Power Distribution Network (PDN) Impedance and Target Impedance
Power Distribution Network (PDN) Impedance and Target Impedance
Power Distribution Network (PDN) Impedance and Target Impedance
Steve Sandler, Picotest, Eric Bogatin, Teledyne LeCroy, Larry Smith, PDNpowerintegrity.com
The purpose of the power distribution network, the PDN, is to deliver a DC voltage, within
regulation limits, with an acceptable noise, to each active device. Ultimately, the final design is a balance
between managing the acceptable performance with sufficient margin and an acceptable level of risk
given the ever-shrinking schedule and cost target constraints.
When starting out with a design, using a target impedance, as the maximum impedance design
goal for the PDN impedance, is a useful metric to guide the design. But, just using a target impedance
alone as the design requirement is not enough. There are a few significant noise sources from the PDN
elements that a simple target impedance does not adequately address. To be clear, the voltage
regulation limits that must be maintained include ripple, noise, DC regulation, IR drop, and the voltage
excursions due to dynamic transients. For this paper, we are only discussing the voltage excursions due
to dynamic current transients as the ‘noise source’ that is being managed by the PDN impedance
Figure 1 A simplified model of the PDN as seen by the pads of the die power rail.
There can be multiple sources of noise on the power rails of the IC, but separated into two
general categories:
• self-aggression noise caused by the chip’s own transient currents passing through the
impedance of the PDN
• mutual aggression noise, or crosstalk, from the PDN interconnects onto the voltage rails
of the IC. This pollution noise can come from the VRM, from other power rails, or even
from signals passing through the impedance of the PDN interconnects, as part of the
return path of the signals.
Target impedance is a useful metric to address the first problem, in a few situations, but does
not address directly the second problem.
When analyzing the self-aggression noise from the Vdd rail transient current on the Vdd rail, we
consider the voltage noise generated on the PDN interconnects due to the transient currents from the
core logic switching. The transient core logic power current through the PDN impedance creates the
voltage noise on the core logic power rails.
To keep the voltage-drop from the transient current below the acceptable voltage noise
threshold, the impedance of the PDN must be below a certain level, the target impedance. In its
simplest form the target impedance is given by:
If the impedance profile of the PDN, as seen by the IC pads, is a flat impedance profile from DC
to the highest frequency components of the transient current, and we keep the flat PDN impedance
below the target impedance, then the worst-case voltage noise, due to dynamic current, on the pads of
the IC rail will be less than the maximum acceptable voltage noise.
An important PDN design goal is to engineer a flat impedance profile for the PDN, below the
target impedance. This is the basic criterion for a ‘robust’ PDN. In this case, the worst-case voltage noise,
due to dynamic current excitation, for a maximum transient current will always be less than the
maximum acceptable noise.
While a flat impedance profile is an important goal, in many cases, a flat impedance profile
across the entire frequency range is too expensive to implement. There may be peaks in the impedance
profile. These usually arise at the interfaces to the boundaries between the different interconnect
elements, such as
Figure 2 shows an example of a typical impedance profile of the PDN, as seen by the pads of the
Vdd rail showing a few peaks, some larger than others.
Figure 2. An example of the impedance profile of the PDN as viewed from the pads on the die power rail.
Using a target impedance as a design goal, is a robust solution in the specific case of a flat
impedance profile. When there are peaks in the impedance profile, the worst-case voltage noise is not
accurately predicted by just a target impedance.
To engineer the peak impedances below the target impedance may make the PDN very
expensive. This would require many MLCC capacitors, and thin dielectric between the power and ground
planes, for example. Instead, a second criterion is introduced for acceptable performance where peaks
The parallel resonant frequency is the frequency at which the inductive reactance equals the
capacitive reactance. This is calculated from
The characteristic impedance is an impedance that characterizes the RLC circuit. It is not to be
confused with the characteristic impedance of a transmission line but is just another impedance that
characterizes the RLC circuit. This characteristic impedance is the impedance at which the reactive
impedance of the capacitor equals the reactive impedance of the inductor, which occurs at the parallel
resonant frequency. The impedance where they cross, the characteristic impedance, is given by
The q-factor of the peak is related to the damping created by any equivalent series resistance,
the R term, from lead resistance, dielectric loss or other interconnect resistance, and is given by
In the case of a q-factor greater than 1, the peak impedance is related to each of these terms by
The importance of these terms is seen when analyzing the voltage across the capacitor from two
important current waveforms, a step response and a square wave response.
