5.1 Frequency
5.2 Voltage
12.1 Appearance
12.2 Public Safety
12.3 Polluted Environment
The purpose of this standard is to clearly define design philosophy and practices
adopted by SEC to enable the design engineer to develop cost effective designs of
SEC Transmission Lines.
This standard:
2.1 Covers transmission lines for 69 kV, 110kV, 115 kV, 132kV, 230 kV and 380
kV systems.
2.2 Generally deals with the design philosophy and design practices as adopted by
SEC based on management directives, policy guidelines and the operation and
maintenance experience gained by SEC over a period of time particularly in
the onerous environmental conditions experienced in SEC franchise area.
2.3 Lays down the system parameters and tolerance limits as have been enunciated
by SEC and indicates the design criteria for various systems such as wood
poles, lattice structures, steel poles etc., which have been adopted by SEC as a
result of studies conducted from time to time.
2.4 Indicates ratings for various equipment and hardware, which have so far been
standardized by SEC.
2.5 Gives certain basic concepts of design, engineering, general assumptions and
guidelines, methods of calculations, typical examples for transmission lines to
be designed for various voltage levels for SEC network.
2.6 Intends to minimize the frequent references by the design engineers to various
international standards, other texts or technical papers and intends to furnish
the minimum needed information at one place, for particular use in SEC
2.7 Does not intend to replace the international or national standards or other
reference documents.
2.8 Does not specify the material standard specifications for various materials and
equipment, which are covered separately under SEC Transmission Materials
Standard Specifications (TMSSs).
2.9 Assumes that all materials and equipment that are used in the transmission line
meet the requirements specified in the respective TMSS.
2.10 Does not cover the construction requirements of the transmission line, which
are covered under SEC Transmission Construction Standards (TCSs).
3.1 Applicable codes, standards and other reference materials have been indicated
in each chapter of this "Transmission Line Design Standards (TES-P-122)".
3.3 It shall be the responsibility of the design engineer preparing the base design or
detailed design to be or become knowledgeable of the requirements of the
latest Industry Codes and Standards referred in TES-P-122. He shall bring to
the attention of SEC, any latest revisions of these Codes and Standards, which
may have an impact on the technical requirements of TES-P-122.
3.4 Whenever equivalent Codes and Standards are used, SEC approval to the same
shall be obtained before proceeding with the design. The equivalent Codes and
Standards shall be equal to or better than those specified in TES-P-122. Copy
of the equivalent Codes and Standards and the comparison with the specified
Codes and Standards shall be provided to SEC for review and acceptance.
In case of any conflict between various documents and standards or specifications, the
order of precedence shall be as follows:
4.1 The Scope of Work and Technical Specifications (SOW/TS) for any project
5.1 Frequency
The nominal frequency for SEC system is 60 Hz and the permissible operating
frequency range is between 59.9 Hz and 60.1 Hz. The transient frequency
variations shall be between 58.5 Hz and 61.5 Hz.
5.2 Voltage
The standard nominal system voltages adopted by SEC are listed in Table 01-1.
The permissible operating voltage range is ± 5% under normal operating
conditions and ± 10%, for 30 minutes, under emergency operating conditions.
These are detailed in Table 01-1.
Voltage Range
Nominal Voltage Range
(Emergency Operating
System Voltage (Normal Operating
Condition for 30 minutes),
(kVrms) Condition), kVrms
69 65.6-72.5 62.1-75.9
110 104.5-115.5 99-121
115 109.3-121 103.5-126.5
132 125.4-138.6 118.8-145.2
230 219-241.5 207-253
380 361-399 342-418
The insulation levels for all equipment shall not be less than the values specified in
Table 01-2. For installations at an altitude higher than 1000 m, the insulation
requirements shall be calculated by multiplying the insulation value indicated in the
Table 01-2 below by the altitude correction factor as specified in IEC 60694 & IEC
Basic lightning impulse insulation levels (BIL) are specified with respect to a standard
1.2/50 μs wave shape and the basic switching impulse insulation level (BSL) is
specified for a 250/2500 μs impulse.
