चयिनत कॉलेज / ांच S.No. Roll No Institute Name Course/Branch Inst Type
चयिनत कॉलेज / ांच S.No. Roll No Institute Name Course/Branch Inst Type
चयिनत कॉलेज / ांच S.No. Roll No Institute Name Course/Branch Inst Type
MPOnline ltd
Choice filling Receipt
(Qualifying Exam Round)
Personal Detail
Date of Birth
28/02/2004 Gender Male Father's Name KRISHNA KUMAR
2 040379048915 Gyan Sagar College of Engineering, Sagar (2009) Civil Engineering PRIVATE
3 040379048915 Gyan Sagar College of Engineering, Sagar (2009) Electrical & Electronics Engineering PRIVATE
4 040379048915 Gyan Sagar College of Engineering, Sagar (2009) Computer Science and Engineering PRIVATE
Shri G.S. Institute of Technology & Science, Indore Electronics and Communication Government
10 040379048915
(M.P.) (1952) Engineering Aided
Transaction Details
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जा सके गा|
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10/10/21, 3:43 PM