Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Quickstart
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Quickstart
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Quickstart
Achtung! Cthulhu ® Modiphius Entertainment 2020.
Artwork © Modiphius Entertainment Ltd 2020.
The Achtung! Cthulhu, Nachtwölfe, Black Sun,
Section M, Majestic & Modiphius Logos
© 2012-2020 Modiphius Entertainment Ltd.
Achtung! Cthulhu
Achtung! Cthulhu?
Growing up as a British kid on a diet of Weird War and
Sgt. Rock comics fuelled a thousand ‘weird’ battles
with my Airfix soldiers and tanks. It wasn’t until I read
H.P. Lovecraft’s At The Mountains of Madness that things
clicked. What if the Nazis reached the ancient city in
Antartica first, what if there was a ‘secret war’ taking
place, behind the scenes, to ensure the Nazis didn’t
awaken a greater evil? This went beyond the usual staple
of mere vampires, zombies and werewolves in World War
Two, it was a much deeper storyline.
Introduction What is Achtung! Cthulhu?
Achtung! Cthulhu drops you into an epic age old secret every battle, you’ll need to dig deep into forbidden tomes,
war, which started with the conflict between the old ancient spells, esoteric knowledge, forge uneasy alliances
gods that saw the fall of Hyperborea, Atlantis, the Roman and mix that with a healthy dose of experimental weapons,
Empire, Napoleonic Wars, World War Two, and will be or “funnies” as us Brits like to call them!
fought through many aeons to come.
Our very own Achtung! Cthulhu characters walk a fine
The age old terror represented by the Cthulhu Mythos line between light and dark. Natalya the Belarussian tank
promises destruction and chaos on such an epic scale that commander possessed by the raw fury of the deep forests
our heroes can only delay the end by a few more years. and Arianne the French resistance agent bound to an
Achtung! Cthulhu promises a tiny sliver of hope. The ancient demon, are just two examples. What sacrifices will
real heroes of World War II, normal people who became you make to defeat the Cthulhu Mythos in this world?
resistance fighters or soldiers, feared that the Nazi war
machine was just as undefeatable as we imagine Cthulhu, Now this new edition of Achtung! Cthulhu, built using
yet they still fought on. They fought often without hope our own cinematic 2d20 game system dials up the ‘weird’
for themselves, but that someone else might get the chance to expand on the original game with more secret bases,
to end the war. This hope was well founded: the vast more ancient mysteries, more terrifying creatures, fantastic
machinery of the Third Reich was finally defeated though technology, and some exciting hints of what’s to come. It is
by terrible sacrifices by the allied nations. a secret war that isn’t just limited to the 20th Century, but
spans millenia. We’ve got your six, so get ready because the
Secret War has begun!
TO LEARN ABOUT THE REAL Until next time, Keep calm and carry on, soldier!
Secret Forces of the
Introduction Secret Forces of the Secret War
Secret War
Section M
“We’ve not got much time. Or much hope. But, we do have success is due to a combination of those great British
a stiff-upper lip. So that’ll just have to do.” virtues — indomitability and luck — while leaning on
the cosmopolitan diversity of its former Empire to fill in
— Viscount Alexander ‘Alec’ Towton Head of Section M
any gaps. By war’s end it has matured into a formidable
fighting force.
Section M’s mission is to oppose and foil Black Sun and
Nachtwölfe’s worst machinations and serve as Britain’s
The strength of Section M lies in its unorthodoxy, its
front line occult force in the Secret War. It’s always
faintly amateur ethos and its adaptability, reacting
playing catch up, as it was not officially brought into
directly to situations without the burden of endless
being until 1939, but ‘better late than never’, say
bureaucracy. Its chief, Sir Alec Towton is a brave and
Section M’s operatives, that’s just the nature of war.
indefatigable leader, adept at spotting an array of talent
and harnessing it for Section M’s exacting needs. Its
Despite its initial over reliance on a forgotten archive
most notable operatives include Corporal Akhee “the
of Victoriana and a talent for improvisation and making
Eye” Singh, Captain “Badger” Harris, Natalya Petrova,
do — Section M survives and eventually thrives. Its
and “Mad” Jack McMasters.
“The Nazis are meddling with forces they shouldn’t and that firepower and technology, mixed with raw courage and
means we have to get our hands dirty too. The only way to tenacity, to create a flexible fighting force which serves
survive is to fight fire with fire.” across many fronts with distinction.
Black Sun
“Science, technology, an indomitable will to power, and the Nachtwölfe specialists stalk the battlefield and are
Blauer Kristall, these are the tools we will use to prevail instantly recognisable by the eerie blue glow of their
against all our enemies, both foreign and domestic.” advanced weaponry and technology, fabricated by the
scientific staff who pursue Mina Wolff’s vision of an
— Mina Wolff, head of Nachtwölfe.
advanced Germany. Nonetheless, their methods are still
without conscience and ethical or moral considerations
Nachtwölfe, the Night Wolves, were originally part of Black
and Nachtwölfe creates many horrors of its own. The
Sun, until Mina Wolf’s great betrayal when she split from
Cerberus-Gruppe actively encourage their staff to push
Exarch Reinhardt Weissler, splintering off to form her own
the limits of science using highly questionable methods.
occult organisation with the tacit backing of the Fuhrer.
“The ends justify the means” is their warped thinking in
Nachtwölfe’s primary focuses are science, technology,
creating this new order for the Third Reich. Senior staff
progress, biological enhancements and wonder weapons
include Gerd Schmidt, commander of the Nachtwölfe
(wunderwaffen) powered by Blauer Kristall (Blue Crystal) to
elite Wolf Guards and Krafft Heimburg, head of the
help win the war for Nazi Germany. They scour the world
scientific division.
for rare Atlantean technology, looking to learn its secrets
while harvesting the rare Blauer Kristall which powers it.
Achtung! Cthulhu 2b20
Chapter 1 Quickstart Rules
Quickstart Rules
Into the Secret War
Amidst the battles of World War II, brave Allied heroes hope, the brave men and women of Britain’s Section M
fight a Secret War against the Nazi forces of the occult, and the US’s Majestic, whose task is to take the fight to
the fearsome Black Sun who favour magic and monsters, these foes and foil the Nazi occult threat.
and their fierce rivals Nachtwölfe—the Night Wolves—
who use ancient technology and forgotten secrets to
make terrifying wonder weapons. Challenge Dice Result
With their terrible Mythos allies, these factions are on
the verge of tipping the course of the war in favour of 1 1
their Nazi masters. Yet opposing them are the Allies’ last
2 2
3 0
5 1, plus Effect
Before you begin to read though this quickstart guide
6 1, plus Effect
and play Achtung! Cthulhu it’s a good idea to check
you have the following materials:
Twenty-sided dice – also known as d20s. These
are used for resolving skill tests. You will usually
roll two twenty-sided dice, or 2d20, but as many WHAT IS 2D20?
as 5d20 can be rolled at once.
