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Use 2D Pocket toolpaths to clean out material from an enclosed boundary. Mastercam offers many options for
integrating rough and finish operations and tailoring the toolpath to your geometry.
Pocket settings

1 2

1: Select the right toolpath (you can change the type of toolpath in other)

2. Geometry selected to the previous step. If you didn’t have select any geometry, you can make here by press
button with arrow. Also you can select the avoidance surfaces to.

Tool settings are identic with 2D Contour

Holder setting are identic with 2D Contour

Cut parameters settings

1: General setting available for all type of pockets

Machining direction

Set it to Climb or Conventional.

Tip compensation
Sets amount of offset to the tool's center or tip for bull-nose and ball (spherical) tools. Used for touching the tool
off the part. For multiaxis toolpaths, tip compensation outputs the tool tip offset as either the tip or the corner
radius distance from the tip.

Roll cutter around corners

Inserts arc moves around corners in the toolpath. Select None to guarantee all sharp corners, Sharp to only roll
the tool around sharp corners (135 degrees or less), or All to roll the tool around all corners and create smooth
tool movement. The radius of the arc moves equals the radius of the tool. This option is available only when
Compensation in computer is turned on.

Linearization tolerance
Used when converting 3D arcs and 2D or 3D splines in the chained geometry from curves to lines. Smaller
linearization tolerance values make more accurate toolpaths, but may take longer to generate and create a longer
NC program.

Create additional finish operation

Adds a finish operation to the Toolpaths Manager after the pocket operation. The new finish operation uses the
same parameters and geometry as the original pocket toolpath, but consists only of finish passes. This allows you
to select a different tool for the pocket finish passes. Generally, if you use this option, you specify the leftover
stock amount in the Stock to leave on walls or Stock to leave on floors fields.

Stock to leave on walls

Enter a positive value here if you do not want to remove all the stock from vertical drive geometry, such as
surfaces, faces, or chains. Enter a negative value to remove more stock from the vertical drive geometry. If the
drive geometry (or a portion of it) is not vertical, Mastercam interpolates a value between the Stock to leave on
floors and Stock to leave on walls amounts. Note that stock to leave on walls must be greater than or equal to the
stock left on the floor.

Stock to leave on floors

Enter a positive value here if you do not want to remove all the stock from horizontal drive geometry, such as
surfaces, faces, or chains. Enter a negative value to remove more stock from the horizontal drive geometry. If the
drive geometry (or a portion of it) is not horizontal, Mastercam interpolates a value between the Stock to leave
on floors and Stock to leave on walls amounts. Note that stock to leave on walls must be greater than or equal to
the stock left on the floor.
Maintain sharp corners

Available only when a positive Stock to leave on walls value is entered. Select this option to roll your tool around
sharp corners while including the stock amount. The follow images display how selecting this option affects your
 Roll cutter around corners  Roll cutter around  Roll cutter around corners set
set to Sharp. corners set to Sharp. to Sharp.
 Stock to leave on walls set  Stock to leave on walls  Stock to leave on walls set to
to 0.0. set to 0.175. 0.175.
 Maintain sharp corners is  Maintain sharp corners  Maintain sharp corners is
not selected. is not selected. selected.

2: Pocket type

Defines the type of pocket toolpath Mastercam creates. Note that, when you select a pocket type other than
Standard, Mastercam displays additional parameters below the field. Use these parameters to fine-tune the
cutting action. Choose from the following options:
Standard: Use with only closed chains. Mastercam
intelligently analyzes all selected chains and considers
the largest of the closed chains to be the stock to
machine. The tool is constrained by the machined
area (the largest closed boundary selected). All other
smaller closed chains within the largest chain are
considered non-machinable areas and are avoided.

Use general settings for cut parameters.

Facing or Island facing: Use with only closed chains.

Creates a pocket facing or island facing toolpath.
Define the distance the tool can overlap the stock,
and set an approach and exit distance to extend the
toolpath with additional linear moves. For island
facing toolpaths, you can also specify an amount of
stock to leave on the tops of the islands.

