301 Basic Mechanics Course Preview
301 Basic Mechanics Course Preview
301 Basic Mechanics Course Preview
Table of Contents
Lesson Three
Fluid Mechanics.............................................................................33
Lesson Four
E V Simple Machines............................................................................47
Lesson Five Machine Elements..........................................................................63
Lesson Six
Lesson Seven
Measurement Tools and Instruments..............................................81
Lesson Nine
Lesson Eight The Safe Use of Portable Power Tools.........................................113
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Lesson One
• Define velocity, acceleration, and elastic distortion.
• Define rotary motion and reciprocating motion.
• State and explain Newton’s Laws of Motion
Distortion 1.15, 1.16 any change in the shape of Resilience 1.27 the ability to recover quickly from
a solid object caused by the application of a force an elastic impact
Vector 1.19 an arrow showing size and direction Torsion 1.29 distortion produced by twisting
of a force
Elasticity 1.21 the ability of a solid object to
recover its original shape after a distorting force is
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Mechanics is the branch of engineering concerned with forces and motion. Even
the most complex machinery can be broken down into simpler components that
transmit forces and change motions. Skilled mechanics have a practical knowl-
edge of forces and motion, which they use every time they apply a wrench to a
nut or move material from one place to another. Through experience, they have
learned how to look for signs of misplaced forces or unwanted motions when
troubleshooting breakdowns in equipment. When they clearly understand what
is happening in a particular machine, they have no trouble adapting to a similar
machine when required to do so. And their knowledge of forces and motion
helps them work safely.
This lesson begins with a discussion of forces—how they originate, how they
are measured, and what they do to stationary objects. The lesson then covers
motion, how forces affect it, and why Newton’s Laws are important to the
mechanic. In later lessons, you should be able to relate each new topic to the
ideas covered in this lesson on forces and motion.
motion is changed. These effects are shown in Fig. 1-1.
thing to your listener as they do to you. If there is a Everyone has had these experiences and knows what
chance that you might not be understood, you try to you are talking about. But you still do not have a defi-
explain it in even simpler terms. But eventually you
must use terms that cannot be explained in any sim-
nition. About the best you can do instead is to
describe force by using words that mean the same as
pler words. In mechanics, three such terms are length, force: a force is a push or a pull. A push or a pull is a
time, and force force.
1.02 Length, time, and force are not easily defin- Sources of Forces
able. You can point and say, “Length is from here to
there.” But that is not a definition. You have a similar
problem in defining force and time. They can be expe-
1.04 Forces do not come in different kinds. One
force does not have different qualities from another
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6 Lesson One
Lift = 122 lb
Car on a curve
Wind = 7.25 lb
4000 lb outward
15 Tons, NE 15 Tons, NW
50 lb
50 lb
200 lb upward
Sliding a crate
force. However, forces arise in different ways. That is, 1.08 A third source of forces is gravity. Gravita-
they have different origins. tional forces are mutual attractions among all objects
in the universe. The gravitational force you are most
1.05 The source closest to you is your own body. familiar with, however, exists between earthbound
Living muscles can create forces. You pull on a
wrench, a horse pulls on a buggy. The source of both
forces is the contraction of thousands of coordinated
muscle cells.
objects and the earth itself. This force is referred to as
always pushes back at you with an equal force, but in 1.18 Not only does each force have a measurable
the opposite direction. size, but it also has a specific direction in which it
acts. For example, you can say that a force of 100 lb
1.12 Forces of containment are response forces. is directed against the side of a tank. Or you can say
An iron ball heated without any containment will not that a 300 lb load of wet cement pushes down on the
create thermal expansion forces. If the ball is con- wheelbarrow, or that a force of 30 N is applied to the
fined within a cooler steel ring, however, the expand- crank in a clockwise direction. Because a force has
ing ball pushes outward against the ring, and the ring both size and direction, it can be represented with an
pushes back against the ball. In a gasoline engine, the arrow. The relative length of the arrow stands for the
cylinder walls and pistons provide the containment size of the force. The direction it points is the direc-
forces in response to the forces of the hot, expanding tion of the force.
1.19 The arrow symbol is called a vector. It can be
1.13 Another responding force is friction. Friction used on a drawing to show a number of different
force arises when you move an object across a sur- forces in action, how large they are, and in what
face or through a fluid. Friction occurs between two direction each is being applied. Figure 1-2 shows sev-
surfaces and is equal and opposite to the applied eral vector diagrams and lists the forces represented.
force, as long as the object’s motion is a constant
speed (no acceleration or deceleration). Lesson Ten of Forces Applied to Stationary Objects
this course covers friction force in more detail.
