Yugoslavian Ballistics Tests of The 1950 and 1960s
Yugoslavian Ballistics Tests of The 1950 and 1960s
Yugoslavian Ballistics Tests of The 1950 and 1960s
These tests compare Western and Eastern weapon data on the same basis.
50% penetration criterion
At least 50% of the projectile solid mass (e.g. in case APHE steel mass only, minus fuse/tracer/charge)
had to be behind armor. (The US Naval Limit definition of a complete penetration is “A complete
penetration occurs when the entire projectile or the major portion of the projectile passes completely through
the armor”.)
In the case where fabricated plates were used (most of T-54 glacis tests) plate was subjected to 10 hits (10
hits were fired with every type of round).
In other cases - location was examined after one set of testing if changes were substantial that they would
effect further testings. In case of 90mm T33 AP vs T-34/85 you will note in comments that substantial
damage of armor happened.
I case of 90mm M431 HEAT vs T-54 glacis at off angle only two hits where rounds fused were discounted as
in one case round hit a tow hook and in other case drivers periscope so compounded angles of impact were
not >60deg...
In case of hits on coax-ports/telescopes it appears that those were ignored and not counted in statistics.
T-54A . Front Side Front-side
Range meters Quality > BHN 290 BHN 270 BHN 290 BHN 270 BHN 270
Glacis (mm) Turret (mm) Hull (mm) Turret (mm) Turret (mm)
Gun Ammo 101@60 195-203 80 100-120 150-170
75mm Pak 40 PzGr.39 i i 1000 i i
75mm Pak 40 PzGr.40 i i 1000 300 i
75mm Pak 40 HL.38/B i i i -- --
75mm Pak 40 HL.38/C i i -- i i
85mm ZiS-S-53 BR-365 i i 1000 150 i
85mm ZiS-S-53 BR-365P i i 1000 350 i
88m PaK 43 PzGr.39 i 600 all all 1750
90mm M3A1 T33 i i all 750 600
90mm M3A1 M304 i 600 all all 1500
90mm M36 T33 i 350 all all 850
90mm M36 M304 i 750 all all all
90mm M36 M471 HEAT all all all all all
100mm D-10 BR-412B i 300 all all 1000
100mm D-10 BK-5 HEAT all all all all all
105mm M2 M67 HEAT i i all i i
i = null = no penetration even at 100m.
*It appears that a gun was not tested at distances greater then 1000m.
**Later (in 1963.) newer BR-367 AP, BR-367P HVAP and BK-367 HEAT were tested but I have no info about
those tests.
Both rounds penetrate rear part of the side turret at any practical range.
Conclusion - 88mm M41/43 is very effective vs new foreign tanks in ambush positions. It's effectiveness vs
frontal aspect of the new foreign tanks is insufficient.
Conclusion: SO-90 —36 can only be effectively used vs new foreign tanks from ambush at range less then
1500m, with subcalibre ammo.
Addition 1: Development of HEAT ammo suitable to be fired from M3A1 gun mounted on SO-90 —36 is recommenced.
90mm M36 gun from —47 tank firing AP, HVAP and HEAT
T-33 AP fails to penetrate glacis even @ 100m
M304 subcalibre fails to penetrate glacis even @ 100m
M431 HEAT penetrates glacis, but fails to fuse if side angle is more then 20deg.
T33AP penetrates front turret @ 350m
M304 subcalibre penetrates front turret @ 750m
M431 HEAT penetrates front turret
All rounds penetrate rear part of the side turret at any practical range.
Amount of M431 HEAT rounds in ammo load should be increased, and load of T33 AP be reduced.
Frontal engagement of the new foreign tanks is to be done only with M431 HEAT round.
Engagement from ambush position can be done with M304 subcalibre and M431 HEAT at any range and
T33 AP at ranges less then 1000m.
Problem of M431 round failing to fuse at angles more then 60deg is to be fixed with production of domestic
That round should be also capable of being fired from M3A1 gun mounted on SO-90 —36. without significant
modifications to the gun or vehicle
.T-54A cast armor was 270 BHN (rolled parts were 290 BHN) and was judged to be of excellent quality
Tests vs "T-54A" glacis and side hull for all guns except 90mm M36 were not done vs actual vehicle but vs
equivalent test plate.
100mm D-10TG (from T-54A) firing BR-412B APBC, BK-5 and BK-5M HEAT
BK-5 and BK-5M HEAT is best anti-tank ammo available. With it T-54A tank can fight vs any modern tank
from any angle. BR-412B AP is useful only from ambush situations at ranges less then 1000m.