The 2d20 system is designed to create
Challenge Dice are special six-sided dice dramatic and narrative action from the
and are primarily used for inflicting stress roll of 2d20. Players aim to roll under
and determining how much protection your a target number on each of the dice, and
character receives from cover. Challenge Dice score successes to achieve the amount (the
are denoted in the text by the symbol. Each “difficulty”) of the task. Extra successes
die has four possible results—a score of 1, a over the difficulty create “Momentum”. This
score of 2, two scores of 0 and two faces with Momentum can be used to create cinematic
the Effect symbol. action or gain advantageous effects, but
other players can also use it gain additional
Six-sided dice otherwise referred to as d6 can
also be used instead of Challenge Dice, if so you’ll d20s for their own rolls.
need at least six between all the players. You can
consult the Challenge Dice Results table for the Players also have the option to give the
equivalent Challenge Dice result. gamemaster something called “Threat” points,
to purchase additional d20s for their rolls,
Tokens to keep track of Momentum and Threat but this comes at a risk. Threat represents
(covered later). You will need six tokens for everything that can go wrong in an adventure
Momentum and a dozen for Threat; it helps if they and is a gamemaster resource to make the
are two different colours. character’s lives interesting if they push
their luck!
Paper, pens, and pencils to make notes and
draw maps.
Agility. A mixture of speed and balance, which is
responsible for your character’s movement and motion.
Academia. Your character’s ability to study new information,
and when trying to recall facts about a subject.
Chapter 1 Quickstart Rules
Whenever a character attempts to complete an activity b. Each die that rolls a natural 1 scores two successes.
where the outcome is in doubt, or where failure would be
c. Each die that rolls a 20 causes a complication (see
interesting, the character attempts a test.
Complications, p.11)
Some tests may be reduced to difficulty 0. Both Characters Succeed: Compare the total
Difficulty 0 tests do not require a dice roll: they Momentum generated on each character’s skill test.
are automatically successful with no risk of The character with the higher Momentum wins,
complications. However, because no roll is made, and achieves their goal, but loses one Momentum
they cannot generate Momentum—even bonus for each Momentum their opponent scored. The
Momentum from talents, even for particularly loser then loses all the Momentum they generated,
advantageous situations—and the character cannot and they cannot spend any. In the case of a tie, the
spend any Momentum on the test’s outcome either. active character wins, but loses all the Momentum
they generated.
At the gamemaster’s discretion, a character can roll the
dice on a test with a difficulty of 0 and can generate
Momentum as normal (because zero successes are
required, every success generates Momentum), but A truth is a single word or short phrase, which describes
this comes with the normal risk of complications as a significant fact or aspect about its subject. Truths define
well. This sort of difficulty 0 test can be useful if it’s what is and what isn’t possible, and whether skill tests
important how successful a character is, but there’s no are easier or harder to attempt. If a truth stops being
real chance of failure. important, or ceases to be true, it is no longer a truth.
Chapter 1 Quickstart Rules
In rules terms, if the truth applies, it does one of the
Unless otherwise noted, most tests have a base difficulty
The truth makes an action easier, reducing the
? of 1. Routine or straightforward tests might have a
difficulty of the skill test by 1. base difficulty of 0, while harder more challenging tests
will have higher difficulties. After this the gamemaster
The truth makes something more difficult, increasing
? considers if there are any additional factors in the current
the difficulty of the skill test by 1.
scene, or affecting the characters involved, that would
The truth makes an action possible, or impossible.
? affect the base difficulty of the test.
Chapter 1 Quickstart Rules
Each success above and beyond the difficulty of a test The GM typically begins each adventure with 2 Threat
becomes one point of Momentum, which the character for each player present at the start of the session. They
may use immediately, or save for later. Momentum is a gain Threat in the following ways:
valuable pooled resource that allows characters to improve
upon their successes or gain additional benefits. Threatening Circumstances: The environment or
circumstances of a new scene may be perilous enough
The Momentum pool cannot contain more than 6 to warrant adding one or two Threat to the pool auto-
Momentum at any time. matically. Some important NPCs may generate Threat
simply by arriving in a scene, in response to changes
Bonus Momentum in the situation, or by taking certain actions. This also
Some situations, items, and talents grant a character bonus includes activities that escalate the tension
Momentum. This is added to the amount of Momentum of the scene, such as NPCs raising an alarm.
you generate from a successful skill test. Sometimes it is
Non-Player Character Momentum: NPCs with
specified that bonus Momentum can only be used in a
unspent Momentum from their skill tests cannot save
specific way, such as buying dice, or obtaining information.
it like player characters can: NPCs don’t have a group
Momentum pool. Instead, an NPC may add to Threat,
Bonus Momentum cannot be saved to a Momentum pool:
adding one Threat for every Momentum they have
if it is not used when it is generated, it is lost forever.
Create Truth: For 2 points of Momentum, create
Non-Player Character Momentum: NPCs can spend
a truth for a character or the target of an action.
Threat in all the ways that player characters use
Obtain Information: For each Momentum spent Momentum.
the character’s player asks the gamemaster a
Non-Player Character Threat Spends: When a player
single question about the situation, environment,
character’s action would normally add points to Threat,
or the characters present, which is not immediately
an NPC performing that same action, or making that
obvious depending on the skill test attempted. The
same choice, must spend an equivalent number of
GM must answer truthfully, but can be as detailed
points of Threat.
or vague as they wish. This spend can be repeated.
Non-Player Character Complications: If an NPC
Reduce Time: You can spend Momentum to
suffers a complication, the gamemaster may buy off
reduce the time it took to complete your test. The
that complication by spending two Threat.
reduction in time is down to the gamemaster, and
you can vary the amount of Momentum you spend Truth: The gamemaster may change or create a truth
depending on how quickly you want to complete by spending two Threat. This must come naturally from
the test. some part of the current situation.
THREAT Threat each, while Notable NPCs cost two and Major
NPCs three.
As player characters generate and spend Momentum,
Environmental Effects and Narrative Changes:
the gamemaster generates their own currency, called
The gamemaster may trigger or cause problems with
Threat. The GM spends Threat to alter scenes, empower
the scene or environment by spending Threat.
non-player characters, and generally make things more
challenging, perilous, or unpredictable for the player
characters. Players can also add to the Threat pool instead
of spending Momentum.
Chapter 1 Quickstart Rules
Action and Conflict
Chapter 1 Quickstart Rules
Embracing its heroic, pulp-flavoured nature, action scenes Close range is defined as the zone you are in, or a
in Achtung! Cthulhu are fast-paced and enthralling, distance of 0 zones.
requiring quick decision-making and decisive action on
Medium range is defined as an adjacent zone, or a
the part of its players.
distance of 1 zone.
ZONES AND DISTANCES Long range is defined as two zones away, or a distance
of 2 zones.
To visualize your place in an action scene, it’s important
Extreme range is any zone beyond long range, or a
to keep track of which zone your character is in. Zones
distance of 3 or more zones.
are defined by the terrain around them and tracking a
character can simple be a matter of description—an enemy
might be ‘behind the control panel’ or ‘in the corridor’. ROUNDS AND TURNS
This has the advantage of relying on natural language and
An action scene is a sequence divided into rounds and
intuitive concepts.
turns. During a round, each character takes a single turn.
