Statement of Purpose
Statement of Purpose
Statement of Purpose
I am the oldest of three siblings and have many cousins, so I grew up with an
abundance childcare opportunity. When I was six years old, my sister was born. Since
my parents were always busy at their work, I had to take care of my sister. Also, my
parents used to be small group leaders so whenever they invited their members in our
house, I was in charge of taking care of the young children. Through those interactive
experiences, I have learned many things about young children. However, I had never
been taught any teaching skills directly from anyone By spending more time with young
children, I learned to enjoy being with them. When I was in middle school, I went to the
Philippines for a mission trip, which was an important turning point in my life. In the
Philippines, the missionaries that guided us for our mission trip ran a pre-school so, our
team had a chance to volunteer at their school. Compared to the children who went to
the pre-school, children who lived in rural areas had less access to education. I thought
that since God loves everyone, we all have a right to be educated. I decided to major in
Early Childhood Education, so I could return in the future as a teaching missionary who
will offer children, especially in rural areas in developing countries, learning
opportunities and show them the love of God.
Since my parents are missionaries in Cambodia, I often talk with them about their
schools and work. One of the most heart-breaking stories, was that one of the parents
wanted their children to drop out of school and the children cried a lot on the last day of
school. Even though my parents tried to convince the children’s parents about the
importance of education, they didn’t change their minds. So, I decided to research ‘How
low-income parents affect their children’s academic achievement?’ for the EAP 405
class. Throughout this research, even though I cannot change students’ parents’ socio-
economic status, I want to help students to keep pursuing their academic achievement
by supporting other factors (e.g., health, school, teacher, parents).
With the focused and effective training provided by the George Mason University, I am
fully convinced that my career goals as a teaching missionary could help children and
their families in need due to lack of educational opportunity. Also, I could help them to
realize their full potential and strength. At the conclusion of the academic training
provided by George Mason University, I envision returning to Cambodia to fully commit
to reaching out and bringing the joy of learning to children in isolated communities.