Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Quadcopter-UAV Using PID Controller
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Quadcopter-UAV Using PID Controller
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Quadcopter-UAV Using PID Controller
ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719
PP 29-36
Abstract: - There has been a lot of experimental, analytical and computational work carried out in field of
robotic systems for quadcopter-UAV in the last two decades. In the recent times, focus has shifted to analytical
solutions particularly to ensure balancing and accurate trajectory control in quadcopters with a need for better
accuracy. The developed models are simulated and simplified and even improvised using an appropriate
software tool. MATLAB is very popularly used for analysis and validation of the models developed. The
modeling of such systems was done based on first principles of kinematics and dynamics. Specifically, a large
tracking error is produced in the quadcopter system due to the external disturbances, which poses problems in
controller design. Hence, in this work, firstly kinematics is framed from a different perspective. This is followed
by an effective use of Jacobi method to derive equations with respect to the body frame of reference and inertial
frame of reference. Solutions have been obtained for important parameters such as linear acceleration, angular
acceleration and torque.
Keywords: - Quadcopter, Control, Mathematical modeling, Newton-Euler method, Inertia frame, Body frame.
I. Introduction
A quadcopter is unmanned aerial vehicle with four-rotor to control its motion in six degrees of freedom
(6DOF). The pairs of rotors rotate in clockwise - anticlockwise direction [1]. For rolling and Pitching,
Quadcopter tilts toward the direction of the slow spinning motor. Linear Motion is achieved by dividing the
thrust into two directions which are done by Roll and pitch angles. It is very difficult to stabilize a quadcopter by
human control. Hence, a sophisticated controller is used for a balanced flight of quadcopter [2]. Most of the
practicing engineers and researchers have been using quadcopter for an incredible growth in applications and its
simple mechanical design. The four propulsors affects position and attitude of quadcopter in space, hence there
are four controllable variables are used in quadcopter for balancing. With change in torque with respect to the
one of the axes quadcopter inclination is achieved [3]. A challenge of PID control method is controlling the
disturbance that produces large error in the systems and also the time-varying response of systems in terms of
settling time. Steady-state response and overshoots are approximated so that it presents an ability to withstand
rigorous testing conditions. Hence, in this work, firstly kinematics is framed from a different perspective. This is
followed by an effective use of Jacobi method to derive equations with respect to the body frame of reference
and inertial frame of reference. Solutions have been obtained for important parameters such as linear
acceleration, angular acceleration and torque. The developed mathematical framework is implemented in
MATLAB. A major feature of developed equations is that solution is obtained with small discrete steps in
A mathematical model derivation, coordinate systems are defined and explained. By using those
coordinate systems, relations between parameters defined in the earth coordinate system and in the body
coordinate system are defined.
Fig. 1 Quadcopter notation of four motors [4]. Fig. 2 Coordinate systems and Roll, Pitch, Yaw angles [9]
To implement this control, there are many different algorithms has been designed, which sometimes
uses model-free controllers employing fuzzy logic algorithms, neural networks and genetic algorithms,
proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers, Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) for controlling mobile
robots [6.7,4]. The modern mathematical formulation techniques are used to describe the classical mechanics
theories on rigid body motion. This modern mathematical formulation is made with help of the differential
manifold and differential Topology method. A mathematical model has been developed for trajectory control by
using kinematics and dynamics of a quadcopter and algorithms [8]. A PD controller is used for control theory &
flight control algorithms for stabilization of the quadcopter attitude and newly method is developed to control
the trajectory of the quadcopter. The PD controller was integrated into a new method for better response to
disturbances in the flight conditions of the quadcopter [7, 8].
Newton-Euler and Euler-Lagrange equations are used to derive differential equations for a
mathematical model of a quadrotor dynamics. The Mathematical model derived for position & altitude control
of quadcopter provides efficient stability at desired altitude and attitude with use of PD controller [5, 7]. The
dynamic inversion with zero dynamics stabilization, based on static feedback linearization obtaining a partial
linearization of the mathematical model, and the exact linearization and non-interacting control via dynamic
feedback, based on dynamic feedback linearization obtaining a total linearization of the mathematical model
these are the two feedback linearization control schemes has been derived [5]. We have used rotational matrix
equations from mentioned paper to find angular velocity in all axis of the system [1]. Mathematical model is
developed to sustain the effects of air drag and possible disturbance [3]. 6 DOF state space model derived from
basic Newtonian equations are also used for finding results in all DOF [10]. Linearization of state space model
which had conducted in the mentioned paper also refers in our formulations [8]. To stabilize the altitude
performance, PID controller was implemented [11]. Euler and Lagrangian mechanics for calculating energy
equations used in the mentioned paper are also studied to formulate our final equations [9]. If two opposite
rotors rotate at the equal speed in opposite directions the total yaw force will be zero. As the speed of opposite
pairs changes, the pitch & roll of quadcopter also changes [4, 12]. The mathematical model is develop for
comparing experimental identification and the computation of model parameters like thrust coefficient, drag
coefficient, inertia matrix, translational and rotational drag coefficients [1]. The main feature of designed
quadcopter model is a fully-controlled system which can track any arbitrary trajectory with controlled pitch and
roll angle, and motion with desired orientation [12]. A dynamic model of a quadcopter developed for comparing
Classic and cascade PID controller to demonstrate the effectiveness of the designed controller using a robust
cascade PID control algorithm [2]. For simulation purpose the developed mathematical model is programmed
within the MATLAB environment for different engagement scenarios and different sources of uncertainties. The
performance of designed model is observed in MATLAB or other similar software using different control
techniques like PD, PID, LQR, and H1 controller [2, 11, 13, 14].A unique mathematical model of quadcopter
UAV in 6 DOF has been derived from basic Newtonian equations for representing a set of input, output and
state variables related to first-order differential equations which is easy to understand dynamics of quadcopter
for the readers at a root level [10].
