Blood Mage - For 5th Edition

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The document discusses a book called Blood Mage published by Terran Empire Publishing and introduces some new spells and a monster called the Summoned Blood Ooze.

The book Blood Mage is a roleplaying game supplement published by Terran Empire Publishing.

Two new spells introduced are Blood Biography and Bloody Rend.



Terran Empire Publishing

Blood Mage By: Robert Buckley

Compatible for

Blood Mage - Pg 5
New Spells - Pg 12
New Monster - Pg 13

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Blood Mage
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Terran Empire Publishing

Blood Mage
The song entices you. You’ve heard it since before you can remember, calling you, soothing you. At
first, you could only hear it emanating from your own body. You sensed the life within you, coursing through
you. Now, you can sense the sweet song coming from other creatures; you hear it from any who have blood
pumping through their veins, keeping them alive. When it calls to you, you feel whole and warm inside. The
song gets louder and sweeter when you spill blood, either your own, or another's. The splash of crimson sends
you into a frenzy, filling you with boundless joy and pure ecstasy.
Role: A blood mage is typically a loner, finding themselves uncomfortable around other people. The
song of the blood is too enticing, and when it is coming from multiple beings, the blood mage is hard pressed
to concentrate on anything except freeing the liquid from it’s prison. The constant need to cut and scar
themselves also keeps blood mages from many adventuring companies, as some people find this behavior
abhorrent. The role a blood mage would typically fill in an adventuring group would be the same as any other
arcane spell caster, though, their penchant for violence often sees them in the front line rather than behind
better-armored companions.

Quick Build
You can make a blood mage quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your
highest ability score, followed by Charisma. Second, choose the hermit or charlatan background. Third, choose
the blade ward and chill touch cantrips, along with the 1st level spells charm person and inflict wounds.

Class Features
As a blood mage, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d6 per blood mage level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per blood mage level after 1st
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, light piercing and slashing martial weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation, Medicine, and Religion
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
• (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any light piercing or slashing martial weapon
• (a) a scholar's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
• (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
• Leather armor and two daggers

Blood Mage
Proficiency Cantrips Spells
Level Feature Blood Points Scars
Bonus Known Known
Spellcasting, Blood Component, Sanguine
1 +2 Reserve, Sense Life
1 + Con Modifier – 2 2
2 +2 Burning Blood (one use) 1 + Con Modifier – 2 3
3 +2 Scarification, Coagulate 1 + Con Modifier 1 2 4
4 +2 Ability Score Improvement 1 + Con Modifier 1 3 5
2 + Con
5 +3 –
Modifier 1 3 6
Weeping Wounds (one use), Burning Blood (two 2 + Con
6 +3 uses) Modifier 2 3 7
2 + Con
7 +3 Cleanse Pathogens, Blood Torrent (one use)
Modifier 2 3 8
2 + Con
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement
Modifier 2 3 9
9 +4 – 3 + Con Modifier 3 3 10
Absorb Essence (one use), Weeping Wounds
10 +4 (two uses), Burning Blood (three uses)
3 + Con Modifier 3 4 10
11 +4 Blood Torrent (two uses), Stanch, Gore 3 + Con Modifier 3 4 11
12 +4 Ability Score Improvement 3 + Con Modifier 4 4 11
4 + Con
13 +5 –
Modifier 4 4 12
Ability Score Improvement, Absorb Essence (two
4 + Con
14 +5 uses), Weeping Wounds (three uses), Burning
Modifier 4 4 12
Blood (four uses)
4 + Con
15 +5 Blood Puppet, Transfer Scar
Modifier 5 4 13
Ability Score Improvement, Blood Torrent (three 4 + Con
16 +5 uses) Modifier 5 4 13
17 +6 – 5 + Con Modifier 5 4 14
18 +6 Restore Plasma 5 + Con Modifier 6 4 14
19 +6 Ability Score Improvement 5 + Con Modifier 6 4 15
20 +6 Mass Blood Puppet 5 + Con Modifier 7 4 15
Table: Blood Mage
You know two cantrips of your choice from the blood mage spell list. You learn additional blood mage
cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Blood Mage table.
Spell Slots
The Blood Mage Spell Slot table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level or
higher. To cast one of these blood mage spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain
all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
For example, if you know the 1st level spell inflict wounds and you have a 1st level and a 2nd level spell slot
available, you can cast inflict wounds using either slot.
Spell Known of 1st Level and Higher
You know two 1st level spells of your choice from the blood mage spell list.
The Spells Known column of the Blood Mage table shows when you learn more blood mage spells of
your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you
reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

