and electrodes. To suppress this noise, the
Charge Delay feature can be used, i.e. making
On the device wait for a while, before recharging.
For ordinary use, set the Charge Delay to zero.

Auto Discharge Time

To protect against non-intended stimulation of
Exit Save magnetic pulses, the device automatically
discharges a preset time after the last
The Configuration Menu is selected when stimulation is made or handling of buttons.
setting up the basic parameters. In this menu the
Trigger Menu will appear in the Soft Key Area Prior Warning Sound
(see the "Menu tree" on page 27).
The "Train Warning" is a sound preparing the
patient for the next train sequence, when ITI is
Save Setup greater than 5 seconds. When on, the Prior
To save the present setup under a new letter in Warning will sound two seconds before each
the setup list, choose a letter (A-Z) or Default. train starts. The Prior Warning only applies to
The setup to be saved is listed in the train sequences.
Information Area. Setups can only be saved in
the Configuration Menu and then be recalled in Coil Type Display
the Main Menu.
The Coil Type Display can be set to On or Off.
This function is relevant in relation to, e.g.
The basic sequence setup of the most common
double-blind tests. When turning the Coil Type
study would be an obviously choice for the
Display off, the Coil Type area will be blank.
Default Setup.

NOTE Any previous setup saved using the

letter you choose, will be overwritten.

After saving the settings on the MagPro, make

sure not to switch off the MagPro within 30
seconds, to make sure the settings are saved.

Getting Started 23
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Twin Trig Input

Trigger Menu
Only enabled in TwinlDual mode. When
making twin pulses, this option selects the
Coil Temperature Coil Type Ave.ilebleStimuli timing and number of external trigger inputs
Cool-B65 100000 required:
Tog Output
Twin Tog Output Pulse A Select Pulse A
Twin Trig Input Pulse A
Polarity. Input FaJlIng Edge
Select Pulse A to require only one external
Polarity. Output Falling Edge trig input. The Inter Pulse Interval is then
Delay. Input Trig 0.0 msec

Delay. Output Tog 0.0 msec

controlled by the device itself.

Select Pulse A+8

Select Pulse A+B to enable full external
Exit control of the timing: two external trigger
inputs are required. Pulse A is provided at
The Trigger Menu is selected when the device the time for the first external trigger to arrive
is combined with external devices. - Pulse B accordingly, when the second
trigger arrives.

Trigger Output
Enable Polarity Input
When the Trigger Output is Enabled an Choose between Falling Edge and Rising
external trigger is given for each magnetic Edge. The magnetic stimulation can be selected
stimulus. to be either at the time, when the external
trigger voltage is rising or falling.
When the Trigger Output is Disabled, no Polarity Output
external trigger outputs are provided. Choose between Falling Edge and Rising
Edge. The external trigger output voltage can be
Twin Trig Output selected to be either rising or falling at the time
of the magnetic stimulation.
Only enabled in TwinlDual mode. When
making twin pulses, this option selects the
timing and number of external triggers Delay, Input Trig
provided. This feature allows setting a delay from the time
of arrival of an external trigger input to the time
Pulse A for the magnetic stimulation to be provided.
Select Pulse A to have an external trig out,
only at the time of the first stimulus (A). Delay, Output Trig
When selecting the internal trigger generation,
Pulse 8 (i.e. when using trains generated by the device,
Select Pulse B to have an external trig out, or when pressing one of the manual trigger
only at the time of the second stimulus (B). buttons) this feature allows setting a delay from
the time of the magnetic stimulation to the time
Pulse A+8 of the external trigger to be provided.
Select Pulse A+B to enable trigger on both Accordingly, the external trigger output can be
stimulus. provided prior to the magnetic stimulation. This
feature allows other equipment to be activated,
before the magnetic stimulation occurs.

24 Getting Started
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Coil Temperature events

Service Menu Data export of Coil Temperature data to USB
- e:i4:~1:06·CoiIType:CooI-865 2010-0Hl8
memory stick.
Alus IPJ
= .14:41:1J-ModeJ:X100.0plion
.14;41:1J·Oate201IHll~B 14:55
Co~ T emparmur9 CoiITypa AVlSiJ5bleStirrwli Three different choices in Coil Temperature are
Cool-B65 100000 available:
Service Mode

Product Name: Unknown Language

Release Number: Unknown pr;J

Event Log Enabled
Release Date: yyyy/mm/dd No coil Temperatures events are logged and
Model: X100+0ption Amplitude Log Enabled pr;J
Serial number: Unconfigured
Coil Temperature events IOFF
GUI SW version:
PIC, SW version:
T emperalure $cale rc- Coil temperature events are only logged when
PlC2 SW ve rsicn: 255.255.255
Nimbus SW version: 255.255.255 204hourrepesentotion the MagPro are active and running a sequence
Language version: English 1.1.0 f2010 1101/100 [14:155:157 of stimulations
y,,, Month DI!!.Y Hour Minute Second

All Coil temperature events are logged; also
the temperature events between stimulations
System Information (For saving directly to memory stick: be
On the left side system information is displayed aware that an error will occur if the memory
with information about the MagPro model, stick is removed when the MagPro is writing
serial number and software versions. data to it).