Chapter 1 Quickstart Rules
Conflict Momentum Spends
In addition to the previously mentioned Momentum spends the following are available in combat:
Minor Action 1 The character may attempt one additional minor action during their turn.
An additional target within reach of the primary target is also affected by the
Secondary Target 2
attack, suffering the full effects of the attack.
1. Declare the Attack: Choose a target that you can If the character suffers 5 or more stress from a single
see, and a weapon to use. If you want to make a attack or hazard after reduction for resistance.
melee attack you must be within reach of the target, if
The character’s stress track is filled.
you want to make a ranged attack you must be able to
see the target. The character already had a full stress track and takes
further stress.
2. Skill Test: You attempt a skill test, determined by
If two or more of these conditions occur at the same
the type of attack. Each type of attack may have fur-
time, characters may suffer multiple injuries.
ther adjustments to difficulty.
a. Melee: Attempt an Agility + Fighting test with a Each injury you suffer increases the complication range
difficulty of 1, opposed by the target’s own Agility of your skill tests by 1 until treated. Once a character
+ Fighting test, also difficulty 1. has suffered three injuries, in any combination, they are
defeated and can no longer act in the scene. If a character
b. Ranged: Attempt a Coordination + Fighting Test,
is defeated and has more physical injuries than mental
with a base difficulty of 1, if you are within range.
ones, they are also dying. At the end of each of a dying
c. Mental: Attempt a Will + Academia test with a character’s turns, roll 1 , plus one additional for each
difficulty of 1, opposed by the target’s own Will + successive turn they have been dying. If the character rolls
Resilience test, also difficulty 1. Mental attacks are two or more effects, they die from their injuries.
used to threaten and intimidate opponents.
3. Inflict Stress: If the skill test succeeds then the Some events and environmental effects will affect a
attack inflicts stress, as described below. character’s ability to act.
Chapter 1 Quickstart Rules
Against mental attacks, a character applies resistance
? Drain: The attack or hazard is especially debilitating.
from courage and morale. Courage represents a The character hit suffers one fatigue for each effect
character’s confidence and discipline, while morale rolled.
is the certainty that comes from being inspired or
Intense: The attack has an especially potent effect. If
encouraged by others.
one or more Effects are rolled, and the attack inflicts
one or more injuries, the attack inflicts one additional
Characters do not start with any resistance. Cover and
morale typically come from circumstances – locations
and actions – rather than being part of the character, Persistent X: The attack or hazard has a lingering
and therefore a character doesn’t start with any cover or effect. If one or more Effects are rolled, the target
morale either. suffers X stress (of the same type as the initial attack
or hazard) at the start of the affected character’s turn,
Chapter 1 Quickstart Rules
Both Axis and Allies have their own distinct approaches to research-driven occultists are typically self-taught or part
the learning and wielding of magic. Magic has been divided of clandestine societies, limiting their knowledge base
into two separate and distinct disciplines: and making them greedy for more knowledge rather than
cautious and reverent. Researchers can learn any spell, but
The first is “battlefield magic”, shorter-term enchantments, are often led to the Mythos, which is dangerous in its own
spells, curses, hexes, charms and blessings, which are right.
primarily used to aid forces involved in combat.
The second is ritualistic magic; more complicated and A character might stumble upon a useful fragment of
intricate, but conversely immensely more potent and occult knowledge, perhaps an eldritch tome composed
powerful. It is this kind of magic used to communicate by some maddened scribe, which grants them knowledge
with strange forces and higher darker beings, or effect of a spell. Coming from such a dubious source, such
permanent and lasting change in the mortal plane. learnt spells are flawed and extremely dangerous, and the
character may find it difficult to expand their knowledge
Chapter 1 Quickstart Rules
To cast a battlefield spell spellcasters must first prepare Some spells may allow their target to resist the effects.
their mantle, choosing which spells they wish to hold This turns the skill test to cast the spell into an opposed
ready. A spellcaster may have a number of spells in their test and the attribute and skill combination the resisting
mantle equal to their power. Preparing these spells requires character uses will be mentioned in the spell’s description.
a difficulty 0 skill test, which takes a number of minutes The resisting character’s test uses the spell’s difficulty.
equal to the difficulty of each spell added together. The
attribute and skill used varies – traditional spellcasters In addition, spellcasters learn techniques to ward
use Insight + Survival, research spellcasters use Reason themselves against the supernatural, and the practicalities
+ Academia, and dabblers use Will + Resilience. Once of war have made those techniques more necessary than
prepared, a spellcaster’s mantle contains the chosen spells ever for countering hostile magic.
until they sleep or are otherwise rendered unconscious.
Spellcasters of all types gain the following reaction:
CASTING A BATTLEFIELD Counterspell: This does not count towards the bound
MAGIC SPELL spells in your mantle. Once per round, you may use
During an action scene, a spellcaster may attempt to cast this when an enemy you can see attempts to cast a
the spells in their mantle. This requires the use of the spell. You roll your power dice; for each Effect rolled,
Prepare minor action and a major action. Spellcasting can the difficulty of the enemy’s spell increases by +1. A
only be attempted once per turn. spellcaster who uses this reaction may not attempt to
cast a spell in their following turn.
The skill used by the spell is determined by the spell’s
description, as is the difficulty of the skill test to cast the This ability is a core element of sorcerous duels—both
spell. The attribute used for this skill test depends on the participants know that they cannot easily cast spells while
type of spellcaster the character is: traditional spellcasters the other can counterspell, but using a counterspell prevents
use Insight, research spellcasters use Reason, and the caster from using spells of their own, creating a tension
dabblers use Will. between the spellcasters as each waits for an opening.
RESISTING MAGIC AND back from the dead. Gamemasters should apply their
creativity, ingenuity and sense of fun to devise some
MAGICAL DUELS truly spectacular and devious effects when a spell
Although magic is a potent and dangerous force, it is not is miscast. However, if the spell is successfully cast,
all-powerful and in some cases, spells may be resisted. the spell’s effects will still occur – even complications
Sometimes a spellcaster will have to overcome the innate when spellcasting cannot turn success into failure, it
willpower, resistance and ego of a subject to have a spell can only produce additional effects.
take effect.
Chapter 2 A Quick Trip to France
It is June, 1940. The Black Sun, one of the major occult event which triggered Aramis to make a hasty report to
forces within the Nazi regime, has stormed in to take London about this unexpected and bizarre event.
over the French village of Saint Sulac. The Black Sun are
led by a Master, Jans Stöller, whose recent discovery of While Aramis was attempting to make his report, his
a forgotten tome known as the Azeus Demonicium has Resistance fighters got caught up in a firefight with the
revealed that the chateau at the centre of the village is Black Sun, resulting in his handlers in London receiving a
built on a site of supreme occult significance. garbled and incomplete message.
