Activity 3.2.1 Product Observation

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Activity 3.2.

1 – Product Observation
Have you ever noticed how children are fascinated with how objects work? Many
engineers have stated that they can trace back their interest in their chosen field to
their childhood, when they would tear apart broken objects to figure out what caused
them to move and function.

Reverse engineering is a process that relies on this childhood fascination with

objects, and how they work. The process involves the study of an object’s visual,
functional, and structural qualities. Though it does not imply redesign, reverse
engineering is often a tool that is used to aid in the redesign of an object so that its
performance may be improved. Other reasons for performing reverse engineering
include reducing an object’s negative environmental impacts, maximizing
manufacturing techniques through the substitution of more appropriate materials,
discovering how a competitor’s product works, and increasing a company’s profit

You have performed a visual analysis of your selected product to identify the visual
design principles and elements that give the object its visual appeal, or lack there of.
The next step in the reverse engineering process involves the study of the object’s
function. This is done through careful observation of the object’s sequential
operation before it is disassembled. By first observing the product, you can
hypothesize how a product operates and then compare your predictions to your
actual findings after the part is dissected.

• Activity 3.2.1a Example Product Observation
• Engineer’s notebook
• Number 2 pencil

In this activity, you will analyze the function of your consumer product.

Before measurement and dissection, you must theorize how the product functions
through non-destructive observation. Identify your product’s name and the company
that produced it, and answer the following questions.

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Product Name:
Company Name:

1. What is the purpose or primary function of the object?

2. Sketch an isometric pictorial of the product in your engineer’s notebook, and

label the individual components. If you are not sure what a particular component
is called, then make a logical guess.

3. Make an educated guess as to how this product operates. Use simple machines’
terminology to explain the object’s sequential operation.

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4. Identify the system inputs, intended product function, and outputs in the table

Inputs Product Function Output

5. What mechanical components are visible?

6. What is it about this device’s function that you cannot identify, because the
mechanical components are hidden from plain view?

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Conclusion (answer in complete sentences.)

1. Why do engineers perform reverse engineering on products?

2. What does a black box represent in the system input/output model?

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