Language Temperature scale

Select language ill the list of available Select temperature scale on the display ill

languages. Celsius (DC) or Fahrenheit (OF).

Event Log Enabled Date and time

Data export of event log to USB memory stick. Adjust date and time by highlight the field that
Export of event log to RAM is also possible, is to be changed and use the right wheel to
which will store the data to RAM until the adjust.
MagPro is disabled and the data in RAM will be
exported to the USB memory stick. This will
help the MagPro interface from slowing down.

Amplitude Log Enabled

Data export of Amplitude Log to USB memory

Getting Started 25
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Export of data (COM2)

Export of data from the COM2 serial port on the rear panel to an external computer is possible. The
used protocol consists of 8 bytes sent for di/dt values, amplitude changes or temperature/coil type

Byte Values Description

1 OxFE Start flag
2 4 Length (always value: 4)
3 OxOl .. Ox03 Type:
1: Amplitude
2: di/dt
3: Temperature
4 o ..199 Type 1: Value A amplitude in %
Type 2: Value A di/dt
Type 3: Temperature in °C
5 0 .. 199 Type 1: Value B amplitude in %
Type 2: Value B di/dt
Type 3: Coil type no
6 O..OxOF Bit 0..1 Mode:
0: Standard
1: Power
2: Twin
3: Dual
Bit 2..3 Waveform:
0: Monophasic
1: Biphasic
2: Halfsine
3: Biphasic Burst
7 0 .. 255 CRC8 calculated for byte 3,4,5,6 (see below)
8 OxFF End flag

A checksum is calculated as follows:

The checksum is a CRC8 (Dallas/Maxim) checksum using the polynomial X8 + X5 + X4 + 1.
(See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CyclicJedundancy_check)
Examples (Hex values):
-FE 04 01 2A 41 07 AD FF CRC8 equals AD; calculated for 01, 2A, 41 and 07
(amplitude A: 42%, amplitude B: 65%, Mode: Dual, Waveform: Biphasic)

-FE 04 02 33 1902 DF FF CRC8 equals DF; calculated for 02,33, 19 and 02

(dildt A: 5luAlS, dildt B: 25uA/S, Mode: Twin, Waveform: Monophasic)

- FE 04 03 18 48 OC A9 FF CRC8 equals A9; calculated for 03, 18, 48 and OC

(Temp: 24 -C, CoilType: 72=C-B60, Mode: Standard, Waveform: Biphasic Burst)
- When MagPro starts up some bytes are sent on COM2 before the equipment is ready for
stimulation. These bytes should be ignored.
- For Biphasic Burst waveform MagPro might send several di/dt values for each burst
depending on timing settings.
- For Twin or Dual mode MagPro sends a di/dt value for each pulse where Value A (byte 4)
should be used for the first pulse and Value B (byte 5) should be used for the second pulse.

26 Getting Started
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Menu tree
MagPro R30
.. - - - -- ~- ~ - - - --

Timing Configure
- - - - - - - -- --~

Timing control Save Setup

Rep.Rate Charge Delay
Auto Discharge

..- Standard
Pulses in Train

Number of Trains
Prior Warning
Inter Train interval Coil Type Display
- -
Protocol Trigger
~ - ~- - - ~~.
Delay Trig Output
Normal Amplitude A Polarity Input
I - •

. . . Biphasic
Train Pulses
Polarity Output
Delay, Input Trig
Delay, Output Trig
- - -
-- ~ -- - ---

~ Service
~ -- ~ ____ I
- --

Event Log Enabled
Amplitude Log
Coil Temperature
Temperature scale
Date and Time
l.. ___ry'I~~Jop~~~l __
Time Base
Common Baseline
Lower Frequency
Upper Frequency
Trigger Mode
Display Size
Stay On Top

Menu tree 27
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

MagPro R30 incl. MagOption

~ ~
Timing _ ~~ ~
_ ~~~ _~ J

Timing control Save Setup

Rep.Rate Charge Delay
IPI Auto Discharge

..- Twin
BfA Ratio
Pulses in Train
Prior Warning
Number of Trains
B Amplitude % Sound
Inter Train Interval Coil Type Display
Protocol Trigger.
Delay Trig Output
Normal Amplitude A Twin Trig Output
• - •
Mode Twin Trig Input
Waveform Polarity Input
IPI Polarity Output
- - . BfA Ratio Delay, Input Trig
Biphasic Rep.Rate Delay, Output Trig
Train Pulses , Service
Event Log Enabled
Amplitude Log
Coil Temperature
Temperature scale
Date and Time

MEP (option)
Time Base
Curve No
Common Baseline
Lower Frequency
Upper Frequency
Trigger Mode
Display Size
Stay On Top

28 Menu tree
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

MagPro X100

Timing control Save Setup

Rep.Rate Charge Delay
Auto Discharge

..- Standard
Pulses in Train

Number of Trains
Prior Warning
Inter Train Interval Coil Type Display
I -

Protocol Trigger

. - . Normal
Amplitude A
Current Direction
Trig Output
Polarity Input
Polarity Output

