Factors Affecting Employee Commitment in The Workplace - An Analysis
Factors Affecting Employee Commitment in The Workplace - An Analysis
Factors Affecting Employee Commitment in The Workplace - An Analysis
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2 authors, including:
Edison Estigoy
Xi'an International Studies University, China
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All content following this page was uploaded by Edison Estigoy on 01 January 2021.
1. Introduction
This study attempts to analyze the possible factors that affect the commitment of both private and government
employees. In this study, employee commitment is conceptualized and operationalized as consisting of
commitment to the company worked for and commitment to the occupation, or the work done at the company. It
includes investigating the construct commitment, the impact of self-efficacy on employee commitment,
psychological contract, reciprocity and the possible interventions required. The focus of this study rounds the
concept on work-relationship with the line-managers and among employees that relates to the employee
Over the last ten years, the study of commitment has advanced in many different directions. A variety of
disciplines have adopted the topic as a theme in the research and these have offered fresh and significant insights.
These recent advances include new approaches to both the conceptualization of employee commitment and the
particular human resource practices intended to increase it. What is now apparent is that, as long as the organization
has been able to attract the right sort of employees and has provided a suitable work environment, employee
commitment will be largely influenced by the interactions that occur between colleagues and with the immediate
and senior managers. The relationship between the organization and the employee, therefore, should be considered
as being no different from any other type of relationship. Commitment is complex and continuous, and requires
employers to discover ways of enhancing the work life of the employees.
In the stir of globalization and the changing demographics of the organization, organizational
commitment is indeed becoming an intriguing topic and is drawing attention from managers and human resource
professionals. The rapid development of information technology and global competition has placed organizations
under increased and stringent competition domestically and internationally. Over the last years, international
business has been drastically affected by global competition as well as the globalization of preferences and
business practices. Consequently, managing workers and companies across borders has become very arduous for
corporations everywhere due to increase in mergers, acquisitions, and employee turnover. With the attrition rate
touching all-time high, retaining employees has become a challenge for all the organizations and employers are
having tough times figuring out what it takes to retain the talent within the organization (George and Jones, 2012).
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.11, No.27, 2020
In today’s fast-pacing competitive world, every organization constantly faces new challenges regarding
sustained productivity and creating committed workforce. Commitment in different forms display that there are
employees who chose to stay the whole life within the organization, there is certain abstract string that binds
individual to the organization, employees who are reactive if needed, and the factors found common to the
employees that leads to commitment. Being feeling involved and engaged is a different thing as a whole to the
organization. Committed employees are organization’s greatest assets and it is to believe that plays a vibrant role
in overall business efficiency and profitability.
It is in the aforementioned particulars; the researchers are interested to determine the work-relationship
of an employee towards colleagues and manager in relation to employee commitment in the workplace.
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.11, No.27, 2020
don’t want to lose its status and salary (Gül, 2002: 39). According to side-bet theory, he pointed out that employees
don’t leave working in the organization in order to protect their hidden benefits. For instance, a person thinks to
give up his job which he took two months before because of a better job offer. But the ones giving up his job before
the end of a year are called as untrustworthy in his work circumstances. So the person refuses the new job offer to
be afraid of to be called such a way (Becker, 1960: 35-36).
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.11, No.27, 2020
2003). Organizational commitment is the measure of strength of the employee’s identification with the goals and
values of the organization (Mowday et al., 1982) and supervisor. Individuals committed to the organization exert
extra effort, desire organizational membership (Morrow, 1993), protect company assets, and share company goals
and values (Meyer & Allen, 1997). Supervisory commitment is defined as the strength of identification with
supervisor and internalization of supervisor's values. Identification occurs when the subordinate admires certain
attributes of the supervisor, such as attitudes, behavior, and accomplishments. Internalization occurs when the
subordinate adopts the attitudes and behaviors of the supervisor because the supervisor's attitudes and behaviors
are congruent with the subordinate's value systems (Becker, 1992; Gregersen & Black, 1993). Commitment to
organization is related positively to a variety of desirable work outcomes including employee job satisfaction,
motivation and performance, and related negatively to absenteeism and turnover (Mathieu & Zajac, 1990).