Power Basic
Basic Frequency Switching
Insulation Withstand Impulse Level
System Voltage
Level (BIL), Votage (BSL), kVrms
kVPeak *Dry/Wet,
69 350 160/140 -
110 650 275/275
115 650 275/275 -
132 750 325/325 -
230 1050 460/460 -
380 1425 620/620 1050
*Dry for 1 minute, wet for 10 seconds
In SEC system wood poles are used for 69kV and 115kV system, steel monopoles for
69kV, to 230kV and lattice structures for 69kV to 380kV system.
Cap and pin disc type porcelain/glass insulators (fog/aero form), Long Rod type
porcelain (aero form) and Composite insulators are used in the SEC system. The type
of insulators to be used for a particular project shall be specified in the relevant
All suspension and tension strings with porcelain or glass insulators shall have
a minimum leakage (creepage) distance of 50mm/kV (line to line nominal
system voltage) for transmission lines located in the Coastal Area (the area
located within a distance of 100 km and 50km from the sea coast line for
Consolidtaed Transmission Area and Developing Transmission Area
All suspension and tension strings with porcelain or glass insulators shall have
a minimum leakage (creepage) distance of 40mm/kV (line to line nominal
system voltage) for transmission lines located in the Inland Area (the area
located beyond the above specified limits).
For the existing transmission lines in the Inland Area (SEC Central Operating
Area and SEC Southern Operating Area) where a creepage distance of
31mm/kV has been used and no problems have been encountered due to this,
the same creepage distance may be adopted for future transmission lines.
When Composite insulators are used, the creepage distance shall be kept as
40mm/kV both for suspension and tension strings. These types of insulators
may be used for transmission lines located in the Coastal Areas.
When using fog type cap and pin disc insulators on transmission lines located
in the coastal zone, the number of units in each string (suspension and tension)
shall be as follows:
Table 01-4: Fog Type Cap and Pin Disc Insulators in the Coastal Area
(Based on 50 mm/kV Creepage Distance)
When using Long Rod type insulators on transmission lines located in the
coastal zone, the insulators in the suspension and tension strings shall have the
ratings as follows:
Table 01-5: Long Rod Type Insulators in the Coastal Area (Based on 50
mm/kV Creepage Distance)
Transmission lines located in the inland area shall have Fog type insulators or
Aero-Form type insulators or Long Rod type insulators. When using aero form
type insulators on the existing structure designs adequate conductor clearances
to structure/ground must be ensured. A detailed techno-economic study must
be carried out when aero form type insulators are to be used for new
transmission lines employing new structure designs.