Terran Empire Publishing

Blood Mage Spell List

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Cantrips - Blade Ward, Chill Touch, Friends, Mage
Hand, Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, Resistance,
1 2 – – – – – – – – Spare the Dying, True Strike
2 3 – – – – – – – –
1st - Charm Person, Command, Comprehend
3 4 2 – – – – – – – Languages, Expeditious Retreat, Hellish Rebuke, Hex,
4 4 3 – – – – – – – Inflict Wounds, Protection from Evil and Good,
5 4 3 2 – – – – – – Unseen Servant, Witch Bolt
6 4 3 3 – – – – – – 2nd - *Blood Biography, Calm Emotions, Cloud of
7 4 3 3 1 – – – – – Daggers, Darkness, Enthrall, Hold Person, Mirror
8 4 3 3 2 – – – – – Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shatter, Spider Climb,
9 4 3 3 3 1 – – – – *Suffocate, Suggestion
10 4 3 3 3 2 – – – – 3rd - Animate Dead, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Fear,
11 4 3 3 3 3 1 – – – Feign Death, Gaseous Form, Haste, Major Image,
12 4 3 3 3 3 1 – – – Revivify, Slow, Vampiric Touch, Water Breathing
13 4 3 3 3 3 1 – – – 4th - Banishment, Blight, *Bloody Rend, Freedom of
14 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 – – Movement, Polymorph, Wall of Fire
15 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 – 5th - Contact Outer Planes, Creation, Geas, Hold
16 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 – Monster, Insect Plague, Wall of Force
17 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 6th - Circle of Death, Contingency, Disintegrate,
18 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 Harm, Wall of Ice, Word of Recall
19 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 7th - Finger of Death, Plane Shift, Regenerate,
20 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 Simulacrum
Table: Blood Mage Spell Slots 8th - Clone, Feeblemind, Maze, Power Word Stun,
Trap the Soul
Blood Component
9th - Astral Projection, Gate, Meteor Swarm, Power
Beginning at 1st level, you are able to Word Kill, Shapechange
substitute the material component of a spell you cast,
if any, with your own blood. The amount of blood *Indicates a new spell
needed, as well as the subsequent hit point damage,
depends on the level of spell, and described in the Spell Level HP Damage
Blood Component table. A pinprick or shallow slash is
all you need, and the action becomes part of the 1 1
spellcasting process, not requiring any type of 2 3
concentration check, despite the wound inflicted. 3 5
Substituting the components of a higher level spell 4 7
requires a larger amount of blood. You are able to
drop yourself to 0 hit points by use of this ability, and 5 11
you can choose to use the blood of another creature 6 15
to substitute material components for spells. You 7 19
must inflict hit point damage to the creature in an 8 23
amount described in the Blood Component table that
corresponds to the level of the spell being cast. This 9 27
ability only applies to beings who have blood. Table: Blood Component