One of the effects of applying a force to an
object, as mentioned earlier, is that the object will
cohesion that keep the molecules of material together.
Cohesion is the name given to the force of attraction
that molecules have for other molecules like them-
deform or distort. The distortion may be large or
small, depending on the material and the size of the
force. But the material will always distort by some
and endurance.
Measuring Forces
selves. Cohesion gives materials strength, rigidity,
amount. The distortion may be much too small to be
seen with a high-powered microscope, but even the
smallest applied force distorts the hardest surface it
acts upon.
Various devices have been created for mea-
suring forces. They are all comparing instruments.
They compare a given force with the pull of the earth
on some standard object. This comparison is made by
1.21 When the applied force is withdrawn from an
object, the distortion usually disappears. Cohesive
forces pull the molecules back into their original
alignment. The object then goes back to its original
using one of the observable effects of a force, such as shape, provided that the applied force was not too
distortion. large. This quality of being able to spring back to the
original condition is called elasticity.
1.16 For example, a spring is distorted when a
force is applied. To make a spring scale for measuring 1.22 If the applied force exceeds a certain limit, a
forces, you merely need to see how far the spring is permanent distortion occurs. This limiting force is
stretched (or compressed) when a standard weight is called the elastic limit. A spring that has exceeded its
placed on it. Place a mark at that point. Add more elastic limit will never go back to its original length.
standard weights, making another mark each time, An automobile fender that has received a blow larger
and you have your force-measuring instrument. than its elastic limit must be pounded back to its orig-
inal shape.
1.17 Forces, then, are measurable, even though they
are not very describable. In the English system, forces 1.23 Below the elastic limit, all materials behave
are measured in pounds (lb). In the metric system, they in a very predictable way. Their distortions will be
are measured in newtons (N). Also in the metric sys- proportional to the amount of applied force. That is, if
tem, if the force is a weight, you will see kilograms the force is increased by 50%, the amount of distor-
and grams used as the units of measurement. tion will also increase by 50%. If the force is dou-
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8 Lesson One
Fig. 1-3. Progressive stretch and breaking point wire begins to stretch irregularly until it breaks. The
for an iron wire same kind of graph can be drawn for a bolt that is
tightened beyond its recommended load.
Breaking point
Elastic limit 1.26 Hooke’s Law applies not only to stretching
(also called tension), but to any kind of distortion.
This includes compressing, bending, twisting, and
Stretch (in millimeters)
1.27 Compression is the reverse of stretching or
tension. The coil springs in your car distort by com-
5 pressing. Rubber bumpers do too. So do golf balls,
basketballs, baseballs, footballs, tennis balls, and any-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 thing else you hit, bat, or kick. This distortion may be
Force (in newtons)
invisible to the naked eye. The ability of a material to
recover quickly from a compressive impact is called
resilience. Golf balls have a great deal of resilience.
The opposite property, or inability to recover, is called
Fig. 1-4. Bent plank showing compression and tension brittleness.
Bending distortion is a bit more complex than
Original length
it looks. It is a combination of stretching and com-
pressing. Figure 1-4 shows a wooden plank bending
in the middle under an applied force. Imagine that the
plank is made of many parallel layers. The layers at
the bottom of the plank are stretching, while the lay-
ers at the top are compressing. Somewhere in the
middle is a surface that is neither stretching nor com-
Fig. 1-5. Torsion distortion Fig. 1-7. Compound distortion within and
adjacent to a threaded fastener
This end
free to
Tension Shear
Fig. 1-6. Shear force on a stack of magazines 1.32 In the real world, you often find combinations
of these distortions occurring at the same time. A
good example is shown in Fig. 1-7. The bolt is under
tension after having been tightened. The two pieces of
sheet metal have been compressed by the bolt and
P PY Shear
The Programmed Exercises on the next page will
tell you how well you understand the material you
have just read. Before starting the exercises,
ed position as long as the applied force remains. When
remove the Reveal Key from the back of the book.
the force is released, the layers spring back to their Read the instructions printed on the Reveal Key.
original positions and the block is restored. If the elas- Follow these instructions as you work through
tic limit is reached, the block is permanently deformed. the Programmed Exercises.
