Developing Generic Skills in Classroom Environment: Engineering Students' Perspective
Developing Generic Skills in Classroom Environment: Engineering Students' Perspective
Developing Generic Skills in Classroom Environment: Engineering Students' Perspective
Students’ Perspective
M. Z. Kamsah
Centre for Teaching and Learning
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 UTMSkudai, Johor
Email: [email protected]
Abstract: The two greatest concerns of employers assess. We might be able to sense that a team is not
today are finding good workers and training them. The working well, for example, but how do we make that
difference between the skills needed on the job and intuitive judgment quantitative? How might we
those possessed by applicants, sometimes called the provide feedback that is helpful to the team members?
skills-gap, is of real concern to human resource How can we develop our students’ confidence in their
managers and business owners looking to hire teamwork skills?
competent employees. While employers would prefer Research suggests that the development of any
to hire people who are trained and ready to go to work, skill is best facilitated by giving students practice and
they are usually willing to provide the specialized, job- not by simply talking about or demonstrating what to
specific training necessary for those lacking such skills. do [2]. The lecturer’s role is primarily that of a coach,
Most discussions concerning today’s workforce encouraging the students to achieve the target attitudes
eventually turn to employability or generic skills. and skills and providing constructive feedback on their
Finding workers who have generic or job readiness efforts. A number of approaches to generic skill
skills that help them fit into and remain in the work development have been formulated and proven to be
environment is a real problem. Universiti Teknologi effective in science and engineering education,
Malaysia has launched its list of graduate attributes in including Guided Design [3], active/cooperative
the second quarter of 2004 in which the university learning approaches [4][5], Thinking-Aloud Pairs
believes will enable its graduates to function Problem Solving (TAPPS), and the McMaster Problem
effectively in a wide range of social and professional Solving program [2].
contexts. A class of fourty final year undergraduate
chemical engineering students were asked to score
their competencies on the seven attributes listed by the 2.0 Developing Generic Skills
university and to give suggestions on ways of
improving the skills required in the class room Today’s engineering graduates are not lacking in
environment. technical competency or in their understanding of
science, math, and physics. These graduates lack
competency in the generic skills that enable them to
1.0 Introduction use their technical skills most effectively.
Generic skills enable them to use their technical
Generic skills are “employability” skills used in abilities as a part of a team, to understand conflict as a
the application of knowledge. These skills are not job means for discussion instead of an angry confrontation,
specific, but are skills which cut horizontally across all and to respect difference as a creative opportunity
industries and vertically across all jobs from entry rather than an obstacle. To achieve success, today’s
level to chief executive officer. The degree to which engineers must be team members who thrive while
students develop these skills determines how they working with a variety of people having differing
solve problems, write reports, function in teams, self- social, educational, and technical skills
assess and do performance reviews of others, go about Discussions of the need for educational reform and
learning new knowledge, and manage stress when they restructuring typically include concern about the gap
have to cope with change. Many lecturers intuitively between the skill requirements for entry-level
believe that process skills are important, but most are employment and the skill levels of entry-level job
unaware of the fundamental research that provides a applicants [6][7][8].
foundation for development of the skills. Their efforts Graduates lacking of generic skills is a global
to help their students develop the skills may issue. Employers worldwide found far too many entry-
consequently be less effective than they might wish [1]. level job applicants deficient in generic skills, and
Fostering the development of skills in students is want the public schools or institutions of higher
challenging, to say the least. Generic skills – which learning to place more emphasis on developing these
have to do with attitudes and values as much as skills [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16].
knowledge – are particularly challenging in that they Valuing generic skills-to the point of assigning
are hard to define explicitly, let alone to develop and them an even higher priority than job-specific
technical skills-employers are understandably programs continue to further expand knowledge based
distressed to find so many entry-level job applicants on problem solving rather than providing the
lacking these skills. Charner [11] identified and complementary skills needed to use problem solving
catalogued the reasons given by employers for not ability.
hiring young people for entry-level jobs, including: UTM has identified a range of attributes and
• Low grades and low levels of academic generic skills which will enable its graduates to
accomplishments function effectively in a wide range of social and
• Poor attitudes, lack of self-confidence professional contexts. The development of these
• Lack of goals, poorly motivated attributes will be embedded within the contexts of the
• Lack of enthusiasm, lack of drive, little students’ discipline or professional field. The seven
evidence of leadership potential attributes were launched in June 2004 and are listed
• Lack of preparation for the interview below:
• Excessive interest in security and benefits, 1. Communication Skills (CS)
unrealistic salary demands and expectations 2. Teamworking (TW)
3. Problem Solving (PS)
• Inadequate preparation for type of work,
inappropriate background 4. Adaptability (AD)
5. Lifelong Learning (LL)
• Lack of extracurricular activities
6. Self-Esteem (SE)
• Inadequate basic skills (reading, writing,
7. Ethics and Integrity (ET)
math) (p. 30).
