The document discusses a study where metformin was taken four times daily in a 6 week period by patients with type 2 diabetes. It resulted in preprandial blood glucose between 80 and 120 mg/dL and HbA1c under 7%. Minimal effects on fasting blood glucose were observed. Potential adverse effects are also listed for body systems like CNS, CV, GI, respiratory and metabolic. Dosing and administration guidelines are provided.
The document discusses a study where metformin was taken four times daily in a 6 week period by patients with type 2 diabetes. It resulted in preprandial blood glucose between 80 and 120 mg/dL and HbA1c under 7%. Minimal effects on fasting blood glucose were observed. Potential adverse effects are also listed for body systems like CNS, CV, GI, respiratory and metabolic. Dosing and administration guidelines are provided.
The document discusses a study where metformin was taken four times daily in a 6 week period by patients with type 2 diabetes. It resulted in preprandial blood glucose between 80 and 120 mg/dL and HbA1c under 7%. Minimal effects on fasting blood glucose were observed. Potential adverse effects are also listed for body systems like CNS, CV, GI, respiratory and metabolic. Dosing and administration guidelines are provided.
The document discusses a study where metformin was taken four times daily in a 6 week period by patients with type 2 diabetes. It resulted in preprandial blood glucose between 80 and 120 mg/dL and HbA1c under 7%. Minimal effects on fasting blood glucose were observed. Potential adverse effects are also listed for body systems like CNS, CV, GI, respiratory and metabolic. Dosing and administration guidelines are provided.
mg four times glucose in type 2 Adverse Effects: longer-acting sulfonylurea such
daily in a 6 week diabetes as chlorpropamide.
period. [preprandial Body as a Whole: ♣ Administer drug before blood glucose meals; if a patient skips or adds between 80 and a meal, the dosage should be Dosage: 120 mg/dL and Arthralgia, skipped or added appropriately. HbA1c back pain, ♣ Monitor urine or serum 0.5-4mg PO (glycosylated paresthesia, allergy. glucose levels frequently to taken tid or qid Hgb <7%)]. CNS: Headache. determine effectiveness of drug Minimal effects CV: Chest pain, and dosage being used. 15-30 min on fasting blood ♣ Arrange for consult with before meals angina. glucose were dietitian and thorough diabetic GI: Nausea, diarrhea, teaching observed. Route: constipation, vomiting, dyspepsia. Patient teaching: Respiratory: ♣ Take only with meals to Orally URI, sinusitis, lessen the chance of rhinitis, bronchitis. hypoglycemia. If a meal is Metabolic: skipped, skip a dose; if a meal is Hypoglycemia. added, add a dose.