Article Writing Mcqs

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1. An article can be a…………

A. Addressal
B. Statement writing
C. Awareness campaign
D. All of the above
Answer: D

2. How should you begin article writing?

A. With statistics
B. With Consequences
C. With a brief introduction about the topic
D. According to the situational demand
Answer: D

3. Select the exact motive on which an article can be written

A. Give advice
B. Brief description of a program
C. Notifying people
D. All of the above
Answer: A

4. What kind of tone should you maintain while writing an article?

A. Formal
B. Article should reflect your personal opinion
C. Argumentative analysis of the topic
D. Call for action
Answer: C

5. When an article needs a heading?

A. Only when the topic demands
B. Always
C. Doesn’t need a heading
D. Only in Newspaper articles
Answer: B

6. Which of the following isn’t relatable to the article writing?

A. Salutation
B. Date
C. Subscription
D. All of the above
Answer: D

7. How do subheadings help an article?

A. Helps to look more organized
B. Makes the article easier to read
C. Both A and B
D. Article doesn’t require subheadings
Answer: C

8. Can you include your own opinion while writing an article on a specific topic?
A. No, authors’ opinions can’t be included
B. Yes, but only in the body
C. Maybe, but the heading should reflect that
D. Yes, but Only in the conclusion
Answer: D

9. Which of the following can not be included in the article writing?

A. Statistics
B. Authors’ opinion
C. Quotes
D. Both A and C
E. A, B, and C all can be included
Answer: E

10. What should be the title of the article writing?

A. Eye-catchy
B. Explain the topic in a few words
C. Should be short and relevant
D. All of the above
Answer: D

11. How do statistical facts help an article?

A. Helps the reader in a deeper understanding of the concept
B. It’s a kind of call for action for the reader to do some math
C. Statistics and analytics help the article to look more organised and comprehensive
D. All of the above
Answer: A

12. What does a by-line mean in an article?

A. An extra piece of information
B. The name of the writer
C. Pointless
D. Part of a goal line
Answer: B

13. Suppose you have run out of words while writing an article. What would be the wisest
then to do?
A. Include statistics
B. Add quotations
C. Repeat the primary topic in a different language
D. All the above can be included
Answer: B

You are Akash/Ipshita. You are concerned about the increasing use of cell phones by
people. Educate the people about the risks such as potential health hazards from the
electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones, the threat of brain tumours and
cancers, fear of accidents while driving, etc. Write an article in 150–200 words expressing
your concern.
14. Select the appropriate title for this article
A. Increasing usage of cell phones can cause potential hazards to public life
B. Danger from Cell Phones
C. Cell Phones and Potential Health Crisis
D. Cellphones and Potential Health Crisis: A game of electromagnetism
Answer: C

15. Suppose, one of your family members has been affected by the overuse of cell phones.
Can you mention that in this article?
A. Yes, should be mentioned
B. No, Shouldn’t be mentioned
C. Mention doesn’t matter
D. Yes, but should be mentioned indirectly
Answer: D

16. Suppose you’re an expert on the ill effects of a cell phone. How should you include a
few line jargon in the article?
A. No need for technical jargon
B. Should be included in an easy to read manner
C. Facts should be included as is
D. Should be presented with relevant statistics
Answer: A

17. Whom should you address while writing this article?

A. Specifically the young generation
B. The parents
C. The government and the MNCs
D. No need for specific addressal
Answer: D

18. What kind of statistics should you refer to in this article?

A. Data of increasing cell phone usage in the last 10 years.
B. Data of the increasing rate of cancer since the last decade.
C. Data of the Increasing rate of accidents since the last decade.
D. All the above
E. Only B and C
Answer: E

Below is an article written based on the question mentioned previously. Answer the
following questions based on this article.