Blood Mage
Sense Life
At 1st level, you are able to sense the flowing
blood in living creatures, with obstacles such as
doorways doing little to hide their presence. You gain
+2 to any Wisdom (Perception) check to notice a Spell Slot Blood Points
living being who is trying to conceal themselves from 1 2
you, be it through mundane means, illusions, or other
2 3
spells such as invisibility. The bonus increases to +4
upon reaching level 10. This ability only applies to 3 4
beings who have blood. 4 5
Sanguine Reserve 5 6
At 1st level, you learn to tap into the power of Table: Creating Spell Slots
your own blood, as represented by blood points. Sanguine Abilities
Blood points allow you to create a variety of magical
effects. Careful Spell - When you cast a spell that forces other
Blood Points creatures to make a saving throw, you can protect
some of those creatures from the spell's full force. To
You have 1 blood point + additional points
do so, you spend 1 blood point and choose a number
equal to your Constitution modifier at 1st level. You
of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier
can never have more blood points than shown on the
(minimum 1 creature). A chosen creature
table for your level, and once they are spent, they can
automatically succeeds on its saving throw against
only be regained through a long rest.
the spell.
You can use your blood points to gain additional spell
slots. You learn ways to use your blood points as you Persistent Spell - Whenever a creature succeeds in a
reach higher levels. saving throw against one of your spells, you may
spend 1 blood point to force it to roll another. If the
Creating Spell Slots
second save fails, it suffers the full effects of the spell,
You can transform unspent blood points into just as if it had failed its original save. You must be at
one spell slot as a bonus action on your turn. The least level 10 to use this ability.
Creating Spell Slots table shows the cost of creating a
spell slot of a given level, but you can create spell Sickening Spell - You can modify a spell to sicken a
slots no higher in level than 5th. creature damaged by it. When a creature takes
damage from a spell you cast, you can spend 1 blood
Burning Blood point to force a Constitution save vs 8 + your
At level 2, you are to use your action to ignite proficiency + your Charisma modifier. If the save fails,
the oxygen found in blood, causing fire damage to the creature cannot act on their following turn due to
any one creature within your line of sight and within debilitating muscle spasms and projectile vomiting.
20 feet of your position. The target is allowed a You must be at least level 10 to use this ability.
Constitution saving throw against 8 + your proficiency Iron Blood - You can spend 1 blood point and gain
+ your Constitution modifier in order to resist this advantage on any save against poison.
effect. The target creature takes 2d6 fire damage on a
failed saving throw. Blood Draught - You learn how to empower a potion
or elixir with your blood. You can double the duration
This damage increases to 2d8 at level 6, 2d10 of any potion or elixir by spending 1 blood point and
at level 10, and 2d12 at level 14. The damage may be adding a few drops of your blood to the liquid. The
augmented by spending 2 blood points, doubling the extended potion lasts until either it is drunk or 24
damage. You can use this ability once before a short hours have passed, whichever comes first. The potion
or long rest. You gain an additional use at level 6, 10, is usable by others. You must be at least level 5 to use
and 14. This ability only effects creatures that have this ability. At level 12, you may spend 2 blood points
blood. and make the potion's duration permanent until the
drinking of another potion. Only potions that have a
duration can be augmented this way.

Terran Empire Publishing
Blood Minion - You are able to conjure a minion from Scarification
blood. For the cost of 2 blood points, you can conjure
a blood minion in the form of any animal with a CR of Beginning at level 3, you are able to ritually
1/8 or below. At level 6, and for the cost of 3 blood scar your body and imbue yourself with magical
points, you can conjure a blood minion in the form of powers. The powers and abilities stored this way are
any animal with a CR of 1/4 or 2 minions with a CR of permanent and cannot be changed at a later date. As
1/8 or below. At level 12, and for the cost of 4 blood you gain experience, you are able to carve more
points, you can conjure a blood minion in the form of power into your body, as shown in the Scars column
any animal with a CR of 1/2 or 2 minions with a CR of of the Blood Mage table. Scars, even visible ones, do
1/4 or 4 minions with a CR of 1/8 or below. not lower your Charisma score in any way. You do not
receive hit point damage by scarring yourself in this
Blood way. You can only have one instance of each Scar,
Level CR unless otherwise stated.
Point Cost