Standard AT-guns in AT-company of the infantry brigade should be replaced with 105mm M27A1 RCL, as it is
much more effective vs. new foreign tanks.
New domestic HEAT ammo should be developed that will reliably fuse at angles of more then 60 deg.
*This is a strange designation as I failed to find a US HEAT with such designation (and JNA always used US
and UK original ammo designations), and that is defiantly not domestic ammo...
105mm M2 howitzer firing M67 HEAT and experimental HESH round that will later become M69 HESH.
M67 HEAT penetrates side hull.
M67 HEAT fails to penetrate any other aspect of T-54A tank.
HESH round produces significant spalling that is enough to disable tank with any hit other then frontal turret.
In case of frontal turret hits spalling is enough to disable crew but tank will remain operational.
All M67 HEAT ammo for 105mm howitzers is to be changed for HESH ammo on 1-1 basis.
T-34/85 Front Side
Range meters Quality> 350 BHN [429- [406-444] 350 BHN [407- [406-444]
437] 450]
Glacis (mm) Turret (mm) Hull (mm) Turret (mm)
Gun Ammo 46@60 90 rounded 45@40/45@0 76@20/52@10
50mm/L60 M39 APHE 100 i 500/750 i/500
50mm/L60 M40/1 APCR 400 200 750/750 500/750
57mm/L52 6pdrM1 AP 320 320
57mm ZiS-2 BR-271 700 600 1500 1500
57mm ZiS-2 BR-271P 1100 1000 1750 1750
75mm Pak 40 PzGr, 39 1300 1000 1750 1750
75mm Pak 40 PzGr, 40 1200 1250 all all
75mm Pak 40 PzGr, 40W i i 200 200
75mm Pak 40 HI.38/B all i all all
76mm M1 M79 1100 900 1500 1500
76mm M1 M53 1200 1500 all all
85mm ZiS-S-53 BR-365 1200 1000 1750 1500
85mm ZiS-S-53 BR-365P 1300 1500 all all
85mm ZiS-S-53 BR-367 1500 1400 2000 2000
88m PaK 43 PzGr.39 all all all all
90mm M3A1 T33,M304 all all all all
105mm M2 HEAT M67 all(20/) all(20/) all(45/) all(45/)
Tip-A T-34/85 Front Side
Range meters Quality> 350 BHN cast 350 BHN
Glacis (mm) Turret (mm) Hull (mm) Turret (mm)
Gun Ammo 50-60@60 100 rounded 45@40 76@20
57mm M1 AP 250 250
all = All practical ranges (2000+) [US BHN measurements Watertown 1953]
5cm PaK38 vsT-34/85
M39 AP penetrates upper front hull @ 100m
M40/1 sub-caliber penetrates upper front hull @ 400m
M39 AP penetrates upper side hull @ 500m
M40/1 sub-caliber penetrates upper side hull @ 750m*
M39 AP penetrates lower side hull @ 750m*
M40/1 sub-caliber penetrates lower side hull @ 750m*
M39 AP fails to penetrate front turret @ 100m
M40/1 subcaliber penetrates front turret @ 200m
M39 AP fails to penetrate side turret @ 100m
M40/1 sub-caliber penetrates side turret @ 500m
M39 AP penetrates rear turret @ 500m
M40/1 sub-caliber penetrates rear turret @ 750m*
*= Maximum range tested
57mm/L52 M1
AP penetrates front @ 320m
AP penetrates front Tip-A (Yugo T-3/glacis 50-60@60,turret 100 cast) @ 250m
57mm ZiS-2
BR-271 AP penetrates glacis @ 700m
BR-271P subcalibre penetrates glacis @ 1100m
BR-271 AP penetrates upper side hull @ 1500m
BR-271P subcalibre penetrates upper side hull @ 1750m
Both rounds penetrate lower side hull at any effective range...
Conclusion - BsT 57mm M18A1 is not effective AT-weapon, even vs older opponents tanks.
Conclusion: BsT 75mm M20 is effective vs older opponents tanks from ambush positions.
*It appears that subcalibre (APCR/HVAP) suffered more from high hardness, largely sloped glacis...
**That is a version of M40 subcalibre that had soft steel core. It was according to the manual to be used vs
"fast, lightly armored targets"...