. - . Biphasic
Waveform Delay, Input Trig

Biphasic Burst Burst Pulses Delay, Output Trig

Burst Pulses
IPI Service
- - ~- - -- --
Rep.Rate Language
Train Pulses Event Log Enabled
Amplitude Log
Coil Temperature
Temperature scale
Date and Time
MEP (option)
-~- - -- -- - --- - -
Time Base
Curve No
Common Baseline
Lower Frequency
Upper Frequency
Trigger Mode
Display Size
Stay On Top

Menu tree 29
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

MagPro X100 incl. MagOption

- - ~ ---
Timing Configure
- - -~~~ - ~ ~
Standard Timing control Save Setup
Power Rep.Rate Charge Delay
IPI Auto Discharge
... Twin*
BfA Ratio
Pulses in Train
Prior Warning
Dual* Number of Trains
B Amplitude % Sound

*) Biphasic Burst Inter Train Interval Coil Type Display

~---~~~~ ~~ -~~ - ~
not available Protocol ,Trigger J
;~ =~- ~- ~~ ~""

Normal Delay Trig Output

• . • Reverse Amplitude A Twin Trig Output
Monophasic Mode Twin Trig Input

- . . Biphasic
Current Direction
Polarity Input
Polarity Output
IPI Burst Pulses Delay, Input Trig
Biphasic Burst
Burst Pulses IPI Delay, Output Trig
- ~ ~~-
~----- -~ --
BfA Ratio , Service ,
Rep.Rate Language
Train Pulses Event Log Enabled
Amplitude Log
Coil Temperature
Temperature scale
Date and Time
r~- ~ -~-~~ --
l ~
MEP (opti?n)
Time Base
Curve No
Common Baseline
Lower Frequency
Upper Frequency
Trigger Mode
Display Size
Stay On Top

30 Menu tree
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Setting the Scale

MagPro R30

Setup A, B ... Z and Default

Rep Rate 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ...30pps
Pulses in Train 1,2,3,4 ... 1000
Number of Trains 1,2,3,4 ... 500
Inter Train Interval 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ... 120s

Delay, Input Trig O,O.1,O.2 ... 1,2,3 ... 100ms

Delay, Output Trig -100, -99, -98 ... -1 0.0, -9.9, -9.8 ... 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 ... 10 ,11, 12 ... 1OOms

MagPro R30 incl. MagOption

Twin and Dual

Monophasic IPI 2.0,2.1,2.2 ... 10.0,10.5,11.0 ... 20,21,22 ... 100ms ...3s
Biphasic IPI 1.0, 1.1,1.2 ... 10.0, 10.5,11.0 ... 20,21,22 ... 100ms ...3s
Pulse BfA Ratio 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ... 5
Pulse B Amplitude 1,2,3 ... 100%

Setup A, B ... Z and Default

Rep Rate 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ...30pps
Rep Rate in Twin and Dual 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5tpps
Pulses in Train 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 1000
Number of Trains 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 500
Inter Train Interval 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ... 120s

Delay, Input Trig O,O.1,O.2 ... 1,2,3 ... 100ms

Delay, Output Trig -100, -99, -98 ... -10.0, -9.9, -9.8 ... 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 ... 10 ,11, 12 ... 1OOms

Setting the Scale 31


MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

MagPro X100

Setup A, B ... Z and Default

Rep Rate 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ... 1OOpps
Rep Rate in Biphasic Burst 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ...20tpps
Pulses in Train 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 1000
Number of Trains 1,2,3,4 ... 500
Inter Train Interval 0.1,0.2,0.3, 0.4 ... 120s

Delay, Input Trig 0, 0.1, 0.2 ... 1, 2, 3 ... 1OOms

Delay, Output Trig -100, -99, -98 ... -10.0, -9.9, -9.8 ... 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 ... 10 ,11, 12 ... 100ms

MagPro X100 incl. MagOption

Biphasic Burst IPI 0.5,0.6,0.7 ... 10.0,10.5,11.0 ... 20,21,22 ... 100ms
No of Biphasic Bursts 2,3,4 or 5
Twin and Dual
Monophasic IPI 2.0,2.1,2.2 ... 10.0, 10.5, 11.0 ... 20,21,22 ... 100ms ...3s
Biphasic and Halfsine IPI 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 ... 10.0, 10.5, 11.0 ... 20,21, 22 ... 100ms ....3s
Pulse B/A Ratio 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ... 5
Pulse B Amplitude 1,2,3 ... 100%

Setup A, B ... Z and Default

Rep Rate 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ...1OOpps
Rep Rate in Biphasic 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ...20tpps
Burst, Twin and Dual mode
Pulses in Train 1,2,3,4 ... 1000
Number of Trains 1,2,3,4 ... 500
Inter Train Interval 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ... 120s

Delay, Input Trig 0,0.1,0.2 ... 1, 2, 3 ... 100ms

Delay, Output Trig -100, -99, -98 ... -10.0, -9.9, -9.8 ... 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 ... 10 ,11, 12 ... 100ms

32 Setting the Scale

MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Technical Data Mechanical Data