1 2
1/8 or Scars
below Adrenaline Surge - You can scar your body in a way
6 3 ¼ or below that allows you to momentarily absorb and process
the oxygen found in your blood more efficiently to
12 4 ½ or below produce increased strength and dexterity. Your
Table: Blood Minion Strength and Dexterity ability scores both increase by
A source of blood is required to conjure a 4 for 2 rounds. You can also induce this surge in
blood minion, typically from a fresh body of a size others through touch. At the end of the surge, you
equal to or larger than the animal you wish to suffer a -2 penalty to both your Strength and
conjure. The conjured blood minions’ statistics are Dexterity for 2 rounds. You can use this ability once
identical to their animal counterparts, however, they before a short or long rest. You must be at least level
are comprised of blood and viscera, granting them 6 for this Scar.
resistance to slashing weapons. Conjured blood Bestial Senses - You scar your face in a bestial
minions remain for 2 rounds + 1 round per pattern, mimicking the markings of forest animals
Constitution modifier you have. Conjuring a blood and birds. You gain advantage on any Wisdom
minion uses your action on your turn. (Perception) skill checks, as well as a +2 to any
You are able to perceive through any of your Wisdom (Survival) skill checks to track creatures.
blood minion's senses as long as you are on the same Blood Language - You can scar your tongue and ears
plane of existence. Additionally, while perceiving in a way that allows you to speak and understand 2
through your blood minion's senses, you can also additional languages of your choice, except “secret”
speak through your blood minion in your own voice, languages.
but your speech comes out sounding wet, and raspy.
Blood Mask - You can scar your face and head in a
Coagulate way that allows you to assume the form of another
being. In effect, you are able to cast alter self at will.
Starting at level 3, you gain a greater control
over your own blood flow, causing Blood Sight - You can scar your eyes and face in a way
wounds to bleed less and heal that allows you to see the true form of any
faster. When you are injured, you Shapechanger or creature concealed by illusion or
can force your blood to transmutation magic while the creature is within 30
withdraw from the wound, feet of you and within line of sight. You must be at
preventing some damage. As a result least level 15 for this Scar.
of this ability, you always take 1 less point Bloody Leap - You can scar your feet and legs in a
of damage than normally indicated way that allows you to jump long
(minimum of 1 point of damage). At level 12, distances. In effect, you can cast the
you regain a number of hit points equal to your spell jump at will. You must be at
Constitution modifier upon taking a short rest. least level 9 for this Scar.

Blood Mage
Buoyant Blood - You can scar your body in a way that makes you lighter than air anytime you fall a distance
that would do you harm. In effect, you are protected by a permanent feather fall spell.
Detect Alignment - You can scar your face and eyes in a way that allows you to perceive someone's alignment.
This does not allow you to see someone's alignment who is deliberately hiding it via magical means, but you
know it is being hidden.
Energy Resistance - You can scar your body, from your toes to the top of your head, in an intricate arcane
pattern that makes you resistant to one energy type. You must be at least level 6 for this Scar. You may
choose this Scar more than once. Each new Scar represents a different energy type.
Lifedrinker - You can scar your gums, mouth, and throat in a way that allows you to absorb hit points from
drinking fresh blood. You can do this by biting a creature or by drinking blood from some sort of vessel. Either
way, the blood must be fresh and obtained from someone who is either still alive or has fallen to 0 hit points
and stabilized. You can heal yourself for 2d4 hit points of damage per mouth full of fresh blood. You can heal
yourself to full if there is enough blood for you to drink. You can never gain extra hit points by healing yourself
this way. You must be at least level 15 for this Scar.
Summon Blood Ooze - You can scar your abdomen, neck, and mouth in a way that allows you to vomit up a
blood ooze under your control. The blood ooze will remain for 3 rounds + 1 round per Constitution modifier
before evaporating into nothingness. You can use this ability once before a long rest. You must be at least
level 12 for this Scar.
Weapon Resistance - You scar your body, from your toes to the top of your head, in intricate geometric
patterns that make you resistant to one damage type. You must be at least level 6 for this Scar. You may
choose this Scar more than once. Each new Scar represents a different damage type.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you
can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Weeping Wounds
At level 6, you can cause any fresh wound to bleed excessively, causing further injury. You may use
your action to cause any wound inflicted on the previous round, regardless of who inflicted it, to bleed for
additional damage equal to your 1 + your Constitution modifier. A successful Constitution saving throw against
8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier negates this effect. Wounds that you cause to weep do
so for 1 round + 1 round per Charisma modifier. The damage is applied every round. You can do this once
before a long rest. You gain an additional use at level 10 and 14. For the cost of 3 blood points, you can force
the saving throw against this ability to be made at a disadvantage. This ability only affects creatures that have
Cleanse Pathogens
At level 7, you are able to purge some diseases from your body. You gain a +4 to any saving throw to
resist natural diseases. At level 10, this bonus applies to both natural and magical diseases. You become
completely immune to any form of disease upon reaching level 15.
Blood Torrent
At 7th level, you can use your action to cause the blood of a targeted creature to gush out of every
orifice. The targeted creature must be within 30 feet of you, but not necessarily within your line of sight. A
Constitution save is allowed against 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier to negate this effect.
The targeted creature takes 3d6 force damage on a failed save. The damage increases to 3d8 at level 11 and
3d10 at level 16. You can use this ability once before a long rest. You gain additional uses at level 11 and 16.
This ability only affects creatures with blood.