At ranges less then 1000m real distance between gun and target was used, and at ranges more then
1000m charge was reduced to simulate velocity loss, usually in 1250/1500/1750/2000m increments.
T33 AP penetrates both upper and lower side hull at any effective range*.
M304 penetrates both upper and lower side hull at any effective range*.
90mm M36 (from —47 tank) firing AP, HVAP and HEAT
T33 AP and M304 HVAP - same results as from M3A1 gun
M431 HEAT - penetrates all aspect.
Fails to fuse vs glacis if side angle is more then 20deg.
Fails to fuse vs upper side hull if side angle is more then 45deg.
Conclusion - when firing at older tanks T33 AP and M304 subcalibre should be used in preference to HEAT ammo.
HESH round produces significant spalling and failure of armor plates at any angle of hit.
Glacis critically failed after 2nd hit.
Side turret critically failed after 3rd hit.
BR-367 vs T-34/85:
BR-367 AP penetrates glacis @ 1500m
BR-367 AP penetrates all parts of side hull @ all practical ranges*
BR-367 AP penetrates front turret @ 1400m**
BR-367 AP penetrates side turret @ all practical ranges @2000m
BK-2M HEAT (tested 67-68): Penetrates all parts of tanks, critical fusing angle 70 deg.
M4A3E4 Sherman Front Side
Range meters Quality > 250 BHN 230 BHN 250 BHN 230 BHN
Glacis (mm) Turret (mm) Hull (mm) Turret (mm)
Gun Ammo 64@47 90-94 rounded 38-51 51
50mm M39 APHE 150 i 750 750
50mm M40/1 APCR 500 250 750 750
57mm/L52 6pdrM1 AP 400 400
57mm ZiS-2 BR-271 900 900 all all
57mm ZiS-2 BR-271P 1100 1100 all all
75mm Pak 40 PzGr, 39 1100 1000 all all
75mm Pak 40 PzGr, 40 1200 1500 all all
75mm Pak 40 PzGr, 40W 150 100 750 500
75mm Pak 40 HI.38/B all all all all
76mm ZiS-3 BR-350B 250 350 all all
76mm ZiS-3 BR-350P 800 1000 all all
85mm ZiS-S-53 BR-365 1100 1000 all all
85mm ZiS-S-53 BR-365P 1200 1250 all all
*According to the Russian sources this ammo was forbidden from being fired from ZiS-3 and was for
regimental guns (m27, M27/42) only, else round could explode in barrel. So results were either from static
tests, or round was modified to enable safe firing from ZiS-3.
Both rounds penetrate rear part of the side turret at any effective range.
Both rounds penetrate any aspect of the side turret at any effective range.
*Due the complex geometry of the —47 turret it is not really clear what is defined as a front turret - from
head-on shots I guess it is mantle area and immediate vicinity, as armor curves as it goes toward "corners".
100mm D-10TG (from T-54A) firing BR-412B APBC, BK-5 and BK-5M HEAT
BR-412B AP penetrates glacis @ 750m
BK-5 HEAT penetrates glacis
BK-5M HEAT penetrates glacis
All rounds penetrate any aspect of the side turret at any effective range.
Data Found in Table
Gun Type Projectile 100 500 1000 1500 2000
75mm PaK 40 Pzgr 39 125 115 105 90
75mm PaK 40 Pzgr 40 170 145 115 90
76mm M1 M79 120 110 100
76mm M1 M53 190 175 160 140
88mm PaK 43 Pzgr 39 240 225 200 175 165
90mm M3A1 T33 160 150 135 125 110
90mm M3A1 M304 255 240 225 205 180
76mm M1
M79 AP: 120mm@ 100m, 110mm@500m, 100mm@1000m
M53 subcalibre: 190mm@100m, 175mm@500m, 160mm@1000m, 140mm@1500m
90mm M3A1
T33 AP: 160mm@100m, 150mm@500m, 135mm@1000m, 125mm@1500m, 110mm@2000m
M304 subcalibre: 255mm@100, 240mm@500m, 225mm@1000m, 205mm@1500m, 180mm@2000m
It appears this data was rounded to closest 5mm. Some of data does not agree with test results (e.g. 88mm
M54 subcalibre should penetrate T-54A front turret at least 1500m, but it does not) so I guess lower quality
plate was used for testing. (Plus it’s a little surprising that 88mm APCR could still be found in the 1960s.)
Other comparative tests. German vs. T-34 6/22/1942
Gun Ammo range Gun ammo range