Cisco Umbrella Secure Internet Gateway Sig Advantage Package
Cisco Umbrella Secure Internet Gateway Sig Advantage Package
Cisco Umbrella Secure Internet Gateway Sig Advantage Package
Cisco Public
What if you could reduce complexity and costs and get better security? Since 2006,
Cisco Umbrella has delivered reliable, proven protection and has grown to over
“Cisco Umbrella combines the
24,000 customers. As a pioneer in cloud-delivered security, we got our start with
DNS-layer security and now offer a multi-function service that continues to evolve.
functionality of many point products
Now, we’ve innovated again to deliver the most complete set of advanced security into a single cloud-native solution that
capabilities from a single vendor in a single package with a single subscription for
maximum value. can scale to meet the security needs
of any organization. Now with the
“Nearly half of customers deployed Cisco SD-WAN integration, Umbrella
Cisco Umbrella in less than 1 day.” security services can be brought to
TechValidate survey of 230 users,
the branch in a matter of minutes.”
May 2021
Mike Pfeiffer,
Technical Solutions Architect, WWT
• Ability to block/allow specific apps • Simple APIs to integrate with SecureX and your SIEM for
enriching security data
• Tenant restrictions to control the instance(s) of SaaS applications
that all users or specific groups/individuals can access • Ability to predict unknown threats using real-time
threat intelligence
• Automated alerts for retrospective events
• Isolation of web traffic between user device and Umbrella and SD-WAN are core elements of Cisco’s secure access service
browser-based threats edge (SASE) architecture that consolidate networking and security functions.
With the Umbrella and Cisco SD-WAN integration, you can simply and rapidly
• No performance impact on end users
deploy Umbrella across your network and gain powerful cloud-delivered security
• Protection from zero-day threats to protect against threats on the internet and secure cloud access. This market-
• Granular controls for different risk profiles leading automation makes it easy to deploy and manage the security environment
over tens, hundreds or even thousands or remote sites. Umbrella offers flexibility
• Rapid deployment without changing existing
to create security policies based on the level of protection and visibility you need
browser configuration
— all in the Umbrella dashboard.
• On-demand scale to easily protect additional users
on all devices, browsers, and operating systems
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imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. 06/21