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Real life applications of trigonometry
Oct 16, 2017
Trigonometry is a very different subject than most of the math we encounter in
our lives previously, and it takes a different way of thinking to understand. For
that reason, many people just want to get it over with when trig comes up in

Trigonometry simply means calculations with triangles (that’s where the tri
comes from). It is a study of relationships in mathematics involving lengths,
heights and angles of different triangles. The field emerged during the 3rd
century BC, from applications of geometry to astronomical studies.
Trigonometry spreads its applications into various fields such as architects,
surveyors, astronauts, physicists, engineers and even crime scene

Now before going to the details of its applications, let’s answer a question
have you ever wondered what field of science first used trigonometry?

The immediate answer expected would be mathematics but it doesn’t stop

there even physics uses a lot of concepts of trigonometry. Another answer
According to Morris Kline, in his book named- Mathematical Thought from
Ancient to Modern Times, proclaimed that ‘trigonometry was first developed in
connection with astronomy, with applications to navigation and construction of
calendars. This was around 2000 years ago. Geometry is much older, and
trigonometry is built upon geometry’. However, the origins of trigonometry can
be traced to the civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and India more
than 4000 years ago.

Starting from the basics,

Trigonometry may not have its direct applications in solving practical issues,
but it is used in various things that we enjoy so much. For example music, as
you know sound travels in waves and this pattern though not as regular as a
sine or cosine function, is still useful in developing computer music. A
computer cannot obviously listen to and comprehend music as we do, so
computers represent it mathematically by its constituent sound waves. And this
means sound engineers need to know at least the basics of trigonometry. And
the good music that these sound engineers produce is used to calm us from
our hectic, stress full life – All thanks to trigonometry.

if you know the distance from where you
observe the building and the angle of
elevation you can easily find the height
of the building. Similarly, if you have the
value of one side and the angle of
depression from the top of the building
you can find and another side in the
triangle, all you need to know is one
side and angle of the triangle.

Have you ever played the game,

Mario? W hen you see him so
smoothly glide over the road
blocks. He doesn’t really jump
straight along the Y axis, it is a
slightly curved path or a
parabolic path that he takes to
tackle the obstacles on his way.
Trigonometry helps Mario jump
over these obstacles. As you
know Gaming industry is all
about IT and computers and hence Trigonometry is of equal importance for
these engineers.

In construction we need trigonometry to calculate the following:

 Measuring fields, lots and areas;

 Making walls parallel and perpendicular;
 Installing ceramic tiles;
 Roof inclination;
 The height of the building, the width length etc. and the many other such things
where it becomes necessary to use trigonometry.

Architects use trigonometry to calculate structural load, roof slopes, ground

surfaces and many other aspects, including sun shading and light angles .

Flight engineers have to take in account their speed, distance, and direction
along with the speed and direction of the wind. The wind plays an important
role in how and when a plane will arrive where ever needed this is solved using
vectors to create a triangle using trigonometry to solve. For example, if a plane
is travelling at 234 mph, 45 degrees N of E, and there is a wind blowing due
south at 20 mph. Trigonometry will help to solve for that third side of your
triangle which will lead the plane in the right direction, the plane will actually
travel with the force of wind added on to its course.

In physics, trigonometry is used to find the components of vectors, model the

mechanics of waves (both physical and electromagnetic) and oscillations, sum
the strength of fields, and use dot and cross products. Even in projectile
motion you have a lot of application of trigonometry.

Trigonometry is used to divide up the excavation sites properly into equal

areas of work. Archaeologists identify different tools used by the civilization,
using trigonometry can help them in these excavate. They can also use it to
measure the distance from underground water systems.

In criminology, trigonometry can help to calculate a projectile’s trajectory, to
estimate what might have caused a collision in a car accident or how did an
object fall down from somewhere, or in which angle was a bullet shot etc.

Marine biologists often use trigonometry to establish measurements. For

example, to find out how light levels at different depths affect the ability of
algae to photosynthesize. Trigonometry is used in finding the distance between
celestial bodies. Also, marine biologists utilize mathematical models to
measure and understand sea animals and their behaviour. Marine biologists
may use trigonometry to determine the size of wild animals from a distance.

In marine engineering trigonometry is used to build and navigate marine

vessels. To be more specific trigonometry is used to design the Marine ramp,
which is a sloping surface to connect lower and higher level areas, it can be a
slope or even a staircase depending on its application.

Trigonometry is used to set directions such as the north south east west, it
tells you what direction to take with the
compass to get on a straight direction. It is
used in navigation in order to pinpoint a
location. It is also used to find the distance
of the shore from a point in the sea. It is
also used to see the horizon .

 It is used in oceanography in calculating the height of tides in oceans.
 The sine and cosine functions are
fundamental to the theory of periodic
functions, those that describe the
sound and light waves.
 Calculus is made up of Trigonometry
and Algebra.
 Trigonometry can be used to roof a
house, to make the roof inclined ( in
the case of single individual
bungalows) and the height of the roof
in buildings etc.
 It is used naval and aviation industries.
 It is used in cartography (creation of maps).
 Also trigonometry has its applications in satellite systems.

Real Life Uses of the
Pythagorean Theorem
The Pythagorean Theorem is a statement
in geometry that shows the relationship
between the lengths of the sides of a right
triangle – a triangle with one 90-degree
angle. The right triangle equation is a2 +
b2 = c2. Being able to find the length of a
side, given the lengths of the two other
sides makes the Pythagorean Theorem a
useful technique for construction and

Architecture and Construction

Given two straight lines, the Pythagorean Theorem allows you to calculate the length of
the diagonal connecting them. This application is frequently used in architecture,
woodworking, or other physical construction projects. For instance, say you are building
a sloped roof. If you know the height of the roof and the length for it to cover, you can
use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the diagonal length of the roof's slope. You can
use this information to cut properly sized beams to support the roof, or calculate the area
of the roof that you would need to shingle.

The Pythagorean Theorem is also used in construction to make sure buildings are
square. A triangle whose side lengths correspond with the Pythagorean Theorem – such
as a 3 foot by 4 foot by 5 foot triangle – will always be a right triangle. When laying out a
foundation, or constructing a square corner between two walls, construction workers will
set out a triangle from three strings that correspond with these lengths. If the string
lengths were measured correctly, the corner opposite the triangle's hypotenuse will be a
right angle, so the builders will know they are constructing their walls or foundations on
the right lines.

The Pythagorean Theorem is useful for two-dimensional navigation. You can use it and
two lengths to find the shortest distance. For instance, if you are at sea and navigating to
a point that is 300 miles north and 400 miles west, you can use the theorem to find the
distance from your ship to that point and calculate how many degrees to the west of
north you would need to follow to reach that point. The distances north and west will be
the two legs of the triangle, and the shortest line connecting them will be the diagonal.
The same principles can be used for air navigation. For instance, a plane can use its
height above the ground and its distance from the destination airport to find the correct
place to begin a descent to that airport.

Surveying is the process by which cartographers calculate the numerical distances and
heights between different points before creating a map. Because terrain is often uneven,
surveyors must find ways to take measurements of distance in a systematic way. The
Pythagorean Theorem is used to calculate the steepness of slopes of hills or mountains.
A surveyor looks through a telescope toward a measuring stick a fixed distance away, so
that the telescope's line of sight and the measuring stick form a right angle. Since the
surveyor knows both the height of the measuring stick and the horizontal distance of the
stick from the telescope, he can then use the theorem to find the length of the slope that
covers that distance, and from that length, determine how steep it is.


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