Kinetics and Modelling of The S02 To The SO3 Process
Kinetics and Modelling of The S02 To The SO3 Process
Kinetics and Modelling of The S02 To The SO3 Process
Abdullah (19JE0014)
Aditi Nair (19JE0056)
Amlan Kumar Tripathy (19JE0119)
Through this research, we are making an attempt to select an appropriate kinetic equation, among
the numerous kinetic rate equations, to represent the experimental data for the SO2 oxidation to
We are also interested in evaluating the range of validity for each kinetic model, i.e within what
range of pressure and temperature can a particular kinetic model give the most accurate result.
Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is an important chemical compound in the industry and is used in the
colourless and viscous liquid that dissolves in water at all concentrations. Sulfuric acid is a very
important commodity and the production of national sulfuric acid is one of the indicators of its
industrial potential. To reduce the risk associated with its transport, sulfuric acid-producing
plants are often found near their surface, as they are corrosive and hazardous chemicals. Indeed,
it is more economical and safer to transport basic elemental sulfur than sulfuric acid. Sulfuric
acid is an important chemical in many process industries, such as fertilizer production, oil
The subject of this thesis is mainly focused on investigating the various kinetic equations
describing the conversion of SO2 to SO3 that are applicable for sulphuric acid plants, and
Then, an experimental design was used to select the most appropriate kinetic equation, which
best represents the experimental data. To select the most representative kinetic equation, the
residual sum of squares (RSS) of the differences between the predicted and experimental data in
the range of temperature of interest was minimized. The most appropriate kinetic model shows a
wide range of validity or the lowest average of RSS value in comparison with other kinetic
Sulphuric acid is mainly produced by the contact process, which is today the leading technology
used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid because of its large production capacity of
concentrated sulphuric acid. This process consists of three main reactions carried in different
(3) the sulphur trioxide is absorbed in a concentrated sulphuric acid column where SO3 reacts
As we can see, all three reactions are exothermic. The second step is the critical step in sulphuric
acid production mainly because SO2 oxidation to SO3 is an exothermic and equilibrium reaction
performed adiabatically such that a multi-bed catalytic reactor is required to achieve high
The SO2 oxidation process is an equilibrium catalytic reaction, generally carried out in plug flow
reactors under adiabatic conditions. Industrially, a series of three to five catalytic beds are used to
perform this reaction with inter-stage gas-cooling. A schematic diagram of a four-bed catalytic
The typical length of individual catalytic packed beds ranges between 0.2 and 2.0 m, with
diameters up to 12 m. Removing heat from the reacting gas mixture between catalyst beds needs
to be performed to increase the conversion. The conventional contact method is a very effective
process for making H2SO4 in view of the conversion of SO2 to SO3 (achieving 97.5%
between two catalytic beds to recover SO3 and enhance additional conversion.
2.1.1 Catalysts
The sulphur dioxide (SO2) oxidation to the sulphur trioxide (SO3) is a heterogeneous catalytic
reaction. Over time, with the development of the contact process, the use of alternative catalysts,
such as vanadium pentoxide (V2O5), having a longer lifetime and being significantly cheaper to
manufacture, V2O5 combined with alkali metal oxide promoters form the active phase of the
A composition of 1 mol V 2O5 with 2.5 moles of alkali metal sulphate is typically used in many
In order to study the reaction kinetics of SO2 oxidation to SO3, we will make use of the kinetic
While performing the experiment, the choice of catalysts was the same for both the kinetic rate
equations and the experimental data. As with other experiments, this experiment may also suffer
from outliers that are not in our control like experimental errors, incorrect data management or
model inadequacy. These outliers must be identified prior to the model evaluation; otherwise,
After performing the experiment and calculating the desired rate of reaction values, the residual
sum squares (RSS) of the differences between the predicted and experimental data were used to
There are two main hypothetical reaction mechanisms that were proposed to explain the
observed experimental data on the alkali-V2O5 catalyst under certain operating conditions.
(1) vanadium components oxidize the sulphur dioxide to the sulphur trioxide
(2) oxygen re-oxidizes V+4 to V+5. The degree of vanadium reduction in the first step was
measured based on the quantity value of [V+4 ] 2 ∙PSO3 / [V+5] 2 ∙ PSO2 over a large range of
kinetic model.
Eklund worked on the same mechanism and proposed a different kinetic model that represented
(1) vanadium components oxidize the SO2 and produce a [V+4.SO3] complex
Villadsen et al. assumed that the oxidation of V4+ species (step 3) is a crucial step in the oxidation
of SO2 to SO3 and they derived a kinetic equation to explain their experimental results.