Contained within the warren of caves below the chateau These events made the upper echelon of Section M, the
is a chamber which holds the Altar of Obeisance, a long British occult intelligence agency, very nervous: Stöller
forgotten pre-Roman artefact from a dark Gaulish cult is a rising star within the Nazi occult organisation. What
who were devoted to the worship of the Mythos God, could he be doing in this sleepy French village? As a
Nyarlathotep. Anyone who is able to perform certain result, Section M have put together a team in a hurry and
dark rites on that altar will be able to summon an aspect dispatched them to investigate.
of Nyarlathotep and receive his direct blessing, growing
enormously in power and might. While the players do not know this at first, Aramis and his
comrade, Jean-Paul, escaped from the firefight and may
Stöller’s ambition knows no bounds and he seeks to use be able to provide some assistance. Aramis was shot and
this rite to elevate himself within Black Sun’s ranks to injured; however, he managed to escape following the
become a Black Sun Canon. He is determined to secure the attack and has found refuge in the cellar of a nearby farm.
dark god’s blessing before his rivals within the Cult can
beat him to it and he has assembled a hand-picked team The players will land in France, make their way to Saint
of loyal Troopers to achieve his aim. Moving swiftly, he Sulac, and have been ordered to locate Aramis and find
has swooped in to secure the village and aims to complete out what is going on. He will be able to provide an
the ritual within a single night before anyone can interfere alternative entrance to the heavily guarded chateau,
with his plans. telling them of the ancient tunnels underneath the village,
one of which extends there from his dairy. Armed with
With the exception of the local resistance leader, Aramis, this knowledge, the players will be able to bypass the
none of the locals are skilled combatants. This is a rural considerable Black Sun defences, confront the diabolical
French village and the sudden Black Sun takeover was Jans Stöller, and hopefully stop him—before the Dark
a surprise to everyone, including the local German Pharaoh can be summoned!
commander whose garrison was summarily ordered out of
town. The Black Sun has also begun to remove villagers You begin this mission with 2 points of Threat for
from their houses as sacrifices for the upcoming ritual, an each player.
Chapter 2 A Quick Trip to France
Scene 1: Jumping Into France
Scene Objectives
When everyone is ready, read the following, paraphrasing
as needed: The objectives for this scene are:
Chapter 2 A Quick Trip to France
Each character will need to make an Agility + Athletics test Before rolling for a test, a player can purchase additional
with a difficulty of 1 (see Attempting a Test, p.10). d20s by spending Momentum (see p.12) or by paying you
Add together the character’s Agility attribute and Athletics Threat (see p.12) Those with a lower chance of success
skill, this number is the target number for the test. The should buy additional dice using Momentum or Threat to
player then rolls 2d20. Each dice equal to or lower than the improve their odds. This will give you and the players a
target number is a success. The character only needs to have chance to practice making tests and see how Momentum,
successes equal to the difficulty to pass the test. In this case and possibly complications (see p.11), can impact the
the test has a difficulty of 1, so only one success is needed game. Remember, the Momentum pool can never have
to pass. If a player rolls more successes than they need, each more than 6 points of Momentum at a time.
extra success generates a point of Momentum (see p.12).
Complications are usually generated by rolling a 20 (see
Some factors modify the difficulty of a check, making it p.11), which this situation could indicate getting blown
easier or harder. The character Captain James Swann has off course, landing in a tree and requiring assistance to get
a truth (see p.40) which is ‘Veteran Commando Captain’. down, being distracted by the storm and panicking mid-drop,
The truth implies he has performed many parachute jumps or landing in some other unfortunate circumstance.
as part of his long service. As the gamemaster, always
consider if a truth that a character has might make a test If nothing suitable makes sense or you can’t think of
easier, or more difficult. In this case, we advise that you something, a complication can also bought off, meaning
allow the truth to make Captain Swann’s jump easier by you add two Threat to the Threat pool instead of making
one, reducing the difficulty to zero. the complication happen right now. You should avoid
doing anything too punishing to the characters this early
When a difficulty is reduced to 0 (see sidebar Difficulty in the mission. If more than one complication is rolled, use
Zero, p.10) a character does not roll for the test, they one to have something unfortunate, but minor, happen to
automatically succeed. As the gamemaster, you can the character, add Threat to the pool for the rest, you’ll
choose to allow them to roll anyway. This is done need it later.
when there is no real chance of failure, but you want
to see how well a character succeeds. In this case,
every success rolled on the dice generates a point
of Momentum. Allow Captain James Swann’s player Once the team has landed and regrouped, they need to
to roll on this difficulty 0 test to jump from the head in the direction of Saint Sulac. It is night time with
plane. Although he automatically succeeds, the extra unfamiliar terrain. Ask the team to make a Reason +
Momentum generated will be useful to the others in the Survival test with a difficulty of 3 to head in the right
group who may need some help with this jump. direction.
Ask one of the characters to lead the test, and everyone else After this, each player takes 1 of stress from a mental
Chapter 2 A Quick Trip to France
Saint Sulac
0m 100m 200m
0m 100yd 200yd
Chapter 2 A Quick Trip to France
His farm is near the burned farm in the south, and his
? As they leave Jean-Paul, read the following:
cows were spooked and ran off. He recently found the
last two and is leading them home now. As you take your leave of the Frenchman, a cold
wave passes through your skin again. The storm
Earlier this evening, after the gunfight, the Germans
? is getting worse. You see Jean-Paul shudder and
conducted a thorough search of the area; it is lucky
one of his cows falls over. It moos piteously once,
you arrived after the search was completed.
and then dies, frothy blood coming from its mouth.
Jean-Paul is horrified at this and once it is obvious
Remind your players of the Obtain Information spend as
the cow is dead, moves off with the other one as
additional information can be learned from him. You can
quickly as possible.
either volunteer these or role play the characters asking
him additional questions:
Everyone suffers 2 from a mental attack. Again, this
will heal quickly, but the fact it is increasing should give
A convoy arrived in the village in mid-afternoon. They
? the players a sense of urgency.
were carrying a lot of heavy gear, and each truck had
a number of soldiers. They unloaded everything into
Encourage anyone who has an Occultism focus to make
the chateau and these new Germans with the strange
an Insight + Academia test with a difficulty of 2. On a
uniforms and gas masks took over, fortifying the
success, they can sense something coming from the chateau,
chateau and forbidding anyone to go near it for the
and that it is likely the source of the strange cold wave
next 24 hours.
they keep feeling. If someone wants to inspect the cow,
The original garrison was ordered to depart, and the
? anyone with Medicine skills can tell the creature died from
garrison commander seemed unhappy about this. The a ruptured heart, no test is necessary.
original garrison went back towards Rouen.
At this point the players might be intent on going straight
If they go into the village, they should be extremely
? to the chateau. You should heavily imply that sneaking in
careful, the Black Sun are swarming everywhere. They
would be difficult due to the large number of guards and
have also been begun taking some villagers into the
well-lit approaches. If that doesn’t deter them, remind
chateau for some unknown purpose. The rest of the
them that their primary orders are to find Aramis, if they
villagers are scared and have locked themselves in,
attempt to enter the chateau and get caught, it will blow
hoping to escape the Black Sun’s attentions.
the whole operation. If they still insist on heading that
way now, see the side bar Straight to the Chateau, below.
You may have paranoid players who do not trust Jean-
Paul, allow them to make an Insight + Observation test
with a difficulty of 1 to learn if he is hiding something.
