JHA For Work Permit
JHA For Work Permit
JHA For Work Permit
POWER CUTTING SAFETY : Only autherised 1.Fill the power cutting (Red color form) by Electrical Depart / O&M /shift
person can issue the PTW.
incharge and give clereance.
People who involved in
2.The person doing power cutting put positive isolation lock on equipment
mantenance work must
feeder after isolating the power Shift incharge/Worker
confirm that power is cut
3. The person doinig power cutting will put red form of power cutting on
isolated feeder.
PTW Taking
PHYSICAL INSPECTION SAFETY : ensure job 1. Shift incharge will ensure the job completion .
OF EQUIPMENT AND completion and area 2.Shift incharge will ensure no one is working on quipment and all tool &
AREA housekeeping. Shift incharge/Worker
tackles are removed from the area.
5. PPE(safety halmet ,hnd gloves, gloggles,safety jacket)
equipment to be checked for
any tools or anything other 1.Fill the power getting by Electrical Depart / O&M /shift incharge( who has
than normal remaining in taken Power cutting) and give clereance.
area. 2.The person (shift incharge/electrician) who has done isolation of
respective feeder will ensure no work going on by physical inspection.
3. Shift inchearge issue power getting to electrician after ensuring site
Shift incharge/Worker
clearance. Person Recive power getting from (green colour) and remove the
power cutting form (red colour) from the feeder .
4. Remove the lock and tag from the respective feeder .
5. Make the feeder healthy for startup.
5. PPE(safety halmet , ruber hand gloves,gloggles,safety jacket safety