The invention of mobile phones is one of the major advancements in human history. They
have impacted the way people communicate with each other. They have created an easier
platform for the spread of information from one person to another despite distances. The
advantages of mobile phones are many. However, the mobile also has its disadvantages.
Adolescents and teenagers are usually in a distracted state because of mobile phones.
They are seen talking and texting at all places even while on the road while driving and
even during classes. This can be detrimental as it may cause accidents and also prevent
them from reaching their potential in academics. Anti-social elements are known to use
mobiles for nefarious activities and terrorist acts. Research has also shown that overuse of
mobile phones may cause harm to our bodies. Certain self-control measures over the use
of mobiles will help us use them for our benefit and reduce their harmful effects.
19. What is primarily wrong with this article mentioned above?
A. The author’s name is missing
B. The title is missing
C. The article is written in long complex-sentences
D. Both A and B
E. A, B, and C
Answer: D
20. Select the appropriate title for this article
A. Increasing usage of cellphones can cause potential hazards to public life
B. Danger from Cell Phones
C. Cellphones and Potential Health Crisis
D. Cellphones and Potential Health Crisis: A game of electromagnetism
Answer: C
21. What kinds of value addition does this article lack?
A. Statistics
B. Quotes
C. Pattern of harmful effects caused by cellphones
D. All the above
E. Both A and B
Answer: E
22. How could you better conclude this article?
A. By adding a few statistics
B. By using a quote
C. Mentioning a personal experience
D. Expressing your concern and suggesting some alternatives
Answer: D
23. In which position in the article should you mention the statistical data?
A. You should start with statistics
B. Should be mentioned in the body
C. Include this in the introduction
D. Wherever it seems relevant

1. What is placed on the top of an article?

a) Date
b) Heading/Title
c) Subscription
d) Salutation
Answer : Heading/Title
2. What is placed just below the title of an article?
a) Date
b) By-Line
c) Place of the writer
d) Salutation
Answer : By-Line
3. How many paragraphs should be there in an article?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three to Four
d) Eight to Ten
Answer : Three to Four
4. Which of the following is not an element of an article?
a) Date
b) Subscription
c) Salutation
d) All of these
Answer : All of these
5. What should the first paragraph of an article be all about?
a) Conclusion
b) Consequences
c) Statistics
d) Brief introduction of the topic
Answer : Brief introduction of the topic
6. On which parameters is article writing assessed?
a) Content
b) Expression
c) Fluency & Format
d) All of these
Answer : All of these
7. How should an article be ended?
a) Thanking the audience
b) Greeting the audience
c) With a suitable conclusion
d) All of these
Answer : With a suitable conclusion
You may also read : MCQ of Notice Writing, MCQ of Letter to the
Editor, MCQ of Classified Advertisement, MCQ of Business
Letters, MCQ of Speech Writing
8. Pick the even one out in context of Article Writing?
a) Heading/Title
b) Salutation
c) Thanking the audience
d) Greeting to the audience
Answer : Heading
9. Which of the following can be added to make an article writing
a) Quotes
b) Statistics
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b
Answer : Both a and b
10. What should be the ratio of active and passive voice while
writing an article?
a) 30:70
b) 70:30
c) 50:50
d) None of these
Answer : 70:30
11. What is the word limit of an article for class 12?
a) 50-100 words
b) 100-150 words
c) 150-200 words
d) 300-500 words
Answer : 150-200 words
12. How should an article be commenced?
a) By greeting the audience
b) By thanking the audience
c) By requesting the audience
d) None of these
Answer : None of these
13. Article is a….
a) Short piece of writing
b) long piece of writing
c) Exaggeration of lies
d) All of these
Answer : Long piece of writing
14. Which of the following is correct about the ‘Title’ in article
a) It should be long
b) It should be short and irrelevant
c) It should be eye-catching
d) It should be a long-tail keyword
Answer : It should be eye-catching
15. What do pros and cons mean?
a) Advantages and disadvantages
b) Arguments in favour and arguments against
c) Positives and Negatives
d) All of these
Answer : All of these
16. What is fluency in article writing?
a) Ability to weave the content together
b) Ability to set the content apart
c) Ability to find out the pros and cons
d) Ability to greet the audience
Answer : Ability to weave together the content
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the first term examination to be held in the month of
17. What are the elements of a marking scheme of article writing?
a) Format
b) Content
c) Expression
d) All of these
Answer : All of these
18. What are the constituents of ‘Format’ in article writing?
a) Heading
b) Writer’s Name
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b
Answer : Both a and b
19. What are the constituents of ‘Expression’ in article writing?
a) Spellings
b) Grammatical Accuracy
c) Coherence
d) All of these
Answer : All of these
20. What are the elements of ‘Conclusion’ in article writing?
a) Suggestions
b) Remedial Measures
c) Reminders
d) All of these
Answer : All of these
21. ____ states the name of the writer.
a) Heading
b) By-Line
c) Dateline
d) None of these
Answer : By-Line
22. What can an article describe?
a) An event
b) Experience
c) Person’s life
d) All of these
Answer : All of these
23. An article should be written in ________
a) a single paragraph
b) clear paragraphs
c) informal language
d) None of these
Answer : clear paragraphs
24. One should ______ before writing an article
a) Exercise
b) Research about the topic
c) Pray to God
d) None of these
Answer : Research about the topic
25. Article writing is meant for _____
a) Small group of readers
b) Large group of readers
c) Unemployed people
d) Only employed people
Answer : Large group of readers
26. What makes an article good
a) Accuracy
b) Ample research about the topic
c) Drafting before being written
d) All of these
Answer : All of these
27. What should one do if one runs out of words while writing an
a) Repeat the same lines again and again
b) Add quotations related to the topic
c) Forget the coherence and write anything
d) All of these
Answer : Add quotations related to the topic
28. Which of the following adds beauty to an article and makes it
a) Legible handwriting
b) Scribbling on the page of article
c) Illegible handwriting
d) Filthy presentation
Answer : Legible handwriting
29. What is coherence in article writing?
a) Logical writing
b) Orderly writing
c) Consistent relation of paragraphs
d) All of these
Answer : All of these
30. Who should be kept in mind while writing a good article?
a) Editor of the newspaper
b) Owner of the newspaper
c) Readers and their mood
d) English teacher of the school
Answer : Readers and their mood
31. Answer the following questions based on the article given
Addiction of Social Networking Sites
( By : Riya Mishra )
Social networking sites are web-based programs run ___(i)____ where
people create their dynamic profiles in order to share what they exactly
feel and exchange their views via chats, calls, video conferences etc.
Some of the most popularly-known apps are; WhatsApp, Facebook,
Instagram and Twitter which connect not only billions of people across
the world but help them remain updated of their surroundings.
Despite the fact that these sites are boon for human beings, they have
their own ___(ii)____ as well. We all know that  ‘Excess of everything is
bad.’ Therefore, excessive use of social networking sites can make us
lethargic, unproductive and procrastinators. Sitting for long hours,
engaged with such sites, can give a ___(iii)____rise to the quantum of
headaches, backaches and many more diseases. It affects student’s
academics adversely for they become prone to using the all day long
and can’t resist their temptations of frequently logging in their accounts
created on various platforms. Apart from all that, the ___(iv)____ content
present on such sites distract students’ attention to a different level
resulting in loss of their academics precious time.
Freedom of speech, one of the fundamental rights of us, is often seen
being misused at such platforms.  ___(v)____, without giving second
thought, comment or write whatever they feel like to humiliate others.
Consequently, a white-collar gentry or renowned celebrities have to
undergo a irreparable mental harassment. Independent women  have to
face incidents of ___(vi)____ which causes depression and anxiety to them
. Above all, the hike in number of suicidal cases has a close association
with social networking sites for a long time. Even, youngsters who have
hardly stepped out of their homes, can be seen shooting videos before
committing suicides. These virtual platforms have created a
very ___(vii)____ environment for the teenagers where they are facing
bullying, emotional distress and insecurity.
It has also emboldened the cybercrime since we all have updated our
profiles on social media. Our personal information is no
longer ___(viii)____on those platform. Even an unknown person can take
advantage of this act . 
To conclude that, if we use social networking sites wisely they are
really a ___(ix)____ whereas its excessive use can make us scourge and
a ___(x)____ plague.

