WEEK 1-2: English For Academic and Professional Purposes
WEEK 1-2: English For Academic and Professional Purposes
WEEK 1-2: English For Academic and Professional Purposes
English for
Hi there! Have you ever felt the need to stand for what you believe and prove that what you believe is true? In
our everyday life, we always deal with this moment that we have to express something that what we believe is true to
others, or if it is in academic writing we call it the position paper where you stand your ground and defend what you
believe is true. So this quarter, we will be dealing with how to write an effective position paper and other reports which
may help you as you progress to Reading and Writing and Research.
Discussion: Writing the Position Paper
Guidelines for Writing the Position Paper
1. Values Communicated
a. Logical Thinking
b. Objective expression of ideas
c. Balanced assignments of conflicting opinions
2. Modes of Reasoning
a. Inductive
Inductive reasoning derives a generalization from specific examples and situations. Through an organized presentation
of factual evidence and proofs, the reader is convinced of the soundness of the arguments that lead to a well-founded general
b. Deductive
Deductive reasoning proceeds from a general statement that leads to particular or specific inferences.
3. Qualities of a Convincing Position Paper
a. Contains a clear proposition or statement that must be defended
b. Assesses conflicting opinions or opposing views on the issue.
c. Takes a firm stand on the issue.
d. Lists arguments in an organized manner to defend the stand.
e. Presents factual evidence or proofs to support each argument.
Analyzing Argument
The critical reader must be able to evaluate arguments. When you evaluate an argument (a set of claims), you
determine its value or persuasiveness. To be able to do a good job evaluating arguments, you need to know what an argument
is and how an argument is put together.
An argument is a claim that is supported by reasons or evidence. When an author tries to persuade the reader that
something is true or correct by presenting supporting reasons or evidence, an argument is being made. This means that an
argument is different from a statement.
Persuasion is when the author is trying to convince the reader that a claim is true by giving supporting reasons or
The Claim of an argument is the point of the argument. When an author makes an argument, it is the claim that the
author is trying to persuade the reader to accept as true.
Analysis is needed to evaluate an argument. When you analyze an argument, you break it down into its parts and
examine them by themselves and in relation to the other parts of the argument.
1. First, identify the argument’s claim. What is the conclusion the author is trying to persuade the reader to accept as
true? What is the point of the argument?
2. Next, identify the reason or evidence the author gives for support.
3. Think critically and skeptically about the reasons or evidence that the
argument presents. What is the source of the evidence? Is the
evidence true? Do the reasons or evidence defeat or weaken the
4. Ask yourself how well the reasons or evidence support the claim. If the evidence is weak or false, then the
argument will be less persuasive or even invalid. If the evidence is poor, the argument will be less persuasive or
even invalid.
The Kingdom of Netherlands expresses its deep concern in relation of the present situation in the Mexican National
Human Rights Commission and strongly believes that this wide-ranging problem should be of a great concern by The United
Nations Human Rights Council and the international community in the present moment.
According to last reports by Human Rights Watch, we regretfully determine, that less has changed on the matter of
human rights in the region since the crucial events, that marked not only Mexico, but the whole Latin America area in the
1960’s and 1970’s of the 20th century. It is obvious that besides the democratic social and politics structure in Mexico, basic
human rights, discrimination based on racial, political and other matters, still occur not only by separated groups of people,
but in the whole country and on all its political and social levels. This is why The Kingdom of Netherlands believes that in
such unstable situation the role of the Mexican National Human Rights Commission is of a crucial meaning where a clear
violation of basic human rights is obvious. We express our deepest concern regarding the Mexican National Human Rights
Commission and its inability to face the situation in an adequate way, acknowledging of what is in best interest of the harmed
The Kingdom of Netherlands recognizes as major problems on the behalf of the Commission the huge influence of
the local state political authorities in its work, which seriously endangers the fairness and openness of the commission’s work,
and violates not only the international law, but also founding chapters of the Charter of The United Nations organization; lack
of publicity of cases brought to the attention of the Commission which practically makes its work useless. The Kingdom of
Netherlands are calling upon fast and effective measures on the matter on the behalf of the international community and
reaffirms its readiness to play an active role in it. We are calling upon the establishment and development of a working
collaboration in the field of practices between the international community and with the Commission, whereas to improve
publicity level of all cases that are in concern of the Commission and the creation of a working mechanisms for abolishing the
precarious influence of the local political authorities over the work of the Commission. The Kingdom of Netherlands calls for
the introduction of legislation reforms in order to harmonize Mexican law with international human rights regulations
especially the promotion of guaranteed opportunity of public access to information regarding the work of the Mexican
National Human Rights Commission. This should be a step closer towards the idea the state initiations to remedy human
rights abuses.
Content 35% (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1. Paper clearly states the position of the writer.
2. Opening statement captures the reader’s interest.
3. Issue is debatable, fresh, relevant, and somehow original. Arguments reflect higher level
of thought.
4. Paper aligns the arguments to the target reader’s beliefs, attitude, values, and
5. Closing statement is powerful.
Organization 25%
1. Paper uses organizational pattern and structure appropriate for the genre.
2. Cohesive devices are effectively used.
3. Ideas are correctly placed which improves the paper’s organization.
4. Flow of ideas is smooth and easy to read.
5. Paper appropriately applies logical, ethical and/or emotional appeals.
Style 20%
1. Paper showcases the writer’s voice.
2. Paper uses variety of sentence structures.
3. Paper eliminates sexist language.
4. Paper uses language appropriate to text.
5. Paper eliminates wordiness.
Shaping minds of Kto12 learners in building the nation-MNHS Team-
VGE—to a very great extent; GE—to a great extent; SE—to some extent; LE—to a little extent; N—not at all.
1. What is the purpose of the document?
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