Solar Powered Intelligent Street Lighting System For Highway Application

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 116 No. 11 2017, 151-160

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
doi: 10.12732/ijpam.v116i11.16
Special Issue


Sharmitha D1 and Maithili P2
1,2 Department of EEE ,Kumaraguru College of Technology

Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

[email protected], [email protected]

With the increased energy crisis and global warming, energy
saving is inevitable with proper selection of renewable resource.
The proposed system relies on effective use of solar energy to
drive the street lights. Infrared (IR) sensor and LDR (Light
Dependent Resistor) are employed in design for detecting motion
of vehicles and atmospheric lighting conditions. Relays are used
for switching between grid and solar power based on power
availability. Light Emitting Diodes (LED’s) are employed for
lighting purpose. GSM module is directly interfaced with the
controller to intimate the failure condition of the lamps to the
specified authority. The system is developed using microcontroller
and practically implemented for realization.

Index Terms -Energy saving, LDR, Microcontroller, IR sensor, GSM

module, Solar street lighting, LED’s

1. Introduction
It is widespread nowadays to see the solar photovoltaic cell
based street lighting system. Peoples became aware about moving
from conventional recourses to renewable energy. We as a whole
realize that non-renewable energy source assets are getting
diminished step by step. Following quite a while from now there

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

will be no non-renewable energy sources.. Living society without

power is difficult. So it is required to maximize the usage of
renewable resources to save conventional sources. Ordinary solar
powered PV based street lighting system needs automation. The
overall energy consumption in street lighting system is quite more
because usage of low efficiency lamps and continuous operation of
lamps. It will be reduced by using energy efficient LED lamps and
solar power which is highlighted in [1]-[2].Automatic control
(ON/OFF) of street lights only during vehicle movement also helps
to save energy which is highlighted in [3]. Another way to reduce
the energy consumption is by using array of street lights and
adjusting the brightness of the lamps based on the vehicle
movement which is suggested in[4]-[5]. The existing street light
system has manual control that is the street lights will be turned
ON manually during night time and turned OFF manually during
day time. This type of system leads increased energy consumption
because the street lights are always in ON condition throughout
the night time even if there is no vehicle movement on the road.

In this paper, we propose a new technique which will

automate the entire street lighting system. The special feature of
the proposed method is adjusting the intensity of light based on
movement of vehicles and automatic switching of states from
ON/OFF during non vehicle movement. Further, the energy
consumption and hence, the human intervention are reduced. IR
sensor is utilized to identify the movement of people or vehicles
and afterward it gets turned on consequently and adjusts the
intensity of the light. The IR sensor will be activated only on the
night time. If any object crosses the infrared beam, a particular
light will be automatically ON. By utilizing this as a basic
guideline, the energy efficient street lighting system can be
designed for the ideal use of streetlights in any place. The

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

proposed system is more suitable for implementation in

hardware and software which results in a reduced cost.

The organization of this paper is as follows. The

fundamentals of functional blocks are presented in Section II.
The proposed system which is a solar panel, LDR, IR and GSM is
described in Section III. The algorithm of the proposed work
presented in Section IV.. The simulation model using PROTEUS
software and hardware is presented in Section V and VI. The
simulation results are presented and compared in section VII.
The conclusion is presented in Section VIII.

2. Functional Diagram
Fig.1. depicts the arrangement of functional blocks for the
system proposed. This system is centred on the need of the
robotized road light framework and the exceptional method for
usage with installed framework devices. A microcontroller
PIC16F877A is utilized as a core element to control the procedure
included. Solar panel is used for street lighting because of
increased benefits of power saving, conservation of precious
natural resources. Solar street lights save cost are long lasting
and maintenance free. In this framework, the road light is
automated to TURN ON/OFF utilizing relays. For sensing the
light during night / day time Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is
employed. IR sensor controls the intensity of light in view of the
recognition of any movement of vehicle. These sensors are
connected to the ports of the microcontroller for control purpose.
Rectifiers are used for AC/DC supply conversion. Voltage
regulators ensures regulated DC output. Sotware MPLAB & CCS
C Compiler is used to obtain the simulation result of the proposed