Electromagnetic Data Dimensions
MagPro: (HxWxD) 210 x 530 x 400mm
Stimulation Waveforms and Pulse MagOption: (HxWxD) 130 x 530 x 400mm
Cart: (HxWxD) 800 x 610 x 550mm
width System height with cart: 102cm

Standard Mode: Weight

MagPro R30: 33kg / 73lbs
MagPro X100: 35kg / 77lbs
MagOption: 25kg / 55lbs
Cart: 16kg / 35 lbs
R30 + MagOption
Biphasic 280IJs
X 100 + MagOption
R30 + MagOption
Monophasic X100 70IJs
Environmental Data
X100 + MagOption Operating Temperature: 10 - 30°C (50 - 86°P)
Halfsine X100 + MagOption 140IJs Storage Temperature: 5 - 50°C (41-122°P)

Power Mode: Operating Humidity: 30-60%RH

Storage Humidity: 20-80%RH

Biphasic X100 + MagOption 400IJs

Monophasic X100 + MagOption 100IJs Power Supply
Halfsine X100 + MagOption 200IJs Mains Voltage: 230V~, 50/60Hz
according to IEC 60601-1

Magnetic Gradient from Mains impedance: < 1Q

Maximum Power Consumption: 2300V A
Stimulation Coils Standby Power Consumption: <150VA
Magnetic Gradient and number of stimuli before
coil overheats depend on the specific coil used. Operation from 100-120V through Transformer.

Technical Data 33

MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Trigger Connector
DSUB 9 pin Female
Pin 1: Trigger Input
Pin 2: Trigger Output
Pin 3: Ground. (Reference)
Pin 6: +5VDC
Pin 7: +12VDC

9016E455- Trigger cable for Keypoint"

9016E456- Trigger cable with BNC connectors

Trigger Input
Pulse width> Sus
TTL + CMOS levels accepted
Input Impedance> 10 kQ
Polarity: User Defined
Default: Falling

Trigger Output
Pulse width: 50llS
Output Impedance < 200 ,Q
Polarity: User Defined
Default: Falling

Serial Ports
PC-style: COMI for MEP Monitor Interface
DSUB Connector 9 pin Male
Standard RS232 connectivity

PC-style: COM2
DSUB Connector 9 pin Male
Standard RS232 connectivity

Setting Value
Baudrate 38400
Databits 8
Parity None
Stopbits 1
Flow control None

USB Ports
PC-style: USB
Standard USB connectivity

34 Technical Data
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Performance Data - Amplitude Roll-Off

Output Power versus Repetition Rate, depending on Waveform, shown for coil C-B60:

Standard and Power Pulses

Standard Mode
Biphasic 100 % 100 % 80% 65% 50% 35% 30 %
Halfsine 100 % 100 % 80 % 65% 50 % 35 % 30 %
Biphasic Burst (N=3) 100 % 100 % 70 % 50 % 35% 25 % 20 %
Monophasic 100 % 70 % 50 % 40% 30% 25 % 20 %

Power Mode
Biphasic 100 % 75 % 55 % 45% 35 % 25% 20%
Halfsine 100 % 75% 55% 45% 35% 25% 20%
Biphasic Burst (N=3) 100 % 70 % 45% 35 % 25% 20% 15 %
Monophasic 75% 50 % 35 % 25% 20% 15 % 10 %

pps = Pulses Per. Second

N = Number of Pulses (N=2, 3, 4, 5)

Twin and Dual Pulses

Twin and Dual Mode

Biphasic 100 % 100 % 100 % 75 % 60 % 50%
Halfsine 100 % 100 % 100 % 75% 60% 50%
Monophasic 100 % 100 % 70% 45% 35 % 30%

tpps = Twin Pulses Per. Second

Error messages
Different error messages can be displayed in the EnablelDisable status field.

Error message Cause

Curr.Error Power supply output is shorted or power supply is defective.
Dischl hot Discharging circuit is hot, should disappear within a few minutes after cooling
Disch hot Discharging circuit in MagOption is hot, should disappear within a few minutes
after cooling down.
MonoRes hot Monophasic resistor is hot, should disappear within a few minutes after cooling
Reposition. Internal power switch is moving should disappear within 10 sec.

Technical Data 35
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Cleaning and Disinfecting Waste Management
Procedures The device and its accessories must be disposed
of separately as electronic waste.
The maintenance that can be performed by the
operator is limited to cleaning and disinfecting
Waste Electrical and Electronic
the device.
Equipment, user information:
Do not dispose of this product in the unsorted
NOTE Any maintenance inside the device must
be performed by qualified service personnel.

• The MagPro, Coil and Cart:

- municipal waste stream. Dispose of this
product according to local regulations.