Organizational commitment can be measured as either attitudinal or calculative. Attitudinal, referred to as affective
(Meyer, Allen, & Smith 1993), or internalization and identification (O’Reilly & Chatman, 1986) is the employee’s
emotional attachment and identification with the organization (Meyer & Allen, 1997; Mowday et al., 1982; Cohen,
2003; Porter et al 1974). Employees continue with the organization because they want to do so (Meyer & Allen,
1997; Mowday et al, 1982) and feel proud to be part of the organization, respecting its values and accomplishments
(O’Reilly & Chatman, 1986). The calculative or “side-bet” (Becker, 1960), also referred to as continuance (Meyer
& Allen, 1997) and compliance (O’Reilly & Chatman, 1986), signifies the extent to which employees feel
committed to their organization by virtue of the cost that they feel is associated with leaving it and their need to
remain with the organization (Becker,1992; Meyer & Allen, 1997).
According to Fornes and Rocco, 2004 a Cognitive mapping can be used as a model of the relationships
between the elements, antecedents, and consequences of workplace commitment, which lead to organizational
commitment and/or individual employee commitment. The antecedents to organizational commitment (clarity of
purpose, equity & fairness, empowerment, congruency, feedback & recognition, autonomy and interesting work)
lead to an employee’s perception of organizational and supervisory support creating an emotional attachment to
the organization (organizational commitment). The antecedents to individual commitment (congruency, feedback
& recognition, autonomy and interesting work) lead to meaningfulness of work, career, peers, and self, creating
an attachment to one’s job, career, and work teams (individual commitment). Organizational and individual
commitment results in positive outcomes and implications for the organization and the individual (consequences
of commitment).
Individual commitment is the measure of strength of the employee’s identification with the values of
other individuals and peers within the organization (team commitment), and their work (job commitment) and
careers (career commitment) and encourages individuals to exert extra organizational citizenship behavior as active
positive contributions to colleagues and avoid engaging in harmful behaviors. Team commitment is an individual’s
identification and sense of cohesiveness with other members of a group. The importance of team commitment is
its enhancement of social involvement that reinforces the social ties that the individual forms with the organization
(Randall & Cote, 1991).
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.11, No.27, 2020
visible results), task significance (the job’s impact on the lives of workers and the organization), degree of
autonomy (freedom, independence and discretion in scheduling work and determining procedures) all improve
commitment to the organization (Mathew & Zajac, 1990; Nelson, 1999), to the job (Hackman & Oldham, 1976;
Varona, 2002), and one’s career (Person, 1997). The more important a task or job component (job significance) is,
the greater the level of job commitment and job satisfaction, motivation and job performance (Hackman & Oldham,
1976). Organizations that ensure interesting work will improve employee commitment to the organization and the
job itself. Clarity of purpose provides a clear identification of the intentions, ideas, goals and plans of the
organization allowing employees to be informed, ask questions, share information, provide a clear sense of
direction. Lack of clarity, about purpose, lies at the core of organizational ineffectiveness and inefficiency
(Kaufman, 2000; Katzenbach, 2000). Organizations that provide a clear sense of direction (Greenberg, 1994),
adequate explanation of new policy (Rhodes & Steers, 1981; DeCotiis & Summers, 1987) and purposereport high
levels of organizational commitment (Mathleu & Zajac, 1990), workgroup commitment (Konovsky & Cropanzano,
1991) and individual commitment (Varona, 2002). Equity and fairness maintains a balance between and within the
organization and its employees.
Affective commitment and commitment between peers and supervisor is strengthening when employees’
perceptions are of a fair, trusting, and equitable environment (Konovsky & Cropanzano, 1991; Kim & Mauborgne,
1993; Rhodes & Steers, 1981). Feedback is the degree to which employees receive information that reveals how
well they are performing on the job. Feedback that promotes continuous improvement and constant communication
with employees leads to the development of organizational commitment (Luthans, 1998) and enhanced
performance (Katzenbach, 2000; Nelson, 1999; Varona, 2002).
