Body As A Whole

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mg four times glucose in type 2 Adverse Effects: longer-acting sulfonylurea such

daily in a 6 week diabetes as chlorpropamide.

period. [preprandial Body as a Whole: ♣ Administer drug before
blood glucose meals; if a patient skips or adds
between 80 and a meal, the dosage should be
Dosage: 120 mg/dL and Arthralgia,
skipped or added appropriately.
HbA1c back pain, ♣ Monitor urine or serum
0.5-4mg PO (glycosylated paresthesia, allergy. glucose levels frequently to
taken tid or qid Hgb <7%)]. CNS: Headache. determine effectiveness of drug
Minimal effects CV: Chest pain, and dosage being used.
15-30 min
on fasting blood ♣ Arrange for consult with
before meals angina.
glucose were dietitian and thorough diabetic
GI: Nausea, diarrhea, teaching
Route: constipation,
vomiting, dyspepsia. Patient teaching:
Respiratory: ♣ Take only with meals to
URI, sinusitis, lessen the chance of
rhinitis, bronchitis. hypoglycemia. If a meal is
Metabolic: skipped, skip a dose; if a meal is
Hypoglycemia. added, add a dose.

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