- Before cleaning the device units, switch Safety Checks

off the mains. Use a cloth gently wrung in The following safety checks should be
a recommended disinfectant as listed
conducted before use daily:
- Dilute the disinfectant properly, as stated
• Inspection for visible damage to device.
by the manufacturer.
• Inspection of mains cord and connecting
For routine cleaning use • Check the coil for damages, cracks, marks,
Phenoles (Bacillotex" etc.) or 70% alcohol, deformations, color changes and other
0.5% chlorohexidine. irregularities. Do not use the coil if there is
any evidence of stress failure and contact a
If hepatitis or any other dangerous virus Service Center.
contamination is suspected: Aldehydes (Cidex",
Korsolin") or chlorinates (Diversol BX®).
The following safety checks should be
conducted (by qualified personnel) at least once
Be careful not to drip water or disinfectant
a year and in the event of repair:
directly into the input and output plugs and
other openings in the cover. Remove excess
• Insulation resistance.
disinfectant with a dry cloth.
• Measurement of leakage currents.
Do not use solvent silicon-based or abrasive • Measurement of resistance of protective earth
cleaning agents. conductor.
• Inspection and cleaning of the fan filter.
Before using disinfectants other than those
specified, please contact your local distributor
for further information.

36 Maintenance
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

rsc 60601-1-1
When connecting, attention must be paid to:

IEC 60601-1-1
Medical Electrical Equipment, Part 1:
General Requirements for Safety.
1. Collateral Standard
Safety Requirements for Medical
Electrical Systems.

When connecting to a medical appliance with an

F-type applied part or some additional
equipment complying not with IEC 60601-1 but
with the relevant safety standard for such
equipment, the additional equipment:

1) Must either be placed outside the patient

environment (the patient environment is any
area in which intentional or unintentional
contact can occur between patient and parts
of the system (e.g. a printer) or as a result of
some other person touching parts of the sy-


2) If placed within the patient environment,

must be:
a) Provided with additional protective


b) Supplied from an extra isolating

transformer, limiting the enclosure
leakage current to a value not exceeding
0.5 mA,


c) Supplied from a floating power supply,

limiting the enclosure leakage current to a
value not exceeding 0.5 mA

Please refer to IEC 60601-1-1.

Maintenance 37
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

nee 60601-1
Type of protection against electric shock: Degree of protection against electric shock:

• Class 1: Equipment in which protection • Type BF: Applied part providing a particular
against electric shock does not rely on basic degree of protection against electric shock,
insulation only, but which includes an Particularly regarding:
additional safety precaution in that means are - Allowable leakage current
provided for the connection of the equipment
- The applied part is electrically isolated
to the protective earth conductor in the fixed
wiring of the installation in such a way that
accessible metal parts cannot become live in - Not intended for direct cardiac appli-
the event of a failure of the basic insulation. cation.

Methodes) of sterilization or disinfecting Degree of protection against harmful ingress of

recommended by the manufacturer: water:

• Please, see section on "Maintenance". • MagPro:

IP20: Ordinary equipment (enclosed
equipment without protection against ingress
of water).
• Coils:
IP24: Ordinary equipment (enclosed
equipment with protection against liquid

Degree of safety of application in the presence

of a flammable anesthetic mixture with air or
with oxygen or nitrous oxide:

• Equipment not suitable for use in the

presence of such a mixture.

Mode of operation:

• Continuous operation

38 Classification
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Appendix A, Coils and Accessories

Operating period (Coils) Symbols
The device complies with the EC directive
Due to the mechanical and thermal stress
93/42/EEC on medical devices
during stimulation, Magnetic Stimulating
Coils must not be used after the expiration
The device is of Type BF, i.e. the applied
date. part is electrically isolated.

~ Indicates the current direction on coils

Storage temperature range. Packaging label
AFTER 2009-10-25

SN xxx Serial Number.

The expiration date is shown on the label, PIN Part Number
which is situated on top of the large orange
coil connector, as YYYY-MM-DD. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment:

Compliance information.

The maximum operating period for the coils User information: Do not dispose of this
IS: product in the unsorted municipal waste
stream. Dispose of this product according to
local regulations.

C-B60 Classification
MC-B70 Magnetic Coils.
MMC-I40 5 years IEC 60601-1, IP24
Encapsulation of Coils
MCF-B65 Minimum 2mm plastic material. Windings are
MCF-75 3 years placed symmetrically in the encapsulation.
5 years or
18.000.000 EPV see
separate User Guide
for Cool coils

Appendix A, Coils and Accessories 39

Magpro family User Guide - US-edition

C-100 Circular Coil

Mechanical Properties
Weight of transducer head 0.6kg
Dimensions of transducer head 0123 x 11.5 mm
Cable length 1.7m

Coil Winding Data

Inner diameter 20mm
Outer diameter 110mm
Winding height 6mm
Number of windings 14

Magnetic and Electrical Properties

Max initial dB/dt 35 kT/s near the coil
Active pulse width 280f.ls (Biphasic)

Number of stimulations before 400 pulses
• The coil is suitable for general-purpose warm-up at ambient temperature
stimulation. 20°C:
Mean output 75% of maximum
• Equipped with power control and trigger at 1pps.
button to support easy operation. Ordering Number 9016E058-

C-B60 Butterfly Coil

Mechanical Properties
Weight of transducer head 0.7kg
Cable length 1.7m
Dimensions of transducer head 165 x 85 x 19 mm

Coil Winding Data

Inner diameter 35mm
Outer diameter 75mm
Winding height 11mm
Number of windings 2 x 10