used for finding results in all DOF [9]. If the speed of opposite pairs changes the pitch & roll of quadcopter also
changes [2]. For developing robust PID controller algorithms for our model we referred mentioned paper
controller formulations [10]. The main feature of designed quadcopter model is a fully-controlled system which
can track any arbitrary trajectory with controlled pitch and roll angle, and motion with desired orientation [5].
Linearization of state space model which had conducted in the mentioned paper also refers in our formulations
[6]. To stabilize the altitude performance PID controller was implemented [11]. For simulation purpose the
developed mathematical model is programmed within the MATLAB environment for different engagement
scenarios and different sources of uncertainties. The performance of designed model is observed in MATLAB
or other similar software using different control techniques like PD, PID, LQR, and H1 controller [10, 11].
Fig. 3 Methodology
The quadcopter structure is presented in Fig. 4 including the corresponding angular velocities, torques and
forces created by the four rotors. The quadcopter dynamics is modeled with respect to reference system in which
the inertial frame related to body frame [9].
………………………………………………....................……...… (1)
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Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Quadcopter-UAV Using PID Controller
The rotation matrix from the body frame to the inertial frame
…................ (2)
…………………............................…………….……... (3)
Quad-copter is symmetrical in structure hence; the inertia matrix is diagonal matrix I in which Ixx = Iyy.
………………………………………………......................................... (4)
There are 4 rotors hence force fi with angular velocity in the direction of rotor axis creates torque
……………………………………………………………………….........… (5)
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Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Quadcopter-UAV Using PID Controller
Now angular acceleration of the inertial frame is time derivative of the transformation matrix from body frame.
....................................................... (10)
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Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Quadcopter-UAV Using PID Controller
Kp=0.4, Kd=0.5, Ki=0.2 ω1= 50 rad/sec; ω2= 150 rad/sec; ω3= 150 rad/sec; ω4= 200 rad/sec
Effect of speed closeness is dominant as observed from the graph above. Thus it can be concluded that
sensitivity analysis is well captured by developed mathematical framework.
Graph 4.2
Kp=0.4, Kd=0.5, Ki=0.2 ω1= 50 rad/sec; ω2= 100 rad/sec; ω3= 150 rad/sec; ω4= 200 rad/sec
For this combination, it seems that displacement in the context of Y-direction flutters initially nearly
sinusoidal within a period of 8 seconds. Maximum negative found to be 0.1mm while positive goes to 0.7mm.
Distance has got a major role in controlling response. After this, the system is observing to be stable. Response
time taken is 10seconds. Unsymmetrical nature of curves observed through. Overall response characteristics are
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Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Quadcopter-UAV Using PID Controller
found to be smooth and no sudden jerks are observed. Thus equations, discretizations, and control found to be
Graph 4.3
Kp=0.4, Kd=0.6, Ki=0.2 ω1= 50 rad/sec; ω2= 150 rad/sec; ω3= 180 rad/sec; ω4= 200 rad/sec.
For this combination, results are similar to the previous case but again it seems that displacement in the
context of Y-direction flutters initially nearly sinusoidal within a period of 8 seconds. Maximum negative found
to be 0.35mm while positive goes to 1mm. Kd has got significant an effect on the spectrum. After this, the
system is observing to be stable. Response time taken is close to 10 seconds. Unsymmetrical nature of curves
observed though. Overall response characteristics are found to be smooth and no sudden jerks are observed.
Thus equations, discretizations, and control found to be perfect.
Graph 4.4
Kp=0.4, Kd=0.6, Ki=0.2 ω1= 150 rad/sec; ω2= 200 rad/sec; ω3= 150 rad/sec; ω4= 200 rad/sec
Distance has got a major role in controlling response. Maximum Y goes to be around 270 mm.
Response lasts at 10 seconds to be unstable thereafter the response becoming stable. Here also response is
sinusoidal which is appropriate as the system is hinting to be non vulnerable.
specific underlying applications. Simulations based performance should be quantified and compared with actual
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