Empowerment gives authority to the employees to make decisions about their work. Organizational
commitment is stronger among employees who are allowed to participate in decision-making and empowered to
carry out their work (Rhodes & Steers, 1981; DeCotiis & Summers, 1987; Meyers & Allen, 1997). Empowerment,
autonomy, and mutual accountability focus employees on doing a job well and encourage them to lend a hand to
a co-worker or department that needs help (Katzenbach, 2000). Giving people latitude, flexibility, and
empowerment to make decisions increases the chance that they will perform as desired bringing additional
initiative, ideas, and energy to their jobs (Nelson, 1999). Autonomy is the degree of freedom, independence and
discretion an employee is allowed in scheduling work and determining procedures. Increased autonomy
strengthens organizational commitment (Mathew & Zajac, 1990), increases job satisfaction (Fried & Ferris, 1987),
and contributes to job commitment (Person, 1997; Hackman & Oldsham, 1975).
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.11, No.27, 2020
characteristics or interesting work such as task identity, skill variety, task significance and autonomy increases
motivation, job satisfaction and job performance (Hackman & Oldham, 1976). Career commitment and job
involvement affect professionals' job satisfaction, turnover intention, role stress, productivity, and job migration
(Aranya & Ferris, 1984; Gunz & Gunz, 1994).
The common point of organizational commitment components is that the employees continue to remain
in the organization whatever they feel positive or negative (Özdevecio glu, 2003: 114). For instance, although the
employees have weak affective and normative commitment, the lack of alternatives can lead them to have a strong
continuance commitment (Ceylan, Bayram, 2006: 117). However, the main important point here for the
organization is the performance and efficiency of the employee. The altitudes and performance of employees in
workplace depends on what they perceive about the organization (Allen, Meyer 1990:4-15). For instance, when
employees perceive that “their” organization acts as a “true organization”, they form positive images about it. They
feel proud to identify with such an organization, develop their self-esteem, form affective bonds with the
organization, develop a sense of loyalty, and make efforts to perform better and to benefit the whole organization
(Dutton, 1994).
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.11, No.27, 2020
requires general characteristics of the respondent, Part II on Employee commitment and Factors affecting
employee commitment.
The items of the researcher-made questionnaire-checklist were carefully constructed based on existing
literature. To ensure relevance and accuracy of the instrument, it was subjected to validation. The research
instrument was referred to our adviser to critic and make further improvement. All suggestions and corrections
were incorporated. Items found to be not relevant were omitted from the instrument and the items found ambiguous
were revised according to the suggestions of the advisers. Complete sets of the final and approved questionnaire-
checklist were properly distributed to the teacher-respondents.
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.11, No.27, 2020
Based on table 3.0 above, it can be observed that the grand mean of 3.66 reveals that the private HEI
teachers as a whole strongly agree on the items under work relationship of employees towards manager. It is also
notable that all the items garnered a verbal interpretation of strongly agree. This implies that Teachers in private
HEIs have a good working relationship towards managers. As supported by literature, there is a “leader-member
agreement” between supervisor and employee along the lines of values, attitudes and perceptions. This can be
attributed to the fact that private HEIs managers give high regards in supporting, encouraging, helping, and
understanding employees. Hence, it is likely that there is a high social responsibility in attaining goals and
objectives of the organizations regardless of status and level. Table 3.0 also shows a grand mean of 2.82 under
public HEI with a verbal interpretation of agree with a support that all the items gleaned a verbal interpretation of
agree on work-relationship of employee towards manager. In general, as Higher Education Institutions revealed a
grand mean of 3.24 with a verbal interpretation of agree. This shows that irrespective of whether private or public
HEI, teachers have a good regard on the work-relationship between employee and manager.
Problem No. 2
What is the work-relationship of employee towards colleagues in terms of employee commitment?
Mean VI * Mean VI * Mean
1. I feel my colleagues will help me if work
3.35 SA 2.80 A 3.08 A
becomes difficult.
2. I get the support I needed from my colleagues. 3.40 SA 2.95 A 3.18 A
3. I get the respect at work which I deserve from
3.35 SA 2.90 A 3.13 A
my colleagues.
