Hera Oktadiana Indonesia Tourism Outlook WTD
Hera Oktadiana Indonesia Tourism Outlook WTD
Hera Oktadiana Indonesia Tourism Outlook WTD
International arrivals falls A loss of USD935 billion in Asia and Pacific tourism
by 72% or 900 million revenues from international decreases by 82% in
less tourists than 2019 tourism (more than 10 times the international arrivals in
between January and loss under the impact of 2009 the first 10 months of
October 2020 global economic crisis) 2020
UNWTO (2020)
Tourism and the Covid-19 pandemic
• Global tourism has shifted from over-tourism to non-tourism
• Changes in human mobility patterns, labor environment,
and recreation
• Weak demand for outbound travel is still weak although
some large markets have shown a sign of recovery (e.g.
USA, France)
• Some markets see the increase in the demand for domestic
tourism (e.g. China)
• The vaccine will boost the travelers’ confidence for
• A long road to recovery: it may take 2.5 - 4 years for the
tourism industry to return to 2019 levels for the international
Gössling et al. (2020); Roman, Niedziółka & Krasnodebski (2020); UNWTO (2020)
Is travel going to be normal again?
Experience-driven travel
• Tourists want to discover new places, landscape, cultures, and cuisines,
and reconnecting with nature.
• Many companies may continue the remote working policy that allows
people to travel without taking holiday and spend more time in a destination
• Travelers combine work with vacations
(Skyticket, 2020; Southan, 2021)
What do tourism providers need to consider?
Stay safe and healthy