Long Rod type insulators on transmission lines located in the Inland Area shall
have the ratings as follows:
Table 01-6: Long Rod Type Insulators in the Inland Area (Based on 40
mm/kV Creepage Distance)
Number of Fog Type insulators in each string (suspension and tension) shall be
as follows:
Table 01-7: Fog Type Cap and Pin Disc Insulators in the Inland Area (Based
on 40 mm/kV Creepage Distance)
Insulator Rating,
Line Number Insulator
String Leakage Distance,
Voltage of String Length
Configuration and Spacing
(kV) Insulators (mm)
(kN, mm, mm)
Suspension FI-7 1022 111, 432, 146
Tension FH-7 1092 160, 432, 156
Suspension FI-11 1606 111, 432, 146
Tension FH-11 1716 160, 432, 156
Suspension FI-11 1606 111, 432, 146
Tension FH-11 1716 160, 432, 156
Suspension FI-13 1898 111, 432, 146
Tension FH-13 2028 160, 432, 156
Suspension FI-22 3212 111, 432, 146
Tension FH-22 3422 160, 432, 156
Suspension FI/FV-28 4368 160, 545, 156
Tension FH-28 4760 222, 545, 170
Table 01-8: Aero Form Type Cap and Pin Disc Insulators in the Inland Area
(Based on 40 mm/kV Creepage Distance)
Insulator Rating,
Line Number Insulator
String Leakage Distance,
Voltage of String Length
Configuration and Spacing
(kV) Insulators (mm)
(kN, mm, mm)
Suspension AI-9 1314 111, 335, 146
Tension AH-9 1404 160, 335, 156
Suspension AI-14 2044 111, 335, 146
Tension AH-14 2184 160, 335, 156
Suspension AI-14 2044 111, 335, 146
Tension AH-14 2184 160, 335, 156
Suspension AI-16 2336 111, 335, 146
Tension AH-16 2496 160, 335, 156
Suspension AI-28 4088 111, 335, 146
Tension AH-28 4368 160, 335, 156
Suspension AI/AV-46 7176 160, 335, 156
Tension AH-46 7820 222, 335, 170
Table 01-9: Aero Form Type Cap and Pin Disc Insulators in the Inland Area
(Based on 31 mm/kV Creepage Distance)
Insulator Rating,
Line Number Insulator
String Leakage Distance,
Voltage of String Length
Configuration and Spacing
(kV) Insulators (mm)
(kN, mm, mm)
Suspension AI-7 1022 111, 335, 146
Tension AH-7 1092 160, 335, 156
Suspension AI-11 1606 111, 335, 146
Tension AH-11 1716 160, 335, 156
Suspension AI-11 1606 111, 335, 146
Tension AH-11 1716 160, 335, 156
Suspension AI-13 1898 111, 335, 146
Tension AH-13 2028 160, 335, 156
Suspension AI-22 3212 111, 335, 146
Tension AH-22 3432 160, 335, 156
Suspension AI/AV-36 5616 160, 335, 156
Tension AH-36 6120 222, 335, 170
11.1 The ratings of line hardware shall equal or exceed the Mechanical and
Electrical strength ratings of the insulator or the ultimate load it shall support
and as specified in the relevant TES/TCS and SOW/TS. The range of hardware
fitting used in SEC transmission system shall be as per relevant TMSS.
11.2 The line hardware on suspension and tension strings shall be suitable for
removal and/or replacement of insulators and fittings by tools designed for hot-
line/live-line working/maintenance operations. On double insulator strings for
both suspension and tension, yoke plate must have the same shape and
thickness so that the same tool can be used for maintenance.
12.1 Appearance
12.1.1 Load growth has brought the need to transmit bulk power to areas of
thick population resulting in the increasing contact with these
transmission lines. Therefore transmission lines are to be designed
taking into account impact of electromagnetic fields, aesthetic design
and impact of physical location.
12.1.2 The insulation of line, air gap, and insulator strings shall be designed
to withstand switching surges, fault initiated over voltages and
lightning impulses. Tower dimensions are affected by the number of
insulators, type of string for insulators, type of insulator and
12.2.1 Transmission lines shall be safe for people who have occasion to be
near them.
12.3.1 The areas through which SEC transmission lines run are characterized
by extreme atmospheric pollution with various degrees of sand, dust
and salt. Due to low rainfall in the area, the natural washing of
insulators is insufficient to control insulator contamination,
accumulation and flash over may occur.
The environment in Saudi Arabia can best be characterized by intense summer heat
and frequent strong winds. However, heavy rains and sand storms occasionally occur
in this desert climate. The atmosphere is highly corrosive, particularly near the coastal
The transmission line shall be designed taking into consideration the basic parameters
such as the size of conductor, conductor configuration, length of line, nominal voltage,
fault current, load requirement and transposition.
Conductors, structures and all poles are to be designed for a wind velocity of
150km/hr. Funneling of winds may occur where there is a natural flow of air
from an unrestricted area through a restricted area, such as a mountain pass and
the wind velocity may gets accelerated. The design engineer shall study the
effect of wind funneling in such areas and take into account, the increased
loadings, if the wind velocity is greater than that specified above.