If pressed, or by the result of good roleplaying he begins Straight to the Chateau
to trust the players, he will admit he is a member of the
If your players do go into the village incautiously with
resistance and fought in the gun battle earlier. He will also
all guns blazing, and you cannot dissuade them from
offer this information about the Black Sun takeover if that
their foolhardy approach, feel free to hit them with
has not yet been revealed.
the full garrison. There are 20 Black Sun Troopers:
two armed with MG42s (and two assisting them as
Assuming they depart on amicable terms, Jean-Paul will
loaders), one with a Flammenwerfer (FmW) 41 and
offer one last piece of information:
the other 15 armed as standard. Use the profiles on
p33 –and the rules for actions scenes on p14.
If Aramis, leader of the cell, survived the gun battle
earlier and wanted to hide, he would most likely
Make sure you give them a chance to retreat, regroup
do it on the northeast side of the village. The three
and learn from their mistakes. It is always best to
farmhouses (which the players have already been
remember that you never want to punish the players
briefed about p.21) have cellars obscured from the
for making a bad decision, especially by killing them
lights the Nazis have setup around the rest of the
outright; mistakes and failure are interesting aspects
village. It will still take some effort to sneak around
of a story.
and enter them unobserved.
Chapter 2 A Quick Trip to France
Aramis will ask for a cigarette, which he not only
wants, but is also the code phrase. If one of your players
Assuming the team does not take the near-suicidal
remembers it, feel free to award them a Fortune point
approach of heading to the chateau, decide which of the
(see Fortune, p.13). Fortune is a powerful mechanic for
three buildings Aramis is in. Your players may decide to
players, and also a tool you can use to reward creative or
check each one individually or split up and try to search
heroic roleplaying.
all three quickly.
Assuming your players do not get into a fire fight with Aramis will grow more urgent and desperate as he makes
the injured resistance leader, he will set his light down, that last point, before sagging under the pain of his
providing a dull glow which will provide sufficient wounds. He will take a set of keys out of his shirt pocket
illumination to see the small room. and give them to the players saying the following:
Aramis appears to be injured and anyone who is trained in Whatever is going on, the chateau is the key. These
Healing can tell the wounds are not fatal. A Coordination Black Sun have the entrances locked down now and
+ Medicine test with a difficulty of 1 will make him more it looks like they expect trouble. We are too weak
comfortable, but he is still in no condition to travel or join and scattered to fight them, so you must help us,
the group. rescue our women and children and put a stop to
whatever foul business they are conducting in there.
Chapter 2 A Quick Trip to France
A direct assault would be suicide, although I suppose If any player takes extra precautions to ensure Aramis is
you might try to bluff your way in. That too, would undetected and made comfortable or safer before they
be extremely risky, for who knows what sorcery and depart, award their character a Fortune point. They will
foul magic they use to identify their own? need them for the rest of the adventure!
Thankfully, there is another way; there are tunnels Players will also face a choice: how will they approach
under the village, cellars and earthworks going gaining access to the chateau? A direct assault is most
back before the time of Rome which they run like a likely to end in failure and death, given the forces arrayed
spider’s web out from the chateau. They were said against them that are on alert and established within a
to once be the haunt of creatures of the dark and a fortified base. It is possible some players may wish to
foul cult from pagan times, but that was centuries try and bluff or sneak their way in, although this would
ago and probably just an old wives’ tale. require gaining Black Sun uniforms, speaking German,
passing multiple Insight + Stealth (disguise) tests at a
It is a risk, but the tunnels are the best way to get very high difficulty of 4 as the Black Sun are already on
inside without being seen. Go to my dairy on the alert, with orders than no-one is to enter the chateau
other side of the village. In the barn is a milk truck. while their Master is at his work.
If you move it, there is a trapdoor that will lead you
into the cellars and tunnels. There are also lamps Both approaches are not impossible but extremely
in a crate. I have never seen any sign of Germans challenging and given their skills and experience, it is
there. Those keys will also unlock the barn and let most likely that their characters will conclude that the
you move the milk truck to get to the trapdoor. tunnels are their best option.
God go with you. Vive la France!
Remember to remove 1 Momentum from the pool, if
any exists, and tell your players the next scene has
started. Any stress the players may have accumulated
is also removed.
Stormy Weather
Get to the barn.
Repair the truck.
Travel through the cave system.
Before getting into the scene, it is time to introduce some
extra game mechanics.
Earlier when Captain Swann jumped out of the airplane,
After explaining the truth, read or paraphrase the
a truth, ‘Veteran Command Captain’ came into play in
following to set the scene:
a positive way. However, truths can apply to more than
characters. You should now explain to your players that a
Cautiously, you exit the building where Aramis is
scene can also have truths.
hiding. He should be safe there, but you realize you
need to work your way around the village to reach
Truths that apply to a scene can also be a help or a
the dairy where the milk truck is stored. The garrison
hindrance. When the scene first starts, the truth ‘Stormy
seems to be more alert and a few extra lights have
Weather’ works in the characters’ favour and reduces the
been turned on. Dark clouds and even heavier rain is
difficulty of all Stealth checks by 1, due to the cloud cover
decreasing visibility, so if you stick to the shadows,
and heavy rain. However, later in the scene when they
it should be easier to remain undetected.
are trying to spot the Black Sun ambushers, it is helpful to
their opponents. In the case of the latter, creative players
As you are considering your good fortune, you spot
can overcome it if they have a way to generate light—at
another group of sombre villagers being led into
the risk of exposing their position. While a character’s
the chateau, and the familiar pulse of a cold wind
truth is typically always present, even if it has no bearing
strikes your bones.
on current actions, a truth attached to a scene can be
modified or overcome by the actions of the players. For
further information, see Truths (p.10).
Chapter 2 A Quick Trip to France
Ask everyone to make a Will + Resilience test with a for something. There is one Black Sun Trooper present for
difficulty of 1. If they pass, they take only 2 from a every character. On a failure, the heavy rain and thunder
mental attack. With a failure, the attack inflicts 3 of obscures their vision and hearing, leaving them unaware
stress, and with a complication the attack inflicts 4 . It is of the Black Sun presence.
possible for this attack to inflict enough stress to cause an
injury that will impact the character’s ability to perform. As the characters approach the barn, ask one of them to
See Injuries p.16. roll an Agility + Stealth test assisted by the rest of the
characters and opposed by the Black Sun’s Insight +
Now, your players need to navigate around Saint Sulac. Observation, both tests are difficulty 1. This is an opposed
Manoeuvring around the outskirts of the village is an test (see Opposed Tests p.10) with the Black Sun squad
Agility + Stealth test with a difficulty of 2; however, as being the reactive characters. This is a good time for you
noted at the beginning of the scene, the ‘Stormy Weather’ to spend some Threat to purchase extra dice for the Black
truth lowers the difficulty by 1. The players can choose Sun Troopers, raising the stakes and the tension for the
their marching order, and should be encouraged to plan players. If the Black Sun have a higher number of successes
for the stealthier characters to go first to build Momentum than the players, they spot the players approach and get to
for the others to use. Any complications could be used to go first, opening fire as the characters approach the barn. If
make the tests more challenging or introduce new issues. the characters have a higher number of successes, they are
For instance, one of the characters might twist their ankle, able to approach the barn without the Black Sun noticing,
increasing the difficulty of all Athletics tests by 1 for the giving them time to set up a battle plan.
remainder of the scene.