Use general settings for cut parameters and some

particular parameters that appear when you select
the type of pocket.
See Facing

Remachining: Use with only closed chains. Calculates

areas where the pocket roughing tool could not
machine the stock and creates a second remachining
pocket toolpath to clear the remaining material.
Select the source of the operation that you are
remachining and set a clearance amount. Then choose
whether to add entry/exit moves to only rough
passes, and whether to apply finish passes to the
entire part (not just the remachined portion). You can
also choose to display the stock left after remachining.
Open: Can be used with open and closed chains. The
distance between the start and end points of open
chains is calculated and treated as closed geometry.
Mastercam automatically enters and exits the pocket
through the opening. When you choose Open pocket
cutting method, Mastercam starts the toolpath at the
open end of the pocket and cuts from the inside to
the outside.

Overlap percentage
Sets the amount that the facing tool motion overlaps the outer boundary of the stock or the islands. This option
cleans the edges of the faces and represents a percentage of the tool diameter. This field automatically calculates
the overlap amount.

Overlap amount
Sets the amount that the facing tool motion overlaps the outer boundary of the stock or the islands. This option
cleans the edges of the faces and calculates as a distance in the XY axis. This field equals the overlap percentage
multiplied by the tool diameter.

Approach distance
Adds an additional distance to the beginning of the first cut. Enter the approach distance as a percentage of the
tool diameter or as an absolute distance.

Exit distance
Adds an additional distance to the end of the last cut. Enter the exit distance as a percentage of the tool diameter
or as an absolute distance.

Stock above islands

Sets the Z height above the islands where the facing should stop. This option leaves stock on the top of the
islands for later machining. Note that, for pocket toolpaths, this option is available only if you select the Island
facing option from the Pocket type drop-down list.

All previous operations

Determines remaining stock for remachining by calculating stock removed during all previous contour, pocket,
circle mill, and facing operations in the Toolpaths Manager.
The previous operation
Determines remaining stock for remachining by calculating stock removed during the previous contour, pocket,
circle mill, or facing operation in the Toolpaths Manager.

Roughing tool diameter

Calculates remaining stock for remachining based on the size of a roughing tool. This option is useful if the
original operation is not included in the current Mastercam file. After selecting this option, enter the diameter of
the tool. This should be larger than the diameter of the remachining tool.

Extends the remachining toolpath at the beginning and end to prevent cusps of material from being left behind.
Enter the clearance as a percentage of the tool diameter or as an absolute value.

Machine complete finish passes

Creates finish passes over the entire part, not just the areas with remaining stock.

Apply entry/exit curves to rough passes

When selected, Mastercam uses the values in the Lead In/Out page for roughing passes in the pocket
remachining toolpath. (The Lead In/Out page is located under the Finishing page.) You do not need to enable
parameters on the Finishing page to apply entry and exit curves to roughing passes. However, you must enable
the Roughing page and define their settings. Then set entry and exit options for the roughing passes in the Lead
In/Out page.

Overlap (open pocket)

Enter either an absolute distance or a percentage of the tool diameter to set the distance by which the tool will
overlap an imaginary line drawn across the open edge of the pocket (open chains). The dotted white lines in the
following picture outline the applied overlap distance.

For closed chains, the overlap is applied to the largest closed boundary (machinable area) except where it is
coincident with other chained geometry, as shown in the following picture. Note that, if you select Use Standard
pocket for closed pockets, Mastercam does not apply the specified overlap to closed contours that are machined
by the open pocket toolpath.

Use open pocket cutting method

This option applies to only open chains selected for the Open pocket toolpath. You can chain a combination of
open and closed chains before selecting the Open Pocket type from the list on the Cut parameters page.

