Modeling and Manual Design Comparision of Streeses in Castellated Beam Using Ansys
Modeling and Manual Design Comparision of Streeses in Castellated Beam Using Ansys
Modeling and Manual Design Comparision of Streeses in Castellated Beam Using Ansys
Abstract- The objective of this thesis is to investigate and Now FEA is used throughout almost all engineering
evaluate the use of the finite element method for the analysis design including mechanical systems and civil engineering
of castellated beams. The analysis is to be carried on the structures.
castellated beams and calculated the stresses values. By ANSYS is used throughout industry in many
knowing stresses values we can calculate the deflection, load engineering disciplines. This software package was even used
carrying capacity of the beam. The following procedure is by the engineers that investigated the World Trade Center
used to meet this goal collapse in 2001[8].
1. A literature review is conducted to evaluate
previous analytical procedures related to castellated beams. C. Scope and Objectives of Investigation
2. A calibration model using a commercial finite The objective of this thesis is to investigate and evaluate
element analysis package (ANSYS) is set up and analysis is the use of the finite element method for the analysis of
done. Castellated Beams.
FEM models were developed to stimulate the behavior
Keywords- Castellated beams, Finite Element Modeling. of castellated beams using the ANSYS 12.0 programs were
made for load deflection plots; stress- strain plots.
1. Introduction Comparisons were made for manually calculated
A. Otsu's thresholding method stresses and journals with ansys stresses values [5].
Different methods have been utilized to study the A review made on the available literature to have a
response of castellated beams [2]. Analytical based method study on behavior importance gained analytical procedures
widely used as a means to analyze castellated beams under related to Castellated Beams and also the finite element
loading. While this is a method that produces real life response, modeling of beam and Castellated Beams [4] [9].
it is extremely time consuming, and the fire resistance of steel Modeling simplifications and assumptions developed
structures is very high. during this project are presented.
Meantime in castellated beams we can place the AC, Tabulation of Stresses Results and comparison with
ducts, and fire extinguishers within the openings. The use of Manual design stresses values and Journals.
finite element analysis to study these components has also been
used. Unfortunately, early attempts to accomplish this were 2. Solution procedure
also very time consuming and infeasible using existing These are number of steps in the solution procedure
software and hardware. using finite element packages require the user to go through
In recent years, however, the use of finite element steps in one form or another.
analysis has increased due to progressing knowledge and
capabilities of computer software and hardware. A. Specifying Geometry
It has now become the choice method to analyze First the geometry of the structure to be analysis is
concrete structural components. The use of computer Software defined. This can be done either by entering the geometric
to model these elements is much faster, and extremely cost- information in the first element package through the key board
effective [3].By understanding the use of finite element or mouse, or by importing the model from a solid modular like
packages, more efficient and better analyses can be made to structural engineer.
fully understand the response of individual structural
components and their contribution to a structure as a whole B. Specifying Element and Material Properties
[10]. This thesis is a study the behavior of castellated beams Next the materials properties are defined. In an elastic
using finite element analysis. analysis of an isotropic solid these consists of modules of
elasticity of steel and poison’s ratio of steel.
ANSYS is a finite element analysis (FEA) software C. Element Type
package. It uses a preprocessor software engine to create An Element with SHELL181 was used to model the
geometry. Then it uses a solution routine to apply loads to the steel. This element has nodes with six degrees of freedom at
meshed geometry. Finally it outputs desired results in post- each node translations in the model x, y, z directions. Shell181
processing. is well suited for linear, large rotation, and for large strain non-
Finite element analysis was first developed by the linear application.
airplane industry to predict the behavior of metals when
formed for wings. D. Modules of Elasticity
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International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering and Technology, ICCTET’13 221
H. Generate a Solution
Then the solution is generated based on the previous
input parameters.
I. Post Processing
Based on the initial conditions after a solution is Fig.1 Model of Castellated Beam
processed, data is returned viewed in a variety of graphs and
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Mai Mai
Secon n Tota Secon n Tot
Hole Xa Xb dary Ste l dary Ste al
no. (m) (m) Stem m (N/ Stem m (N/
(N/m (N/ mm2 (N/m (N/ m
m2) mm2 ) m2) mm2 m2)
) )
stresses in N/
Fig.5 Stresses Of Beam In Y-Direction
1 2 3 4 5 6
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Greater fidelity via new solver methods. As engineering
requirements and design complexity increase, simulation
software must produce more accurate results that reflect
changing operating conditions over time. ANSYS 13.0 features
an electromagnetic transient solver that produces higher-
fidelity results in dynamic simulation environments, among
other new features.
Higher productivity built on an adaptive architecture.
ANSYS 13.0 includes dozens of features that minimize the
time and effort product development teams invest in
simulation. For example, as product designs grow in size and
Fig.9 Stress vs. Strain Curve From Ansys
complexity -- and consideration of a single physics is no longer
4. Conclusion
enough -- ANSYS 13.0 makes it easier for users with different
This project details the analytical work conducted to
engineering specialties to work collaboratively to exchange
determine the stress distribution and deformation behavior of
data and develop real-world simulations that incorporate
castellated beams.
Finite element analysis is an extremely useful tool in the
Performance innovation via software and computational
design and analysis of castellated beam. FEA enables a more
power. ANSYS 13.0 can provide speedup ratios that are
complete view of the stress distribution around the holes that
dramatically greater than previous software releases. Complex
would otherwise require extensive strain gauges of the region
metaphysics simulations can be accomplished more quickly
to determine.
and efficiently, speeding up product development and market
This more complete view shows the changing nature of
launch initiatives.
the distribution both around the holes along the span.
It has also been shown that the software predicted the
outputs with acceptable accuracy.
[1] Amayreh and M.P. Saka “Failure Load Prediction of
The result shows that the stresses determined manually
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The average variation of stresses between the two is 6 %.
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[2] Benediktas Dervinis, Audronis Kazimieras Kvedaras
5. Scope For Future Investigation
The present study can be extended for future research “Investigation of Rational Depth of Castellated Steel I-
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2.More accurate results can get by increasing the AISC Engineering Journal, July 1964: PP 104-108.
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About ANSYS, Inc. Yost, J. (2004) Effect of Cope Geometry on the
ANSYS, Inc., founded in 1970, develops and globally Strength and Failure Behavior of Non-Composite Open
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[7] Hosain, M.U. and Speirs, W.G., “Experiments on
across a broad spectrum of industries and academia. The
company focuses on the development of open and flexible Castellated Steel Beams,” Supplement to the Welding
solutions that enable users to analyze designs directly on the Journal, August (1973): 329-342.
desktop, providing a common platform for fast, efficient and [8] O. Kohneshpooshi & H.Showkati “Numerical Modeling
cost-conscious product development, from design concept to And Behavior Of Elastic Castellated Section” European
final-stage testing and validation. The company and its global Journal of Scientific Research Vol.31 No.2 (2009) PP
network of channel partners provide sales, support and training 306-318.
for customers. Headquartered in Canonsburg, Pa., U.S.A., with [9] Mohammad Ali lotfollahi-yaghin and hamid ahmadi
more than 60 strategic sales locations throughout the world, “Investigation of Dynamic Properties of Cantilever
ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries employ more than 1,600 Castellated Beams in Comparison with Plain-webbed
people and distribute ANSYS products through a network of
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© IEEE 2013
IEEE - 32107
July 3, 2013, Coimbatore, India.