It is worth nothing that from this point on, pooling Threat
Once they have completed these tests (number at the GM’s is recommended. You might want to spend a small amount
discretion), they arrive at the edge of the dairy, near the here to add to the tension, but ensure you have enough
barn. On their arrival, have one of the players make an left for the ritual in Scene 4.
Insight + Observation test at difficulty of 2 increased to 3
due to the ‘Stormy Weather’ truth. On a success, they spot Players might wait for the Black Sun to leave, but are more
a squad of Black Sun soldiers enter the barn from the side likely to take them on in combat. Combat is a series of
and can hear that they appear to be quietly searching it tests, some opposed, with a difficulty, adjusted for range,
truths, and conditions. The scene is now split into round
and turns (see p.14). Each round, every character in the
Black Sun in the Barn scene takes a turn, performing a major and minor action
(see pp.14-15), going back and forth between the NPCs
The players might not question why the Black Sun and the players until everyone has taken a turn and then a
are in the barn, but as the gamemaster, it is useful for new round begins. You can find more about action scenes
you to know their reason for being there. on p.14. Don’t forget that you can spend Threat during the
combat to make things more difficult for the players, it is
This squad of Black Sun Troopers are here advised those to pool as much Threat as you can however,
searching for resistance members. After the gunfight as you will need it in Scene 4.
mentioned earlier, where they burnt the resistance
safehouse to the ground, they are now systemically One important topic is cover (see p.16). Until now the
searching the village and the surrounding farm eldritch damage striking the characters has not been
buildings in an attempt to find the last of the affected by cover as they have been mental attacks, not
resistance members who fled. physical ones. Now that bullets are flying, one of the first
rules of gun battles is to take cover—this is something you
The players might assume the Black Sun are here should encourage the players to do.
looking for the tunnel, or may discover it. With the
tunnel being under the milk truck, it won’t be found, Finding cover behind something sturdy grants 2 of cover,
but the players don’t know this. which reduces the damage taken from any successful hit.
The Black Sun all start with 2 of cover from being inside
Players who speak German and wish to try and find the barn.
out what the Black Sun are doing here can make
an Insight + Observation test at difficulty 2, on a Once the characters defeat the Black Sun squad, they can
success they hear snippets of conversation between enter the barn and find the milk truck. However, it is
the soldiers such as: obvious the truck has been damaged during the Black Sun’s
search or during the gun battle. Fortunately, the Black Sun
“Keep looking, they could be anywhere.” did not find the trap door, but the damage to the truck will
make it harder to move the truck out of the way. There are
“We’ll find where they went and take them to the
two options, either of which can be assisted by additional
chateau like the rest.”
characters, per the normal rules for assisting an action.
Chapter 2 A Quick Trip to France
Chapter 2 A Quick Trip to France
represent how the ritual has progressed due to the extra From here, the trapdoor at the top of the stairs is the
time it takes the players (See p.32). only place to go. Moving up to the top and listening will
reveal a sonorous chanting on the other side, in some
When they are in the tunnels, you might tantalise the ancient inhuman tongue. The trapdoor is neither locked
players with some jump scares, like a sudden swarm of nor trapped and can easily be pushed open. As soon as
disturbed bats flying by, or suggest that things are lurking someone does, read or paraphrase the following:
in the dark just beyond their hearing. In reality, there
is nothing to threaten the players here, but do your best Poking your head up out of the trapdoor, you
to evoke a tense, unnerving atmosphere in these long- find yourself in a small anteroom off of a larger
abandoned caves. Eventually, players will discover the chamber. The larger room into which you’re looking
entrance to the chateau. is circular, with an altar near the far wall, a single
closed door on the left wall, and six supporting
The air is getting decidedly colder. Wisps of white columns providing a degree of cover while reaching
mist slither like snakes, or perhaps tentacles, up to the ceiling four metres above your head. On
around your feet. There is a recessed wooden door each column a civilian is tied. As you take in their
here with no visible handle but light shines through appearance you can see they are beaten, crying and
the cracks. Listening provides no clue as to what is screaming in fear at something on the altar. You
beyond it, but you must be in the right spot. follow their gaze to the source of their terror, a
stone slab red with the blood of sacrificial victims.
The group has found the secret entrance to the chateau, it Above, a glowing phosphorescent light surrounds
opens into a cellar below the ritual chamber. The reason a Black Sun Master, four Black Sun Novices and
there is no handle is because they are looking at the back a bizarre creature with fearsome claws and a
of a bookshelf, which needs to be pushed out of the way. slathering tongue instead of a head (See Servitor of
A simple Brawn + Athletics test with a difficulty of 1 Nyarlathotep p.35). Above, a dark presence seems
will suffice to get them into the next room. Once the door to be forming in the air as the chanting of terrible
is open, read or paraphrase the following: ancient words continues.
You have entered some sort of cellar, it is freezing The battlefield is made up of four zones: the antechamber,
and the wisps of mist seem to be denser in here than the main room, the altar where the ritual is taking place,
in the tunnels. It seems long abandoned and is full and the side door leading to the ritual room. Cover
of cobwebs and other detritus. At the top of the Resistance of +2 may be provided by anyone hiding behind
stairs is a thick wooden trapdoor, currently closed. a pillar. Make sure you review Actions in Conflict, p.15, and
Chapter 2 A Quick Trip to France
explain it to your players. Complications rolled on attack example, this might be behind a column or behind one of
tests and Threat spends can be spent to cause injury to the the other NPCs like the Black Sun Novices or the civilians.
civilians. The risk to civilians in the room should deter
players from using a ‘pray-and-spray’ tactic to deal with If Stöller succeeds in the test to advance the ritual, he will
the Black Sun here, and should also provide them with the roll a number of equal to his power, in this case 2 , to
option to save the civilians and get them out of harm’s way. inflict damage on the ritual’s stress track. Every Black Sun
Novice who assists adds 1 to this roll if Stöller’s major
The Black Sun forces seen here comprise: action is successful.
THE FINAL CONFRONTATION the ritual is successful. The cost of a ritual is paid after
each test made to advance it (successful or not), unlike
Stöller’s major action every round will be to perform an battlefield magic where you pay the cost once at the
Will + Persuasion test, while his minor action will be to end of the casting.
move to an area with cover to try and defend himself. For
Chapter 2 A Quick Trip to France
used to summon the powers of the outer dark. You grab the book and escape or try to eliminate the team and
quickly surmise that if the book can be closed or resume his work. In either case, the ritual can no longer
destroyed, then the summoning will be disrupted. be completed during this adventure. Stöller is not stupid
or suicidal and will choose whichever option gives him
the best chance of success. Keeping some Threat for him
For purposes of game mechanics, if the book cover
to escape or interfere with the team’s plans is a great
is closed, the ritual loses any stress inflicted and any
idea. He may even go on to become a recurring villain in
completed steps are removed. Stöller will either try to
subsequent adventures!