Terran Empire Publishing
Absorb Essence
Beginning at level 10, you are able to absorb the life energy of beings and heal yourself with it. Upon
successfully wounding a creature with a slashing or piercing weapon, you can use your bonus action to absorb
its life essence from its newly spilled blood. The creature must be within 5 feet of your position and in your
line of sight. You can absorb one half of the damage caused + your Constitution modifier, rounded down
(minimum of 1 hit point) and add it to your hit point total.
You are able to gain temporary hit points this way if you absorb enough hit points to heal yourself
beyond your maximum total. Any hit points above your maximum total gained this way last for 1 round + 1
round per Constitution modifier. Any damage you receive is taken from those temporary hit points, first, and
any further damage is deducted from your hit point total. You can do this once before a short or long rest. You
gain another use at level 14. You can double the amount of hit points absorbed by spending 3 blood points.
This ability only affects creatures with blood.
At level 11, you are able to automatically stabilize when brought to 0 hit points. This ability cannot
activate more than once per encounter, and you cannot gain the benefit of this ability more than twice a day.
You can also automatically stabilize a creature who has been brought to 0 hit points by touch. You can use this
ability on others twice before a long rest.
Upon reaching 11th level, you can use your bonus action to cause any creature who has been brought
to 0 hit points and has not yet been stabilized to explode in a gory mess upon failing a Constitution saving
throw against 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. The creature's viscera is flung over a 5 foot
radius (for a medium creature). The gore covers a larger area if it comes from a larger creature, adding
another 5 feet per size category above medium. Any creature designated as the blood mage's ally (including
the blood mage) that is hit by a piece of gore gains +2 to their next attack roll. You may spend 1 blood point to
increase the attack bonus to +3. You can do this once per encounter.
Blood Puppet
Beginning at level 15, you can attempt to control the blood in another creature's body, making them
perform any action you wish. Your target is allowed a Constitution saving throw against 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Charisma modifier to negate the effect. If the save fails, their body becomes completely under
your control for 1d6 + your Charisma modifier rounds. This is not a charm effect, and the subject's thoughts
are not affected in any way. This ability allows you to control the creature as a puppeteer controls a
marionette. The creature must stay within your line of sight and within 30 feet of your position. You are able
to do this once before a long rest.
Transfer Scar
At level 15, you are able to transfer the effect and ability of one of your scars to another by touch. The
recipient benefits from the scar's magic for 24 hours, at which time the scar fades and the ability is lost. The
scar returns to your body when the duration is over and you do not gain the benefit of the scar while it is
transferred to another.
Restore Plasma
At level 18, when you roll for initiative and have no blood points, you automatically earn 1 blood point.
You cannot benefit from this ability more times in a day than you have Constitution modifier.
Mass Blood Puppet
When you reach level 20, you are able to control multiple creatures with your Blood Puppet ability.
You are able to control as many creatures equal to your Constitution and Charisma modifier, combined. Each
creature gets a chance to make a Constitution saving throw against 10 + your proficiency bonus + your
Charisma modifier to negate the effect. Creatures who fail the saving throw are under your control for 1d6 +
your Charisma modifier rounds. You can increase the amount of creatures you can manipulate by spending
blood points at the cost of 1 blood point for 1 creature effected. Each additional creature beyond your normal
maximum allowed are granted a +1 to the saving throw to resist the effect.
Blood Mage
New Spells
Blood Biography Suffocate
2nd level divination 2nd level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Range: 25 feet, line of sight
Components: V, S, M (blood)
Duration: Instant Components: V, S
You can learn the answers to specific questions (listed Duration: 1 round + 1 round per Spellcasting Ability
below) about a creature as long as you have access to Modifier
a drop of their blood. The blood must be fresh, and By means of this spell, the caster can attempt to pull
the being must be alive, though they do not need to the oxygen from the target's blood, essentially
be conscious. slowing suffocating them in the process. The target
The questions you may pose to the blood are: takes 2d4 necrotic damage per round on a failed
• Who are you? (The name by which the Constitution saving throw. Creatures have
creature is most commonly known) disadvantage on all rolls while under the effects of
this spell.
• What are you? (Gender, race,
profession/role) At Higher Levels - When this spell is cast using a 5th
level spell slot or above, the damage increases to 4d4
• How was your blood shed? (Brief outline of per round and you can increase the number of
events that led to the blood loss, as the creature creatures affected by 1 for every spell slot used above
understands it) 5th.
• When was your blood shed? (Approximate
time when the blood left the body)
The answers to the questions appear in your mind. If
the creature would be considered hostile to you, it is
entitled to a Wisdom saving throw to resist the probe.