14.2.1 Surface conditions include salt flats (sabkhah), marl, aeolian sand and
rock. Sabkhah areas shall be avoided as far as possible.
14.2.2 Ground water table varies from near surface in the coastal zone to
several meters below grade in inland areas.
14.2.3 Areas of sand and marl presents the problem of shifting of the over
burden due to wind action. This problem can be alleviated to some
extent by elevating the soil surface at each foundation and stabilizing
the elevated surface with crude oil. This practice tends to prevent the
depositing of windborne sand at the foundation. This practice
prevents surface sand moving away from the foundation.
Transmission lines located near the ends of the airport runways shall require warning
lights and sphere marking to warn pilots of potential collision with the structures and
conductors. The design engineer responsible for the detailed design shall arrange to
contact the aviation authorities to determine the requirements and ensure compliance
to the same.
15.1.1 Daylight spherical markers shall be installed on the shield wire per
12-TMSS-03. The color of spherical markers shall be aviation
Orange. The spherical marker shall be equally spaced along the span
conforming to the requirements of the aviation authorities.
15.1.3 To retain the general definition of the object being marked, markers
shall be displayed in conspicuous positions, i.e. shall be spaced
equally along the wire at an interval of not more 61 m (200 ft). This
interval in critical areas near airport runway end shall be in the range
of 10 to 15 m.
15.1.4 Spherical markers shall be placed on the highest wire and where there
are two wires at the same height; they may be installed alternately
along each overhead ground wire only and not on composite optical
fiber ground wire (OPGW) to facilitae easy maintenance of OPGW.
The distance between the adjacent markers shall be maintained as
above. This method shall allow the weight and wind loading to be
Line transposition shall be made for the purpose of reducing the electrostatic and
electromagnetic unbalance among the phases, which can result in unequal voltages for
long lines. Line transposition is changing the position of phase conductors so that
within a specified length of a line, each conductor occupies the position of all the three
phase conductors for the same length.
All 230 kV and 380 kV transmission lines greater than 90 km in length shall be
transposed, whereas, transmission lines less than 90 km in length may not require any
transposition. The transposition shall be done at equal intervals along the line at points
having L/3 distance (L being the length of transmission line between two terminal
stations). After transposition, the relative phasing sequence on double circuit lines
shall be kept in a reversed order as described in Clause 7.3.
17.3.1 On all radial feeders and tap lines, the structure numbering shall begin
at the line origin and shall increase toward line destination. The line
name designation shall be determined by the destination of the line
rather than the name of the main lines.
17.3.2 On other transmission lines, the structure numbering shall begin with
structure one from south to north or west to east. This geographical
direction is dependent on the location from transmission line to
transmission line and not the direction of the line at any point. The
line name designation shall be according to the station name at each
end of the line with the first name listed dependent on the same
geographical directions listed above; i.e., the Abqaiq-Qurayyah line
shall be designated by AB-QU.
17.4.1 All structures shall have their respective structure numbers on them
but the aerial line identification plates shall be installed on every tenth
structure, the first structure, the last structure and on both structures
adjacent to a crossing highway, rail road and access road.
normal position will not be readily visible from the access road, they
shall be installed on the structure faces best exposed to view from the
access roads.
17.5.1 All transmission lines in the SEC power system, which do not require
transposition, shall have the phases identified per clause 7.2.
17.5.4 The structures requiring phase marking shall be indicated on the Plan
and Profile drawings by the symbol “φ“ and shall be marked
“TRANSPOSED” next to the structure numbers.
19.2 Design Manual for High Voltage Transmission Lines, Rural Electrification
Administration (US Department of Agriculture).
19.3 Transmission Line Reference Book 345 kV and Above, Electric Power
Research Institute.