When the current source has a step current change with a rise time shorter than 3.5 nsec, the
bandwidth is greater than 100 MHz. If the parallel resonant frequency is below 100 MHz, then the
voltage response of the RLC circuit to a step current change is a damped sine wave. The frequency of the
damped sine wave is the parallel resonant frequency. The peak amplitude of the damped sine wave is
given by
An example of this response is shown in Figure 3. This suggests when there is a step current
change, to keep the peak voltage noise on the PDN below the acceptable noise voltage, the
characteristic impedance of each peak should be below the target impedance. If this is the case, then
the worst-case voltage noise on the PDN will be less than the maximum acceptable level. This is the next
most restrictive criterion for a robust PDN.
Figure 3. An example of the measured on-die voltage noise of a power rail as the core logic current undergoes a step change in
current load. Superimposed on the step current are the individual clock edge noise responses. Note the damped sine wave
during the release.
Often, engineering the characteristic impedance to be below the target impedance is also an
expensive choice. Some risk might be acceptable that either there will never be a worse case transient
current with a short enough rise time to excite the full peak, or this peak voltage noise might be
acceptable if it is only present for a short period of time.
But another current waveform may generate even more noise from a peak impedance in the
Resonant Response
When the transient current is in the shape of a square wave, with a repeat frequency exactly at
the resonant peak frequency, the peak to peak voltage noise generated by the sine wave frequency
component of the square wave of current at the parallel resonant frequency is
If the voltage on the die rail is at the nominal value, then this sine wave resonant response will
be centered at the nominal value minus some IR drop. The noise excursion will be just the amplitude,
which is half of this peak to peak value. The voltage above and below the nominal is:
For the same transient peak to peak current, but at the resonant frequency, the resulting
voltage noise excursion can be 0.64 x the q-factor times the step response voltage noise, both above
and below nominal voltage. In some critical mission industries, the maximum voltage is important
because the circuits are not allowed to be electrically overstressed. In other industries, the minimum
voltage is important because set-up time requirements, Vmin and Fmax considerations. It takes about a
q-factor of cycles for the resonant square wave of current to drive the voltage noise to the peak voltage.
A q-factor of 1/0.64 = 1.57 or more will result in a peak noise voltage exceeding the maximum allowable
noise when the Z0 characteristic impedance meets the target impedance. But, to meet this criterion, not
only must the maximum worst case transient current modulate at the parallel resonant frequency, but it
must be present for a q-factor of cycles to reach this worst case.
The larger the q-factor of the parallel resonance, i.e., the sharper the peak due to smaller
damping, the larger the resonant response can be, but the longer the PDN must be driven to reach the
full peak noise. Figure 4 is an example of the measured resonant response voltage on the die when a
square wave of transient current drives the on-die PDN.
Figure 4. Measured voltage noise on a die when the core logic current is a square wave at the peak impedance frequency.
In a PDN designed to be fully robust and immune to resonant peak excitation, so the worst-case
voltage is below the acceptable noise threshold, the parallel resonant peak impedance must be below
1.57 x target impedance. The 1.57 factor comes because the positive and negative resonant excursions
are and the full voltage tolerance is reached at resonant conditions when an
impedance peak is 1/0.64 = 1.57 x Ztarget. The whole resonant waveform is biased and reduced by DC IR
drop so the voltage minimums may be farther away from nominal voltage than the voltage maximums.
Reducing the impedance peak below this level will keep the worst-case peak-to-peak noise below the
acceptable level when the resonance is fully stimulated. But this is often very expensive, especially when
the resonant peak is from the on-die capacitance and package lead inductance.
Often, some risk is accepted based on the unlikely possibility of the worst-case transient current
occurring exactly at the parallel resonant frequency and lasting for a q-factor of cycles. Many
successfully deployed products have a peak height as large as 3x the target impedance. This is an
impedance peak height 2x higher than a fully robust PDN.
But even a fully robust PDN, with all of its peaks below 1.56x the target impedance, may still
have PDN voltage noise above the acceptable limit under a special set of conditions. This is when rogue
waves may develop.