Collina et al.proposed a kinetic rate equation on the assumption that the reaction between
adsorbed SO2 and O2 from the gas phase is the rate-controlling step. In addition, the rate equation
Model 1: Collina et al
Model 2: Eklund
Model 3: Calderbank
370 - 450
k2 [kmol/kg cat k2 = exp (22.75 - 27070.7/T)
Model 4: Villadsen et al
k1 [kmol/kg cat atm . s] k1 = exp (-1.88 - 7466.08/T)
Figure 2: Maximum reaction rate curve for the SO2 oxidation for a 10 mol% SO2, 11 mol% O2,
plot for a 10 mol% SO2, 11 mol% O2, and 79 mol% N2 feed gas composition and 1.4 atm total
The shape of the initial portion of a constant rate curve is due to the combination of the increase
in the reaction rate with temperature and the decrease of the reaction rate with conversion. As the
constant rate curve moves toward the equilibrium curve, it goes to a maximum point
corresponding to the maximum rate of reaction for a given combination of conversion and
temperature. Each constant rate curve is subjected to the same fate. For higher constant reaction
If it would be possible to adjust the temperature of the packed bed reactor as a function of
conversion to constantly follow the maximum rate curve, it would require a length of bed or
catalyst weight that would be minimum for a given conversion. This would be an ideal packed
reactor. It is therefore interesting to determine this minimum bed length to offer a comparison
with different adiabatic process strategies. The maximum reaction rate curve is determined as a
For a given conversion, the temperature is changed until the maximum rate is obtained.
2.4 Experimental results
Given below is the experimental data obtained from the literature, using which we
experimental data for the SO2 oxidation to SO3. The residual sum of squares (RSS) of the
differences between the predicted and experimental data was calculated for each kinetic model to
evaluate which kinetic model appears to be more reliable to represent the experimental data in
Kinetic data for the sulphur dioxide oxidation, obtained from an experimental design conducted
by Doering et al.13 was used in this investigation to assess the ability of each kinetic model to
represent the experimental data. In the experimental design of Doering et al.13, four to six
conversion data between 90% and equilibrium curve were used to measure the rate of reaction
and a pressure of 10 and 2.5 atm as well for a gas feed composition of 10 mol% SO2, 11 mol%
O2 and 1.12 atm are presented in Figure 2-6 Two important observations can be made from the
results of Figure 2-6. The Eklund kinetic model better represents the experimental data at a
pressure near 10 atm (Figure 2-6a). However, the Collina et al. kinetic model predicts with
relatively good accuracy the experimental data at the two lower pressures, including near
atmospheric pressure. Similar results were obtained at other experimental conditions. We can
conclude that there is no unique reaction kinetic model that represents the kinetic data over the
● To better compare the different reaction kinetic models for the complete experimental
data set in the databank, the residual sum of squares of the differences between the
➢ rSO2i - The calculated rate of the i-th experimental point according to the reaction
mechanism model.
presented in Figure
Figure - Residual sum squares (RSS) of each kinetic model for feed gas compositions of 10
● When the temperature is increased, the RSS decreases significantly for all kinetic models,
which indicates that the models are more accurate if the reaction occurs above 400˚C.
● The models of Collina et al. and Eklund have the lowest RSS values compared to other
● The model proposed by Collina et al. has the lowest RSS values at a low operating
● When the pressure increases, the RSS values increase. In contrast, the models of Eklund
● For instance, the model of Collina et al. better represents the experimental data in a
● By considering the whole experimental pressure range (1 to 10 atm) and the temperature
range investigated, the Collina et al. kinetic model has a lower average RSS value and, in
general, shows a better fit considering all the experimental data in comparison with other
kinetic models.
Different Model Equations and RSS values: -
● A total of 135 experimental data points were used for different temperatures, pressures
and gas compositions, which can be included in the RSS function to find the best
● The kinetic model proposed by Collina et al. has the lowest average RSS value (0.756).
● Using this criterion, this model better represents the entire experimental data than the
other models.
● To Perform a multi-objective optimization (MOO) for SO2 oxidation to SO3 in the plug
flow reactor, it is recommended to use the model of Collina et al., especially for pressure
near atmospheric and for the feed gas composition of 10 mol% SO2, 11 mol% O2.
● This work presented the evaluation of four kinetic models for the SO2 oxidation to SO3
● The oxidation of SO2 to SO3 is an equilibrium reaction and the oxidation efficiency
increases with increasing the concentration of sulphur dioxide and oxygen in the feed gas.
● By considering the residual sum of squares to compare different kinetic models using a
set of experimental data, it was found that the applicability of the models depends on the
operating conditions.
● A kinetic equation has been selected among the proposed ones to explain experimental
● Even though the four kinetic models propose different reaction mechanisms and were
investigation is still very useful as a guide to decide an experimental plan to obtain the
● In this investigation, the Collina et al. kinetic model was chosen because it was more
● The determination of the residual sum of squares of all kinetic models allowed us to
evaluate the range of validity of the operating conditions for a specific kinetic model and
● Finally, this model could be selected to conduct a multi-objective optimization for the
catalytic oxidation reactor of the sulphur dioxide to the sulphur trioxide in the plug flow
reactor (PFR) for 10 mol% SO2, 11 mol% O2 and at the pressure near atmospheric due to
the lowest error under this operating conditions and to ensure the expected optimal region
1. Experimental Curve
2. Results and Discussions
3. Experimental versus Predicted reaction rate
Aditi Nair
1. Data Treatment and Analysis
2. Different Model Equations and RSS Values
3. Conclusion