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10 Programmed Exercises
E V Ref: 1.14
A vector is used to represent the
________ and ________ of a force.
Ref: 1.19
1-6. C O
If a force exceeds the elastic limit of an
object, the object will have a permanent
1-7. Hooke’s Law states that below the elas- 1-7. FORCE or APPLIED FORCE
tic limit, the amount of distortion is pro-
portional to the ________. Ref: 1.24
Ref: 1.28
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Forces and Motion 11
1.33 Forces may be directed at the surface of an 1.38 In the study of mechanics, you often deal
object from any angle or any direction. When a force with velocities. The reason is simple. Forces change
is perpendicular to a surface, it is said to be normal to velocities. A change in velocity is evidence that a
the surface. If an object rests on a flat, level floor, for force has been applied. No velocity can change with-
example, the weight of the object is normal to the out a force being applied. Any change in velocity is
floor. The responding force in the floor boards is also called acceleration. Figure 1-8 shows a typical exam-
normal to the floor. Normal forces, then, are simply ple.
forces acting at a 90° angle to a surface.
1.39 Forces cause accelerations. An object can be
Describing Motion accelerated in two ways. Either its speed is changed
or its direction is changed. Either way, it is an acceler-
1.34 You have seen how forces affect stationary ation. Even if the speed is decreased, it is still an
objects. One way to observe a force is to see how it acceleration. (You may prefer to call it a decelera-
distorts a stationary object. The other way to observe tion.)
a force is by noticing a change in an object’s motion.
Motion can be described in three levels of detail. 1.40 Here are a few examples. You are driving a
car 50 mph west, and you increase your velocity to 55
mph west. This is an acceleration. If you round a
curve in the road, you also accelerate, even though
“here” and now it is “there,” it has moved from here
to there. It has been displaced from its original posi-
you maintain a constant speed through the curve. In
other words, 55 mph west changing to 55 mph south
is also an acceleration. If you slow down to 45 mph
Speed. Suppose you also want to know how
fast the object moved from here to there. You now
enter the next level of detail—you are talking about
speed. Speed is the amount of displacement per unit
south, this is also an acceleration.
of time. If “from here to there” is 100 ft, and it took
50 seconds for the displacement to occur, the speed
Time: 4 seconds
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12 Lesson One
1 gives the common measurement units for speed and 3000 rpm clockwise increasing to 4500 rpm clock-
acceleration in both the English and metric systems. wise in 15 seconds has an acceleration of 100 rpm/s
clockwise, as shown below:
Types of Motion
4500 − 3000
= 100
1.43 Linear motion. So far, you have studied only
motion in a straight line. Examples include an object
moving across the floor or a car traveling down the 1.46
IE W 15
road. This type of motion is called linear motion.
consider is rotary motion. Anytime an object spins on
an axis, it has rotary motion. Rotary speed is measured
in revolutions per unit of time, such as revolutions per
minute (rpm) or revolutions per second (rps). If the
rotary speed is extremely slow, it can be measured in
In reciprocating motion, an object has its direction
completely reversed twice in every cycle.
degrees of rotation per unit of time (360° = 1 revolu-
tion). For example. the rotary speed of the earth is one
revolution per day, which translates to 15° per hour.
Rotary Reciprocating rotary 1.49 Isaac Newton was the first to figure out exact-
ly how forces and motion are related. In particular, he
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Forces and Motion 13
studied how forces change the velocities of objects. Fig. 1-10. Starting and stopping an overhead crane
His ideas apply very well to industrial operations,
where forces and motion are so much a part of the
daily scene. The following paragraphs examine each
of his three laws of motion.
The First Law also applies to rotary motion.
unchanging, unless acted upon by some external A fan or a circular saw blade continues to rotate for a
long time after the power is turned off. Here, inertia
can be a definite hazard. But it also can work to your
There are many ways to demonstrate Newton’s
First Law of Motion. You can pull a sheet of newspaper
out from under a lunch bucket, without disturbing the
lunch bucket, if you pull the paper fast enough. A bar-
tender can slide a mug of beer down the entire length
benefit. Any rotary equipment that has a flywheel
makes good use of this physical fact.
of a wet bar surface, if he gives it a sharp enough push.
A car can skid off the road if it travels around a curve
too fast, because of its tendency to travel in a straight
line and not have its velocity changed.
inertia is called mass. Newton established exactly
how force, acceleration, and mass are related. In
effect, he made two statements.
If force (F) is then mass (m) is and acceleration (a) 1.60 Stopping a massive object is also a problem
measured in... measured in... is measured in...
for the same reason. A large force is required to give
slugs feet/s/s
the object negative acceleration (deceleration). Stop-
newtons kilograms* meters/s/s
ping a car with a great deal of mass takes more force
dynes grams* cm/s/s
*Note: These are mass units, not to be confused with kilograms
than stopping a car with little mass. If two barrels
and grams used as units of weight. come rolling at you, which one will be easier to stop:
the empty one or the full one? (Which one has the
smaller mass?)
