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JHA For Work Permit

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Job Description:work permit

Dept./Location of Job:
Date: 15.9.2020
BGP Plant
Team (who has done hazard analysis): Mr. Shashank Singh, Mr. Ritesh Kumar, Mr. Rashid Hussain
Sequence of Basic Job
Potential Hazard Safeguard/Control Measure Responsibility
REGARDING JOB one got to work without 1.Shift incharge/supervisor should give information regarding job.
concern ENGG. Experience. Like job related hazard and precaution before starting job in tool box Shift incharge/worker

PTW taken by working SAFETY : Only autherised

agency. person can issue the PTW. 1.Before taking PTW working agency should have clarity about the nature of
People who involved in job. i.e related with mechanical, electrical or operation.
mantenance work must 2. Working agency must identify the source of energy associated with the
confirm of PTW job. Shift incharge/Worker
If equipment has energy source then positive isolation must be there.After
positive isolation working agency may start the job.
IF there is no source of energy then working agency can take only PTW

POWER CUTTING SAFETY : Only autherised 1.Fill the power cutting (Red color form) by Electrical Depart / O&M /shift
person can issue the PTW.
incharge and give clereance.
People who involved in
2.The person doing power cutting put positive isolation lock on equipment
mantenance work must
feeder after isolating the power Shift incharge/Worker
confirm that power is cut
3. The person doinig power cutting will put red form of power cutting on
isolated feeder.

PTW Taking

1.Operation /shift incharge in owner agencey,Excuting Agency is permit

SAFETY requester, permit taken by working agency.
2. Mention type of job in permit like hot work,height work,Electrical job,gas
Permit fill properly while harzd job .
return . Time of return 3. If above type of job is there then take related permits also and mention
Shift incharge/Worker
should permit no in PTW book.
mentioncommunication 4.Fill Six direction hazard according to area of work .Mention hazard and
precaution taken regarding job. Here the roll of positive isolation come.
5.write all person's name and their gate pass no. who will be doing teh job.
6.Job related SOP no also to be mentioned in PTW


properly filled, Six direction 1.After completion the job check for anything left in the site, ensure proper
hazard should be properly housekeeping to restore the place in its normal state.
identified to get source of Shift incharge/Worker
2. Return the PTW to Owner agency.
energy. 3. Shift incharge will inspect the site before PTW return.

PHYSICAL INSPECTION SAFETY : ensure job 1. Shift incharge will ensure the job completion .
OF EQUIPMENT AND completion and area 2.Shift incharge will ensure no one is working on quipment and all tool &
AREA housekeeping. Shift incharge/Worker
tackles are removed from the area.
5. PPE(safety halmet ,hnd gloves, gloggles,safety jacket)
equipment to be checked for
any tools or anything other 1.Fill the power getting by Electrical Depart / O&M /shift incharge( who has
than normal remaining in taken Power cutting) and give clereance.
area. 2.The person (shift incharge/electrician) who has done isolation of
respective feeder will ensure no work going on by physical inspection.
3. Shift inchearge issue power getting to electrician after ensuring site
Shift incharge/Worker
clearance. Person Recive power getting from (green colour) and remove the
power cutting form (red colour) from the feeder .
4. Remove the lock and tag from the respective feeder .
5. Make the feeder healthy for startup.
5. PPE(safety halmet , ruber hand gloves,gloggles,safety jacket safety

Documentation SAFETY : Keep all permit

copy in proper file 1. Keep the permit to work pepers in file no JAM/BGP/SAF/013 Shift incharge/Worker

Required Tools & tackle Required P.P.E Required Training

and other accessories

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