Magnetic and Electrical Properties

Max initial dB/dt 35 kT/s near the coil
Active pulse width 280f.ls (Biphasic)
Number of stimulations, before 350 pulses
• The coil is suitable for focused warm-up at ambient temperature
stimulations. 20°C:
Mean output 75% of maximum
• Equipped with power control and trigger at 1pps.
button to support easy operation.
Ordering Number 9016E048-

40 Appendix A, Coils and Accessories

MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

MC-125 Circular Coil

Mechanical Properties
Weight of transducer head 0.6kg
Cable length 1.3m
Dimensions of transducer head 0130 x 11.3 mm
Coil Winding Data
Inner diameter 28mm
Outer diameter 114mm
Winding height 6mm
Number of windings 13
Magnetic and Electrical Properties
Max initial dB/dt 41 kT/s near the coil
Active pulse width 280l-1s(Biphasic)
Number of stimulations, before 450 pulses
warm-up at ambient temperature
Mean output 75% of maximum
• The coil is suitable coil for general at 1pps.
purpose stimulation. Ordering Number 9016E055-

• Equipped with trigger button to support

easy operation.

MC-B70 Butterfly Coil

Mechanical Properties
Weight of transducer head 1.1kg
Cable length 1.7m
Dimensions of transducer head 169 x 112 x 33 mm
Coil Winding Data
Inner diameter 25mm
Outer diameter 97mm
Winding height 6mm
Number of windings 2 x 10
Magnetic and Electrical Properties
• The coil IS suitable for focused Max initial dB/dt 31 kT/s near the coil
stimulation. surface
Active pulse width 280l-1s(Biphasic)
• The coil is slight bend to closely follow
curved shapes. Performance
Number of stimulations before 400 pulses
• Equipped with trigger button to support warm-up at ambient temperature
easy operation. 20°C:
Mean output 75% of maximum
at 1pps.
Ordering Number 9016E056-

Appendix A, Coils and Accessories 41

MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

MMC-140 Parabolic Coil

Mechanical Properties
Weight of transducer head 0.8kg
Cable length 1.5m
Dimensions of transducer head 0143 x 14.5/33 mm
Coil Winding Data
Inner diameter 25mm
Outer diameter 120mm
Winding height 6mm
Number of windings 14
Magnetic and Electrical Properties
Max initial dB/dt 33 kT/s near the coil
Active pulse width 280f.l.s(Biphasic)
• The coil is parabolic in shape to provide a
powerful and focused stimulation. Performance
Number of stimulations before 650 pulses
• Equipped with trigger button to support warm-up at ambient temperature
clinical operation. 20°C:
Mean output 75% of maximum
at 1pps.
Ordering Number 9016E057-

MMC-140-11Parabolic Coil with power control

Mechanical Properties
Weight of transducer head 0.9kg
Cable length 2.5m
Dimensions of transducer head 0143 x 17/39 mm
Coil Winding Data
Inner diameter 25mm
Outer diameter 126mm
Winding height 6mm
Number of windings 15
Magnetic and Electrical Properties
Max initial dB/dt 33 kT/s near the coil
• The coil is parabolic in shape to provide a Active pulse width 280f.l.s(Biphasic)
powerful and focused stimulation. Performance
• Equipped with power control and trigger Number of stimulations before 650 pulses
button to support easy operation. warm-up at ambient temperature
Mean output 75% of maximum
at 1pps.
Ordering Number 9016E063-

MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

RT-120 Racetrack Coil

Mechanical Properties
Weight of transducer head 1.3 kg
Cable length 1.5 m
Dimensions of transducer head 090 x 200 x 26 mm
Coil Winding Data
Outer loop 080 x160 mm
Inner loop 030 x 110 mm
Winding height 15 mm
Number of windings 10
Magnetic and Electrical Properties
Max initial dB/dt 31 kT/s near the coil
Active pulse width 280llS (Biphasic)
Number of stimulations before 1500 pulses
warm-up at ambient temperature
Mean output 75% of maximum
at 1pps.
• The coil is elliptic in shape and is Ordering Number 9016E064-
especially suitable for stimulation of wider
areas such as bigger muscles.
• Equipped with trigger button to support
clinical operation.

RT-120-11 Racetrack Coil

Mechanical Properties
Weight of transducer head 1,5 kg
Cable length 2,5m
Dimensions of transducer head 090 x 175 x 26 mm
Coil Winding Data
Outer loop 080 x 160 mm
Inner loop 030 x 110 mm
Winding height 15 mm
Number of windings 10
Magnetic and Electrical Properties
Max initial dB/dt 31 kT/s near the coil
• The coil is elliptic in shape and is Active pulse width 280llS (Biphasic)
especially suitable for stimulation of wider Performance
areas such as bigger muscles. Number of stimulations before 1500 pulses
warm-up at ambient temperature
• Equipped with power control and trigger 20°C:
button to support clinical operation Mean output 75% of maximum
at 1pps.
Ordering Number 9016E065-

Appendix A, Coils and Accessories 43

MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

O-B80 Butterfly Coil

Mechanical Properties
Weight of transducer head 0.9kg
Cable length 1.7m
Coil winding data
Diameter 2 x 080mm
Angle 120°
Winding height 12mm
Number of windings 2x7
Magnetic and Electrical Properties
Max initial dB/dt 31 kT/s near the coil
Active pulse width 280~s (Biphasic)
Number of stimulations before 500 pulses
• Opened butterfly design for powerful warm-up at ambient temperature
stimulation. 20°C:
Mean output 75% of maximum
• The coil is suitable for deep stimulation. at 1pps.
• The coil is slight bend to closely follow Ordering Number 9016E043-
curved shapes.
• Equipped with trigger button to support
clinical operation.