The university envisaged that every single
Employers' dissatisfaction with young job graduate of the university should posses the seven
applicants is not primarily due to inadequate technical attributes so that they could function effectively in the
knowledge or skill. Wentling's observation is typical: society and at the workplace. Efforts have been carried
…. A review of the literature indicated that out to embed the skills training in the curriculum.
employers have no quarrel with the skills performance Several workshops were conducted where selected
of today's graduates, but they do have serious lecturers from each faculty were trained in developing
reservations when it comes to their non-technical the skills among their students in the classrooms.
abilities [17]. Curriculum and syllabus were revamped by using an
Researches have shown that generic skills are best infusion approach where the desired skills are
learned when they are included among instructional addressed in the existing technical as well as non-
goals and explicitly taught [18][19][20][21]. This technical subjects.
assertion may seem obvious. However, there continue
to be many engineering and non-engineering lecturers
and administrators who believe that students will pick 4.0 Students’ Perspective
up these skills and abilities incidentally in the course
of growing up and being in the public schools and A class of forty final year chemical engineering
institutions of higher learning. The research conducted students in semester I session 2004/05 were asked to
with employers and reported above makes it clear that rank their confidence and ability on the seven UTM’s
this is not the case. graduate attributes based on a Lickert scale of 1 – 10
Others believe that some capabilities-particularly (1 = no confidence; 10 = very confidence). They were
critical and creative thinking and affective traits such enrolled in a Plant Design course where the mode of
as a positive attitude and a cooperative manner are learning used by the lecturer was the cooperative
qualities that people either have or don't have. In other learning. The students were in the ninth semester of
words, they do not see these qualities as teachable. their 10-semester undergraduate programme and the
Research, however, shows that these generic skills and mean score of the whole class is shown in Figure 1.
traits are very amenable to being taught Students ranked their confidence quite high on
[19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. teamworking, problem solving, adaptability, and
communication skills. They claimed these were due to
3.0 UTM’s Graduate Attributes the cooperative learning environment that they were
exposed to in the Process Control (which was taken in
There is a need emerging for science and semester eight) and Plant Design classes.
technically trained professionals who possess more Other attributes such as lifelong learning, self
skills than offered by a single discipline. However, the esteem and ethics scored quite moderate and these
skills currently being integrated are often either two were due to no or less emphasise was given to develop
sciences (such as biochemistry), science and business, these skills in their classrooms. Many argued that
engineering and science, engineering and business or many lecturers were delivering knowledge or materials
special MBA programs for persons having confine to the subject matters where their main
mathematics, engineering, or science degrees. These references were either the lecturers’ notes or the
textbooks. There were also no or very minimal usage However, they very much welcome activities – co
of references from journals or other reading materials. curricular and social – that involve people from
Interactions with their successful alumni and students different race or religion. They strongly recommended
from other university were nearly non-existence with strict rules and discipline being enforced in
the exception of a few who were involved in the laboratories and certain restricted areas.
Students Representative Council or the annual Inter-
Varsity Sports Competition.
5.0 Effective Classroom Strategies
Many researches have been carried to study the
effectiveness of different approaches to teaching
6 generic skills. Some of the findings are reported below:
5.1 Democratic instructional approaches are
2 superior to indoctrinational approaches for
imparting generic skills to students and workers.
0 One line of inquiry in the generic skills research
CS TW PS AD LL SE ET compares "indoctrinational" and "democratic"
instruction in terms of their effectiveness in developing
Fig. 1. Mean Score of Confidence Level on Generic Skills
students' work values and attitudes. Democratic
approaches are said to:
Few suggestions were given by the students on
...raise student consciousness about values,
ways of improving their generic skills in the
attitudes, and worker responsibilities.... pedagogical
classrooms. They were looking forward for more
strategies such as role playing/simulation, problem
group discussions, public speaking and presentation in
solving, and group discussion are democratic in
order to improve their communication skills. They
nature because they encourage students to explore
strongly recommended cooperative learning
their attitudes and do not advocate one particular
environment for teamwork development and even
outcome [12].
suggested some assessments - such as quizzes - given
Indoctrinational instruction, meanwhile, is
on a group basis. However, skills on team management
described as:
still need to be improved.
