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Syllabus of Engineering Physics Paper:Physics-1 (Phy-101) (B.Tech-I Sem All Branches)

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Syllabus of Engineering Physics

Paper :Physics-1 (Phy-101)

(B.Tech-I Sem all branches)

UNIT-I: Wave Optics

Interference, Interference in thin films, Basic Conditions of interference, Newtons Ring,
experimental explanation, Expression for radius of ring, Fresnels Biprism Experiment and
theory, Michelson Interferometer, Diffraction, Types of diffraction-single slit, double slit
(Condition of minima and maxima) and Diffraction grating, Resolving Power of Prism,
Grating, telescope and Microscope.

UNIT-II: Electron Ballistics

Motion of charged particle in Electric field. Magnetic field, combined Electric-Magnetic
field, focusing of electron, basics of Electron microscope, Electron Gun, Cathod Ray Tube,
Mass spectrographs Dempster mass spectrograph, Aston mass spectrograph, Electron
Refraction Bethes Law

UNIT-III: Nuclear Physics

Nuclear structure and Nuclear properties,, Liquid Drop and Shell Model, Particle Accelerator,
Linear particle accelerator, Cyclotron, Betatron, Syncro-cyclotron, Particle Detectors, Geiger
Muller Counter, Theory of α,β and γ decay, nuclear cross section, Chain Reaction, Fission
and Fusion, Hydrogen bomb, Nuclear bomb, Nuclear Reactor.

UNIT-IV: Solid State/ Semiconductor Physics

Idea of energy bands in solids, Distinction between metal, semiconductor and insulator,
Concept of Fermi Energy Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor, Electron and hole mobility,
Electrical conductivity and Hall effect, P-N Junction, Junction transistor, Transistor
parameters, thermistor, Photo voltaic effect, Solar cell .

UNIT-V: Dielectric and Magnetic properties of Materials

Dielectric polarization, Gauss`s law, E, P and D vectors, Different types of polarization,,
Concept of internal field, Clausius Mosotti relation, Langevin`s theory, Idea of polar and non-
polar dielectrics, Idea of lossy dielectrics, Loss tangent , Idea of complex permittivity,
Magnetic field, Magnetization, Magnetic susceptibility, Magnetic materials, Dia- para- and
ferro- magnetic materials.

References : 1) Engg. Physics by PG Kshirsagar

2) Physics of Dielectrics by Tareev
3) Principles of Optics by Brijlal & Subramanyam

Syllabus of Engineering Physics
Paper: Physics-2 (Phy-151)

(B.Tech-II Sem all branches)

UNIT-I: Modern Physics

Planck’s theory, Black body radiation, Planck’s radiation formula, Photo-Electric effect,
Einstein’s equations, Beats, Wave Packet, Fourier Transform, Group, Phase and Particle
Velocities and their relationship, Wave Particle duality -De Broglie waves, Heisenberg
uncertainty principle, Application & consequence by Gamma ray microscope and Diffraction
of an electron beam by a single slit, Compton effect, X-Ray spectra, Braggs law, Laue
equation (Braggs theory), Brags spectrometer.

UNIT-II: Quantum Mechanics

Wave equation, Schrödinger Equation-Steady state form, Particle in box, Finite Potential
well, Tunnel Effect, Harmonic oscillator, Hydrogen atom, Vector atom model.

UNIT-III: Theory of relativity

Frames of Reference, Galilean transformation , Einstien theory, Transformation equations,
Time dilatation, Length contraction, Relativistic momentum, Mass energy equation,
Relativistic mass,

UNIT-IV: Laser
Introduction, Interaction of radiation with matter, Spontaneous & Stimulated Emission,
Conditions for light amplification, Active Medium, Population Inversion, Pumping, Optical
resonator, Coherency Idea (Temporal & Spatial COherence) Types of LASER-solid state, gas
and dye laser, Construction and working of Ruby Laser And He-Ne Laser Applications-Laser

UNIT-V: Fibre Optics

Introduction, Optical fibres, Propagation of light through cladded fibre, Ray Optics of fiber
Acceptance angle and cone, Types of optical fibres, Materials and fabrication of fibre,
Attenuation, Fibre losses, Fibre optics communication.

References : 1) Text Book Engg. Physics by PG Kshirsagar,

2) Concept of Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser


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