Rogue Waves
If the PDN impedance profile has two or more high q-factor parallel resonant peaks, each of
which is below the target impedance, none of the peaks, if excited individually, might generate excessive
voltage noise under worst case conditions.
When multiple-frequency ocean waves add up exactly in phase, they can produce exceptionally
large wave heights, which have been termed rogue waves. When multiple current waveforms are
sequenced to excite multiple high q-factor peaks, the voltage noise on PDNs can show large peaks,
which have been termed rogue waves.
Figure 5 is an example of the impedance profile of a PDN with three high q-factor parallel
Figure 5. Example of an impedance profile with three, high q-factor parallel resonant peaks. These occur at the boundaries of
various PDN elements.
When this PDN is excited by at least two sequential groups of square waves of current, with a
duration and phase exactly optimized, they can excite rogue waves on the PDN. Each square wave
excites a different resonance and the peak voltages build on each other. Even if each peak were below
1.56x the target impedance, meeting the fully robust requirement for acceptable noise, the resulting
rogue wave of voltage can easily exceed the acceptable level of noise. Figure 6 is an example of the
simulated rogue wave on this PDN.
Figure 6. Example of the rogue wave created by sequentially exciting two of the resonant peaks, by the current waveform shown
in the lower graph.
How likely is it that the transient current waveforms from the core logic circuits would exactly
match the specific resonant frequencies and stay on resonance long enough to excite the peak
amplitude perfectly phased? In a critical application, it only must happen once, causing the voltage
requirements to be exceeded. This can result in an overstress condition, or intermittent operation.
Figure 7 is an example of the measured rogue wave response on a PDN from the unfortunate
occurrence of exactly the right current waveform.
Figure 7. An example of the measured voltage noise on a PDN from two different square waves of current with the same
amplitude, exciting each resonance. In the far-right screen, these two excitations are phased exactly right to excite the rogue
wave with a response larger than either of the two other responses.
Noise on the Vdd rail, for example, can come from self-induced noise and mutual sources from
the noise pollution on the board level interconnects. The board level noise can arise from the VRM, from
the transient currents from other consumer ICs and even from signals transitioning through the power
rails. This noise is independent of a target impedance guideline. In the worst case, all these noise
sources will add together with the self-aggression noise on the Vdd rails. A fully robust PDN should
consider this worst case noise.
A robust PDN is engineered to have a flat impedance profile with an impedance below the
target impedance. This should always be the design goal in every PDN. A flat impedance profile will
eliminate the chance of resonant responses, rogue waves and provide a deterministic noise from the
self-aggression Vdd currents.
When the impedance profile is not flat, but has parallel resonant peaks, keeping the peak
impedances below the target impedance is not enough of a criterion for a fully robust PDN.
Many designs are a balance between the performance, the risk and the cost. When cost is an
important driving force, an acceptable risk might be when a parallel resonance’s characteristic
impedance is engineered to be below the target impedance. This would keep the peak voltage noise
response from a step current to be within the acceptable noise limit.
But even this criterion is not robust enough for rare current waveforms. When resonant driving
of peaks is possible, all impedance peak heights should be below 1.56 x the target impedance.
With multiple high q-factor peaks, even this condition is not enough for a fully robust PDN.
Under rare conditions, a rogue wave with a voltage amplitude above the acceptable voltage noise limits
may be created when multiple peaks are sequentially excited in phase.
Finally, a fully robust PDN would need to include the worst-case combination of all noise sources
on each rail, from self-aggression noise and mutual-aggression noise.
All designs are a tradeoff between the performance, the cost the risk and meeting the schedule
targets. Each type of product has a different appropriate balance between these factors. In many
consumer products cost is the biggest driving factor and some risk is accepted. In high reliability
products, low risk is the driving force and all of these effects must be included in any PDN analysis. The
target impedance is a starting place to guide the design in each design, but in low risk products not
enough of a criterion to base a design.
1) Larry D. Smith, Eric Bogatin, “Principles of Power Integrity for PDN Design--Simplified: Robust
and Cost Effective Design for High Speed Digital Products” (Prentice Hall Modern Semiconductor
Design), ISBN-13: 978-0132735551, April 6, 2017
2) Sandler, S, “Power Integrity: Measuring, Optimizing, and Troubleshooting Power Related
Parameters in Electronics Systems”, Nov 18, 2014