Second step: Any living creature in the room,
other than Stöller, the Servitor and any Black Sun
troops, has to make a Will + Resilience test, with
a difficulty of 2, on a failure characters will suffer 5
of damage as their hearts try to tear free from
their chests! The last of the civilians will scream in
terror and also have their hearts erupt from their
Third step: The ritual is complete! Jump to the
Conclusion and read the section about Stöller
completing his ritual.
Black Sun Forces
Truths Truths
Fanatical Infantry
? Black Sun Initiate
Twisted Academic
AGILITY 8 BRAWN 10 Attributes
Chapter 2 A Quick Trip to France
Lieutenant NPC
The Masters are the main field operatives of Black Sun,
deployed to command the Novices in their pursuit of
the arcane treasures of the Earth. The Masters tend to
operate behind the guise of the SS, with only their Black
Sun insignia distinguishing them when in uniform. In
addition to commanding in the field, the Masters are
often deployed on more clandestine operations behind
enemy lines.
Black Sun Commander
Twisted Academic
Outcome: This summoning spell calls forth an avatar of the
Academia 3 (Occultism), Athletics 1, Fighting 2
dread god Nyarlathotep into this realm. Because the Black
(Close Quarters), Medicine 1, Persuasion 1 Resilience
Sun are closely aligned with this Mythos God, the caster will
2, Stealth 1, Survival 2, Tactics 2 (Battlefield Tactics),
earn his favour and will be temporarily able to command
Vehicles 2
this avatar in any way he chooses. Once the Avatar of
Languages: German, English Nyarlathotep is summoned, it will use a large tentacle to
lash out into the darkness, striking near one of the heroes,
Power: 2
forcing them to move out of cover or take 3 of stress.
Miscast: A failure to cast the spell correctly means the
avatar may only be summoned for a couple of rounds or
Weapons & Equipment the ritual is not strong enough to entice the creature to the
caster at all. The summoner pays an additional cost of 2
Black Sun Degen: (Melee), 4
? Piercing 1, Hunger,
and immediately suffers an injury.
Bane, Parrying
Mythos Creatures
Fighting 3 (Hand-to-Hand Combat), Persuasion 3
(Intimidation), Resilience 2, Tactics 2
Lashing Tentacle: (Hand-to-Hand Combat), 4 Stun
Scything Claws: (Hand-to-Hand Combat), 4 Vicious
Unearthly Presence: (Mental Attack), 5 Piercing 1
Special Rules
Fearsome 1: The Servitor inspires fear. It can make
mental attacks, including +1 and the Piercing 1
Allied Forces
You can use these statistics for both Aramis or Jean-Paul COORDINATION 9 INSIGHT 7
if you require a profile. These brave resistance fighters REASON 7 WILL 9
operate clandestinely either living locally within native
populations or taking to hills, mountains and abandoned Skills
places to fight their hidden war. Athletics 1, Engineering 1 (Explosives), Fighting 2
(Close Quarters), Resilience 3, Stealth 2, Tactics 1
Civilian Dedicated to Overthrowing Nazi Occupiers
Chapter 3 Pregenerated Player Characters
Player Characters
Agent Daphne Rogers
Polymath: Once per scene, you may spend 2
Daphne is one of Section M’s brightest young researchers—
Momentum to gain an additional focus for the duration
an intelligent woman of 22 years of age, with blue eyes and
of the scene, for any skill in which you have a score of
blond hair. She was a post-graduate at Durham University
2 or higher.
when Section M recruited her because of her fascination
with ancient history, the occult, and the Mythos. She Booksmart: You are ridiculously well read. If you
has provided valuable insight into some of Black Sun’s spend any Momentum to Obtain Information during
most nefarious designs, and bucks against her cloistered, a scene, you may reduce the Momentum cost of one
academic background by seeking experience in the field. bonus d20 you purchase later in that scene by 1.
Chapter 3 Pregenerated Player Characters
SPELLS Performing The Ritual
Healing Performing this ritualistic Healing magic is a little more
complicated than a battlefield spell and may require
This simple two step ritual provides healing, fixing
several stages to complete.
physical wounds, mental trauma or repairing the psychic
damage inflicted by the terrors of the Mythos.
Requirements: Any ritual needs raw materials and most
will require at least some basic tools or simple offerings.
Skill: Will + Medicine, Difficulty 2
In Daphne’s case her ritual tools will allow her to perform
Stress: 6
this Healing spell.
Steps: 2
Cost: 1
Skill Test: Daphne will need to say who she is targeting
Duration: Instant
and what she what she is attempting to heal (physical
or mental stress) and then make a test to
Outcome: The caster defines whether they are attempting
perform the Healing ritual. She uses
to heal physical or mental stress. Stress is healed a
Will + Medicine for a target score
number of equal to the caster’s power.
of 11 on each test and requires 2
successes because of its Difficulty
Miscast: If this spell is miscast, it inflicts
of 2. If she rolls 19-20 this will
stress, rather than healing, to both caster
result in a complication.
and patient. The caster can decide what
proportion of that stress is
Stress: Daphne’s Healing spell has
suffered by each and might
a Stress of 6 and she will roll 1
choose to absorb all this
(due to her rather puny power as a
damage themselves rather
dabbler) to inflict progress on this ritual’s
than risk further
stress track. Once the stress track of 6 is
injuring their charge.
filled completely, the spell will be complete
and her target will be healed for 1 ’s worth of
For 2 Momentum,
? stress. Daphne could also spend Momentum to buy
all affected allies
additional to roll to help her complete the spell and
heal a single injury
she could ask for help from Sven, another spellcaster,
(physical or mental).
who would act as her assistant in performing the
For 1 Momentum, any
? ritual. If Sven assists she can add another 1 worth of
defeated allies within range progress each time she succeeds in her skill test.
recover immediately.
Steps: To perform a ritual a number of steps need to
For 2 Momentum, the spell
? be completed. A step is a significant component of
affects allies within medium
the ritual which powers it. If five or more stress is
range instead.
inflicted at one time or enough stress is inflicted
to fill the ritual’s stress track, then a step is
Counterspell completed—if both occur at once, then two
This spell does not count steps are finished. A step is also complete if
towards the bound spells in your one or more stress is inflicted once the ritual’s
mantle. Once per round, you may stress track is already full.
use this when an enemy you can
see attempts to cast a spell. You Cost: Performing rituals comes at a
roll your power dice; for each cost and inflicts mental stress on
Effect rolled, the difficulty of the caster. With each test, Daphne
the enemy’s spell increases will suffer 1 of mental stress.
by +1. A spellcaster who If a ritual is being assisted, the
uses this reaction may not cost can be divided amongst
attempt to cast a spell in their the participants. The primary
following turn. spellcaster—the one being assisted—
must take at least half (rounded up) of
the cost, but the rest can be divided
freely amongst the assistants.
Sven Nilsen
Chapter 3 Pregenerated Player Characters
Attributes Equipment
AGILITY 7 BRAWN 7 Ritual Tools.