As you can see from this equation, as F gets larger, a 1.61 Newton’s equation is often rearranged into
also gets larger. We say that F and a are directly pro- this form: F = m × a. This equation expresses exactly
portional. Also from the equation, as m gets larger, a the same relationship as the other equation. But it
becomes smaller. That is, m and a are inversely pro- probably points out more clearly why it takes an
portional. exceedingly great force to give a high acceleration
rate to a very massive object, such as a NASA space
1.58 After reviewing these two mathematical defi- vehicle. The equation also gives you a new definition
nitions of “proportional,” you can now state Newton’s
Second Law:
of force. If F = ma, then force is the product of mass
times acceleration. Measurement units used in this
equation are shown in Table 1-2.
A body acted upon by an applied force will
accelerate in the direction of the applied force,
and its acceleration will be directly proportional
1.62 Remember that mass and weight are not the
same thing. If a body travels to the moon or to anoth-
to the body’s mass.
to the applied force and inversely proportional
The more massive an object is, the more force
it takes to accelerate it. Being extremely massive, an
er planet, its weight changes, but not its mass. As stat-
ed in the equation above, weight (F) is the product of
mass (m) times the acceleration caused by gravity (a).
1.63 You can see why forklift trucks should be
ocean liner requires an enormous force to get it mov- operated at very low speeds in confined spaces. For
Fig. 1-11. Action and reaction
Reaction Action
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Forces and Motion 15
the same reason, operation of an overhead crane by an Fig. 1-12. Action-reaction forces
unskilled worker can be extremely hazardous. You
can imagine how difficult it is to stop a massive, fast-
moving vehicle in a very limited stopping distance. A Forward motion
short stopping distance requires a high acceleration, of rotation of axle
which requires a large stopping force. These vehicles
can apply only so much stopping force. You can easi- Forward force
ly exceed their capability. Backward against the wheel
force against
the pavement
1.64 The Third Law of Motion. Newton’s Third
Law simply states that for every action force, an
equal and opposite reaction force is produced. This is
actually a restatement of what was said earlier about a pier. The man pushes away from the boat, the boat
forces originating in response to other forces (para- pushes away from the man, as shown in Fig. 1-11.
graph 1.11). You push on a desk top, the desk top Both move in opposite directions. The same thing
pushes back on you. happens with a wheeled vehicle. The wheels push
backward on the pavement, and the pavement pushes
1.65 A classic example of Newton’s Third Law is forward on the wheels, as in Fig. 1-12, causing the
the man who steps from an unsecured rowboat onto driving axle and the entire vehicle to move forward.
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16 Programmed Exercises
Ref: 1.46
Newton’s First Law describes the prop-
erty of matter known as ________.
Ref: 1.50
If two different objects receive the
same applied force, the one with the
1-14. MASS
1-15. An object acted upon by an applied 1-15. IN THE DIRECTION OF THE APPLIED
force will always accelerate ________. FORCE
Ref: 1.58
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Self-Check Quiz 17
1-1. Thermal expansion causes outward forces 1-6. A description of motion that includes both
only if the expanding material is speed and direction is a
a. confined a. displacement
b. dry b. distortion
c. hot c. revolution
d. moist d. velocity
1-2. In the English system, forces are measured in 1-7. Which of the following is not an acceleration?
1-3. Forces can be measured using elastic 1-8. A special type of motion that can be either lin-
objects, because ear or rotary is motion.
amount of force
proportional to the amount of force
c. distortion is proportional to the
d. vibratory
Bending is a combination of
d. normal force is proportional to the
friction force
shearing and turning
tension and stretching
twisting and turning
compressing and stretching
d. resilience
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18 Lesson One
You have seen that forces can change motion, same object. Five kinds of elastic distortion are:
and changes in motion create forces. Some com- tension, compression, bending, torsion, and
mon origins of forces are muscle movement, shear.
gravity, electromagnetism, and thermal expan-
sion. Forces also originate in response to other Velocity is speed in a given direction. A change in
forces. Isaac Newton provided the foundation for velocity is called an acceleration. Only forces can
our understanding of the relation of forces and cause accelerations. Velocities and accelerations
motion. may be linear or rotary. A special kind of linear or
rotary motion often seen in equipment is called
You can measure a force by comparing how far reciprocating motion, in which the direction of
the force you want to measure distorts an elastic motion is reversed twice per cycle.
object to how far a standard force distorts the
a. Confined. Ref: 1.12
1-7.W d. Velocity. Ref: 1.37
Ref: 1.39, 1.40
1-3. c. Distortion is proportional to the
amount of force. Ref: 1.24
b. Reciprocating. Ref: 1.46
Ref: 1.28
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