Select to start the toolpath at the open end of the pocket and cut inside to outside. If you select this cutting
method, the cutting method you choose on the Cut parameters page applies to only closed chains that were also
selected for the pocket toolpath.
Deselect this option to choose a different cutting method on the Roughing page. Mastercam applies the method
you choose there to all chains (open and closed) selected for the open pocket toolpath.
The open pocket cutting method is best used for simple open pockets. If your open pocket has complex
geometry, consider leaving this option deselected and use the Roughing page. to select a different cutting

Use Standard pocket for closed pockets

This option applies to only closed chains selected for the Open pocket toolpath. (You can select a combination of
open and closed chains before choosing the Open Pocket type from the list on the Cut parameters page.) When
creating a pocket toolpath, Mastercam intelligently analyzes all selected chains and considers the largest of the
closed chains to be the stock to machine. All other smaller closed chains within the largest chain are considered
non-machinable areas and are avoided, as shown in the following pictures.

Deselect this option (default) to allow Mastercam to apply the overlap percentage / distance that you define to
the boundary of the machined area (the largest closed boundary selected).

Select this option to apply Mastercam's standard pocket cutting strategy; the smaller closed contours are
avoided, but the tool is constrained by the machined area (the largest closed boundary selected) and no overlap
is applied.

If you open a toolpath created in Mastercam prior to Mastercam X3, Mastercam automatically selects this
checkbox to allow the older toolpath to remain unchanged.
Define the cutting method for the toolpath (for example, Zigzag, Spiral, or High speed) on the Roughing page.

Roughing settings
Cutting method

Click on a cutting method to select it. Not all parameters listed in the Roughing page are available for every
cutting method.

Stepover percentage
Sets the distance between cutting passes in the X and Y axes as a percentage of the tool diameter. Changing this
value automatically adjusts the stepover distance.

Stepover distance
Measures the distance between cutting passes in the X and Y axes. This option calculates as a distance in the X
and Y axes and equals the stepover percentage multiplied by the tool diameter.

Roughing angle
For pocket toolpaths, sets the angle that the tool moves at during the roughing passes for Zigzag and One Way
cutting methods.

Minimize tool burial

Clears out areas around pocket islands to avoid tool damage due to burying the tool in too much stock. Applies to
Zigzag, Spiral, Spiral Clean Corners and Constant Overlap pocket toolpaths.

Spiral inside to outside

Applies to all spiral pocket toolpaths. The toolpath spirals from the center (inside) to the wall (outer) of the
pocket. If you do not select this option, the toolpath spirals from the outer wall of the pocket to the center.

Display stock for constant overlap spiral

Available for the constant overlap spiral roughing option. Previews the amount of stock removed by the roughing

Tolerance for remachining and constant overlap spiral

Defines an additional tolerance value which Mastercam uses for remachining pocket toolpaths or constant
overlap spiral pocket toolpaths. The accuracy of these pocket toolpaths is controlled by this tolerance. Smaller
tolerances increase accuracy but can result in longer processing times. You can specify the tolerance as a
percentage of the tool diameter or as an absolute value. If you type a value in one field, the other automatically

Turns off trochoidal cuts. Mastercam inserts loops only at the stepover of each cut of the toolpath.

Full material only

Inserts arcs (loops) only when the tool is buried in the material more than the stepover amount. The tool moves
along the loops until it becomes less buried, then returns to a cutting path without loops.

Entire pocket
Inserts arcs (loops) throughout the entire toolpath. Use when the stepover or stepdown is very large.

Loop radius
Sets the radius used in high speed loop motion.

Loop spacing
Sets the stepover between successive high speed loops.

Corner smoothing radius

Allows the tool to move in an arc when changing direction around a corner. Creates smooth continuous motion
instead of stopping the tool between changes in direction.

Entry motion sattings

CW (clockwise)
Sets the cut direction to clockwise.

CCW (counterclockwise)
Sets the cut direction to counterclockwise.

Plunges directly into the part at the start point of the pocket toolpath if the system cannot calculate the entry
move or a rough boundary.

Disregards the current pocket and moves to the next chained region or pocket in the toolpath if the system
cannot calculate the entry move or a rough boundary.