4. My colleagues are willing to listen to my work-
3.35 SA 3.20 A 3.28 SA
related problems.
5. I feel there is always unhealthy competition
2.80 D 1.65 SA 2.23 A
between my colleagues. (R)
6. I experience being personally harassed, in the
2.60 D 2.00 A 2.30 A
form of unkind words and behavior. (R)
7. I feel friction between colleagues. (R) 2.85 D 1.85 A 2.35 A
8. I feel sense of belongingness between my
3.60 SA 3.00 A 3.30 SA
9. I experience care among employees. 3.60 SA 3.05 A 3.33 SA
10. My relationship with others strained me in
2.40 A 1.75 A 2.08 A
work. (R)
Grand Mean 3.13 A 2.52 A 2.82 A
Note: (R) indicates the item is reverse scored
*VI – Verbal Interpretation
3.25-4.00– Strongly Agree (SA) 1.75-2.49 – Disagree (D)
2.50-3.24 – Agree (A) 1.00-1.74 – Strongly Disagree (SD)
As shown in the Table 4.0, all the items under work-relationship towards colleagues that the teachers in
private HEI assessed vary from disagree to strongly agree.
Based in Table 4.0 it can be observed that the grand mean of 3.13 reveals that the teachers in private HEI
as a whole agree on the items under work-relationship between fellow teachers. In addition, public HEI gleaned a
grand mean of 2.52 with a verbal interpretation of agree on the items. It is also notable that only item “I feel there
is always unhealthy competition between my colleagues” garnered strongly agree. Overall, the grand mean is 2.82
as agree on the items. It is noteworthy that the items “My colleagues are willing to listen to my work-related
problems”, “I feel sense of belongingness between my colleagues”, and “I experience care among employees”
garnered strongly agree.
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.11, No.27, 2020
Problem No. 3
What is the perception of the employee towards commitment in terms of work-relationship?
Mean VI * Mean VI * Mean
1. I understand the goals of the organization. 3.60 SA 2.95 SA 3.28 SA
2. I desire to remain a member of the organization. 3.50 SA 3.05 A 3.28 SA
3. It would be very hard for me to leave my
1.90 SA 1.90 SA 1.90 SA
department right now, even if I wanted to. (R)
4. I do not feel any obligation to remain with my
2.80 D 1.70 SA 2.25 A
current employer. (R)
5. I would be very happy to spend the rest of my
3.10 A 3.15 A 3.13 A
career with this organization.
6. One of the few negative consequences of
leaving this department would be the scarcity of 2.55 D 2.25 A 2.40 A
available alternatives. (R)
7. I do not feel a strong sense of “belonging” to my
3.15 D 1.95 A 2.55 D
organization. (R)
8. This organization deserves my loyalty. 3.50 SA 3.10 A 3.30 SA
9. My commitment to the organization has led to
3.40 SA 3.20 A 3.30 SA
high productivity.
10. I feel valued in the organization. 3.40 SA 2.90 A 3.15 A
Grand Mean 3.09 A 2.62 A 2.85 A
Note: (R) indicates the item is reverse scored
*VI – Verbal Interpretation
3.25-4.00– Strongly Agree (SA) 1.75-2.49 – Disagree (D)
2.50-3.24 – Agree (A) 1.00-1.74 – Strongly Disagree (SD)
As shown in the Table 5.0, all the items on the perception of employees towards commitment in terms of
work-relationship assessed vary from disagree to strongly agree.
Based in Table 5.0 it can be observed that the grand mean of 3.09 reveals that the teachers in private HEI
as a whole agree on the items under work-relationship between fellow teachers. It is striking that the items “I do
not feel any obligation to remain with my current employer”, “One of the few negative consequences of leaving
this department would be the scarcity of available alternatives”, and “I do not feel a strong sense of “belonging”
to my organization” garnered disagree. In addition, only item “I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career
with this organization” gleaned agree. Moreover, public HEI gathered a grand mean of 2.62 as agree on the items.