a) on internet
b) in internet
c) through internet
d) All of these
Answer : Through internet
a) limitations
b) flaws
c) shortcomings
d) All of these
Answer : All of these
a) decline
b) steep
c) low
d) None of these
Answer : Steep
a) fruitful
b) Obnoxious
c) valuable
d) invaluable
Answer : Obnoxious
a) Local people
b) Local politicians
c) Netizens
d) Local police
Answer : Founder
a) respect
b) grateful respect
c) body-shaming
d) beautiful body
Answer : Body-shaming
a) Peaceful
b) Healthy
c) Toxic
d) None of these
Answer : Toxic
a) open
b) public
c) protected
d) unprotected
Answer : Protected
a) Boon
b) Blessing
c) Bane
d) Both a and b
Answer : Both a and b
a) short-lived
b) lifetime
c) never-lasting
d) temporary
Answer : Lifetime
31. Answer the following questions based on the article given
Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) had been a talk of the town, due to its
outbreak, throughout the year 2020 when it gripped millions of people
and it is still making headlines around the world even in 2021 with its
fast-approaching new strain in UK and other parts of the world. From
Lockdown to social distancing, it has insisted on the people to change
their lifestyle and perspective towards the life altogether.
Covid-19 is caused by a newly discovered corona virus, one of the
unknown viruses of Corona Virus family. It has already taken life of more
than 2.6 million people and many of us are still circling around this
deadly pandemic. As per the history and views of Covid-19 patients, who
once had been suffering or are suffering from this virus, it starts with a
mild respiratory illness which leads further to fever, cold, congestion in
throat and utter weariness of body. People, suffering from this often
complain of breathing and fatigue irrespective of any hard or
unaccustomed labour. However, it is not mandatory that all and sundry,
whomsoever are suffering from this disease, may have these same signs
of tiredness and fatigue. Some of them may be asymptomatic and not
the carriers of this virus as well.
It usually spreads from person to person through droplets of saliva when
an infected person sneezes or coughs without following respiratory
etiquettes. So, it becomes essential for one to learn respiratory etiquettes
and practice them as much as possible. Besides, touching the things
unnecessarily also could be one of the reasons of its outbreak. Therefore,
one must take care of all these things in order to protect themselves
from this deadly corona virus.
As the saying goes “Prevention is better than cure” The best way to
protect ourselves from this deadly disease is to be well-informed about
the virus and maintain hygienic environment around us. Putting on a
mask properly and sanitizing our hands frequently can help us a lot in
making a long distance from this disease. Besides, we should avoid
visiting crowded places uselessly like malls, theaters, and parks etc.
where there is more risk of getting contacted with other people and
maintain proper distance of at least 2 meters from the people while
talking to them.
Our safety lies in our own hands. In case of urgency and emergency, we
must contact a specialized doctor and act on his/her advice without
being doctors ourselves.
i) What does the phrase ‘Talk of the Town’ mean in the first line?
a) A thing being discussed by few persons in the town
b) A thing being discussed by many persons in the town
c) A thing being discussed by no one in the town
d) None of these
Answer : A thing being discussed by many persons in the town
ii) What is pandemic?
a) A widespread epidemic
b) Panacea
c) Vaccine
d) None of these
Answer : A widespread epidemic
iii) Find out the synonym of the word ‘Unaccustomed’ from the
a) Unusual
b) Familiar
c) Used to 
d) None of these
Answer : Unusual
iv) What should one do to stay away from Corona Virus?
a) Wash one’s hands frequently
b) Put on a mask properly
c) Sanitize our hands regularly
d) All of these
Answer : All of these
32. Answer the following questions on the based of the heading (Article)
given below.
The number of crime cases has been rising day by day in your
locality. Write an article on this issue in about 150 words. Do
suggest corrective measure to deal with this problem.
i) Which of the following is the perfect heading/title for this article?
a) Steep Downfall in Crime
b) Steep Rise in Crime
c) Ebbing of Crime
d) None of these
Answer : Steep Rise in Crime
ii) Which of the following corrective measure must be added in this
a) Advise not to people to step out of their homes
b) Advise people to bear with the criminals
c) Advise people to not to be afraid of such goons and confront them by
raising their voice
d) None of these
Answer : Advise people to not to be afraid of such goons and
confront them by raising their voice
iii) This article should be begun with
a) A detailed introduction of the writer
b) A brief introduction of the problem
c) A subtle introduction of the problem
d) None of these
Answer : A brief introduction of the problem
iv) How should this article be concluded?
a) By advising people to raise their weapons
b) By advising people to support the administration
c) Bu advising people not to be scare but brave enough to face this
d) Both B and C
Answer : Both B and C