Save skipped boundary

Saves the skipped pocketing boundary as part of the geometry if the system cannot calculate either the
programmed entry move or a rough boundary. You must still save the geometry to preserve both the geometry
and its boundary. Only available if you select the Skip option.
Plunge rate
Uses the tool's plunge rate for the entry helix/ramp. If the programmed entry move does not fit and you select
the Follow boundary option, the plunge rate or the feed rate (whichever you select) is used for the boundary. If
both entry methods fail, the plunge rate is automatically used for the plunge entry.

Feed rate
Uses the tool's feed rate for the entry helix/ramp. If it does not fit, the plunge rate is automatically used for the
plunge entry.

There are 3 options:

There are not available any options.


Minimum length
Determines the smallest possible length for the entry ramp. Enter the minimum length as a percentage of the
tool diameter or as an absolute distance.

Maximum length
Determines the largest possible length for the entry ramp. Enter the maximum radius as a percentage of the tool
diameter or as an absolute distance.
Z clearance
Sets the Z axis distance above the current top of the stock where the entry move will begin.

XY clearance
Sets the minimum distance in the X axis and Y axis between the entry move and the finished wall.

Plunge zig angle

Determines one of the angles of descent for the entry ramp. An entry ramp with a zag angle of zero always starts
with a zig angle.

Plunge zag angle

Sets the size of the last angle of the entry ramp.

Additional slot width

Adds a fillet at the end of each ramp for a smoother tool movement. The fillet radius equals half the additional
slot width. This option can be used for high speed machining.

Align ramp with entry point

Adjusts the entry ramp to coincide with the entry point in the same plane as the XY angle of the ramp.

Ramp from entry point

Ramps into the pocket toolpath from a point selected during chaining. Mastercam moves the tool at the point
you select from the rapid plane down to the point depth. The tool then ramps down from this point to the pocket
toolpath's start point at the pocket depth.

Minimum radius
Determines the smallest possible radius for the entry helix. Enter the minimum radius as a percentage of the tool
diameter or as an absolute distance. Note that the absolute distance field is unavailable when defining FBM-
generated toolpaths.

Maximum radius
Determines the largest possible radius for the entry helix. Enter the maximum radius as a percentage of the tool
diameter or as an absolute distance. Note that the absolute distance field is unavailable when defining FBM-
generated toolpaths.

Z clearance
Sets the Z axis distance above the current top of the stock where the entry move will begin.

XY clearance
Sets the minimum distance in the X axis and Y axis between the entry move and the finished wall.

Output arc moves

Writes the entry helix to the NCI file as arcs. Using this option can create shorter NC files. If you turn off this
option, the helix breaks into linear segments in the NCI file.

Center on entry point

Finds the first chained point in a region and centers the entry helix on that point.

Follow boundary
Starts the pocket toolpath by following the rough boundary instead of creating an entry helix. This option uses
the entry rate set at the bottom of the dialog box. Note that, if this option is on and On failure only is off, the
Minimum radius, Maximum radius, and Center on entry point options are not available.
On failure only
Starts the pocket toolpath by following the rough boundary if the entry helix fails. The helix fails when the system
cannot create a helix between the minimum radius and the maximum radius. Only available if you select the
Follow boundary option.

If length exceeds
Defines when the Follow boundary option fails. If the rough boundary determined by the system is shorter than
the minimum boundary length, failure occurs. Only available if you select the Follow boundary option.
Finishing settings 1

1:Settings for Finish

Sets the number of finish passes for the toolpath.

Enter the amount of stock to remove with each cut.

Spring passes
Enter the number of spring passes for the toolpath. Spring passes create additional finish passes along the same
path as the last finish pass. This can be used for parts with thin material that may have flexed away from the tool
during previous passes.

