Nutritional Aspects in Hemodialysis: M L and D F
Nutritional Aspects in Hemodialysis: M L and D F
Nutritional Aspects in Hemodialysis: M L and D F
Nutritional aspects in hemodialysis. The results of cross sec- min are strongly correlated with body composition and
tional studies throughout the world indicate that maintenance dialysis outcomes and represent suitable surrogates to
hemodialysis patients are at risk of malnutrition. Longitudinal
studies show that malnutrition is associated with a reduced life follow-up closely the nutritional status of the patients [2].
expectancy mainly because of cardiovascular and infectious According to threshold values of 35 g/L for albumin and
complications. Several factors are responsible for malnutrition 300 mg/L for prealbumin, recent data from France on
of hemodialysis patients. Protein-energy intake is often reduced
more than 7000 hemodialyzed patients indicated that 20
because of inappropriate dietary restrictions, anorexia, and
taste alterations, promoting malnutrition in most patients en- or 36%, respectively, of them suffered from malnutrition
tering dialysis. Intercurrent illnesses and frequent hospitaliza- despite satisfying dialysis adequacy (mean Kt/V 1.36 ⫾
tions add to meal disturbances. A state of persistent catabolism 0.36). In this study, the mean normalized protein nitro-
may result from acidosis, resistance to anabolic factors such as
growth hormone, insulin, and insulin-like growth factor-1, as
gen appearance (nPNA) was 1.13 ⫾ 0.32 g/kg/day; how-
well as a chronic inflammatory state caused by dialysis mem- ever, 35% of patients had a nPNA below 1 g/kg/day [3].
brane and fluid bioincompatibility. In addition, losses of nutri-
ents, including glucose, amino acids, proteins, and vitamins,
occur during the dialysis treatment. Careful monitoring of di- CONSEQUENCES OF MALNUTRITION ON
etary intakes is mandatory even in predialysis patients. In he-
modialysis patients, the dose of dialysis should be adapted to
correct acidosis and to relieve anorexia caused by accumulation While reported annual mortality rates range from
of uremic toxins and hyperleptinemia. When malnutrition is 23.6% in the United States in 1993 [4], to 10.7% in
established, active therapeutic interventions should take place,
including intradialytic parenteral nutrition if oral supplementa- Europe [5], and to 9.5% in Japan in 1994 [6], a common
tion has failed to improve nutritional status. Anabolism has factor of increased death risk in these populations is
been observed during the administration of recombinant growth malnutrition [7]. Serum albumin below 35 g/L [2, 8–10]
hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1. Emerging therapeu- and serum prealbumin below 300 mg/L (abstract; Chiap-
tic strategies against malnutrition may also involve a short
period of daily dialysis. pini et al, Nephrol Dial Transplant 5:699, 1990) [2, 11–13]
have been shown to be independent predictors of in-
creased morbidity and mortality.
End-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients treated by An early report from 98 nondiabetic hemodialysis pa-
maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) are at risk of malnu- tients followed for 12 months showed an inverse relation-
trition, as shown by several cross sectional studies in the ship between the protein nitrogen appearance and the
United States, Japan, and Europe. In fact, virtually every frequency of hospitalizations and mortality rate [14]. In
study examining the nutritional status of hemodialysis 1990, Lowrie and Lew showed that in over 12,000 MHD
patients indicates that such patients frequently manifest patients followed for 12 months, of various predialysis
protein calorie malnutrition [1]. The clinical evidence serum chemistries, the serum albumin exhibited the most
for malnutrition includes decreased relative body weight, striking odds ratio for survival [15]. The multicenter Ca-
skinfold thickness, arm muscle circumference, and low nadian Hemodialysis Morbidity Study reported a direct
growth rates in children (Table 1). Body composition correlation between the serum albumin level and the
measurements using total body nitrogen, bioelectrical morbidity and mortality risk in 486 hemodialysis patients
impedance measurements, and dual-energy x-ray absorp-
[16]. Two other recent studies also confirm that a low
tiometry (DEXA) also reveal a high incidence of protein
serum albumin concentration is a strong predictor of
calorie malnutrition. Serum levels of albumin and prealbu-
high death rates [17, 18].