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Fig. 1. Functional Blocks

This proposed work focus on the necessity of the automated
street light system and the peculiar way of implementation with
embedded system. It is designed to detect the vehicle movement
on the highways to switch ON only a block of the street light
ahead of it and switch OFF the trailing light to save energy. The
main idea behind the system is that the LED array will be in off
position at day time. IR sensor will detect the presence of any
humans or cars. When IR sensor detects the vehicle movement
the brightness of the LED will be high when there is no vehicle,
the brightness will be decreased. LEDs are controlled to glow only
when it is needed. During night time sometimes roads will be
empty and hence there is no use of illuminating all the lamps. At
such instances the intensity of LEDs are controlled to conserve
the energy. The power will be taken from solar power or external
power supply based on the availability of renewable resource. For
switching action relay circuits are used. GSM module is directly
interfaced with the controller to intimate the failure condition of
the lamps to the specified authority.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


Case 1: During day time

Fig 2.1 Proteus_At day Fig 2.2 Hardware_At

time day time

In Fig. 2.1. the position of light source near LDR gives

maximum output at day time and the control signal is sent to
PORT B. It can be seen that the all the street lights are in OFF
condition during day time. Fig. 2.2 shows the hardware result.
Case 2: During day time

Fig 2.3 Proteus_At Fig 2.4 Hardware_ At

night time night time
The Fig. 2.1 shows the position of light source during night
time which results in LDR output as low and the control signal is
given to the PORT B. Hence, the first street light is ON during

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

night time even if there is no vehicle movement. Fig. 2.4 ensures

the same condition in hardware.

Case 3: Vehicle at First Street light

Fig. 2.5 Proteus_ Fig. 2.6

Vehicle at First Street light Hardware_Vehicle at First
Street light
It is seen from Fig .2.5. and Fig .2.6. that whenever vehicle
movement is sensed at first street light the lamp is glowing with
full brightness and other street lights are in low brightness mode.
Case 4: Vehicle movement from street light 1 to 2

Fig 2.8
Fig. 2.7. Proteus_
Hardware_Vehicle movement
Vehicle movement from
from street light 1 to 2
street light 1 to 2
It is clear from Fig 2.7 when the vehicle moves from street
light 1 to 2, second street light will change its state from low

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

brightness mode to full brightness mode and first street light will
be in low brightness mode. The results are verified from Fig 2.8.
Case 5: Vehicle movement from street light 2 to 3 and new
vehicle at First Street light

It is depicted in Fig 2.9. that when the vehicle move from

second street light to Third Street light. The third street light will
change its state from low brightness condition to full brightness
mode and Second Street light will go back to the low
brightnessmode. In case if any vehicle movement is sensed at
First Street light the first street light will also be turned to full
brightness mode. Another mode of operation is tested with
hardware setup the switch over operation from grid to solar power
which is required for the operation of street lights. The power
generated in solar panels are utilised to the maximum and supply
from grid is taken for later use. The same results are met when
tested with hardware as shown in Fig.2. 10.

Fig 2.9 Proteus_ Vehicle Fig 2.10 Hardware

movement from street light 2 Vehicle movement from
to 3 and new vehicle at First street light 2 to 3 and new
vehicle at First

5. Conclusion
This paper presents the energy efficient and eco friendly
street lighting system. LDR sensor and the IR sensors are the two
main conditions in working the circuit. If the two conditions have
been satisfied the circuit will perform the desired work according

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

to defined algorithm. Each sensor controls the turning ON or OFF

the lighting column. With commands from the controller the
lights will be automatically turned ON in the places of the
movement when it's dark and adjust its brightness based on
vehicle movement. By implementing this system the drawback of
the street lighting system using timer controller has been
eliminated. This control strategy can be implemented in Street
lighting system in villages, smart cities, Highway roads. The
results prove that the system is more efficient when implemented
in long roadways between the cities. The advantages of the
proposed method include:
(1) The simplicity of the structure and its robustness to
(2) Improved Energy saving and continuity of power
(3) Repairing work can be quickly done by instant
communication during failure of lamp.


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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

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