Answer the questions with reference to the context of an article given

Rishi is a member of the “Environment Club” of his school and the motto of the club is –
‘Sustainable Development. He has to write an article for the school magazine,
emphasizing the need for everyone to actively work towards achieving the sustainable
development goals of the country.
Q.1. What should the introductory paragraph of Rishi’s Article contain:
a. A prelude to the Sustainable Development Goals.
b. Preconditions of mitigating harm to the environment.
c. The role of Sustainable Development Goals in mitigating Climate Change.
d. The consequences of letting the harm to the environment go unchecked.

Q.2. The article will Not include the point __________

a. Work to preserve nature on earth
b. Mitigate the carbon imprint
c. Encourage everyone to enhance their immunity
d. Single-use plastics must be banned.

Q3Which of the following is NOT essential for an article

a. name of the writer
b.designation of the writer
c. content in paragraphs
d.a catchy heading

Q4 Which of the following is not correct ?

a. Introduce a new point at the beginning of concluding paragraph
b. give relevant information article must be coherent and logical
dan article must have an introductory paragraph also

Q5 Which of the following must be a part of your article

1. Relevant conclusion based on the discussion in paragraphs 
2. - By line  (may be listed at the end too) - 
3. Subject
4. Box
5  Body (split into  paragraphs) 
(a) 1,3,4
(b)3, 4, 2
(c) 1,2,5

1 (a) A prelude to the Sustainable Development Goals 
(2) (c) Encourage everyone to enhance their immunity  
(3) b
(5) c

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