...a process by which students are given information in
Active and cooperative learning have contributed
such a manner that they are discouraged or prevented
a lot on their confidence levels on problem solving
from questioning its validity [and] includes
skills. Generating and contributing ideas were part and
pedagogical strategies that minimize student input [12].
parcel of these activities and hence, they were quite
Lectures and the use of reward structures are
happy to have more subjects to be conducted in this
among the strategies considered to be indoctrinational.
manner. However, they highlighted these activities
Comparison of teachers who are successful in
should be conducted by trained lecturers so that they
inculcating affective generic skills in their students
would be properly guided and facilitated.
with those who are less successful or unsuccessful
As for the adaptability skills, they needed more
reveals that the successful teachers rely much more on
exposure of real industrial life, some opportunities for
democratic strategies and much less on
part time jobs on campus and more activities that blend
indoctrinational ones. Hence, active and cooperative
people from different culture. A change of reading
learning modes are most conducive for developing the
habits, sharing experiences and moments of their life,
generic skills [5][25].
and be involve in more research activities were the
suggestions for lifelong learning. They also
5.2 A key feature of classes that successfully teach
highlighted only a few reading materials available at
generic skills is that instructors hold and
the faculty’s resource centre.
communicate high expectations for the learning
Suggestions of showcasing successful UTM’s
and behaviour of their students-whether or not the
alumni were brought up in order to boost their self
overall culture of the school holds high expectations
esteem. They believed interactions with successful
for them. [18][20][21][28]
alumni could certainly bring more self worth as
The general educational research shows that
UTM’s graduates. Motivation camps, intervarsity non-
holding and communicating high expectations for
sports competitions, personality test and changing the
students' learning and deportment are critical features
students’ card to smart card type were the other
of effective schooling. Unfortunately, in some
suggestions of improving their self esteem.
secondary school settings, vocational classes are
The group believed that ethics are quite a sensitive
treated as low-ability tracks and/or repositories for
issue since it involves moral and religious values.
troublesome students. Since research also shows that c. Make explicit the implicit behaviour associated
low expectations are frequently communicated to with successful application of the skills. Much
students in lower tracks, students in vocational processing takes place subconsciously in the
programs are oftentimes given negative messages head of a skilled practitioner. When asked
about their capacity to learn and conduct themselves “How do you do that?” she replies “I don’t
appropriately. know; it just happens.” Our task is to take the
Chickering and Gamson [28] stressed high skill and behaviour apart, discover what really
expectation as one of the good principles in is important (based on research), and
undergraduate teaching. Lecturers should expect more communicate it to the students in easily
and they will get it. High expectations are important digestible chunks.
for everyone – for the poorly prepared, for those d. Provide extensive practice in the application of
unwilling to exert themselves, and for the bright and the skills, using carefully structured activities,
well motivated. Expecting students to perform well and provide prompt constructive feedback on
becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy when teachers and the students’ efforts using evidence based
institutions hold high expectations of themselves and targets. People acquire skills most effectively
make extra efforts. through practice and feedback. No matter how
many times students see a skill demonstrated,
5.3 In classes that effectively teach generic skills, they rarely master it until they have attempted it
instructors assume the role of facilitators and repeatedly and received guidance in how to
coaches rather than lecturers and order givers, improve their performance after each attempt.
requiring students to take much of the e. Encourage monitoring. Monitoring is the
responsibility for their own learning. [20][21][25] metacognitive process of keeping track of,
"All students," write Stasz, et al., "need to acquire regulating, and controlling a mental process,
not only knowledge and skills but also a positive considering past, present and planned mental
perspective on learning that includes their own actions. As students are working, ask them to
responsibility for it" [21] pause periodically and write responses to
In another kind of learning activity, students may questions that force them to deepen their
be given certain situational factors which might be problem-solving approach and improve their
present in a workplace setting, and then, with input and understanding.
guidance from the instructor, engage in role-playing to f. Encourage reflection. Reflection is the
resolve the situation or make recommendations metacognitive process of thinking about past
regarding it. actions. For each problem that the students
Woods et al. [25] suggested that the development solve, communication they write, or team task
of any skill is best facilitated by giving students they accomplish, ask them periodically to write
practice and not simply talking about or demonstrating reflections on how they approached the task.
what to do. The instructor’s role is primarily that of a g. Grade the process, not just the product. For
coach, encouraging the students to achieve the target some assignments grade only the problem
attitudes and skills and providing constructive solving process, the team process, or the
feedback on their efforts. prewriting process. Grade the reflections, using
the target skills.
5.4 An effective learning environment for generic h. Use a standard assessment and feedback form.
skills development has to be created and well Departmental instructors should decide on
planned. [5][25] criteria, and the same assessment and feedback
Woods et al. [25] suggested eight basic activities forms should be used across the curriculum.
that could be carried out in any classroom which were
based on research findings:
a. Identify the skills you wish your students to 6. Conclusions
develop, include them in the course syllabus
and the university catalog, and communicate Delivering lecture is the easiest part of teaching; far
their importance to the students. Be sure the more challenging is the task of equipping students with
students understand the relevance of the skills the generic skills they will need to succeed as
to their professional success, and discuss the professionals and responsible members of society.
skills with the same level of seriousness and Having been exposed to active and cooperative
enthusiasm that you use when presenting the learning styles students ranked themselves quite high
technical content of the course. in communication, teamwork and problem solving and
b. Use research, not personal intuition, to identify quite moderate on other attributes. Students were
the target skills, and share the research with found to be greatly excited with the opportunities of
the students. giving presentations and public speaking in the class.
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