Long Test 5 Quarter
Long Test 5 Quarter
Long Test 5 Quarter
I. Read carefully the following questions and A. With a rumination on the sanctity of life
write the chosen letter on the space B. Following an introduction to multiple
provided. characters
___ 1. It is an activity to read shorter texts to extract C. After an elaborate backstory
accurate detailed information. D. In the middle
A. reading approach C. extensive reading ___ 9. It is where dialogues in graphiс fiсtion are
B. skimming D. scanning written.
___ 2. Which is a feature of a graphic novel? A. Image panels C. Illustration boxes
A. A Graphic novel is in condensed form. B. Speeсh bubbles D. Beside illustrations
B. It presents micro-stories in each sub-plot. ___ 10. How do flash fictions commonly end the
C. The main character victoriously attained his story?
purpose in the story. A. The story ends with a twist.
D. It encourages interactivity in the minds of the B. It presents a painful ending.
reader as he fills in the blanks between pages. C. It usually ends happily and merrily.
___ 3. This technique is useful when the students are D. Readers have the liberty to give their own
seeking specific information rather than ending.
reading for comprehension. ___ 11. Whiсh сharaсterizes a graphiс novel?
A. reading approach C. skimming A. It presents сolorful image panels.
B. scanning D. extensive reading B. Graphiс novel сombines letters and words.
___ 4. The following are common characteristics of C. Graphic novel presents fewest words as
flash fiction EXCEPT____________. possible.
A. brief D. Illustrations allow the readers to imagine
B. in panel images and experienсe the сharaсters and events in
C. has complete plot the story.
D. presents twists in the ending ___ 12. This type of genre narrates a long story. It has a
___ 5. Passage from the verse: growing popularity and an example of this is
In another world, I want my children to tame manga.
grasshoppers in the field, to play with their A. Speculative Fiction C. Texttula
dolls in the living room, to inhale the fragrance B. Graphic Novel- D. Blogs
of flowers waving as wind blows, to see the birds ___ 13. This type of poetry could not be presented
measure the sky with their wings. without the aid of computers and the internet.
These lines expressed the earnest wish of a A. Spoken Poetry C. Hyper-poetry
father. What do you think these wishes mean? B. Flash Fiction D. Speculative Fiction
A. The family is living in a peaceful village. ___ 14. A flash fiction presents a surprising ending
B. The family is well- accepted by society which means that ______________.
C. The family is suffering from war. A. it ends happily
D. The family has the sickness. B. it ends tragically
___ 6. Equality, and I will be free. If this happens, C. it has a loose ending
people will_____ D. the story ends with a twist
A. put things in place to support people achieve ___ 15. What do you call an approach wherein students
similar outcomes are demanded to read more to improve
B. Lend things to people who are deprived of knowledge?
material things A. skimming
C. Give similar materials to all people who need it B. scanning
D. Allow someone to get what he wants. C. extensive reading
___ 7. Flash fiction goes by all of these other D. reading approach
names except:__________. ___ 16. It is reading a longer text, usually for pleasure
A. Micro fiction C. Epics A. extensive reading
B. Sudden Fiction D. Dribble B. scanning
___ 8. In most flash pieces, the stories begin: C. skimming
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Long Test # 5 – Quarter 2
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Long Test # 5 – Quarter 2
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Long Test # 5 – Quarter 2