Bloody Rend
4th level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round + 1 round per Spell Casting Ability
You can grant any creature with a natural slashing or
piercing attack the ability to make their victims suffer
bleed damage on a successful hit. The bleed damage
is equal to double the attacker's Strength modifier,
rounded down (minimum 1). The damage is applied
on the following round after a successful melee strike
and persists for 1d4 additional rounds. This bleed
damage can be stopped by a successful Medicine skill
check (DC 14) or by any amount of magical healing.

Terran Empire Publishing

New Monster
Summoned Blood Ooze
Small ooze, unaligned
Armor Class 8
Hit Points 22 (3d8 +9)
Speed 10 ft., Climb 10 ft.
STR 15 (+2) DEX 6 (-2) CON 16 (+3) INT 2 (-4) WIS 6 (-2) CHA 1 (-5)
Damage Immunities slashing, necrotic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
exhaustion, frightened, prone
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (Blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 8
Languages –
Challenge 1 (200 xp)
Amorphous. The ooze can move through a space as
narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Spider Climb. The ooze can climb difficult surfaces,
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to
make an ability check.

Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
One target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) bludgeoning damage plus 2
(1d4) necrotic damage.
Enter Orifice. The blood ooze can enter an orifice of a
creature that has blood and who is prone. A Constitution
saving throw is allowed against a DC 14 to attempt to
expel the ooze. The ooze deals 6 points of necrotic
damage for 3 rounds, or until expelled by a successful
saving throw, or the duration of it’s summoning ends. A
Constitution saving throw is allowed every round the
ooze in inside the creature.

Split. When a full size blood ooze is subjected to slashing
or necrotic damage, it splits into two new blood oozes so
long as it has at least 10 hit points. Each new ooze has hit
points equal to half the original ooze, rounded down.
New oozes are one size smaller than the original ooze.

Available Now!

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