Blessing of Eir
Eir, the Norse goddess and Valkyrie’s name
means “help” or “mercy”, and her runic aspect is
expressed through the rune laguz, a manifestation
of healing and renewal. Using this powerful runic
incantation, the runeweaver draws a portion of Eir’s
healing skills, restoring the wounded and even raising
those who have fallen, so they may renew the fight.
Skill: Medicine
Difficulty: 3
Cost: 4 Drain
Duration: Instant
Wisdom of Frigg
Frigg, the consort of Odin, is a goddess renowned for
her wisdom and insight and calling forth the power
contained in Kaunaz, the rune of fire and knowledge, the
runeweaver is able to tap into Frigg’s wisdom to find the
most vulnerable aspects of an opponent and exploit its
weaknesses. Mythos entities and creatures become much
more vulnerable when the Wisdom of Frigg is cast, and are
able to be affected by normal weapons and those effects in
turn are magnified, doing significantly more damage.
Captain James Swann
Chapter 3 Pregenerated Player Characters
Born Leader: You may spend a Fortune point in order
for a single ally to immediately gain a Fortune point.
Private Dan Gregg
? Equipment
Technical Prodigy
? Mechanic’s Tools: Gives
Mafia Connections
? you 3 spare part resources.
Attributes Each spare part provides 1
bonus Momentum to buy
AGILITY 8 BRAWN 7 extra d20s.
Electrician’s Tools:
REASON 10 WILL 7 Gives you 3 parts
and battery
Skills & Focuses resources. Each
Academia 2, Engineering 4 (Electronics, Explosives, resource provides 1
Mechanical Engineering), Fighting 1, Medicine 2, bonus Momentum to
Observation 3 (Instincts), Stealth 2, Vehicles 3 buy extra d20s.
Corporal Sarah Walker
Chapter 3 Pregenerated Player Characters
Deadly Commando
Raised in the Colonies
Languages: English
Chapter 3 Pregenerated Player Characters
Trained Dog
Loyal Companion
Bite: Agility + Fighting (Hand-to-Hand, 3 )
Special Rules
Courageous: Crook gains 1 courage.
Keen Senses (Scent): Reduce the difficulty of skill
tests to detect smells by 2.
Good Boy: While the dog’s owner remains in the
scene, the dog gains +2 courage. If that character
is defeated, the dog will move as fast as possible
to the character’s side, and will defend them from
any enemy who gets too close.
Tests: Quick Reference
Chapter 4 Tests: Quick Reference
1 1
2 2
A test involves a single attribute + skill, a focus if one is
applicable, and is made by rolling two or more d20s. 3 0
1. The GM chooses the appropriate attribute + skill
4 0
as the target number.
2. The GM then sets a difficulty between 0 and 5. 5 1, plus Effect
3. The player rolls their dice pool (2d20 + up to three
6 1, plus Effect
additional d20s bought by spending Momentum,
adding to Threat, or using Fortune (see pp.12-13)
4. Each die that rolls equal to or less than the target COMBAT ACTIONS (see pp.14-15)
number scores a single success. Minor: Aim; Draw Item; Movement; Prepare.
a. With an applicable focus, each die rolling equal to Major: Assist; Attack; Cast a Spell; Catch Breath; Command;
or less than the skill used scores two successes. Create Truth; Pass; Ready; Rush; Stabilise; Skill test.
b. Each result of a natural 1 scores two successes.
c. Each result of 20 causes a complication (see p.11). MAKING ATTACKS (see pp.16-17)
1. Declare the Attack: Choose your target and weapon.
5. If the number of successes scored equals or exceeds
2. Make a Skill Test.
the test’s difficulty, the test is passed. Any successes
a. Melee: Opposed Agility + Fighting tests by
in excess of the difficulty generate Momentum.
attacker and target, each with a difficulty of 1.
6. The GM describes the outcome. The player may
b. Ranged: Coordination + Fighting, difficulty of 1.
spend Momentum to improve a successful test further.
c. Mental: Will + Academia, opposed by the target’s
Effects of any complications are then applied.
Will + Resilience, each with a difficulty of 1.
Improving The Odds (see pp.11-12)
3. If the skill test succeeds, the attack inflicts stress:
Assistance: One or more characters roll a single 1d20,
? a. Roll Challenge Dice ( ).
using a target number of their own attribute + skill.
b. Roll Cover and any Resistance.
Any successes are added to the main character’s test
c. Inflict Stress: Add any resultant stress to the target’s
successes, provided the main character scores at least 1.
stress track and check for injuries.
Momentum: Buy up to 3 additional dice.
? d. If the target won an opposed melee test, they may
Threat: Add to Threat to buy up to 3 additional dice.
? inflict stress on you or move within close range.
Fortune: Declare one of your d20s as a 1 instead of
rolling it, equal to two successes automatically.
Talents: Some talents can grant bonus d20s in specific
The character suffers an injury if:
circumstances depending on context.
?The character suffers 5 or more stress from a single
Opposed Tests (see p.10) attack or hazard after reduction for resistance.
Active Character Succeeds, Reactive Character
? ?The character’s stress track is filled.
Fails: The active character’s test is successful. ?The character already had a full stress track and takes
Active Character Fails, Reactive Character
? further stress.
Succeeds: Only the reactive character’s test is resolved. ?If two or more of these conditions occur at the same
Both Characters Fail: The active character fails, but
? time, characters may suffer multiple injuries.
the reactive character gains no additional benefit.
Both Characters Succeed: Compare the total
Momentum generated on each character’s skill test. Bonus Challenge Dice: Each Momentum spent adds
The higher Momentum wins, but achieves their goal +1 to the pool, before the rest are rolled. (Cost: 1)
with one less Momentum for each Momentum their Confidence: The character gains +1 morale (max. 4)
opponent scored. The loser loses and cannot spend any until the start of their next turn (Cost: 1).
Momentum. In the case of a tie, the active character Disarm: If within reach, one weapon held by the target
wins, but loses all the Momentum generated. is knocked away and falls to the ground.
(Cost: 2 Momentum if the target’s weapon is held in
COMMON USES FOR MOMENTUM one hand, or 3 Momentum if held in two hands.
Buy bonus d20s on your next skill test. The first costs
? Knockdown: The target is knocked prone (Cost: 2).
1 Momentum, the second 2, and the third 3. Minor Action: The character may attempt one
Create Truth for a character or the target of an action
? additional minor action during their turn (Cost: 1).
at a cost of 2 points of Momentum. Secondary Target: An additional target within reach
Obtain Information (see page 12).
? of the primary target is also affected by the attack,
Reduce Time taken to complete your test.
? suffering the full effects of the attack (Cost: 2).
Half the city can see the lights from the party,
and they dream of the delights inside.
Will you tear it all to pieces?
THE KLINGON EMPIRE core rulebook for the Star Trek Adventures
Roleplaying Game takes you to the final frontier of the Galaxy, where new
worlds and new civilizations await bold Klingon warriors hungry for glory
and honor. Your duties may take you to the edges of known space, to
Klingon colonies in need, to the borders of neighboring galactic powers,
or into the eye of interstellar phenomena. Grab your bat leths and your
bloodwine and claim your glory! Qapla !