MCF-B65 Butterfly Coil

Mechanical Properties
Weight of transducer head 1.5kg
Cable length 2m
Dimensions of transducer head 174 x 94 x 53 mm
Coil Winding Data
Inner diameter 35mm
Outer diameter 75mm
Winding height 12mm
Number of windings 2x (2 x 5)
Magnetic and Electrical Properties
Max initial dB/dt 32 kT/s near the coil
• The Coil is designed for demanding Active pulse width 280~s (Biphasic)
clinical studies, requiring a high number of
stimuli without the need for external
Number of stimulations, before 2000 pulses
warm-up at ambient temperature
• Equipped with trigger button to support 20°C:
Mean output 75% of maximum
clinical operation. at 1pps.
Ordering Number 9016E042-

44 Appendix A, Coils and Accessories

MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

MCF-75 Circular· Coil

Mechanical Properties
Weight of transducer head 1kg
Cable length 1.3m
Dimensions of transducer head 088 x41.5 mm
Coil Winding Data
Inner diameter 10mm
Outer diameter 65mm
Winding height 18mm
Number of windings 3x7
Magnetic and Electrical Properties
Max initial dB/dt 43 kT/s near the coil
Active pulse width 280llS (Biphasic)
• The Coil is designed for demanding
clinical studies, requiring a high number Performance
of stimuli without the need for external Number of stimulations, before 500 pulses
warm-up at ambient temperature
• Equipped with trigger button to support Mean output 75% of maximum
at 1pps.
clinical operation.
Ordering Number 9016E044-

MCF-125 Circular Coil

Mechanical Properties
Weight of transducer head 1.5kg
Cable length 2m
Dimensions of transducer head 0140.5 x 41.5 mm
Coil Winding Data
Inner diameter 35mm
Outer diameter 121mm
Winding height 6mm
Number of windings 13
Magnetic and Electrical Properties
Max initial dB/dt 34 kT/s near the coil
Active pulse width 280llS (Biphasic)
Number of stimulations, before 2000 pulses
warm-up at ambient temperature
• The Coil is designed for demanding Mean output 75% of maximum
at tpps.
clinical studies, requiring a high number of
stimuli without the need for external Ordering Number 9016E041-

• Equipped with trigger button to support
clinical operation.

www.MagVenture.com 45
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Cool-B65 Butterfly Coil

Mechanical Properties
Weight of transducer head 1.7kg
Cable length 1.3m
Dimensions of transducer head 174x94x41 mm
Coil Winding Data
Inner diameter 35mm
Outer diameter 75mm
Winding height 12mm
Number of windings 2x (2 x 5)
Magnetic and Electrical Properties
Max initial dB/dt 36 kT/s near the coil
• The coil has electrical and magnetic Active pulse width 280~s (Biphasic)
properties identical to the MCF-B65 and Performance
Cool-B65. Number of stimulations, before >20.000 pulses
warm-up at ambient temperature
• The Coil is designed for demanding 20°C:
clinical studies, requiring a very high Mean output 75% of maximum
number of stimuli. at 2pps.
Number of stimulations, before >10.000 pulses
• The Coil is optimized for use with warm-up at ambient temperature
equipment enabling High Repetition Rates 20°C with protocol:
and long pulse trains. 60 trains @ 50 pulses/train @
10pps @ Inter Train Interval: 25s
• The Coil is cooled from an external Cooler @ Output=75%.
Unit. See below. Ordering Number 9016E049-
• Equipped with trigger button to support
clinical operation.
• Built in timer and counter with preset
operating period (days and stimulations)

Coil Cooler Unit

- Mechanical

Weight of unit

Height x width x depth


20 X 30 X 30 em
Capacity of cooling media 1.8 liter
Mains power cable length 3m
Electrical Properties
Available Main Voltage 100-240V, 50-60Hz
Power consumptions Maximum 40V A
Ordering Number 9016B015-

• Used as external cooling system for Cool

coils. Additional cooling media
Volume 0.6 liter
• Equipped with special liquid cooling
media. Ordering Number 101-323-

MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Super Flex Arm for Magnetic Coil Positioning

• For easy and flexible positioning of the

magnetic coils.
• The arm has three joints. Two ball joints
which can rotate in multiple directions and
one central joint which can rotate in one
• All three joints can be locked and unlocked
by the grip on the central joint.
• Designed for use with all types of coils.