A follow-up from the large French multicenter study
Key words: malnutrition, diet and dialysis, growth factors, uremia. on a representative subset of more than 1600 patients
2000 by the International Society of Nephrology reported a survival of 90 and 78% at one and two years,
S-134 Laville and Fouque: Hemodialysis and nutrition
Table 1. Nutritional parameters in chronic hemodialysis patients Table 2. Factors of malnutrition in chronic hemodialysis patients
does not normalize when maintenance dialysis treatment benefits of maneuvers designed to enhance the removal
is started. Jacob et al reported that 45% of 61 MHD of uremic toxins through increased dialysis elimination
patients had a protein intake less than 1.0 g/kg body or adsorption. A specific goal should be to lower plasma
weight/day [33], whereas Bergström et al found that 12% leptin by increasing dialysis clearance or decreasing its
of 117 unselected hemodialysis patients had a protein overproduction, which is likely associated with chronic
intake below 0.8 g/kg body weight/day [30]. A recent inflammation [44].
report of the HEMO pilot study in hemodialysis patients
entering dialysis showed a low energy intake (22.8 kcal/kg
body weight/day) and a protein intake of 0.94 g/kg body
weight/day, much less than the 35 kcal/kg body weight/
day usually recommended for hemodialysis patients or In patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), chronic
normal individuals [34, 35]. These protein energy intakes inflammation may be associated with immunologically-
may strongly affect early outcomes of renal replacement mediated primary renal diseases, treated by corticoste-
therapy and explain why long-term hemodialysis patients roids, which in turn induces a well-known catabolic state.
are frequently malnourished. However, an important factor is likely repeated in-
A progressive decrease in protein calorie intake may flammatory bursts caused by bioincompatibility of dial-
also depend on taste disturbances. The neuroregulation ysis membranes and fluids. The quality of dialysis water
of appetite is far from well understood in patients with and dialysis fluid backfiltration play a major role, as sug-
chronic renal failure [36]. Zinc deficiency contributes to gested by cross-sectional studies in which plasma C-reac-
taste disturbances [37, 38]. It has also been suggested tive protein levels are significantly higher in patients treated
that, in addition to factors such as delayed gastric empty- by low-flux hemodiafiltration than in patients treated
ing, poorly palatable diets enhanced by salt and electro- by either high-flux hemodiafiltration, paired filtration
lyte restrictions, and postdialysis malaise, some uremic dialysis, or conventional hemodialysis [46]. C-reactive
toxins appear to affect appetite directly. Anderstam et protein is an acute phase reactant protein synthesized by
al recently infused uremic ultrafiltrate into the peritoneal the liver in response to inflammatory processes leading to
cavity of rats. Compared with rats infused with saline or an increase in IL-6 production. As a result, synthesis of
plasma ultrafiltrate from healthy humans, the rats in- acute phase reactants by the liver is associated with a
fused with uremic ultrafiltrate demonstrated a net reduc- decreased albumin production [47]. Moreover, chronic
tion in their spontaneous food intake [39]. Ultrafiltrate inflammatory status likely increases lipid and protein
fractionation studies suggest that the molecular weight oxidation, and probably contributes to vascular disease
of compounds that may induce anorexia is between 1000 and tissue amyloid deposition [48, 49].
and 5000 D [39]. Another compound called leptin, a 15 kD
polypeptidic hormone synthesized by adipocytes, has
been shown to decrease appetite in rats and to induce
weight loss when administered as a recombinant product The hemodialysis procedure itself may promote wast-
in obese humans [40]. Leptin is abnormally high in hemo- ing by removing nutrients and also by stimulating protein
dialysis patients as a consequence of reduced renal clear- catabolism. Hemodialysis increases the urea nitrogen ap-
ance, elevated insulin levels, and possibly chronic inflam- pearance (UNA or net urea generation), enhances net
mation [41–44]. protein breakdown, and promotes negative nitrogen bal-
These observations suggest that more intensive dial- ance [50]. During sham hemodialysis in normal volun-
ysis therapy might increase appetite by removing uremic teers, Guttierez et al reported an increased release of
toxins. Lindsay and Spanner increased the dose of dial- amino acids from the leg, indicating enhanced net muscle
ysis in a group of hemodialysis patients and observed a protein breakdown [51]. The bioincompatible nature of
spontaneous increase in proteic catabolic rate without dialyzer membranes may stimulate the release of cyto-
evidence of catabolic events, suggesting that patients had kines, such as interleukin-1, which may be the cause of
increased their protein intake [45]. On the other hand, the enhanced protein catabolism.
in many patients, the proteic catabolic rate does not During a routine hemodialysis treatment using a low-
become normal when the Kt/V is increased. Although flux cuprophane membrane, 4 to 9 g of free amino acids
this might reflect the fact that Kt/V is not sufficiently are lost through the dialyzer during fasting and 8 to 10 g
high in these patients, it is possible that comorbid factors, if patients are eating during the procedure [52, 53]. Pep-
poorly dialyzable compounds, or other factors may con- tides are also removed in a range of 2 to 3 g per dialysis
tribute to the anorexia and that a high dose of dialysis, [53], thus leading to a net amino acid of 10 to 13 g per
within a range that is attainable routinely may improve dialysis [30]. With high-flux dialyzers in fasting patients,
but not eradicate anorexia in many patients. about 8 g of free amino acids are removed during a
Further studies are needed to evaluate the nutritional routine hemodialysis treatment [54]. However, the use
S-136 Laville and Fouque: Hemodialysis and nutrition
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