Introduction To Word 2007: Introduction To Programming Electrical Engineering Department UET Taxila
Introduction To Word 2007: Introduction To Programming Electrical Engineering Department UET Taxila
Introduction To Word 2007: Introduction To Programming Electrical Engineering Department UET Taxila
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What’s new in Word 2007 is outlined below. 5 6
Introduction to Programming Electrical Engineering Department UET Taxila
1. Microsoft Office Button: A button that provides access to menu commands
in Word. The Microsoft Office Button replaces the File button in previous
versions. Here is where you will find commonly known features such as New,
Open, Save, Print and Recent Documents. This is also where you will find
the Word Options commands that were previously located in the Tools menu
in previous versions.
2. Ribbon: An area across the top of the screen that makes almost all the
capabilities of Word available in a single area. The Ribbon replaces the
menus and toolbars in previous versions. The Ribbon exposes most of the
features that used to be hidden in File menus. The Ribbon makes it easier to
see and find commands to format your document. The Ribbon can be
reduced to a single line of tabs by pressing CTRL + F1.
3. Tab: An area on the Ribbon that contains buttons that are organized in
groups. The default tabs are Home, Insert, Page Layout, Reference,
Mailings, Review and View.
4. Quick Access Toolbar: A customizable toolbar at the top of an active
document. By default the Quick Access Toolbar displays the Save, Undo,
and Repeat buttons and is used for easy access to frequently used
commands. To customize this toolbar click on the dropdown arrow and select
the commands you want to add.
Contextual Tabs are designed to appear on the Ribbon when certain objects or
commands are selected. These tabs provide easy access to options specific to
the selected object or command. For example, the commands for editing a
picture will not be available until the picture is selected, at which time the Picture
Tools tab will appear.
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Navigating in a Document
The following table lists ways to navigate in a document using your keyboard to
move the insertion point in an active document:
Selecting Text
• Select a word: Click and drag or double-click on the word
• Select a sentence: Click and drag or click in the sentence while holding
down the CTRL key
• Select a paragraph: Click and drag or triple-click in the paragraph or
double-click in the selection area to the left of the paragraph
• Select a block of text: Click and drag or click to the left of the first word,
hold down the SHIFT key, and then immediately click to the right of the
last word
• Select a line: Click and drag or click in the selection to the left of the line
• Select an entire document: Triple-click in the selection area or hit the
CTRL + A keys
• Deleting text: Select the text and hit the DELETE key
• Undo an action: On the Quick Access Toolbar click the Undo key
Deleting Text
When deleting text in your document you can
either use the Delete key or the Backspace key.
The Delete key deletes text to the right of your cursor while the Backspace key
deletes text to the left of your cursor.
Cut, Copy and Paste
Often times you will need to move text from one location in a document to
another, or to a different application. In this case you will perform a Cut and
Paste. To reproduce a specific part of a document and place it elsewhere, you
will perform a Copy and Paste.
To Cut Text:
1) Select the text you want to move
2) Click on the Cut icon located on the Home tab in the Clipboard group
Introduction to Microsoft Word Page 5
Introduction to Programming Electrical Engineering Department UET Taxila
To Copy Text:
1) Select the text you want to copy
2) Click on the Copy icon located on the Home tab in the Clipboard
group To Paste Text:
1) Click in the area of the document where you want to paste your text
2) Click on the Paste icon located on the Home tab in the Clipboard group
Formatting a Document
To Make Font Changes:
1) Select the desired text that you want to format
2) Make your font changes using one of the methods listed below
Commands for font formatting can be found on the Home tab in the Font group.
For more font formatting options click on the Dialog Box Launcher in the lower-
right corner of the group. This will launch the Font dialog box.
You can also use the MiniToolbar. The Mini Toolbar is activated when you
select text to be formatted. This toolbar is miniature and semi-transparent to
help you work with fonts, font styles, font sizing, alignment, text color, indent
levels, and bullet features.
Live Preview
Using Live Preview temporarily applies formatting on selected text or objects
whenever a formatting command is hovered. This allows you to quickly see how
the formatting options will look before they are made.
When you finish previewing the formatting choices, do one of the following:
• To apply the previewed formatting, click the selected font name, size, or
color in the list.
• To cancel live previewing without applying any changes, press ESC.
Formatting a Paragraph
A paragraph is a select group of text that can have its own formatting
characteristics, such as alignment, spacing and styles.
Commands for paragraph formatting can be found on the Home tab in the
Paragraph group.
For more paragraph formatting options click on the Dialog Box Launcher in the
lower-right corner of the group. This will launch the Paragraph dialog box. You
can also use the Mini Toolbar for paragraph alignment, indent levels, and bullet
5) Click Save
To Close a Document
1) Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Close
2) If a Microsoft Office Word dialogue box appears displaying a “Do you
want to save…?” message:
Click Yes to save, No to discard, or Cancel to close the dialogue box.
Converting a
3) Click OK
4) Click the Microsoft Office Button
5) Click Save
Introduction to Programming Electrical Engineering Department UET Taxila