Chapter 4 Attention
Chapter 4 Attention
Chapter 4 Attention
the ability to focus on specific stimuli or locations
selective attention
attending to one thing while ignoring others
one stimulus interfering with the processing of another stimulus
divided attention
paying attention to more than one thing at a time
attentional capture
a rapid shifting of attention usually caused by a stimulus such as a loud noise, bright light,
or sudden movement
visual scanning
movements of the eyes from one location or object to another
because of the results Anne Treisman (1964) proposed a modification of Broadbent’s model
analyzes the incoming message in terms of
(1) physical characteristics— whether it is high-pitched or low-pitched, fast or slow
(2) its language—how the message groups into syllables or words
(3) its meaning—how sequences of words create meaningful phrases
in Treisman’s attenuation model of attention, language and meaning can also be used to
separate the messages.
dictionary unit
contains words, stored in memory, each of which has a threshold for being activated
A threshold is the smallest signal strength that can barely be detected
words that are common or especially important, such as the listener’s name,
have low thresholds, so even a weak signal in the unattended channel can
activate that word
Uncommon words or words that are unimportant to the listener have higher
thresholds, so it takes the strong signal of the attended message to activate
these words
Treisman’s is called an early selection model because it proposes a filter that operates at an
early stage in the flow of information. Other models propose that selection can occur later
two factors that determine how people shift their attention by moving their eyes:
based primarily on physical characteristics of the stimulus
based on cognitive factors such as the observer’s knowledge about scenes and past
experiences with specific stimuli
attentional warping
the map of categories on the brain changes so more space is allotted to categories that are
being searched for, and this effect occurs even when the attended category isn’t present
things that direct our attention away from something we are doing
Distractions by Cell Phones while Driving
After seeing the video, observers were asked whether they saw anything unusual happen or
whether they saw anything other than the six players.
This experiment demonstrates that when observers are attending to one sequence of
events, they can fail to notice another event, even when it is right in front of them
Inattentional Deafness
visual search
involves scanning a scene to find a specific object
inattentional deafness
focusing on a difficult visual task results in impaired hearing
inattentional effects can occur across vision and hearing
shows how Lavie’s load theory of attention can be applied to explaining the effects of
being involved in a high-load task increases the chances of missing other stimuli
Change Detection
Researchers have also demonstrated how a lack of attention can affect perception using a
procedure called change detection
which one picture is presented followed by another picture, and the task is to determine
what the difference is between them
the sequence had to be repeated a number of times before the difference was detected. This
difficulty in detecting changes in scenes is called change blindness
continuity errors
a lapse in the self-consistency of the scene or story being portrayed
Why does change blindness occur?
when we look at a scene in a still picture or at the ongoing action in a film, our attention is
often not directed at the place where the change occurs
Attentional Networks
Neuroimaging research has revealed that there are neural networks for attention associated
with different functions
ventral attention network
which controls attention based on salience
dorsal attention network
which controls attention based on top-down processes