It is remarkable that items “I understand the goals of the organization”, “It would be very hard for me to leave my
department right now, even if I wanted to, and “I do not feel any obligation to remain with my current employer”
garnered a strongly agree. Overall, the grand mean is 2.85 as agree on the items. It is noteworthy that the item “I
do not feel a strong sense of “belonging” to my organization.” garnered disagree.
5. Conclusions
In view of the foregoing findings, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. As a whole, employees perceived agree on the items under work-relationship of employee towards managers
in terms of employee commitment. A comparison between private and public shows that private have a better
work-relationship towards manager. It is apparent that employees have good, sustaining and developing
relationship towards managers. An encouragement from the manager to get involve in decision making has a
great impact on the commitment of employee through understanding, inspiring, recognizing and giving
support to the employees. Relationship between managers and employees lies greatly on the manager. The
what, where, when, how and manner of dealing always start on the manager. Managers play a critical role in
altering the environment of the workplace and a positive relationship between the employees will surely
increase productivity.
2. In general, employees perceived agree on the items under work-relationship of employee towards colleagues
in terms of employee commitment. A comparison between private and public shows that private have a better
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.11, No.27, 2020
work-relationship towards colleagues. It is superficial that employees help, support, respect each other and
there is a sense of belongingness among colleagues. An important element in a commitment of the employees
when there is a culture of serving, reverence and willingness to listen fellow employees. Good relationship
among employees must be upheld and continue to develop considering the diverse personality, profession and
characters that prompt in managing personnel resources with the attainment of common goals and objectives
of the institution. Surely, employees will feel elated and remain its commitment in a workplace where
colleagues understand and a feeling of part of one family.
3. The perception towards commitment in the workplace reveals that employees agree on the items or statements.
A comparison between private and public shows that both assessed commitment through the given statement
as agree. Both private and public understand the goals of the organization, a desire to remain a member,
deserve loyalty, and perceived that the commitment of the employees leads to a high productivity to the
organization. Commitment affects the organization and the person. Committed employees will desire
organizational membership and even exert extra effort to protect the resources of the institution. A committed
employee is directly related to desirable work outcomes or performance, satisfied on the current job and less
turnover of employees.
5.1 Recommendations
The findings previously mentioned serves as the basis upon which the following recommendations are anchored:
1. Public organization should strengthen relationships between supervisor and employees along the lines of
values, attitudes and perceptions. Team building can be done twice or more in the school calendar. Team
building should be well participated across employee status and level of employees. The event should include
courses or activities that require participation of employees from other offices, colleges, and managers at the
same time.
2. School administrators should institutionalize activities that build work-relationships and support in the
planning, funding and implementation of such activities.
3. Supervisors should promote a culture of openness, support and building employees through proper mentoring
and coaching. A system may establish through scheduled mentoring and coaching among colleagues or
between employee and manager. In addition, Rewards can be given to group of employees who has done
exemplary contribution in the attainment of goals.
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Edison B. Estigoy, Ed.D., earned his Bachelor of Elementary Education (2009), Master of Arts in Education major
in Educational Administration (2012) and finished his Doctor of Education (Ed.D) major in Educational
Administration (2020) at the College of Teacher Education, Western Mindanao State University (WMSU),
Philippines. Former Instructor in Field Study, Pedagogy and Curriculum courses with quasi assignments as Internal
Quality Audit Team Leader and Document Custodian for ISO 9001:2015. Currently a Language Foreign Teacher
in Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an, China. Actively collaborating with researchers in line with the
area of Education, Administration, Language and other disciplines.
Josephine L. Sulasula, MPA, is the Supervising Administrative Officer of Zamboanga City State Polytechnic
College (ZCSCPC), Zamboanga City, Philippines and was previously the Head of Procurement, Inventory, and
Assets of the same college. Currently, she is also an Internal Auditor of ISO 9000:2015 and Accreditation. Likewise,
she is teaching Public Administration in Graduate School of ZCSPC. She earned her Master in Public
Administration Major Fiscal Administration in Western Mindanao State University (WMSU) in 2019. She handles
the review of Comprehensive Examination in College of Public Administration and Development Studies in
WMSU started 2019 until present in the key areas of Fiscal Administration, Organization and Management,
Personnel Management, and Project Administration.