Mechanical Properties
Coils All coils
Max. height above the floor 1.6 m
Length of arm aOcm
Weight of arm 6.5 kg

Ordering Number 90168017-

MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

Cart for MagPro R30 110V/230V Power Supply

Option for MagPro

Mechanical Properties
Weight of transformer 15kg
Cable length primary 1.5m
Mechanical Properties
Cable length secondary 1.3m
Weight 13.5kg
Height x width x depth 20 x 30 x 30 cm
Height x width x depth 80 x 61 x 55cm
Encapsulation Overall min 2 mm
Ordering Number 90168010- PS Non flammable
Impact resistant

Extra Shelf Electrical Properties

Weight 2.9kg Available Main Voltage 100V, 110V, 120V
Height x width x depth 3 x 55 x 31cm Max Energy Output 2300VA

Ordering Number 90318311- Ordering Number 90160001-

48 www.MagVenture.com
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

date/time . 14
A Default Setup' 16
Delay· 24
Absolute Amplitude' 19 disconnected . 5
Adverse Reaction' 6 Display and Soft Keys Area' 13
amplitude' 14 Dual Mode' 17,35
Amplitude' 14
Amplitude Log Enabled' 25 E
Amplitude Roll-Off· 35
anesthetic gases . 6 Earth Connectors . 12
Arrow Buttons' 13 Electromagnetic Data' 33
Auto Discharge Time' 23 Enable/Disable . 7, 13, 14
Available Stimuli . 14 Enable/Disable Button' 13
Encapsulation of Coils' 39
B energy storage . 17, 23
Environmental Data' 33
Biphasic (Full-Sine) . 18 Equipotentiality· 12
biphasic burst Error messages' 35
waveform' 17, 18 Event Log Enabled' 25
biphasic waveform . 18 Event log information' 14
Butterfly coils' 8 Export of data (COM2) . 26
Butterfly Coils' 8 External Triggers' 20

c F
Cautions' 7 Front Panel' 13
Charge Delay· 23 fuse' 5
circular coil, 8
Circular Coils' 8 G
Classification' 38
Cleaning and Disinfecting· 36 General Workflow' 16
coil· 7,13,14,16,17,18,33
Coil Connector . 13 H
coil group name . 14
Coil Temperature' 11, 14 halfsine
Coil Temperature events' 25 waveform' 17, 18
coil type . 14
Coil Type Display' 23 I
Coils with External Cooling' 9
IEC 60601-1 . 5, 12,37
Coils with Fluid' 9
IEC 60601-1-1 . 5,37
connecting' 5, 7, 12,36,37
Information Area' 15
Connections . 34
Intelligent Temperature Prediction' 14
Contraindications . 6
Intended use . 6
Controls' 13
Inter Pulse Interval . 19
Current Direction' 10, 17
Inter Train Interval' 20
Interference . 12
D ITP algorithm . 14
Data Transfer' 12, 14,22
Date and time' 25
MagPro family User Guide - US-edition

L Safety Requirements· 5, 37
Selection Area' 15
Language' 25 Sequence' 20
Lemo Connector' 13 Serial ports . 12
service' 2, 5, 12,36
M Service Menu . 25
Setting the Scale . 31
Main Menu' 16 Setup' 16, 23
mains plug· 5 single pulse' 13, 16
Maintenance' 36 single stimulation' 17
Mechanical Data' 33 Soft Key Area . 15
Menu tree' 27 Software Controls' 14
mode' 17 Standard Mode' 10, 17,33,35
monophasic Start Up Indicator' 13
waveform' 17, 18 status' 16
motor threshold' 16 Status Area' 14
MR magnetic field· 6 Symbols and Connections' 12
System Information' 25
Number of Trains . 15,20 T
Technical Data' 33
o Temperature scale' 25
Theta Burst· 18, 21
Operating period' 39
Timing Control' 20
p Timing Menu' 20
train· 15, 17,20,23
Performance Data' 35 transformer . 48
Polarity· 24 Trig in/Trig out connector' 12
power' 5, 12, 14, 17 trigger' 24
Power Mode' 10, 17,33,35 Trigger Button' 13, 16
Power ON/OFF button' 12 Trigger cable' 34
power pulse . 17 Trigger Menu' 24
Power Supply' 33 Trigger Output· 24
Predefined Setups . 16 Twin Mode' 17
Prior Warning Sound· 23 Twin Trig Input· 24
protective earth· 5, 36, 37, 38 Twin Trig Output· 24
Protocol Tool· 22 TwinlDual Mode' 10
Pulse Wheels . 13
Pulses in Train' 20 u
USB memory stick· 12, 14
R USB ports' 12
Realized di/dt . 14
Rear Panel' 12 w
Relative Amplitude' 19
Warnings· 6
Rep.Rate· 20
Repetition Rate . 10,20,35 Waste Management· 36
Waveforms' 10, 18,33
Working Modes' 10
Safety Checks' 36

50 www.MagYenture.com
MagPro and accessories are manufactured by:

Tonica Elektronik A/S

Tonica Elektronik AlS

Lucernemarken 15
DK-3520 Farum
Telephone: +4544998444
Fax: +454499 1544

Distributed by:

MagVenture AlS
Lucernemarken 15
DK-3520 Farum
Telephone: +454499 8444
Fax: +45 44 39 04 49

Issued in Denmark, April 2010. PIN: 501-0961 (US), rev. 1.3.1

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