Cutter compensation
Choose how you want to handle cutter compensation:
Computer: Mastercam computes the compensated toolpath and does not output control codes for
Control: Mastercam outputs control codes for compensation and does not compute the compensated toolpath.
Wear: Mastercam both computes the compensated toolpath and outputs control codes for compensation.
Compensation direction in the computer and control are the same.
Reverse wear: Mastercam both computes the compensated toolpath and outputs control codes for
compensation. Compensation direction in the computer and control are opposite.
Off: Mastercam programs the tool tip directly on the chained geometry and does not output compensation

Finish outer boundary

Creates a finish pass along the outer boundary.

Start finish pass at closest entity

When checked, begins the finish pass starting with the closest endpoint of the closest entity at the end of the
roughing toolpath. When cleared, the finish pass begins with the first entity in the chain as it was originally

Keep tool down

Determines whether or not to retract the tool between finish passes.

Optimize cutter compensation in control

Eliminates arcs in the toolpath that are less than or equal to the radius of the tool and helps prevent gouging. This
field is available only when Cutter compensation is set to Control and applies only to that setting.

Machine finish passes only at final depth

Select to perform the finish passes only at the final cutting depth. Deselect to perform finish passes at all depths.
Note that this option applies to Pocket toolpaths, and 2D High Speed Peel Mill, Blend Mill, or Dynamic Contour
toolpaths configured with multiple depth cuts.

Machine finish passes after roughing all pockets

Performs finish passes after all rough cuts and depth cuts have been completed.

Feed rate
Enter a different feed rate for the finish passes than the feed rate used for roughing. This lets you adjust the chip
load for the finishing operation.

Spindle speed
Enter a different spindle speed for the finish passes than the spindle speed used for roughing. This lets you adjust
the chip load for the finishing operation.

2: Setttings for Thin wall

Enables finish passes for thin wall pockets.

Z finish passes per rough depth cut

Sets the number of finish passes on thin wall pockets. The maximum stepdown from the Depth Cuts page is
divided by this number to calculate the maximum stepdown for each finish pass. For example, if the maximum
depth cut is 1.5 and you enter 2 in this field, the maximum finish stepdown is set to 0.75. Breaking the finish
stepdown into multiple passes helps prevent breaking or over-stressing the thin walls.

Maximum calculated finish step

This is the step size Mastercam calculates by dividing the roughing step size by the number of finish passes
entered in this page. You cannot edit this field here. Use the Depth Cuts page parameters to change the size of
the finish step.

Maximum rough stepdown from depth cuts

The maximum amount of material removed in the Z axis with each rough cut. Mastercam calculates equal rough
cuts no larger than the maximum rough step until it reaches the final Z depth. You cannot edit this field here. Use
the Depth Cuts page parameters to change the size of the rough step.

Cuts in one direction with the tool rotating in the opposite direction of the tool motion. For face toolpaths that
use Zigzag or One way cutting methods, Mastercam provides optional settings that reverse the direction of the
final cutting pass for the toolpath. This strategy can prevent burring along the opposing edge of the face.

Cuts in one direction with the tool rotating in the same direction as the tool motion. For face toolpaths that use
Zigzag or One way cutting methods, Mastercam provides optional settings that reverse the direction of the final
cutting pass for the toolpath. This strategy can prevent burring along the opposing edge of the face.
Lead in / Out settings

Lead in/out moves are a combination of lines and arcs at the beginning and end of Pocket toolpath finish passes.
Mastercam places entry and exit lines relative to the entry and exit arcs. If both an entry line and an entry arc are
defined, the line gets machined first. If both an exit line and an exit arc are defined, the arc gets machined first.
The angle of entry/exit ramps is determined by the line length and ramp height.

There are identic with 2D contour setting with small differences.

Depts cuts settings

All settings are identic with 2D Contour.

Use island depths

When this option is selected, Mastercam passes the tool over the island until it reaches the depth of the island. It
then goes around the island until it reaches the final depth. When this option is deselected (default), the toolpath
goes around the island regardless of the island depth.

Break Through Settings are identic with 2D Contour.

Linking parameters settings are identic with 2D Contour.

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